Valley Memory Articles

Franklin County: "What Could Be Done," by unknown, October 16, 1914

Summary: Reprint of wartime article from the Chambersburg Dispatch that called for soldiers drafted from Franklin county to remain in position to defend the area from Confederate raiding parties.

The Chambersburg Dispatch argues with some force, that our "draft" men ought to be kept along the Border. We make an extract:-

"Our people should be organized, equipped, armed and drilled, at this place, and stationed at proper points along the Border, or the Government should see that, after having taken from the community its main reliance for defence, the lives and homes of our people are not left longer exposed to the attacks of a bold and daring enemy. As long as the rebels occupy Virginia, there is a necessity for a force tobe kept at such fords and passes as would most likely to be used by the enemy in making a dash or raid into this State, and a company of our drafted men placed at these various points, with the aid of one or two pieces, each, of artillery, could either successfully resist such attempts, or at least give timely warning of their approach, when more effectual means could be adopted to either repel or capture the enemy. Either protect the Border by other troops, or leave our own people here to do so."

But why should these men take up winter quarters at Chambersburg? If they are to be used for the protection of the Border, why not place them along the Potomac; but if they cannot be taken out of the State, then let them, by all means, be placed along the Line. But, then, we need only go back as far as last September, to find that, when danger threatens us all troops must be kept at Chambersburg, as there is no other place worthy of protection but that ancient borough, whose people want to be safe, and whose business men want to reap a golden harvest by the sale of merchandize and wares to the soldiers. Give up all the rest, but save Chambersburg.

Bibliographic Information: Source copy consulted: Kauffmans Progressive News, October 16, 1914

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