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Franklin Repository: December 7, 1859

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-Page 01-

Description of Page: The reading of John Brown's letters at a Philadelphia meeting; general and political news; Facts and Fancies.

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Description of Page: Story of a robbery with a happy ending; advertisements.

-Page 03-

Description of Page: Anecdotes; humorous stories; advertisements.

-Page 04-

The Glasgow Herald
(Column 1)
Summary: A thanks to James Sharp, Esq., for sending two copies of the Herald, printed at Glasgow Scotland, while he is in Europe. The editors note the similarity between the Repository and its Scottish cousin paper.
(Names in announcement: James SharpEsq.)
True Aim Of A Republic.
(Column 1)
Summary: The Repository describes how, in a Republic, all men have equal opportunity to happiness, but that in the South, the welfare of only a few (the wealthy slaveholders) are being considered.
The Execution Of Brown
(Column 2)
Summary: A lengthy description of John Brown's execution, and of his meeting with his wife beforehand. An interesting point-- Brown accused Cook of misrepresenting the situation at Harper's Ferry--that the slaves there were Not ripe for insurrection, as Cook had led him to believe.
Cook's Confession
(Column 5)
Summary: Cook's description of the events leading up to and including the insurrection at Harper's Ferry. There is mention of Chambersburg's brief role as a place from which guns and other weapons were shipped.

-Page 05-

Description of Page: Continuation of Cook's confession; Advertisements; market reports.

On Strike
(Column 3)
Summary: The hands working on the Franklin Railroad have stopped working due to a reduction in pay (from a $1.00 to $.90) on the short days.
Full Text of Article:

--We are sorry to learn that the hands heretofore working on the Franklin Railroad have discontinued their work. The contractor deemed it his duty to reduce their wages, during the short days, from one dollar to ninety cents per day--which is the cause of the strike.

(Column 3)
Summary: The store of Robert Black, in Greenwood, was robbed on Dec. 2nd. The thief or thieves bore out a panel in the door, and stole $20-25 and 4 pairs of boots and other articles.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Robert Black)
Full Text of Article:

--The Store of Mr. Rob't Black, of Greenwood, this county, was burglariously entered on Friday night last, the 2d. inst., by some person ore persons unknown. An entrance was effected by boring a panel out of the front door. The burglars then robbed the Store of some $20 or $25 in money, four pairs of boots and some other articles.--

