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Franklin Repository: September 2, 1863

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-Page 01-

The Draft In The 16th District
(Column 1)
Summary: Lists the men drafted from the sixteenth district, Pennsylvania. Paul Hartamn and John Feteberger reside in Antrim Township. The following are noted as "colored": D. J. Lewis, George Mason, John Miller, John Hemsley, Thomas Ruffins, Joseph Harrison, Reuben Streeks, Robert Streets, Lewis Omstead, James Jordan, William H. Jefferson, Moses Anderson, Reuben Banks, William H. Lupton, George Butts, George Jefferson, David M. Grew, Charles Green, David Robison, Rovert Olmstead, Jacob Castleman, and Appleton Evans. John Bush is noted as "of A." John L. Grove is noted as "of P." W. Snider is noted as a "conductor." Patrick McGaffigan and George E. Eyster are from Chambersburg (north ward) and the following are noted as "colored": Jacob Bowman, Reuben Banks, William Taylor, and Henry Lewis. William Heyser Jr. and Bernard T. Fellows are from Chambersburg (south ward) and the following are noted as "colored": Strother Whielow, David Whiten, Daniel Berry, Charles Carter, Wesley Jackson, Edward Moten, Daniel Newman, and Jesse Norris. George Smith is noted as "of John." Thomas J. Herron and Isaac N. Seibert are from Fannett Township, and John H. Conrad and Andrew F. Smith are noted as "colored." John D. Lehman and William H. Harkelroad are from Green Township, and the following are noted as "colored": Peter Gragan, Berk Lane, John M. Brooks, Daniel Fields, Washington Jordan, James Russel, Benjamin Thomas, Alex Reamer, and George Leckly. Jacob H. Wingert and David Shetter are from Guilford Township, and the following are noted as "colored": Reuben Smith, James Hill, William Moore, James Boyd, William Tolbert, George H. Bessicks, and Elijah Hammett. John Shuman and William Brumbaugh are from Hamilton Township, and the following are noted as "colored": Jas. R. Banks, James Williams, and William Jackson. William Cramer and Adam Frank are from Letterkenny Township. Adam Colman and John Wuncoop Jr. are from Lurgan Township, and John Dehaven is noted as "of Jno." and Charles Giles is noted as "colored." John Rosenberry and Solomon Hancock are from Metal Township, and George Smith is noted as "colored." James M. Bradley and Jno Shoemaker are from Montgomery Township, and the following are noted as "colored": Henry Campbell, Isaac Harrison, Robert Stoner, William Peterson, Eli Carson, Elias Carson, Jas. T. Hattoway, Jno. Chambers, Jno. Parker, Jona Burgess, Jacob Demus, Finley Cuff, Nathan Cuff, and David Keyser. William Rankin and Monroe McPherson are from Peters Township, and the following are noted as "colored": William Williams, Henry Cooper, James Bailey, Jos. Thompson, Henry Johnson, Jacob Sprinkle, Samuel Cuff, John Ledge, and Daniel Hays. Jesse L. Bear and Dr. James B. Miller are from Quincy Township, and the following are noted as "colored": Edward Lee, Frank Hubbert, Otho Campbell, Solomon Patterson, and Thomas Patterson. Amos Knepper is "of P." Jacob Monn is "of J." William Null is "of Jonathan." John Mentzer is "of John." William Mentzer is "of Jos." Alexander Knepper is "of A." Solomon Stamy is "of A." Abraham Stamy is "of Sol." Nicholas Houser and Jacob Shew are from St. Thomas Township. Isaac Zearfoss and Samuel Zook are from Southampton Township, and the following are noted as "colored": John Hull, William Shirk, Danson Draper, and John Lewart. David Tenly and William Stone are from Warren Township. William F. Miller and Henry Walter are from Washington Township, and the following are noted as "colored": Samuel H. Matthews, William Kettle, William Johnston, John Butler, Robert Brown, and John Kettle. John Stoner is noted as "of A."
