Franklin Repository: August 1, 1860Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
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Description of Page: Story of women trapped by a cave-in in a coal mine; poem |
[No Title]
(Column 1)Summary: Mention of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that in the past has voted Democrat, but that in recent elections, the Republican candidates have been winning, and that the 2,000 German-born citizens are supporting Lincoln.Address Of The Republican Executive Committee Of Maryland
(Column 3)Summary: William E. Coale, the chairman of the Republican Executive Committee of Maryland while submitting their electoral ticket for Lincoln and Hamlin, addresses some crucial issues: confinement of slavery to the present states, support of the Homestead act and support of a tariff to protect industry, both an encouragement for free labor, and the tariff would be revenue for a bankrupt government. He urges support for Lincoln and the Republican Party and ideals.
Origin of Article: Baltimore, MarylandHints As To Political Meetings
(Column 5)Summary: Suggestions on how to organize for a successful meeting, such as: Get your speakers first, before advertising the meeting; keep the number of prominent speakers to two; have meetings indoors; get quickly to the business of the meeting.
Origin of Article: The New York TribuneEditorial Comment: We clip the following sensible remarks from the New York Tribune, of a recent date. They are national in their application; suitable for every latitude. They know no North, no South, no East nor West. All can profit by their perusal:Speech Of Hon. John Hickman
(Column 6)Summary: Hon. John Hickman gives an impassioned speech on the evils of slavery, its effects on labor, and the Democrat and Southern promotion of slavery. He then discusses the positions of several presidential candidates--that Breckenridge promotes slavery, that Stephen Douglas is unsafe and treacherous (his dealings with Kansas indicate that), and that Bell promises nothing. Hickman will support none of these, but instead Lincoln.
Editorial Comment: On The Great Issues Of The Day, Before the Republican Club of Philadelphia, on Tuesday Evening, July 24, 1860.
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Description of Page: Continuation from page one of John Hickman's speech; advertisements |
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Description of Page: Serial Fiction story; train schedules; advertisements |
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Douglasism Waning
(Column 1)Summary: Nothern Democrats and others are choosing to support Breckenridge instead of Douglas, because Breckenridge claims the Slave issue has been validated by the Supreme Court, whereas Douglas says that it has yet to be decided. Douglas lost many Northern supporters during his battles with the Buchanan administration.
Full Text of Article:State Agricultural SocietyOne after another the leading politicians of every section of the land, especially that portion in which the Nigger Democracy have their chief strength, the South, are falling into the Breckinridge and Lane ranks, and are turning their backs upon the "little giant." Different causes have united in producing this result. It is seen that Douglas and Breckinridge are contending for the same thing,--the unlimited spread of slavery--but by very different means. The one openly declares that the Supreme Court has already decided that Slavery is the normal condition of the poor man, and that his rich neighbor may justly reduce him to bondage for their mutual benefit; and that, such being the proper condition of poor men, slavery is the highest type of civilization, and rightfully enters into every portion of our domain; and where it does not now exit, Congress should speedily send it . The other says that the highest judicial tribunal has not yet disposed of this question, but when it does, if in the way the other indicates, (and he knows that a majority of all Judges are slave-owners) we are all bound to obey its inhuman, its unnatural decree. The one is openly fighting for oppression; the other is covertly seeking to accomplish the very same object. All, therefore, who desire to see the fair surface of our beautiful Territories blasted, as with mill-dew, by the withering blight of slavery, and who have the courage to advocate their principles, are losing no time in joining the Breckinridge wing of the distracted, rent party. Those who desire the overthrow of Freedom, and the crushing of poor white laboring men, but who are ashamed to declare their purpose openly, are seeking to accomplish their wishes in a sneaking, underhanded way by voting for Douglas.
Both branches of the Nigger Democracy are sufficiently inimical to the happiness of the working classes, and to the prosperity of the whole country; but, what that of Breckinridge is openly proclaiming its poisonous sentiments, the advocates of Douglasism are endeavoring to accomplish all that the other seeks for, only they fight behind a masked battery; they refuse to permit the people to see what they wish to accomplish.
