Franklin Repository: September 28, 1859Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
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Description of Page: Repeated articles. |
Hail To Reform
(Column 2)Summary: The details of the sale of the Public Works promoted by Gov. Packer, and supported by Col. McClure, Austin and Brewster. The sale reduces the state debt by $1,137,155.36. The actual Proclamation of the governor is printed, given to the Repository by the Democratic Union newspaper in Harrisburg.McClure On Legislative Pay.
(Names in announcement: Col. McClure, Austin, Brewster)
(Column 3)Summary: The year before Mr. Nill had claimed to be for a reduction in pay for members of the Legislature, whereas McClure had justified not voting for it. This year however McClure proposed the same reduction. A mock proposition was also made at an absurdly drastic reduction of pay, which was defeated (McClure voted against it, and Nill voted nay before it became a proposition, and yea in the vote to ratify it.). McClure's proposition was also defeated, and when there was a vote to ratify the standing pay, McClure voted against, and Nill did not vote.Abolition of the Canal Board
(Names in announcement: Col. Alexander K. McClure, Mr. Nill)
(Column 4)Summary: This article provides the Legislative votes for the abolition of the Canal Board--that only six people voted against it and they were Democrats. Also included in the article is the reminder that the abolishment of the Canal board also helped reduce the state debt, and a Harrisburg Telegraph article praises McClure for his instrumental efforts in bringing this about.Doctors Will Differ
(Names in announcement: Mr. McClure)
(Column 5)Summary: The Repository notes that other Democrat newspapers found the Spirit's attack of McClure distasteful--and prints articles from Forney's Press, the Juniata Register and the Harrisburg State Sentinel that either disparage the Spirit's article or praises McClure (even if he is a Republican).[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Col. McClure)
(Column 5)Summary: The editors print an article from the Gettysburg Star and Banner that wondered what Douglas was doing at the Compiler newspaper, and speculated he was soliciting votes by giving the Compiler money.
(Names in announcement: L. W. DouglasEsq.)
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Description of Page: Fiction; advice and anecdotes; advertisements; the proclamation of the General Election. |
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Description of Page: A Sermon; advertisements. |
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Description of Page: general articles repeating criticism of Democrat candidates and urging Republicans to vote Republican. |
The Voice Of The Free
(Column 1)Summary: An article praising the NewEngland States' support for Free Labor. The Editors express in the voice of the Free, and strongly hope that none of the citizens of this free nation ever call to dissolve the Union, based on liberty.The Campaign
(Column 2)Summary: Note of the campaign starting on the 9th of August with a meeting at the Court House where Hon. Joseph Casey and Col. A. K. McClure (candidate for Senator) spoke. Casey also spoke in Mercersburg and Loudon. Hon. Thomas E. Cochran (candidate for Auditor General) has spoken in several places and has been compared to William F. Johnston for his speaking ability. James C. Austin (candidate for the Legislature) and George Eyster, Esq., (candidate for District Attorney) have also spoken in the county.Which Is Right?
(Names in announcement: Hon. Joseph Casey, Col. A. K. McClure, William F. Johnston, Col. James C. Austin, George EysterEsq.)