The First Annual Fair Of The Farmers And Mechanics Industrial Association Of Franklin County, Pa.
(Column 5)
Summary: W. S. Everett, secretary, and Jas. B. Orr, Pres. provide the list of winners from the First Annual Fair of the Farmers and Mechanics Industrial Association of Franklin County. The people listed above won in one or more of the following categories: Horses--Blooded Stock (Quick Draft and Saddle Colts); Carriage Horses; Saddle Horses; Brood Mares, Quick Draft; Common Horses, Heavy Draft; Common Horses, Quick Draft; Team of Draft Horses--Team of Mules--Mules and Jacks; Short Horned Durhams and Devons; Durham, Devon and Teeswater Mixed; Common Stock; Fat Sheep; Sheep (Cotswald and Bakewell Mixed--South Down Fine Wool); Swine; Products Of The Soil; Vegetables, Fruits And Flowers; Agricultural Implements; Carriages, Harness; Castings; House Manufacture (2 Divisions); Poultry; Bacon, Hams, Dairy And Honey; Plowing Match; Lady Equestrians; Unenumerated Articles.
(Names in announcement: John Treher, J. McLellan, Alexander Martin, Frank Zarman, Abram Shirk, James Davidson, G. W. Immell, Abram Hafer, William Carper, Snively Strickler, Joseph Strickler, T. B. Kennedy, W. B. Gabby, J. Whitmore, B. L. Maurer, Samuel Radebaugh, John Immell, Samuel Smith, Solomon Miller, Jacob Eby, S. B. Johnson, John D. Coldsmith, Jesse Henry, Jacob Young, Jacob Snyder, Chambers, Gehr, Andrew Davidson, A. E. McDowell, J. F. Bittinger, J. J. Kennedy, H. S. Huber, Peter Peiffer, Upton Washabaugh, H. C. Greenawalt, S. Bitner, Jacob Heyser, Christian Freet, A. B. Wingard, Wingard McNair, Lawrence Berger, C. W. Eyster, Jas. M. Brown, Joseph Bolinger, Hastings Gehr, John Gillan, Peter Creighbaum, George P. Etchberger, John M. Brown, D. Reisher, Andrew Cook, Christian Freit, David Weatherspoon, Melchi Snively, Adam Kissecker, John Ashway, Henry Feldman, John Link, David Witherspoon, John Kennedy, John McCulloh, Josiah Allen, J. B. Osbraugh, Jno. Armstrong, A. R. Hurst, Peter Myers, Jacob Garver, Benjamin Kohn, A. D. McClure, Richard Woods, George Fatzinger, Mrs. Carlisle, Thomas J. Cooper, J. S. Nixon, Frederick Byers, David Martin, Hugh B. Davidson, George Humelsine, William Keyser, P. S. Dechert, Jor. Peckman, Abraham Metz, Daniel Strock, Christian Stouffer, Thomas H. Way, J. H. Little, F. Little, William Robison, J. Warren Seibert, Hicks, A. H. Newman, M. P. Welsh, Deihl, Gordon, Jeremiah Oyster, Isaac Hutton, Jacob Hutton, J. L. Dechert, George Flack, H. B. Davison, J. B. Miller, Wood, Housum, Carlisle, Huber, John S. Ludwig, Joseph Loucheim, Mrs. Richard Woods, Miss Alcesta Lull, Mrs. C. W. Eyster, Mrs. Rebecca Oyster, Miss Mary Patterson, Miss Sarah A. Flora, Miss Molly McCulloh, Miss Sarah Shepler, Miss B. A. Keyser, Miss Annie Hicks, Mrs. Foster, Mrs. W. C. Eyster, Mrs. Jas. Nill, Miss Kate Miller, Mrs. Henry Stonehouse, Mrs. Margaret Mason, Mrs. E. Finafrock, Mrs. L. Barger, Mrs. William Bender, Mrs. Jacob Oyer, Mrs. Elizabeth Barney, Mrs. C. A. Huber, Miss M. Bunn, Mrs. J. M. Brown, Mrs. M. Heckerman, Mrs. S. Clark, Mrs. J. Byers, Mrs. James Nill, Mrs. J. B. Miller, Mrs. Elizabeth Bard, Miss Buchanan, Mrs. L. Clark, R. J. Doyle, W. C. Seibert, Col. A. K. McCLure, D. M. Lesher, John F. Pensinger, Henry Reily, H. S. Huff, Philip Loudenslicker, Dr. Lambert, C. Harchelrode, Mrs. Lull, Harry Jacobs, G. S. Eyster, L. Gelwicks, Frank Skinner, Miss M. Grove, Mrs. A. Martin, Margaret Davidson, Charles Gelwicks, Samuel Overcash, A. McAneir, D. Grove, William Duke, Coons, Mrs. E. Aughinbaugh, Miss Maggie Eyster, Henry Bowman, D. Little, S. Sherman, Baer, Shellhorse, David Herman, E. Fahnestock, Joseph Martin, Mr. Wanamaker, John Harris, P. W. Seibert, D. C. McComb, George W. C. Snider, Harris Bourdman, Over, Brother, Jacob Nixon, Myers, Brand, Hutten, T. C. Grove, Henry Bishop, William McLenigan, Mrs. H. Stoner, William Heyser, Wunderlich, Nead, Schaffhert, Elias Hoke, H. B. Davison, Mrs. J. B. Osbraugh, Miss Ellie Carlisle, Mrs. M. A. Witherspoon, Miss M. Bohn, Mrs. J. L. Dechert, Ella Boyle, Miss C. Y. Walk, Miss R. S. Walk, J. W. Deal, Wheeler, Wilson, Mrs. Susan Maurer, Shepler, Clark, W. G. Reed, John Cree, W. A. Hazelett, W. S. Everett, Jas. B. Orr)

-Page 06-

Description of Page: Anecdotes; general news; advertisements.

Scraps Of Unwritten History
(Column 1)
Summary: An article that describes a number of Democrats (Sumner, Burlingame, Broderick, to name a few) who were bullied, attacked or censured by members of their own party for going against the general Democrat stance or locofoco leaders.

-Page 07-

Description of Page: Anecdotes; stories; advertisements.

-Page 08-

Description of Page: Book Table; advertisements; real estate sales.

(Column 2)
Summary: On Dec. 1st, at the home of the bride's uncle, Peter Alrich, Esq., near Wilmington, Del., Rev. William Akeman married Josiah W. fletcher, Esq., of Chambersburg, to Mary Virginia Peach, of Wilmington Del. On Dec. 1st, Rev. S. McHenry married John R. Eberly, of the vincinity of Chambersburg, to Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob Dietrich, Esq., of Hamilton twp. On Dec. 1st, at the White Swan Hotel, in Chambersburg, Rev. Samuel Philips married Alexander Willhide to Elizabeth Scott, both of Mt. Hope, Franklin Co.
(Names in announcement: Peter AlrichEsq., Rev. William Akeman, Josiah W. FletcherEsq., Miss Mary Virginia Peach, Rev. S. McHenry, Mr. John R. Eberly, Miss Elizabeth Dietrich, Jacob DietrichEsq., Rev. Samuel Philips, Mr. Alexander Willhide, Miss Elizabeth Scott)
(Column 2)
Summary: On Nov. 27th, near Chambersburg, Andrew, youngest son of Andrew J. McNair, died at age 7 months and 19 days.
(Names in announcement: Andrew McNair, Andrew J. McNair)