The Douglasites have sought to cover up the bane to Freedom--the oppression of free laborers by the spreading of slavery, which destroys all demand for free labor--by sugar- coating the pill with the peculiar covering of Squatter Sovereignty, which appears to be the right of the people to decide, but which, as explained by its father, Stephen Arnold Douglas, means that if the people are not willing to have slavery, and if the Supreme Court says they must, then as loyal subjects of this kid-glove, black-gown aristocracy, they have nothing to do but submit.
The slavery propagandists of the South greatly prefer the Breckinridge doctrine--that the question has been settled by the Supreme Court--to that of Douglas, which leaves the matter for future decision. The dough-faces of the North, who have long been accustomed to obey Southern dictation, seeing what is most likely to give satisfaction to their masters, are has tening [sic] to array themselves on the side of Breckinridge. Thus the Douglas ranks are steadily becoming weaker and weaker. So it will go on, until that wing of the party becomes so weak in the knees that it will be utterly unable to stand upon its feet.
The vaulting ambition of Douglas which led him, in his eager pursuit of presidential honors, to dash a flaming fire-brand into the political magazine of the nation, resulted as would a similar act, by any other madman--literally speaking--in an awful explosion. His political hopes and aspirations have received a shock from which they will never recover. It is utter madness for him to see to be President of the United States, by the votes of the People.
While Douglas was fighting the administration of James Buchanan, the time he was seeking his re-election to the Senate, he drew around him many admirers in the North; but when he so meanly succumbed to the leaders of the slavery-expansion dogma, who also control the administration, as he did on his return to the Senate, they found out the extent of his sympathy for the masses of society, and in their indignation at his insincerity, will now do everything in their power to expose to public gaze the band of infamy which his perfidy has fastened upon his brow. He is, of all the candidates in the field, the least likely to win, and the least worthy of the confidence of the great, indusrious [sic] American people. That his cause is waning, is becoming more and more apparent every day. If something is not soon done to create a reaction, there will scarcely be enough votes cast for him to swear by.
(Column 2)Summary: A mention that the Agricultural Society of the State of Pennsylavania's list of Premiums, and the rules and regulations for the annual exhibition have been published. There are twelve divisions of the stock and articles, subdivided in fifty-two classes. The exhibition will take place on the battle-ground of Wyoming, near Wilkesbarre, which is very accessible by railroad in all directions.Hickman's Speech
(Column 3)Summary: An article providing some background on the speaker of the speech from pages one and two. He was a long-time Democrat, who has left the party due to the ideals held by the present leaders and candidates of the party. He now supports the Republicans and their beliefs in Free Labor and the Homestead Act.Congress
(Column 3)Summary: The editors urge that the local congressional district re-elect Hon. Edward McPherson for his reliability, honesty and staunch support of Republican ideals, so that he can be of support to Lincoln.
(Names in announcement: Hon. Edward McPherson)Full Text of Article:"Honest Abe"The Republicans of this Congressional district will soon be called upon to place in nomination a candidate for Representative to the national Legislature. It is every way important that all districts in the North which are now represented by able champions of Free Speech, Free Labor, Free Homes for free men, Freedom of the Press, and proper Protection to American industry should continue in the same hands. We have as eloquent, as talented and as worthy a member of Congress--in the Hon. EDWARD McPHERSON--as is to be found in the country. Every dictate of prudence and patriotism teachers us that where we are faithfully represented, and can again procure the services of honest, reliable men, we should never hesitate for a moment about our course.
Let us then nominate the gifted young advocate of our cause, who has won for himself so enviable a reputation during the one term he has served in Congress, without a dissenting voice. This district is entirely too doubtful for us to run any risks about carrying it. Mr. McPHERSON has carried it once, and his name is surrounded with the prestige of success which will add materially to his prospects again. Let us have, then, the gifted McPHERSON for our candidate, and there will be no doubt of his election.