(Column 3)Summary: The Repository reminds readers that, although the Valley Spirit endorses the Democrats' resolution that endorses the Buchanan administration, the Spirit found several faults in Buchanan during his campaign for Presidency--most importantly that Buchanan claimed to be a citizen of Pennsylvania and yet he refused to pay tax in the state.Tune Changed
(Names in announcement: John M. Cooper, James X. McLanahan)
(Column 4)Summary: An accusation that when there were no democrat candidates back in June and so no German votes were needed , the Spirit denied naturalized citizens government protection, but now that their votes are needed, the Spirit demands protection for their rights overseas.The Dodger Dodging
(Column 5)Summary: The editors suggest that Douglas, the Democrat candidate for Senator, has been avoiding his own county, Franklin, because people there are familiar with his adamant stance on Free Trade. They also suggest that the Spirit has helped him to tone down his words and to have him claim to be a friend of the Tariff--a contradiction to his party's platform.Sealer Of Weights And Measures
(Names in announcement: Douglas)
(Column 5)Summary: A reminder that Col. McClure was responsible for abolishing the office of Sealer of Weights and Measures in Franklin County--which will lower the people's taxesFrightened To Death
(Names in announcement: Col. McClure)
(Column 6)Summary: The editors suggest that the Spirit is frightened at the extreme Free Trade doctrines of candidate Douglas, and is trying to explain them in its paper. The Repository reminds readers of a speech by Mr. Douglas in the Court House last August where he denounced the "intollerable Tariff question" and that he was opposed to protection of industry.What Is The Money For
(Names in announcement: Mr. Douglas)
(Column 6)Summary: The editors note that although the Democrat convention banned the use of money for aid in elections, and yet Democrats have raised the largest amount yet this year--$300 (Douglas gave $20)--the editors give several speculations and suggestions as to how the money is be used.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Douglas)Full Text of Article:"The Next Governor"The Locofocos of this place have raised three hundred dollars by private subscriptions to aid the election of their ticket. What is the money for? The late Locofoco County Convention passed a resolution forbidding the use of money for electioneering purposes, and the Spirit has denounced the use of money in every issue of that paper since the campaign commenced. And yet in the face of all this, the Locofocos have raised this year the largest amount of money that has been subscribed in this place by either party for many years! We repeat--what is to be done with it? Can the Spirit tell? It will of course come out with a perfect broadside of denunciation against their corrupt and corrupting step. It will of course re-publish the resolution of the late Convention forbidding the use of it, and will read Douglas out of the party for heading the list of subscribers with the enormous sum of $20. We advise the Spirit to use Mr. Douglas's contribution to keep Mr. Douglas from voting for Col. McClure. He has had such a hankering that way for the last six years, that it will require at least that sum judiciously expended on Mr. Douglas to keep him from voting for Col. McClure and against himself.
(Column 6)Summary: Dr. Boyle has supported Judge Nill as the next governor of Pennsylvania, and the Repository suggests that Boyle expects the favor to be returned with a vote for him as Director of the Poor (who has a vote for Phpysician to the Alms House).Beware Of Spurious Tickets
(Names in announcement: Judge Nill, Dr. Boyle)
(Column 6)Summary: A warning to Republican voters to examine their tickets to make sure the Republican candidates names have not been replaced with the locofocos' candidates'.[No Title]
(Column 6)Summary: Mr. Sellers is begging the party to vote for him, and the Repository wonders if it is true, as the Spirit claims, that Sellers has never split his ticket between the parties.
(Names in announcement: Sellers)
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Description of Page: Announcements of Republican meetings; advertisements; general news. |
[No Title]
(Column 1)Summary: The Repository criticizes the Fulton Democrat for insinuating that Col. McClure will use money to win--the Repository wonders if anyone who has voted for him is also corrupt, because then they would have to include Douglas, the Democrat candidate for Senator, since he voted for McClure on several occasions.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Col. McClure, Mr. Douglas)
(Column 2)Summary: Douglas and Sellers had accused Brand of using whiskey to buy votes from the Dutch, and yet now Douglas is wooing the Dutch with beer. The editors state that Douglas'll never buy the Germans' votes.Distinguished Visitor
(Names in announcement: Douglas, Sellers, Brand)
(Column 2)Summary: Sergt. G. T. A. Nixon returns to visit his mother, after an absence of 13 years. He has served in the army for 15 years--including the Mexican war--and was stationed at Fort Riley ('56-'59') and presently at Fort Leavenworth, both in the Kansas Territory. Of the 90 men in his company with whom he went West, only he and one other are still alive. The Chambers Artillery, commanded by Col. F. S. Stumbaugh greeted his arrival at the depot on Sept 14th.
(Names in announcement: Sergt. G. T. A. Nixon, Mrs. Nixon, Col. F. S. Stumbaugh)Full Text of Article:Our Mechanics Ahead!--We feel proud of our brave, gallant friend, Serg't G. T. A. Nixon, of the United States Army, who is now in our midst--on a visit to his Mother, Brother, and large circle of relatives and friends.
