Franklin Repository: May 30, 1860Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
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Description of Page: Facts and Fancies; A Tornado in Cincinnati; A Visit to Lincoln. |
A Letter From Mr. Seward
(Column 4)Summary: Mr. Seward writes to the Republican Central Committee, giving his approval of both the Republican Platform and the Candidate--Mr. Lincoln--chosen at the Chicago Convention. He also explains that his own nomination was not his idea, but his friends, and so he is not disappointed to have lost the candidacy.
Origin of Article: N. Y. Evening Post
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Description of Page: Serial Fiction; Anecdotes; Woman's Qualities; Advertisements. |
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Description of Page: News and Anecdotes; Advertisements. |
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Description of Page: A Letter from Chicago. |
White Slavery
(Column 1)Summary: This article argues that, if not for the existence of the freedom-defenders, the Republican Party, locofocos/Southerners would force poor white laborers into slavery.Biography Of Gen. Foster
(Column 2)Summary: The Repository has printed an article from the Spirit that advertises the biography of Gen. Foster. The Repository wonders if Foster's supposed corruptions are mentioned.Another Discharge
(Column 2)Summary: This article mentions 192 men have been discharged from the Navy Yard in two days, and that due to a lack of funds, more discharges and delay of necessary work may be delayed.
Origin of Article: Norfolk HeraldEditorial Correspondence
(Column 3)Summary: A letter written by A. N. Rankin to the Repository, while on route from the Chicago Convention back to Chambersburg. Rankin, A. D. Caufman, Snively Strickler and John M. McDowell encounter an avalanche problem on the railroad on their way to Chicago, and once there, they meet D. S. Stover, Esq., and Wolf Rosenfelt, Esq., both former citizens of Greencastle and Stover, a native of Antrim. On their return trip to Pittsburgh, A. K. McClure was on the train.Washington Letter
(Names in announcement: John M. McDowell, A. D. Caufman, Snively Strickler, A. N. Rankin, D. S. StoverEsq., Wolf RosenfeltEsq., Hon. A.K. McClure)
(Column 6)Summary: A letter summarizing recent events in Washington--the Japanese embassy, and voting in Congress--but most importantly, that Hon. Edward (Ned) McPherson has been chosen as the Pennsylvania member of the National Republican Committee.
(Names in announcement: Hon. Edward McPherson)
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Description of Page: Advertisements; anecdotes and news. |
Cattle And Railroads
(Column 1)Summary: A reminder that farmers are responsible for any cattle that finds their way onto the railroad tracks, and are consequently injured or killed.Our Company
(Column 2)Summary: The Chambersburg Artillery has elected a new leader, since the promotion of its former commander, Col. F. S. Stumbaugh. P. B. Housum, formerly a lieutenant, was elected as Captain. Others who were elected include: John Doebler, Esq.--1st Lieutenant; Matthew Gillan, Esq., and George Miles Esq.--lieutenants; T. C. Cochran, Esq.,--first Sergeant.Out Of Town
(Names in announcement: Col. F. S. Stumbaugh, P. B. HousumEsq., John DoeblerEsq., Matthew GillanEsq., George MilesEsq., T. C. CochranEsq.)
(Column 3)Summary: The Spirit lists seven lawyers who are out of town, and praises such an absence. The Repository accuses the Spirit of unfairly blaming lawyers for 'disturbing the peace.'Union Prayer Meeting Closed
(Names in announcement: Hon. Jason Nill, I. H. McCauleyEsq., A. K. McClureEsq., William McClellanEsq., A. N. RankinEsq., Snively StricklerEsq., F. S. StumbaughEsq.)
(Column 2)Summary: At the last Union Prayer Meeting held in the Presbyterian Church, on May 27th, and led by A. N. Ranking, it was decided to end such meetings for awhile.Serious Accident
(Names in announcement: A. N. Rankin)
(Column 2)Summary: John Zook, of the vicinity of Chambersburg, was seriously injured while working alon in a stone quarry--a two ton rock fell on both his legs, breaking one and cutting the other. Dr. A. H. Senseny treated the injuries, but it is questionalbe as to whether Zook will live.Supreme Court
(Names in announcement: Mr. John Zook, Dr. A. H. Senseny)
(Column 2)Summary: The following attorneys were admitted to practice in the State Supreme Court: Hon. A. K. McClure; Col. F. S. Stumbaugh; D. W. Rowe, Esq.; J. Wyeth Douglas, Esq.Miss Dix
(Names in announcement: Hon. A. K. McClure, Col. F. S. Stumbaugh, D. W. RoweEsq., J. Wyeth DouglasEsq.)
(Column 3)Summary: The Philanthropist, Miss Dix, visited Chambersburg as the guest of Susan B. Chambers.Franklin Railroad
(Names in announcement: Miss Susan B. Chambers)
(Column 3)Summary: Included in the group of men elected to offices of the Franklin Railroad are the following: Hon. G. W. Brewer,, Chambersburg; George W. Zeigler and Adam B. Wingerd, of Greencastle.Mr. Hamlin's Abjuration Of Democracy.
(Names in announcement: Hon. G. W. Brewer, George W. Zeigler, Adam B. Wingerd)
(Column 4)Summary: The Globe writes that during the debate and vote of the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, Hannibal Hamlin remained silent and voted against it. When the Cincinnati Convention (Democratic) endorsed the repeal, Hamlin left the Democratic party.
Origin of Article: The Congressional Globe
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Description of Page: Letter from the Southwest; Anecdotes; Advertisements; |
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Description of Page: Anecdotes and stories; Advertisements. |
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Description of Page: Our Book Table; advertisements; real estate sales. |
The Republican Platform
(Column 1)Summary: The Repository prints the Republican Platform with its seventeen planks.From Washington
(Column 3)Summary: A description of the Covode Committee's investigation of Postmaster-General Holt's questionable mail contracts.Married
(Column 4)Summary: On April 30th, Thomas J. Wright, Esq., married William Baker to Margaret Barber, both of Adams co. On May 8th, Thomas J. Wright, Esq., married David Lop to Catharine Cell, both of Franklin co. On May 22nd, in Chambersburg, Rev. Samuel Philips married B. B. Henshey to Sallie E. Denig, both of Chambersburg. On May 23rd, Rev. William Harden married Josiah Scofield to Sarah F. Armstrong, both of Chambersburg. On May 23rd, Rev. Thomas Creigh married John Roberts, of Cincinnati, O., to Mary E. Craig, daughter of Jesse Craig, of Montgomery twp.Died
(Names in announcement: Thomas J. WrightEsq., Mr. William Baker, Miss Margaret Barber, Mr. David Lop, Miss Catharine Cell, Rev. Samuel Philips, Mr. B. B. Henshey, Miss Sallie E. Denig, Rev. William Harden, Mr. Josiah Scofield, Miss Sarah F. Armstrong, Rev. Thomas Creigh, Mr. John Roberts, Miss Mary E. Craig, Mr. Jesse Craig)
(Column 4)Summary: On May 11th, in Metal twp., after a protracted illness, Mrs. Mary Klippinger died in her 80th year. On May 13th, in Fannett twp., of Consumption, Mr. F. John Kirkpatick died at age 25 years, 11 months and 26 days.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Mary Klippinger, Mr. F. John Kirkpatrick)