(Column 3)Summary: A Democrat minister of Franklin county visited Lincoln in Springfield, Ill. and considered Lincoln an "extraordinary" man. The editors urge other Democrats to visit Lincoln.Negro Voters
(Column 3)Summary: Criticism for the Spirit's discussions on negroes' voting. The Repository's article reminds the Spirit that negroes did have the right a few years ago, and they voted for the Democratic Party. The Whigs took away their right to vote, so as to take away some support of locofocoism in Pennsylvania.
Full Text of Article:Lincoln Among The ChildrenSeveral times, recently, the Spirit has harped upon the subject of negroes voting The sap-heads are to dumb to know that a few years since negroes had the right to vote in Pennsylvania; that they exercised the right, and that they voted the Locofoco ticket. We remember having seen, upon more than one occasion, in this county, certain Locofoco township politicians leading up their "culled brethren" to the polls and voting them for Jackson, for Van Buren and, generally having them to go "the whole hog" for the D-e-m-o-c- r-a-c-y.
The right of suffrage was never denied to negroes in this State till after the adoption of the present constitution, when they were deprived the privilege of assisting to fasten locofocoism upon the people. The Legislature which provided for the revision of the Constitution was composed of a majority opposed to the heresie of locofocoism. The Governor who approved the law--honest old Joseph Ritner--will scarcely be claimed by the locofocos as belonging to their party. The Convention which framed the present Constitution, depriving the SPIRIT'S friends of their former privilege, was composed of a majority of Whigs. After giving the whiners of the Spirit, who lounge around the street corners in idleness, no person appreciating their professional worth, all this "light" upon their favorite theme, we shall not be surprised to see them wearing crape in their distress over the loss of their sable coadjutors.
(Column 4)Summary: Retelling of a Sunday-school teacher's surprise guest to her class. Lincoln spoke with the children and captivated his young audience.Messrs. Editors--Gentlemen:
(Column 4)Summary: An observation that Antrim has been honored with only one nomination for the Republican County Convention in the past four years, and yet Antrim has one of the largest Republican districts. He lists the voting records of the districts for the last four years, and the candidates from each district. Chambersburg: 1856-W. Crooks for Senator, John Huber for Associate Judge, L. S. Clarke for District Attorney; 1857-A. K. M'Clure for Assembly; 1858-A. K. M'Clure for Assembly, J. Allison Eyster for Commissioner; 1859-A. K. M'Clure for Senator, John Stouffer for County Treasurer. Fayetteville: 1856-J. S. Brown for Sheriff; 1859-John Downey for Auditor. Hamilton: 1856-David M. Leisher; 1859-George Eyster for District Attorney. Letterkenny: 1856-J. B. Cauffman for County Surveyor; 1857-Samuel Longenecker for Register and Recorder; 1859-J. B. Cauffman for County Surveyor. Mercersburg: 1856 & 1857-James O. Carson for Associate Judge; 1859-Doctor John S. King for Coroner. Metal: John Witherow for Assembly; 1857-W. S. Harris for Commissioner; 1858-James R. Brewster for Auditor; 1859-James R. Brewster for Assembly. Southampton: 1856-D.H. M'Pherson for Auditor; 1859-David Spencer for Director of the Poor. St. Thomas: 1856-Dr. John Van Tries for Coroner, Jacob Weaver for Director of the Poor; 1857-John Shade for Prothonotary. Washington: 1856-George Jacobs for Assembly; 1859-Jacob S. Good for Commissioner. Greenvillage: 1857-John Ditzler for Clerk of the Courts. Guildford: 1857-G. W. Immel for Director of the Poor; 1858-Jacob Strickler for Director of the Poor. Peters: 1857-R. P. M'Farland for Treasurer; 1859-William M'Grath for Sheriff. Quincy: 1857-William Fleagle for Auditor. The writer notes that Andrew Davidson of Antrim did fill the unexpired term of James R. Brewster on the Board of Auditors in 1859, when Brewster was nominated to the Assembly.. He reminds the readers that Antrim has a candidate this year--William W. Fleming--for Register and Recorder, and urges his election. QuincyMessrs. Editors