(Names in announcement: Paul Hartman, Henry Stoner, D. J. Lewis, Henry Cordel, George Mason, George Mason, John Miller, Frederick Pfoutz, David Good, Jacob W. Poole, John McDowell, Emanuel Bowers, Hamsher Clippinger, James Sites, Reed W. Barntisel, James S. Kunkleton, Samuel Phillipy, John Hemsley, Joseph W. Bradley, Daniel J. Coakley, Daniel Strine, Thomas Ruffins, Benjamin Bert, John A. Marshal, A. R. Davison, Michael D. Reamer, William Snider, Patrick Burns, Joseph Harrison, Jeremiah Walter, Henry Walck, Reuben Streeks, Thomas Skeggs, Robert Streets, Jacob Shatzer, John Wilt, David C. Brandt, Joseph Wallick, Jacob Barnheart, Jacob Gerhart, Abraham Saylor, James A. Fleming, Christian Whitmore, Jere Hollinger, John H. Baltzley, Joseph Stoner, Abraham Bowman, J. W. P. Reed, John Bush, John Conrad, William H. Foreman, George D. Carl, Maun, Daneil Baker, Joseph Sheely, Daniel Leckrone, John Young, Levi B. Burger, James A. Doyle, Jeremiah Pensinger, John Swisher, H. V. Hartman, John Hinkle, Thomas Keller, Jacob Hess, Lewis Gilbert, Daniel Hollinger, Peter Strine, Hiram R. Fetterhoof, Frederick Hochlan, Samuel Ilgenfritz, Lewis Omstead, Jacob Strine, John Miller, Daniel Snively, Jacob L. Detrick, James Jordan, John Osburn, Peter Morgal, Jacob B. Zook, Christopher C. Pentz, Simon P. Shoaff, Wm. M. Bradley, Philip Goetz, Wm. H. Jefferson, William H. Craig, John Newman, Moses Anderson, Reuben Banks, Frederick Bushman, Frank Peterson, Reuben Weiser, Peter Frank, Jacob Linn, Jacob Craley, William Lupton, Johnson Binkley, John L. Grove, Jacob S. Shindle, George Gates, George Butts, Frederick Besecker, John M. Brown, George Jefferson, Andrew Patterson, Emanuel P. Cump, Isaac KuhnJr., Jacob Kreiner, Joseph Martin, David B. Grew, George Goetz, James Shirey, David Eshelman, Charles Green, David Robison, William Snively, Jacob Gsell, George G. Keefer, Jacob G. Somers, Samuel Ebbert, Josiah Lesher, John Morgenthal, W. Snider, Casper Hartman, Charles Nowell, Samuel Leedy, Robert Olmstead, Andrew J. Brubaker, Pinkney Cleary, Jacob Cstleman, Jeremiah Leiter, David Harper, David Zeigler, George Barnhart, John Powell, William Clopper, Jacob Wilt, Jerome Detrich, Daniel Sourbeck, Jacob Pensinger, Daniel Brubaker, John Gossert, Jacob S. Smith, Conrad Knode, Appleton Evans, John Felteberger, Patrick McGaffigan, Moses Greenawalt, Frank Snider, Daniel Washabaugh, Levi D. C. Houser, Robert Highlands, John Mellinger, Samuel S. Shryock, Benjamin H. Cook, William Beaver, Samuel Newman, John Mulnix, Alouisis Cook, Jno. S. Heck, Edward Fetter, Dr. Jno. Montgomery, Benjamin Fahnestock, George Vance, Daniel Booz, David Essom, Tench McDowell, William Hutton, Peter Lensbower, James P. McClintock, Benjamin Zook, Jacob Bowman, George Yeager, George W. Daly, A. R. Shaw, Peter Danner, William Alexander Lack, Michael M. Grove, John Little, George Cole, John Burger, Thomas Cook, Edward Beecher, Andrew Eiker, Philip Florich, Levi Leidy, Solomon Allison, Henry Peiffer, Snively Strickler, Allen C. McGrath, William Peiffer, John S. Embich, Peter Holinhaus, Christian Remp, Reuben Banks, Bosford B. Henshey, Thomas L. Fletcher, William Brownson, Adam Bowers, William Finefrock, Martin Ludwig, George EysterProv. Marshal, D. B. Nase, Robert C. McCurdy, Jas. E. Eckenrode, Allison McDowell, George W. Welsh, Ed. G. Etter, William Moug, Augustus Erbsmelh, William H. Houghland, Osburn Race, Henry Bowers, Daniel Ward, William Taylor, Henry