Franklin Repository: May 4, 1859Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
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The Oberlin Trials
(Column 4)Summary: Story reports that one of the abolitionist defendants in the Oberlin trials intends to apply to the Supreme Court of Ohio for writ of habeas corpus to "test the question whether the State is powerful enough to protect its citizens from the tyranny and oppression of the general government. In this case the abolitionists of Oberlin rescued a runaway slave from his Southern pursuers, only to face prosecution under the fugitive slave act. To the Republican Repository, the policy of the Democratic National administration seems like tyranny.
(Names in announcement: , )Origin of Article: Ashtabula (Ohio) SentinelFull Text of Article:The Ashtabula Sentinel says that it is the intention of one of the defendants in the Oberlin rescue cases, to apply to the Supreme Court of Ohio for a writ of habeas corpus, as soon as the proper time arrives, and test the question whether the State is powerful enough to protect its citizens from the tyranny and oppression of the general government. When every principle of law and justice is set aside by the minions of the government for the purpose of punishing men guilty of no crime, it is time that the State should assert its supremacy within its own limits, if it has any to assert.
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Description of Page: Page largely covered by advertisements and novelty stories. |
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Description of Page: Page largely covered by national and international stories, and advertisements. |
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Patriotism Then, Heresy Now
(Column 1)Summary: A bitter condemnation of the southern slave power as soiling the ideals of the old Republic. Where the Founders stood for principles, the Southern Democracy induces Americans to retreat from their principles in the hope of preserving Union. The author especially scores weak-kneed northern dough-face Democrats for caving in to their Southern brethren in this regard. The result is a most unfavorable comparison between the Founding Fathers and President Buchanan.Farmers adn Machanics Industrial Association of Franklin County
(Names in announcement: , )
(Column 4)Summary: Announces a meeting of May 10, to solicit membership.The Odd Fellows Jubilee
(Names in announcement: A.N. Rankin, )
(Column 4)Summary: Account of the Odd Fellows Ball and procession, celebrating the fortieth anniversary of the order in Franklin County. The county's two lodges, Chambersburg and Columbus, gathered in front of the Franklin Hall on April 25 at 1 pm. They marched through the streets of Chambersburg, then retired to Franklin Hall for addresses, toasts and a supper.none
(Names in announcement: Col. F.S. Stumbaugh, C. DuncanEsq., I.H. McCauleyEsq., Mr. Mishler, W.S. EverettEsq., Rev. Lafferty, Dr. Wm. S. Boyle, )
(Column 4)Summary: Notes the receipt of a letter from the local Rev., a missionary in China.Borough Election
(Names in announcement: Rev. M.S. Culbertson, )
(Column 5)Summary: Repository crows over the "People's Ticket" (Republican) victories in local elections in Chambersburg. Claims that "Republicans and Locofocos, Jews and Gentiles, Catholics and Protestants, all joined in voting the same identical Ticket.... Such unanimity of political sentiment, probably, never has been exhibited in any town of the same population in Pennsylvania."
(Names in announcement: Hon. Wilson Reillydefeated Democrat for School Director, Mr. HenningerVictorious Republican for School Director, I.H. McCauleyelected Burgess, A.D. Kaufmanelected to town council, George Flackelected to town council, Andrew Bankerelected to town council, R.E. Tolbertelected to town council, Samuel Reisherelected to town council, E. KuhnBorough Auditor-elect, John RhodesBorough Auditor-elect, J.B. WrightBorough auditor-elect, T.B. WoodsSchool Director-elect, George Grosselected High Constable, )Full Text of Article:Our Town--The annual election for Burgess, Town Counsel, School Directors, &c., took place in Chambersburg on Monday last, and the People's Ticket was most triumphantly sustained. Strange as it may seem, it is nevertheless the fact, that Republicans and Locofocos, Jews and Gentiles, Catholics and Protestants, all joined in voting the same identical Ticket-a Ticket formed by a meeting of the People's Party on the Friday evening previous. Such a Unanimity of political sentiment, probably, never has been exhibited in any town of the same population, in Pennsylvania.
The Locofocos, it is true, marshalled by a few disaffected and factious members of the Opposition, made a dead set at one of the School Directors on the People's Ticket.-They led off in the support of Hon. Wilson Reilly, but they were most gloriously defeated. Out of a poll of some 400 votes Mr. Henninger's majority was no less than 58! This triumphant support, in view of the means made use of to defeat him, is alike creditable to Mr. H., as well as to the citizens of our Borough-it is a most emphatic approval and endorsement of his previous acts as School Director, and a proud vindication from the aspersions of his opponents.