(Names in announcement: W. Crooks, John Huber, L. S. Clarke, J. S. Brown, David M. Leisher, J. B. Cauffman, James O. Carson, John Witherow, D. H. M'Pherson, Dr. John Van Tries, Jacob Weaver, George Jacobs, A. K. M'Clure, John Ditzler, G. W. Immel, Samuel Longenecker, W. S. Harris, R. P. M'Farland, William Fleagle, John Shade, J. Allison Eyster, Jacob Strickler, James R. Brewster, John Stouffer, John Downey, George Eyster, John S. King, William McGrath, David Spencer, Jacob S. Good, Mr. Andrew Davidson, William W. Fleming)
(Column 5)Summary: A letter from Guilford urging the election of Major K. Shannon, who has served as a Deputy Sheriff, for Prothonotary at the People's County Convention.County Commissioner
(Names in announcement: Major K. Shannon Taylor)
(Column 5)Summary: Montgomery urges the support of Joseph Winger of the Welsh Run district for County CommisionerThe Work Of The Campaign
(Column 5)Summary: A warning against apathy in the Republican party, that even though it looks promising that Lincoln will be elected, there are still the attitude and beliefs regarding slavery that need to be corrected-- by canvassing in every district to inform people of the evils of slavery.
Origin of Article: New York IndependentImportant Southern Testimony
(Column 6)Summary: An argument referring to a speech by Mr. Sumner to the Senate and a document by the Presbyterian Synod of South Carolina and Georgia in 1833, both of which talk of the corrupting influence of slavery on the masters, who are (supposedly) trying to make Christians of their slaves.[No Title]
(Column 6)Summary: Note of a Rev. Dr. Daily, who was deposed from the Presidency of Bloomington College, Indiana, and expelled from the Methodist Church for Drunkeness and adultery, has been nominated for Congress by Democrats in Tennessee.
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Description of Page: advertisements; small articles of advice and factual interest. |
Delegate Meetings
(Column 1)Summary: Sol. Huber, Chairman of the County Executive Committee writes that the Republicans of the North Ward of Chambersburg will meet on Aug. 4th at the Court House to elect three delegates to the County Nominating Convention. Those of the South Ward will meet at the Friendship Engine House to elect three delegates.Guilford Township
(Names in announcement: Sol. Huber)
(Column 1)Summary: Members of the People's party of Guilford will meet at Lesher's School House on Aug. 4th to elect delegates for the County Convention.Serious Accident
(Column 1)Summary: Alexander Senseny, age 19, son of Dr. A. H. Senseny, was injured on Greencastle Road when his horse fell and kicked him as the horse struggled. Mr. Herchelrode found him, took him to the Herchelrode home, and the injured man's brother, Dr. William Senseny, came and helped him to recover.Another
(Names in announcement: Mr. Alexander Senseny, Dr. A. H. Senseny, Dr. William Senseny, Mr. H. Herchelrode)
(Column 1)Summary: Charles McDowell, youngest son of Nathan McDowell of Hagerstown, injured himself while climbing the iron fence of the Presbyterian cemetery in Chambersburg. Dr. Richard was able to treat the wound successfully. A reprimand followed about boys climbing iron fences.Old Antrim In The Field
(Names in announcement: Charles McDowell, Mr. Nathan McDowell, Dr. Richards)
(Column 1)Summary: A letter by Samuel Eby and T. S. Riley mentioning that "The Antrim Republican Club" was formed at Thos. Pauling's house July 27th. Elected were: Samuel Eby, President; W. H. Davison, Vice President; T. S. Riley, Secretary. The constitution appointees were Hampshire Clippinger, W. H. Newman, John Ruthrauff, and Samuel Ilgenfritz.Almost A Fire
(Names in announcement: Thos. Pauling, Samuel Eby, W. H. Davison, T. S. Riley, Hampshire Clippinger, W. H. Newman, John Ruthrauff, Samuel Ilgenfritz)
