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Franklin Repository: September 19, 1860

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-Page 01-

Description of Page: Article on the sinking of the Lady Elgin Steamer; Grand Republican Rally in Illinois; Facts and Fancies

Working Men, Read This Article
(Column 1)
Summary: Extract of an article by E. B. Ward that defends a Protective Tariff.
Our Assailants
(Column 5)
Summary: A comment on the behavior of the Democratic candidates--that they use vicious attacks, instead of open discussions with their Republican opponents, to influence the opinions of the voters.
Facts and Fancies
(Column 6)
Summary: Four anecdotes relating to women: that a girl's best education is done under her mother's supervision; that a girl's studies should be determined by her position in life; that fashionable society ruins a girl's innocent charm; a woman should be happiest in her husband's presence.

-Page 02-

Description of Page: Proclamation of the Election in October; advertisements; a story for boys.

Degredation Of The Country
(Column 2)
Summary: An article disdaining the indecent practice of presidential candidates 'stumping' for votes, and noting that Lincoln has not stooped to begging for votes.
Origin of Article: The Philadelphia Bulletin

-Page 03-

Description of Page: A Letter from Kansas; an article on the Popery and Mohammedanism; advertisements.

-Page 04-

Description of Page: short articles on politics around the nation.

Two Forms Of Government
(Column 1)
Summary: This article paints a contrast between the freedom-loving North that respects and upholds the values of Declaration of Independence, whereas the South abuses and persecutes anyone who attempts to promote these concepts, and that it would like to turn the North into a place willing to own human flesh.
The Breckinridge Meeting
(Column 2)
Summary: A meeting of anti-Douglas supporters who endorsed the present administration and the nominee, William P. Schell, for this district, but they could not come out against the resolutions of Douglas' party, for fear that they might be ousted from the Democratic party.
(Names in announcement: Col. James B. Orr, Mr. Brewer, William P. Schell)
Full Text of Article:

The meeting which the administration, anti-Douglas men of this County held in the Court House on Saturday last, was very much larger than what we had expected to see. The old, tried veterans of the party were here in their strength. The foes of the "little giant" showed that they were alive and kicking in old Franklin County.

The meeting assembled about one o'clock and was called to order by the election of Col. James B. Orr, of Orrstown (where they "cannot go white slavery") President, and the chosing [sic] of a number of Vice Presidents and Secretaries--among the latter of which was another Orr.

Mr. Brewer offered a preamble and a series of Resolutions which he read to the meeting. Prominant [sic] among them were two, one endorsing the administration of James Buchanan, and the other endorsing the nomination of Mr. Buchanan's trusty friend, William P. Schell, the nominee of the Nigger Democracy for Congress in this District--both of which the gentleman read with a significant air of triumph.

Among the Resolves was one going it strong for the Breckinridge (Cresson fusion) electoral ticket, and another pretending to favor the election of the County ticket of the Nigger Democracy. Everybody understood the meaning of the last-named resolution; if they had dared to rebel against the action of the Douglas nominating convention which placed that ticket before the party for their support, tyrannical though the proceedings of that Convention were, according to their own representations, they knew that the Douglas men would have called a meeting and have read the Breckinridge men of this County out of the party. This was more than they were prepared to encounter. They were satisfied with passing an empty set of resolutions against the action of the recent Douglas Convention, and saving themselves within the pale of the party by promising to support the ticket which that anti-Buchanan Convention put in nomination.

After the Resolutions were read a young gentleman from London was called upon and took the floor. He proceeded to discuss the resolutions in a style which was very creditable for one of his years--he having evidently not tarried in Jerricho long enough for his beard to have grown--and which, having been carefully committed, was very well declaimed. If he had given credit to Webster, and other statesman from whom he quoted the most beautiful portions of his sophomorical exhibition, he would not have seemed to be guilty of plagiarism.

