Franklin Repository: August 22, 1860Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
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Description of Page: Facts And Fancies; Falling of a Bridge; articles on the candidates standings in various states. |
A Letter From Kansas
(Column 1)Summary: A complaint of Buchanan's decision to sell of two districts of territory--despite the outcries of devestated "squatters," who have been cultivating the land and have established homes.Congression Conference
(Column 3)Summary: At the Conference Aug. 21st, Samuel G. Lane, appointed secretary, made note of a letter from Dr. S. E. Duffield of Fulton who declines candidacy due to the nominating procedure determined by rotation, not majority preference.Tomatoes In Cans
(Names in announcement: Samuel G. Lane, Geo. Eyster, John H. Criswell)
(Column 4)Summary: Note of a Mr. Fithian of N. J. who has canned 50,000 quarts of tomatoes, to be delivered to Philadelphia. Chambersburg families can purchase this item at little more than the cost of the can.Increase Of Population
(Column 4)Summary: A discussion on information from the census--specifically the increase in population and the possible causes for this (more available capital, invention of the steam engine, and the presence of free institutions).Attitude Of The Republicans To The Dred Scott Decision
(Column 5)Summary: Provides a list earlier political changes, in which the Supreme court made an act legal, and then the Congress overturned it with a law. The voters can change the decision of the Dred Scott case by voting in men who will govern the country and territories in a way that supports free labor and rejects extension of slavery.Facts and Fancies
(Column 6)Summary: Three anecdotes relating to women: married women disdain of friendships, two girls' attempt to burn down the House of Refuge in Boston, and that women are better than men because they are the weaker sex.
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Description of Page: Advertisements |
The Wife Tamer
(Column 1)Summary: Story of a headstrong husband and a shrewish wife, and how, instead of 'taming the shrew', she conquers him.Republicans Not Innovators
(Column 3)Summary: Documentation of previous governmental policy and decisions prohibiting slavery in various territories. Also discussed is the introduction of the concept of slavery as a correct, just institution.Steam On Canals
(Column 4)Summary: Observation of the important impact that steam has, and will have, on inland navigation.17 Male Teachers Wanted
(Column 5)Summary: Benjamin C. Small, secretary, advertises that Guildford Township needs 17 male teachers, and that the directors will meet at John W. Taylor's Public House to receive applications.
(Names in announcement: John W. Taylor, Benjamin C. Small)
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Bell-Everett Address
(Column 1)Summary: Commentary and response to the Bell-Everett Address (their Whigs' party voting record, and the accusation of Republican sectionalism).
Origin of Article: N. Y. Tribune
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"Let Us Alone"
(Column 1)Summary: A rejoinder to the Southern states claim that they are being oppressed by the Northern--that, instead, the Southern states are the oppressors trying to impose control and slavery on the territoriesA Contrast
(Column 2)Summary: Note of Douglas' visit to New England, and the contrast between treatments of pro-slaveryists in the North vs. treatment of Republicans in the South.
Trailer: "a man from the South, entertaining the wildest pro-slavery dogmas, can with perfect safety visit, and utter his foolish sentiments in, every State North of Mason and Dixon's Line; nor will he meet with the slightest bad treatment from the most rabid abolitionist in the country. This is all right--just as it should be in a land of Freedom."The Big Trial
(Column 3)Summary: A civil trial involving bankruptcy and the legitimacy of previous payments to the plaintiffs, including one to A. K. McClure, in whose favor the court decided.Foolish Expectation
(Names in announcement: A. K. McClure)
(Column 3)Summary: A mockery of the hope that Bell and Everett would be elected if the election goes to the House, where the newspaper estimates only one sure vote for Bell and Everett.Congressional
(Column 4)Summary: Pleasure and approval of the re-election of reliable Republican representatives in Franklin (Hon. Edward M'Pherson), and other counties.Court Proceedings
(Names in announcement: Hon. Edward M'Pherson)
(Column 4)Summary: Disgust at the petty quality of cases presented at the August term of the courts in Franklin County, and refusal to spend any time giving detailed accounts.Wide Awakes
(Column 4)Summary: A meeting to organize the Wide Awakes in Chambersburg; a constitution was adopted, and officers were elected.Industrial Association
(Names in announcement: Mr. John W. Taylor, Mr. John Fisher, J. W. Deal, J. N. Snider, K. Shannon Taylor, S. Miller Shillito, Harry C. Fortesue, Barnet Earley, A. N. Rankin, Jacob Henninger, George Jarrett, Lafayette Woods, A. C. McGrath, N. P. Pearse, Weist, Grove)
(Column 5)Summary: Note that the constitution and premiums for the Farmers and Mechanics Industrial Association of Franklin county fair is posted elsewhere in the paper, and that the life-long membership price for a family is ten dollars.Arctic Panorama
(Column 5)Summary: Exhibition of the Arctic Panorama will be for the Public Library's benefit, as arranged by the Librarian, S. S. Shryock.Ratification Meeting
(Names in announcement: S. S. Shryock)
(Column 6)Summary: A meeting on Aug. 21st to ratify the nomination of Hon. E. McPherson as candidate for CongressPic-Nic
(Names in announcement: Hon. E. McPherson, Capt. James M. Brown, Snively StricklerEsq., Wm. McLellanEsq., J. FletcherEsq., George EysterEsq.)