(Column 2)Summary: On July 30th, J. Heid returned to his barber shop in Chambersburg, in the building of Mrs. Gilmore, to find a fire in his spitoon. He promptly put it out.Leg Broken
(Names in announcement: Mr. J. Heid, Mrs. Gilmore)
(Column 2)Summary: George B. Myers, 12 yr. old son of Samuel Myers, Esq., of Chambersburg, broke his thigh bone while running. Dr. Burkholder treated the injury.New York Post Office
(Names in announcement: George B. Myers, Samuel MyersEsq., Dr. Burkholder)
(Column 2)Summary: There is a new Post Office at Carrick Furnace, of Franklin Co., and George Washington Swank is the Post Master.Camp Meeting
(Names in announcement: George Washington Swank)
(Column 2)Summary: W. M. Coursey announces that the United Brethren in Christ's Camp Meeting for the Greencastle circuit will meet at Daniel and John Yockey's lands starting Aug. 27th.The Irrepressible Conflict At Occoquan, Virginia
(Names in announcement: John Yockey, Daniel Yockey, W. M. Coursey)
(Column 2)Summary: A battle is ensuing between Democrats and Republicans in Occoquan, Prince Williams County over the raising of a Lincoln and Hamlin Flag. Large numbers of armed men on both sides plan to attack or defend the banner. Governor Letcher has ordered Gen. Hutton to protect the flag.Northern Locofoco Leaders
(Column 3)Summary: An accusation that the editors of Northern Democrat newspapers publish support for Democrat candidates in return for Federal Offices--citing a few editors and their government appointments and salaries.[No Title]
(Column 4)Summary: A follow-up story on the improving morals of the Democrats and the expelled Rev. Daily, who is a Democrat candidate in Tennessee, that describes how he was hissed at and prevented from speaking at a meeting.
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Description of Page: Advertisements; political advertisements |
The Quadrangular Contest
(Column 1)Summary: The argument that the Democrats (ie. Buchanan, Breckenridge, Douglas, et al) have committed a very messy political suicide with their corruption and divisions.
Origin of Article: The Philadelphia Daily NewsThe Prospect Before Us
(Column 2)Summary: A discussion of two types of Democrat voter: one that is patriotic, and holds to the Democratic ideals, and the other is ignorant and only votes for whoever seems to promise to be successful. The ignorant have already banded in equal parts behind Douglas or Breckenridge. The intelligent, patriotic voters should, and some are starting to, examine the Republican candidates and the Platform, and hopefully support them.
Full Text of Article:The demoralization of the Democratic party caused by the recent serious division into opposing and bitterly relentless factions, is likely to do more damage, says the Philadelphia City Journal, than the original engineers of the movement ever calculated upon. The split, however easily effected, and however unavoidable under the pressing contingencies of the case, was an undoubted surprise to the great mass of Democratic voters. Outside of the immediate leaders and the mercenary camp followers, whose only watchword is, "To the victor belong the spoils!" and whose only principles are the traditional "loaves and fishes," there is a large element of the party which really is imbued with true patriotism, and whose devotion to the Democratic standard is based upon an earnest conviction that the aims of the organization are elevated and beneficent. IF they have adhered to candidates, becase [sic] regularly indorsed by the conventions of the party, this adhesion has not been through any servile attachment to men, considered apart from certain well-recognized principles. If they have rejoiced over well-won victories, it has not been from personal satisfaction at the elevation of particular leaders, but only because the successful candidates have been identified, by a consistent record, with the cardinal ideas of true Democracy.