Lewis, A. M. Trimmer, George Detrich, Anthony Hollar, George Dunsherger, John W. Schlosser, Jacob Lightner, Franklin Funk, B. Latrobe Maurer, Hiram M. White, John Pickel, Cyrus Sprecher, Andrew J. Miller, Chas H. Bush, Franklin Rinehart, Christian Elser, James Eckenrode, John C. Anderson, George S. Eyster, William HeyserJr., Christian Smith, John Smith, Philip Selic, Patrick O'Hare, A. W. Wilt, Strother Whitelow, David Whiten, John R. Clippingr, P. Dock Frey, Henry W. Leidig, James H. Mason, John C. Aughinbaugh, J. N. Shillito, Benjamin C. Ross, George Palmer, Thomas J. Nill, Elijah Wallace, Robert W. More, William Clugston, Daniel Berry, D. Brainerd Kirby, Adam Smith, William I. Cook, Rev. B. Bausman, D. H. Seibert, Frank A. Miller, John Link, John W. Jones, George Humelsine, George Johnson, Menares Humelsine, D. Spangler Earley, Joseph Cline, Dr. J. L. Suesserott, John Pugh, Charles Carter, George M. Christ, Joseph Freeland, Jacob Cramer, John S. Reasner, Wesley Jackson, David Chamberlain, George H. Deem, Wilson H. Reilly, Henry Sockman, Simon Etchberger, William Fahnestock, John Fisher, Thomas Gardner, Edward Moten, B. Y. Hamshire, George Hita, John M. Stevenson, J. G. A. Dennerline, George Monat, Bernard Radebaugh, Henry Keagy, Daniel Newman, Jacob Spangler, Jacob Heid, Jesse Norris, Andrew Link, John A. Seiders, Bernard Fellows, Thomas J. Herron, William C. Shearer, Peter Coons, George Stake, N. D. Stark, Daniel Piper, Solomon Varner, Horace A. Campbell, William H. Eckenrode, John A. McCurdy, George Burk, Anderson Bears, John W. Campbell, John H. Conrad, George Peck, Calvin M. Skinner, Sylvester S. Price, John Evetts, John A. Clark, Simon Devoe, Simon Neil, Richard W. Morrow, William Shaffer, William Fortney, John J. Forston, Jonathan Shearer, Andrew J. Smith, Franklin Peifer, Amos Neil, William J. Harris, Daniel C. Hammon, John B. Stubs, Rev. Miller, James McEnspy, Isaac Riefsnider, Daniel B. Shields, Brice Zeigler, George Wolf, William L. Dearing, Ashberry J. Clark, Jeremiah Bear, James J. McMullen, Jacob Shetter, Amos Shearer, Franklin Gamble, Paul Mull, William H. Wilson, Simon M. French, James Calbertson, Andrew J. Logan, Eli Stake, Thomas J. Doyle, James M. Gamble, Morrow R. Gamble, James M. Wilson, Dr. James Crawford, Jacob Zeigler, David J. Carmony, Samuel M. McVitey, James M. Creamer, Samuel H. Wilson, Isaac N. Seibert, John D. Lehman, Peter Gragan, Mat. R. Macken, Mathias Glass, Obed Mentzer, William Calomel, William Reed, Adam Viehl, Jacob Bollinger, John Rowe, William Pentz, Isaac Secrist, John Ault, G. H. Cook, Berk Lane, Daniel Lehman, James Cross, Daniel Eley, David Heysinger, Henry Reber, John M. Brooks, Daniel Fields, A. M. Criswell, George Stumbaugh, Lucius R. Swiney, John E. Wingert, Jacob Glass, Brown Prim, William D. Gill, John Hambright, Daniel Coyle, Samuel Sherman, Abraham Long, Jeremiah Brown, Washington Jordan, William A. Mountz, Dr. George W. Smith, James Russel, Jonathan P. Snider, Israel Sollenberger, Jacob Brown, James M. Whitiwer, Elkanah Russell, Francis M. Kuhn, Benjamin Thomas, Alex Reamer, Samuel Mours, George Andrews, Daniel Unger, H. K. Byers, Edw. Tuckey, Jere. Hannon, John McKee, James Tolbert, Theodore Colby, Thomas Shawallow, Henry Frederick, John Wallsmith, George Leckly, Jacob Secrist, John Vaniear, John Peale, Solomon Pogue, Samuel Diehl, W. A. Snider, Jacob Frey, Samuel Umstadt, Abraham Brechbill, James Dysert, John H. Etter, John Long, Peter