(Column 6)Summary: Young ladies and men of Fannettsburg and vicinity had a pic-nic at the Cold Spring on Aug 16th.Snakes! Snakes!!
(Column 6)Summary: An employee of Jacob Plough, in Green township, killed a Garter snake who was pregnant with 96 baby snakes.Sad Calamity
(Names in announcement: Mr. Jacob Plough)
(Column 6)Summary: Two employees of Caledonia Furnace, Mssrs. Mosier and McGee, died in a cave-in at 'Pond Oar Bank.'Admitted To Practice
(Names in announcement: Mr. Mosier, Mr. McGee)
(Column 6)Summary: On Aug. 18th, Jeremiah Cook and William S. Stenger, Esqs., passed the bar examinations for Franklin county courts.
(Names in announcement: Jeremiah CookEsq., William S. StengerEsq.)
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Description of Page: Advertisements |
(Column 1)Summary: The details are given of the constitution, rules, entries, exhibitors and admission prices for the fair of the Farmers and Mechanics Industrial Association of Franklin Co., and also the list of officers: James B. Orr--President; William Bossart, James Davidson, Henry Keefer, Jacob S. Nixon--Vice Presidents; Wm. S. Everett--Recording Secretary; A. N. Rankin--Corresponding Secretary; Emanuel Kuhn--Treasurer; Managers--James R. Brewster, Benjamin Chambers, William Cline, J. Watson Craig, Phares C. Duffield, James G. Elder, William B. Gabby, John Gillan, David M. Leisher, Samuel Myers, John Ruthrauff, D. K. Wunderlich.
(Names in announcement: James B. Orr, William Bossart>, James Davidson, Henry Keefer, Jacob S. Nixon, Wm. S. Everett, A. N. Rankin, Emanuel Kuhn, James R. Brewster, Benjamin Chambers, William Cline, J. Watson Craig, Phares C. Duffield, James G. Elder, William B. Gabby, John Gillan, David M. Leisher, Samuel Myers, John Ruthrauff, D. K. Wunderlich)Trailer: Rules and Regulations of the Farmers and Mechanics Industrial Association of Franklin County, Pa.Chambersburg Female Seminary
(Column 4)Summary: Advertisement for the Fall session of the Chambersburg Female Seminary, whose teachers include: Principals--Rev. Henry Reeves, Sarah K. Reeves; Francis E. White (French, music, English), Jane Gilfillan (Drawin, painting, English), Z.C. De Forest (Instrumental/Vocal music), Lizzie W. Kennedy (English), Anna Y. Walk (English).
(Names in announcement: Rev. Henry Reeves, Mrs. Sarah K. Reeves, Miss Francis E. White, Miss Jane Gilfillan, Miss Z. C. De Forest, Miss Lizzie W. Kennedy, Miss Anna Y. Walk)
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Description of Page: Advertisements |
List Of Premiums
(Column 1)Summary: A list of Premiums and the judges for the following Categories:Horses (1)Blooded Stock--Best Breed. (2)Carriage and Saddle Horses. (3)Heavy Draft, Mixed Blood & Common Stock. (4)Quick Draft, Mixed Blood and Common Stock. (5)Teams of Draft Horses & Mules. Cattle(6)Short Horned Durham. (7)Devons. (8)Teeswater. (9)Mixed and Common Stock. (10)Fat Cattle and Sheep. (11)Sheep. (12)Swine. Agricultural Productions(13)Farm Yield. (14)Lot Yield. (15)Products of the Soil. (16)Vegetables, Fruits & Flowers. (17)Agrcultural Implements. (18)Carriages, Harness &c. (19)Castings. Household Manufacture.(20)First Division. (21)Second Division. (22)Store Goods & c. (23)Poultry. (24)Bacon, Hams, Dairy & Honey. (25)Plowing Match. (26)Lady Equestrians. (27)Articles not Enumerated. There were 3 judges for each of the 27 categories, EXCEPT for Household Manufactures--each division had three women judges and one man.