We make no account of an equally large fraction of the Democratic forces who have no fervent, but who, through ignorance or indifference, have been content to go to the ballot-box and blindly vote any ticket, the names on which are sanctified by the aroma of "regular nominations." This floating element in the present embarrassment of two Democratic Presidantial [sic] candidates, will be about equally divided between Breckinridge and Douglas. This supposition is based on the fact that, not knowing the essential difference of principle between the two candidates, they will select either side which promises the surest success. As the result is doubtful between the two chiefs, so far as the numerical show of votes is involved, the prospect is certain that the inert mass of the substratum of the Democracy will be severely exactly in two.
But of the intelligent element--the truly conservative portion, to which we have already made allusion--the future disposition in the canvass is by no means certain. The ties of traditional harmony, which have bound the party into a powerful and constantly victorious unit, have ceased to have any longer the power of cohesion.
The party obligations of fealty to party nominations cease as a matter of course, and all the members of the organization are free as air to vote for any candidate they may please to choose. Their minds are equally free to study and examine the patriotic platform of the Republican candidates, and to recognize there the ancient cardinal principles of old-fashioned democratic faith. The conservative record of Mr. Lincoln, the moderation of the Republican leaders in their political views, and the universal devotion of all Republicans to the Constitution and the Union must, as a matter of necessity, draw off to the Republican standard a very large portion of those who have hitherto been affiliated with the Democracy. Once the doors of the Democratic fold are wide open, the freed flock are ready to go at once to "fields and pastures new." The stampede has begun already and in all parts of the country, old-line Democrats are coming out by thousands in favor of Lincoln and Hamlin. The indications are abundant that the campaign of 1860 will resemble the tornado of 1840. The probabilities are, that the Republican ticket will carry in November a larger popular vote than was ever accorded before to any national candidates. The cause is onward and upward, and every day and hour the political skies grow brighter and brighter.
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Description of Page: The Republican Platform---see entry 6/6/60; advertisements |
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Facts And Fancies
(Column 1)Summary: Four pieces of advice or information: that good girls don't keep secrets from their parents; a twenty-three yr. old man shouldn't sleep with a seventy-eight yr. old man; the carver at the table should serve the women by rank--mother before daughter, oldest daughter first, married before single; in a survey of several states' prisons, the proportion of female felons to male is one to ten.Married
(Column 3)Summary: At the Luther Parsonage on July 22nd, Rev. J. Steck married Alfred W. Houser to Charlotte Ullerich, both of Chambersburg. On July 4th, near Auburn Kansas, Rev. J. E. Moore married Cyrus Foltz, formerly of Chambersburg, to Helen M. Thomas.Died
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. Steck, Mr. Alfred W. Houser, Miss Charlotte Ullerich, Rev. J. E. Moore, Mr. Cyrus Foltz, Miss Helen M. Thomas)
(Column 3)Summary: On July 13th in Columbiana Co. Ohio, John Yodder died at age 50. On July 14th at Dry Run, Nancy Morrow, widow of Richard Morrow, formerly of Chambersburg, died at age 80. On July 17th near Dry Run, Melissa Ann Skinner, daughter of David D. Skinner, died at age 16. On July 19th in Chambersburg, Margaret Parish, wife of John Parish, died at age 29. On July 25th in Lancaster County while visiting his brother, Jacob Young, of Montgomery township, died at age 75. On July 27th in Chambersburg, Mary R. Smith, daughter of Henry Smith, dec'd, died of consumption at age 16. On July 28th in Chambersburg, Judith Ann, wife of Barnard Wolf, Esq., died at age 66.
(Names in announcement: Mr. John Yodder, Mrs. Nancy Morrow, Mr. Richard Morrow, Miss Melissa Ann Skinner, Mr. David D. Skinner, Mrs. Margaret Parish, Mr. John Parish, Mr. Jacob Young, Mr. Young, Miss Mary R. Smith, Mr. Henry Smith, Mrs Judith Ann Wolf, Barnard WolfEsq.)