Mr. Brewer followed in his usual, easy style; but had like to draw tears from "eyes unused to weeping" by declaring that there was danger of Washington's grave being translated to some foreign land if the Cresson fusion ticket, and its candidate, John B. Breckinridge, should be defeated.

Mr. Douglas--not the "little giant," but our fellow-townsman--next responded to the calls of the meeting in a short speech, which never touched one of the Resolves, nor enlightened the people on the all-important subject--the object of the meeting.

After the last speaker took his seat the Resolutions and preamble were passed in a lump. One of the orators of the occasion asked another of them to call for three cheers, and he asked the third speaker to call for them, but, as neither liked to venture upon so hazardous an undertaking, the meeting dispersed as quietly and solemnly as though they had just been attending a funeral.

Our County Ticket
(Column 3)
Summary: A bit of advice to Republican voters against voting for Locofocos who claim not to want the defeat the entire Republican ticket, but just to win their personal elections.
Presto, Change
(Column 4)
Summary: A note of inconsistency by the Times (a.k.a. "Shetter Weed") who supports Foster because he was nominated before the Democrats' division, and yet it also supports Schell, from Beford, for the local district, who was nominated after the split.
(Names in announcement: William P. Schell)
Tell The Truth, Once
(Column 4)
Summary: The Repository accuses the Chambersburg Times for publishing a number of lies in its most recent edition--particularly their description of the Wide Awakes.
Town Clique
(Column 4)
Summary: The Repository accuses the Valley Spirit of being two-faced towards Douglas supporters and candidates--calling them the "town Clique" (Keyser, Toms, Hamsher & Co.) --and yet not allowing Democratic opponents (of Douglas candidates) to advertise for their elections in the Spirit.
(Names in announcement: Keyser, Toms, Hamsher)
Full Text of Article:

The last few issues of the Valley Spirit have been loud in denouncing certain Locofoco leaders of this place as the "town clique." What caused the Spirit to break faith with its life-long friends? The managers of that journal have certainly belonged to the "town clique" for some years themselves. We have been informed that an humble number of their party, residing at Fayetteville, who aspired to fill one of the Court House offices, sent to the Spirit office, a short time before the meeting of the Douglas convention, his advertisement accompanied with the cash; but the Spirit, and the "town clique," refused to give him a hearing. The bold few who compose the "town clique" had determined to choke off every person in the party who would dare to run in opposition to the present incumbents--all good, true, loyal Douglas men. The course of the Spirit is somewhat strange, while busily engaged denouncing the Douglas men of Chambersburg as being "the town clique" it is industriously engaged assisting the Douglas leaders to elect the Douglas candidates of the "town clique"--Keyser, Toms, Hamsher & Co.

Good News
(Column 4)
Summary: A response to a Spirit article, which stated that Lincoln's ugliness chased away all his family's and neighbors' 'darkies.'
Full Text of Article:

According to a silly article in the Spirit, our candidate for the Presidency, "honest ole Abe," is so homely that in his infancy his personal appearance frightened all his father's darkies so badly that they ran off from their master; and as he grew larger, and mingled with other boys, he frightened the slaves of his neighbors so that they took to their heels, which caused the owners of human chattles [sic] to beseech him to leave Kentucky.

If this be true, it is one of the strongest arguments in favor of the Election of Mr. LINCOLN, for if he can be of so much service as to frighten all the darkies in the country to leave, we will have, what we should have--a nation of Free Whites. The Spirit, then, unless its love for Sambo is too strong, will assist in the consummation of so desirable a result.