Gockley, John Youst, David Greenawalt, H. A. Cook, William H. Harkelroad, Jacob H. Wingert, Jacob H. Whitmore, Benjamin Lemon, James Stull, Logan Kennedy, John Sitzman, Reuben Smith, Leander M. Snyder, James Hill, Samuel B. Forney, Adam V. Small, John Gelwicks, Henry B. Strickler, George McFerran, William Moore, Frederick Jones, Leander H. Small, John C. Tritle, Jeremiah Mannon, John Snider, Jacob Winger, Jacob K. Flock, Joseph F. Hoover, David A. Hassler, Frederick Crawford, Peter Cook, Samuel Bitner, Peter S. Hepfer, Adam S. Vanderaw, John H. Crawford, Christopher C. Lehman, David H. Burkholder, Patrick Donnelly, William H. Aldridge, Jacob L. Wingert, Daniel P. Burkholder, George Miller, Rudolph Shetter, Amos J. Sellers, John C. Shaffer, Jackson Wolfkill, David Bitner, James Boyd, William Tolbert, John S. Hege, Samuel S. Frederick, Levi Keller, George H. Bessicks, Jno. W. Miller, Samuel Grossman, William Aughinbaugh, Samuel Warner, Albert Lowry, Mathew McFerran, Christian Bitner, Philip Sheotz, Thomas Miller, Mathew McFerran, Joshua Bear, William George, Anthony Brown, T. D. Renfrew, George McCanus, David Clugston, George W. Wolff, Dymond Brown, Jno. A. Brown, Elijah Hammett, George S. Wingert, David Overcash, Mart. L. Branthafer, James Giles, Samuel McKenzie, William S. Reed, Albert Sowers, John E. Crawford, William H. Zumbro, Levi Lochbaum, David Shetter, John Shuman, Samuel Gillan, Adam Yost, Samuel Poe, Jacob Sollenberger, Jacob Etter, Henry H. Miller, J. W. McCleary, David Armstrong, Abraham Hunsecker, David Raffensberger, Casper Aungabrand, William Evans, Jas. R. Banks, John Parks, James McAleer, Andrew Fraker, Jesse W. Henry, Henry Fauble, Samuel ReisherJr., George Grove, John Albert, James Willaims, John Diehl, Christian Ebersole, Jacob Strock, Reubens Palmer, George Painter, David Ward, Abraham Brumbaugh, David Martin, William Jackson, Cyrus F. Kelly, Samuel Newcomer, Jacob Johnston, William Brumbaugh, William Cramer, McGinly Stach, Jno. R. Pilgrim, Samuel H. Miller, David Zollinger, Simon Gloss, David K. Hostetter, Samuel K. Lehman, William Thomas, John A. Dice, Solomon Cramer, Franklin Rosenberry, George Pugh, David Guyer, Alex O'Donnell, Samuel Henrie, Henry Forrester, Isaac H. Cauffman, James Doeher, Jno. Lingle, Elias Shearer, Abram D. Wingert, Henry Nye, Moses Hall, David Naylor, Isaac S. Brubaker, Samuel Sprecher, Solomon Bettz, Lewis Gloss, Zephaniah Hartzell, John H. Burt, John K. Weaver, George Yoe, John Dixon, John Rosenberry, Adam G. Myers, Cosmos K. Fortnay, Isaac G. Baker, M. A. G. Keefer, Christian Shuman, David S. Byers, David Mahony, William H. Gelwix, Lewis H. Sprecher, Samuel Gayman, Harvey Carbaugh, Jacob Gruber, Jos. W. Hoover, Adam Frank, Adam Colman, David Bitner, Henry C. Rebuck, Christian Myers, Robert Patterson, Henry Stayman, Jacob Kohr, Philip Dehaven, Charles W. Taylor, Elias J. Wilson, William Bitner, Joseph W. Cover, David A. Stouffer, Benjamin Hoover, Samuel Pisle, Abraham Rebuck, Simon Shuman, Andrew Burkholder, Andrew Long, John Dehaven, Jacob Naylor, Rev. Jeremiah Clay, John C. Rafsnider, David Spear, John Woods, Theoph Shoemader, Charles Giles, George W. Kohr, John L. Rebuck, John M. Diehl, William T. Long, John WyncoopJr., John Rosenberry, John Butts, Alfred J. Kent, Carl G. Gallaher, John T. Moore, Thomas J. McLaughlin, Samuel A. Shearer, Alex C. McLean, Wilson Mort, Walter H. Elliot, Oliver S. Brown, David D. Stewart, Amos Devor, Benjamin