This gentleman, a native of Chambersburg, returned to this place, on Wednesday the 14th inst., after an absence of thirteen years--all of which time he spent in active camp service. He has been connected with the Army for nearly fifteen years; entering as a private and, by marked ability, courage and industry, has worked himself up to an honorable and profitable position.
It will be remembered that at the battle of Buena Vista, in the war with Mexico, he distinguished himself by his intrepid defense of the Battery to which he was attached--under the lamented O'Brian. Since that war closed he has been variously employed by the Government--part of the time he was engaged in the defense of the Texas frontier, from thence he was removed to Fort Riley, Kansas Territory, in the Spring of 1856; where he remained till early in the present year, when he was removed to Fort Leaven worth, also in Kansas Territory.
As an evidence of the desolating effects of war, and the soldier's life, it is not out of place for us to say that of the large company some 90 men, with which he went West, that encamped near this place, on the 26th of June 1846, Sergeant Nixon, and two others are all that survive--the balance have all paid the debt of nature.
The arrival and reception of Sergeant Nixon, was a grand sight. The Chambers Artillery, under command of Col. F. S. Stumbaugh, in full uniform, and hundreds of our citizens were assembled at the Depot to welcome the brave man to his home. The military took him in charge and escorted him to the residence of his mother. Here a scene of affection occurred which we will not attempt to describe. Long live the valiant soldier.
(Column 3)Summary: A note of praise for local mechanics, like the blacksmith D. M. Lesher, and mention of John L. Cooper, who stopped in Chambersburg a few months, married a local girl, and is returning to California. He purchased two buggies from M. P. Welsh and two stoves from Etter and Hamilton.Game As Is Game
(Names in announcement: D. M. LesherEsq., Mr. John L. Cooper, M. P. Welsh, Etter, Hamilton)
(Column 3)Summary: A mention of Isaiah Keefer and A. S. McCulloh, both of Warren Twp., who went hunting a few days ago; Keefer shot 5 wild turkeys, 1 Pheasant, 1 Chicken Hawk, 1 Red Fox and 3 Squirrels and McCulloh shot 3 wild turkeys ( 2 from 260 yds.), 1 crow and 5 squirrels. An interesting note from the editor--that these men would wreak havoc on the ranks of an invading enemy.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Isaiah Keefer, Mr. A. S. McCullohJr.)
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Description of Page: Fiction and news stories; advertisements |
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Description of Page: General news and stories; anecdotes; advertisements. |
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Description of Page: advertisements; Facts and Fancies; land and house sales. |
(Column 3)Summary: On Sept 15th, in Chambersburg, Rev. C. Bowman married Rev. C. A. Fritze, Pastor of the German Lutheran Church of Carlisle, to Mary Jane Eckert, of Chambersburg. On Sept 20th, Jonathon Wright, Esq., married William Arnel to Rebecca Rininer, both fo the vicinity of Loudon. On Sept 20th, Rev. William A. West married Wilson Piper to Ann Eliza Shearer, daughter of Peter Shearer, all of the vicinity of Sulpher Spring, Amberson's Valley, Franklin co. On Sept 22nd, Rev. Dr. Creigh married Matthew Smith to Mary A. Grove, both of Mercersburg.Died
(Names in announcement: Rev. C. Bowman, Rev. C. A. Fritze, Miss Mary Jane Eckert, Jonathon WrightEsq., Mr William Arnel, Miss Rebecca Rininer, Rev. William A. West, Mr. Wilson Piper, Miss Ann Eliza Shearer, Mr. Peter Shearer, Rev.Dr. Creigh, Mr. Matthew Smith, Miss Mary A. Grove)
(Column 3)Summary: On Sept. 5th, at her husband's home in Antrim Twp., Margaret Stickell, wife of Henry Stickell, died at 68 years, 8 months and 20 days. On Sept 24th, at Harrisburg, William Teynolds, son of T. B. Reynolds of Mercersburg, at age 39.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Margaret Stickell, Mr. Henry Stickell, William Reynolds, Mr. T. B. Reynolds)