Strasberg Meeting
(Column 5)
Summary: Mention of a Republican meeting in Letterkenny Sept. 15th, where Col. F. S. Stumbaugh, L. S. Clarke Esq. and George Eyster Esq. spoke.
(Names in announcement: Col. F. S. Stumbaugh, L. S. ClarkeEsq., George EysterEsq.)
The Jack Knife Coming
(Column 5)
Summary: The editors report that Lincoln plans to send the editor of the Spirit a jack knife, since he is even more homely than Lincoln.
Voters Remember!
(Column 5)
Summary: A reminder to voters not to vote for D. K. Wunderlich for U. S. Senator, since this is one less vote of support for the principles and planks of the Republican party.
(Names in announcement: D. K. Wunderlich)
Herschel V. Johnson
(Column 5)
Summary: The editors remind readers of the pending visit to Chambersburg by Mr. Johnson, and also his pro-slave property rights in the Territories.
The Reign Of Terror
(Column 6)
Summary: Report of Texas and other states blaming and lynching negroes and abolitionists for various crimes (some of which they apparently did not commit) ie. murder, insurrection, theft of a slave.
Origin of Article: The Harrisburg Telegraph

-Page 05-

Description of Page: biography on Carl Schurz; advertisements.

Rotary Harrow
(Column 2)
Summary: Mention of a rotary harrow sent to W. S. Everett, Esq. the Secretary of the Farmers and Mechanics Industrial Association of Franklin Co., who has given it to A. R. Herst, Franklin Hall, who will show it to neighboring farmers. It will be displayed at the fair.
(Names in announcement: W. S. EverettEsq., A. R. Herst)
Another Wide-Awake Club
(Column 2)
Summary: Announcement by J. H. Criswell, Pres. and S. H. McElroy, Sec. that the Republicans of Scotland have organized a Wide-Awake Club of fifty members. Chosen officers: J. S. Chambers, Captain; B. W. Wallace, 1st Lieutenant; Henry Sleichter, 2nd Lieutenant.
(Names in announcement: J. S. Chambers, G. W. Wallace, Henry Sleichter, J. H. Criswell, S. H. McElroy)
Committee Of Reception
(Column 2)
Summary: The list of men who will meet Col. Curtin and Carl Schurz, Esq. at the railroad, and escort them to Chambersburg.
(Names in announcement: I. H. McCauleyEsq., George A. DeitzEsq., A. D. CaufmanEsq., John G. A. DennerlineEsq., William McLellanEsq., Jacob SchafferEsq., T. J. EarlyEsq., P. B. HousumEsq., F. HenningerEsq., A. N. RankinEsq.)
Progress Of The Vote Of Pennsylvania
(Column 2)
Summary: A list, beginning in 1790, that indicates the gubernatorial candidates and their election results.
Origin of Article: The Lancaster Union
Editorial Comment: The Vote In All The Gubernatorial Contests

-Page 06-

Description of Page: Religious and agricultural articles; advertisements.

-Page 07-

Description of Page: Romance stories; articles on Indians and Japan; Advertisements

-Page 08-

[No Title]
(Column 1)
Summary: Note of a railroad injury on the Saratoga and Washington train--a man was jolted off the car, and was crushed and mangled.
(Column 1)
Summary: On Sept. 4th, Rev. F. Dyson married Cadwalader J. Keesecker to Margaret A. Vanderaw, both of Franklin Co. On Sept. 13th, in Fayetteville, Rev. Z. A. Colestock married George Lackens to Amanda C. Gossert, both of Quincy township. On Sept. 13th, Rev. S. McHenry married William R. Pensinger to Louisa M. Wunderlich, both of the vicinity of Mercersburg.
(Names in announcement: Rev. F. Dyson, Mr. Cadwalader J. Keesecker, Miss Margaret A. Vanderaw, Rev. Z. A. Colestock, Mr. George Lackens, Amanda C. Gossert, Rev. S. McHenry, Mr. William R. Pensinger, Miss Louisa M. Wunderlich)
(Column 1)
Summary: On Sept. 14th, Mrs. Owen, widow of John Owen and mother of three pastors, died in Lurgan township at age 63. On Aug. 8th, Hugh Crawford died in Green township at age 76.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Owen, John Owen, Rev. Owen, Rev. Owen, Rev. Owen, Mr. Hugh Crawford)