Johnston, Frederick Gump, Harrison Jones, William Woods, Rev. J. Smith Gordon, George Smith, Aug. J. Noble, Jeremiah Martin, Benjamin Johns, David Kuhn, James Kilpatrick, Joseph Miller, George Price, Milton Hoffmaster, John S. Shafer, Michael Z. Kegerreis, Isaac Gross, William Haiston, James West, John Wolff, Fletcher Noble, Henry Weineman, Solomon Hancock, James M. Bradley, Patterson M. Shields, Christian Plum, Maj. R. S. Brownson, Benjamin Stenger, John F. Seitzeinger, Henry Campbell, Isaac Shoemaker, John J. Bradley, David Grosh, Samuel Bowles, John H. Phreaner, Isaac Harrison, J. G. S. Winger, Samuel L. Potter, John H. Brubaker, Samuel Hornbaker, William E. McKinstry, John Blair, Thomas McDougal, Isaac Gehr, Samuel M. Worilebaugh, Solomon Campbell, John K. Kreps, Daniel Meyers, William N. McLellan, Robert Stoner, James P. Starliper, Henry Shafer, Patterson Brubaker, David Winger, William Mummert, Peter Peterson, Jacob Hawbecker, Samuel H. Brandt, David Criswell, David Beck, Valentine B. Bohn, David F. McDonald, George W. Palsgrove, Mathew Myers, William St. Clair, George McDonald, Rev. J. W. Beechley, George B. Wise, Samuel Eshelman, Robert S. Finley, William Peterson, William C. Baxter, Jacob H. Brubaker, John Carpenter, Hugh B. Craig, Eli Carson, Simon Zimmerman, George Dorty, James H. Randin, William O. Stains, John F. Besore, John Philippy, John Eckert, John E. Divelbiss, Elias Carson, George W. Divelbiss, J. Watson Craig, Eli McCulloh, Edwin E. Baxter, Peter Shuhman, Jno. W. Pass, George W. Lewis, Jas. T. Hattoway, Jacob E. Divelbiss, William H. Pensinger, William Nisewander, David Lawson, Abraham S. Whitmore, James Snider, William S. Guyer, Elam B. Winger, Jos. Nisewander, James B. Robinson, Jno. Chambers, David Hawbecker, Jno. Parker, Levi Groll, William Starliper, Joseph M. Besore, George A. McCune, George W. Swisher, Benjamin Myers, Matthias Myers, William Elliot, Samuel Hawbecker, Jacob R. Rhoader, John Pallman, Jona Burgess, Thomas C. Metcalf, Jacob Demus, George Smith, Finley Cuff, Matthew Byrne, William Pitman, Gustavus Seely, Daniel McLaughlin, James Lotton, Michael Lawson, Nathan Cuff, David H. Wolff, William Runnell, David Keyser, Conrad Freshwood, Jno. Shoemaker, William Rankin, Jacob Hege, William Williams, Andrew A. Myers, Samuel Sollenberger, George Lininger, William Morter, George Sheppard, Adam N. Rider, Joseph Wall, Archibald Keyser, Henry Cooper, Samuel Mummert, Samuel C. Alexander, Seth Dickey, David Little, Joseph McKinnie, William Wolff, George Deck, Hiram Shatzer, William McKinnie, Jacob Altar, James Bailey, John Clapsaddle, Jos. Thompson, Frederick Toll, John Grimes, Samuel Dickhout, Daniel Bitner, Samuel Stenger, Samuel Hollinger, Henry Johnson, Andrew Shultz, Daniel Baird, Jackson Hassler, Peter Mowry, George Cook, Jacob Sprinkle, Thomas Daily, John Shelly, Jacob Greenawalt, Peter Dickhout, George Williams, Samuel Brindle, Samuel Myers, Samuel Cuff, Jacob Frick, Joseph Burkholder, Joshua Benedict, Luther P. Benedict, Henry M. Hawbecker, John Farner, John A. Houpt, John Ledge, Samuel Dick, Samuel Lininger, Augustus Brinkly, Samuel McGuire, Daniel Hays, Abraham Over, William McDowell, John Reed, Adam Kuhn, George Glee, John Shultz, John Barger, John McCurdy, Hugh Unger, John Shatzer, James Alexander, Joseph Fulton, Isaac Allison, Monroe McPherson, Jesse S. Bear, Jeremiah Zody, William Kauffman, Eli Mickley, Basil McNew, Levi D. Heffner, George Zody, Amos Knepper, John