(Names in announcement: A. B. Wingert, Peter Brough, Abraham Keefer, Snively Strickler, J. M. Brown, D. O. Gehr, Adam Kissecker, Jacob Eby, Solomon Miller, H. C. Greenawalt, John W. Ramsey, John McLellan, Andrew Davidson, Jacob Flickinger, Jacob Strickler, Augustus Duncan, John Stouffer, Frederick Byers, John Immel, Benjamin Snively, Jacob Heyser, George W. Immel, William C. McKnight, Jeremiah Gordon, Melchi Snively, Josiah Allen, David Spencer, John Downey, John B. Osbraugh, Frederick Foreman, Joseph Bollinger, Philip Karper, Maj. Samuel Fisher, Jacob Harchelrode, John Armstrong, John Kesecker, W. Orr, Capt. John Sprecker, Michael Harchelrode, A. D. Cauffman, Hezekiah Faston, Samuel B. Snively, A. R. Hurst, Jacob Krider, Samuel Lehman, C. M. DuncanEsq., John P. Keefer, Wm. G. Reed, P. B. Housum, John M. McDowell, Samuel Hawk, Peter Feltman, James Chariton, James Patten, S. M. Worley, Thos. CarlisleSen., H. Clippinger, Col. A. K. McClure, Mrs. J. P. Culbertson, Mrs. Dr. Michaels, Miss Louisa Douglas, Col. T. B. Kennedy, Mrs. A. K. McClure, Miss McLenagan, Mrs. Wilson Reilly, J. R. Messersmith, H. H. Hutz, J. G. Sheibley, J. P. Culbertson, J. A. Eyster, D. S. Fahnestock, Wm. McGrathEsq., William Keefer, J. L. Latshaw, Matthew Gillan, Jacob Spangler, Dr. John Montgomery, B. F. Nead, E. D. Culbertson, B. Y. Hampsher, J. B. Miller, Smith Smith, J. S. Slyder)
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Description of Page: The Republican Platform, see entry 6/6/80; humorous stories; articles of helpful advice; advertisements. |
The Record
(Column 2)Summary: The Intelligencer lists a number of legislative actions promoted by the Democrats, and wonders how this party could get support from any Pennsylvanian citizen.
Origin of Article: Bucks County IntelligencerIs This An "Auction?"
(Column 2)Summary: The Bell and Everett Convention in Philadelphia rejected the formation of an electoral ticket, and the paper wonders if they plan to give their supporters to the Democratic ticketDemocratic Convention Broken Up In A Row
(Column 3)Summary: The County Democratic meeting in McConnelsburg broke up in a fight between Douglas and Breckinridge supporters; while the editor of the Democrat (a Douglas paper) was elsewhere, Breckinridge supporters came into the offices and published a paper in support of Breckinridge.
Origin of Article: McConnelsburgEditorial Comment: Breckinridge Men Take Possession of a Douglas Paper and Issue a Breckinridge Edition[No Title]
(Column 3)Summary: Hon. John Bell, instead of declaring any new principles, asks people to look at his public record.
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Description of Page: articles of advice on drying pumpkin and planting trees; facts from around the nation; advertisements and land sales. |
(Column 2)Summary: On Aug. 14th, Rev. Thos. Creigh married A. H. De Haven to Eliza J. Alexander, daughter of Samuel Alexander, both of Peters township. On Aug. 15th, Rev. Sam'l Philips married Jacob S. Schaffner to Fanny Myers, both of Welsh Run. On Aug. 16th, Rev. I. N. Hays married S. D. Herron, of Pittsburg, to Mary Jane Pomeroy, daughter of Hon. Thomas Pomeroy, of Roxbury. On Aug. 16th, Rev. John Ault married Benjamin F. Hopkins, of Blair county, to Emma C. Brown, of Loudon.
(Names in announcement: Rev. Thos. Creigh, Mr. A. H. De Haven, Miss Eliza J. Alexander, Mr. Samuel Alexander, Rev. Sam'l Philips, Mr. Jacob S. Schaffner, Miss Fanny Myers, Rev. I. N. Hays, Mr. S. D. Herron, Miss Mary Jane Pomeroy, Hon. Thomas Pomeroy, Rev. John Ault, Mr. Benjamin F. Hopkins, Miss Emma C. Brown)