The following is the Ticket that was elected:
Burgess.-I.H. McCauley.
Town Council.-A. D. Kaufman, Geo. Flack, Andrew Banker, R.E., Tolbert, Sam'l Reisher.
Borough Auditors.-E. Kuhn, Jno. Rhodes, J.B. Wright.
School Directors.-Jacob Henninger, T.B. Woods.
High Constable.-Geo. Gross.
(Column 5)Summary: Boasts of Chambersburg's reinvigorated "spirit of improvement" visible in new construction and civic projects.
(Names in announcement: , )Full Text of Article:Sudden Death--For twenty years past our town has not witnessed the same spirit of improvement that is now manifested in every quarter. The buildings that have been and those that are now being erected, embracing some twenty-five or thirty, are of the most substantial and durable kind, and we hear of a number of other buildings that are to be erected the present, as well as others that will be put up the next season. While many of our citizens are thus engaged in improving our town in the erection of new buildings, many others are adding decided improvements to their present residences by remodeling and repairing them, thus furnishing a large amount of employment to our mechanics and laboring people.
Chambersburg, at present, is decidedly on the increase, in improvements, in population, and in wealth, and we look forward to the day when it will become one of the very prominent and most populous inland towns of Pennsylvania, as it is now one of the prettiest and most pleasant. We possess the facilities for extensive manufacturing of various kinds- are surrounded by a rich and productive soil, and but a few years more will elapse before we are placed in direct Railroad communication with the South, as we are now with the East and West.
The Franklin Railroad is now being re-laid, and the work is progressing very rapidly.-With the hands there employed, as well as the bustle and stir among our own people, gives to our town quite a business-like appearance.
(Column 5)Summary: Mr. McCrory took ill on Saturday evening, April 30, and died within minutes in the lobby of the American hotel of Philadelphia. He was a longtime resident of Chambersburg, and was 50 years of age.Great Resort
(Names in announcement: Robert McCroryChief Clerk in the office of the Receiver of Taxes, )
(Column 5)Summary: Announces that the Frankling Railroad construction has become "a great resort for anyone who has the time. It was for such a long time such a great humbug, that our citizens can hardly realize that they are really to have a real bona fide railroad to Hagerstown, and they must needs go up occasionally to convince themselves that they are not dreaming."Franklin Railroad
(Names in announcement: , )
(Column 6)Summary: Notes the good progress of the Franklin Railroad, despite inclement weather retarding construction. Engineer Murray even ran an engine on the track and sounded the whistle.Admitted to the Bar
(Names in announcement: Engineer Murray, )
(Column 6)Summary: Above men admitted to the local bar after undergoing a thorough and credible examination in open court.New Railroad Route
(Names in announcement: D.W. Chambers, William Kennedy, J.A.S. Mitchell, Thomas X. Orr, )
(Column 6)Summary: Notes that with the completion of a new railroad link connecting the Reading with the Lehigh railroad, Chambersburg now enjoys a direct connection to New York.Sold
(Names in announcement: , )
(Column 6)Summary: Notes the sale of the late Mr. Culbertson's home to Messrs. Worley and Aughinbaugh.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Joseph CulbertsonEsq., S. Worley, E. Aughinbaugh)
(Column Parade)Summary: Notes a parade of the Chambers Artillery on Saturday, May 7.none
(Names in announcement: Col. F.S. Stumbaughcommanding, )
(Column 6)Summary: Announces that Mr. Phillips will call upon citizens of Warren Township to solicit subscriptions for the building of small brick church in the township.
(Names in announcement: J.M. Phillips, )
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Description of Page: Page covered by national stories and advertisements. |
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Description of Page: Page covered by advertisements and novelty stories. |
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Description of Page: Page covered by advertisements and novelty stories, including "Neck Twisting in Church." |
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(Column 2)Summary: Notes wedding of Mr. McDowell and Miss McKinney, both of Peters township, on the 28th of April. No location noted.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. Thomas Creigh, Margaret McKinney, Robert McKinney, Archibald McDowell)
(Column 2)Summary: Wedding of April 28. Married by Mr. Witherow.
(Names in announcement: John WitherowEsq., Sarah Johnstoneof Carrick Furnace, Path Valley, Levi Rosenberryof Horse Valley)