A. Frederick, John S. Gondar, George Myers, Peter Carpet, Andrew J. Knepper, William Orndorff, Josiah Mentzer, David M. Lowry, John Knepper, Oliver Seabrooks, John Seillielmer, Daniel Pence, John L. Metcalf, Aaron Lowry, Edward Lee, Oliver Speilman, Isaac R. Shank, Jacob Monn, Philip P. Wiles, Daniel Heilane, William Knepper, Samuel B. Wingert, William Null, Joshua Decker, Thomas Wilson, Ephraim Moats, William Gussert, Lewis Carbaugh, Frank Hubbert, Caleb Carbaugh, Harrison Pentz, David MentzerJr., John M. Good, John Ritter, Otho Campbell, Hugh B. Maxwell, John Mentzer, William Mentzer, John Sprow, Christopher Heefner, George Carter, Alexander Knepper, William Bute, Solomon Stamy, Abraham Stamy, Samuel Heefner, Solomon Patterson, John ReunekerJr., John Oyler, Dr. T. M. Kennedy, George Dull, William Rock, Jacob Summers, William F. Monn, Henry Deardorff, Michael Bumbaugh, Thomas Patterson, John Scott, Josiah Miller, Elias Null, John Walk, Abraham Kissecker, James C. Kraps, John Hibbard, Dr. James B. Miller, Nicholas Houser, William Gelwicks, George Baker, Jacob Brindle, Henry Byers, John Bermont, David Brake, Thomas Trumphour, John O. Wingert, William Treher, Albertus Hicks, John Straightiff, Solomon Hollar, Jacob F. Reamer, Tyres Enterline, Peter Shatzer, Joseph Sixeas, Augustus Baker, John R. Tankersley, Andrew Cline, Abraham Hafer, Jacob Plum, Solomon Crider, W. H. H. Betz, Joseph Taylor, William Snow, Joseph Hollar, John BrakeJr., Samuel Lohr, Henry Heckman, Daniel Sellers, Jacob H. Detrick, Jacob Strock, Amos McCullough, Henry Helman, John Musselman, William Martin, George Stump, John C. Gilbert, Samuel Armstrong, Samuel K. Furley, Jacob Shew, Isaac Zearfoss, Lorenzo D. Muckey, John Hollary, Joseph Byers, John Gelwicks, Samuel G. Breckinridge, William H. Barklow, David McCreary, John A. Snider, David Eberly, William Wallace, Charles A. Wolfe, William Nave, John Hull, William Shirk, B. Frank Irwin, Henry Koser, William Smith, Simon Daihl, Richard Carr, John Kore, David Minnich, Jacob S. Fetter, Henry Spencer, Reuben Ogle, Joseph R. Kindig, William Skiles, Samuel B. Wise, Rev. Isaiah Baltzell, John H. McMullin, James H. Kauffman, Danson Draper, Josiah Etter, John Lewart, Jacob W. Shirk, Thomas Kyner, Henry Stumbaugh, David E. Kindig, Peter Foreman, Henry Cockley, Michael Hassler, Isaac Killinger, Jacob Holdry, John Hoover, Samuel Zook, David Tenly, David J. Cullar, Henry Cole, William Hull, Martin Keefer, Jacob Yeagle, J. C. McCulloh, Samuel Searolt, William D. Myers, Joseph E. Phenicie, A. S. McCulloh, William N. Starlipper, Denton Brewer, John Fritz, John Coser, Christian S. Bitner, Peter Hull, Samuel C. McCulloh, William Stone, William F. Miller, Lewis Fitz, William Mort, David Ditch, Samuel Needy, Henry Masters, Jacob E. Price, Samuel Null, John Masters, Jacob D. High, Jacob Miller, David F. Stoner, Henry Swisher, Hilkish R. Gaff, John R. Sellers, David R. Fitz, William G. Nevin, Michael HonstineJr., John Roof, David Reichard, Abraham Stamy, Michael Kriner, David Logan, Thomas W. Andlesparger, Simon Mickly, Henry H. Miller, Samuel H. Matthews, William L. Hamilton, Thomas H. Hollingsworth, Peter Wiles, George Lysinger, James Bolt, John Stoner, Josiah Bakener, Daniel Tritle, Thomas S. Cunningham, Charles N. Shrader, William H. Snider, Theodore Whitmore, George Hollinberger, George W. Sarbaugh, Daniel W. Mickley, Frederick Leashure, Joseph Hess, Samuel Wetzel, Jonathan Bowman, John Dreixler, Samuel Morehead, George Lysinger, Augustus J. Ripple, William Hall, Henry J. Strealy, George F. Hannicle, Adam Stoler, Charles H. Dickel, George W. Ford, Henry Cleverstone, Henry C. Null, Henry Dowler, John M. Bender, John Byers, Benjamin Funk, Peter Johns, George M. Flory, Christian Hineman, John H. Miller, Upton M. Bell, Francis Robison, Daniel Wolff, David L. McDermot, Lewis S. Fisher, John Royer, Jacob Hoffman, Israel Bear, John F. Rider, Frank F. Hollingsworth, William Kettle, William A. Tritle, Jonathan Fourthman, William H. Beam, Frederick K. Tritle, Alexander Hamilton, William Johnston, John Shatzer, David Mort, John L. Shockey, William S. Koons, Henry Manns, John Lowe, John Butler, John H. John, Robert Brown, Isaac Hutz, John Cordel, John Kettle, George W. Walker, Christian Hoffman, John Stamy, Henry Walter)

-Page 02-

Description of Page: The page includes advertisements.

Maryland To Pennsylvania
(Column 3)
Summary: Reprints articles form the Hagerstown Herald and the Baltimore Patriot that support the re-election of Gov. Curtin and praise his abilities and support of the war.
What The Union Administration Has Done
(Column 4)
Summary: Praises Gov. Curtin's efforts. The article also lists the accomplishments of the National Union Administration which includes a national paper currency, a protective tariff, the abolition of slavery and polygamy, and the addition of Kansas to the Union.
Governor Curtin
(Column 4)
Summary: Praises Gov. Curtin's character and efforts in office.
Origin of Article: St. Louis Democrat
Editorial Comment: "In the following, from St. Louis Democrat, the highest compliment is paid to the great earnestness and patriotic energy displayed by the Governor of Pennsylvania. The Democrat regards his election as of national importance:"

-Page 03-

Description of Page: The page includes advertisements.

Speech Of General Sickles
(Column 1)
Summary: Describes Gen. Sickles response to a serenade. He praised his connection to his troops and looks forward to an end to the war.
Senator Rice On Democracy
(Column 1)
Summary: Prints the words of a former Democratic Senator from Minnesota, Rice: "the object of the rebellion is to destroy the principal of Democracy. The Party which stands by the Government is the true Democracy. Every soldier in the army is a true Democrat."

-Page 04-

Description of Page: The page includes news of politics in various locales.

Rebel Retaliation
(Column 1)
Summary: This article gives a history of the rebel responses to Union arrests and executions of rebel soldiers--usually for murder or treasonous action on Union soil. Repeatedly, the Confederacy would threaten to executed Union soldier prisoners in retaliation to the executions--and occasionally follow through with the threat.
[No Title]
(Column 3)
Summary: Responds to Philadelphia Daily Age article that mocked the Repository's criticism of York County (which apparently supports Judge Woodward). The Repository reminds its readers that York County made a treaty with the invading rebel forces and that its support of Woodward would not provide enough votes needed for his election.
Jeff. Davis
(Column 3)
Summary: Scoffs at Jefferson Davis's offer to enlist blacks in exchange for their freedom and fifty acres of land. The Repository points out that blacks already possessed their freedom and that Davis possessed no land to give.
Full Text of Article:

Jeff. Davis has issued nearly a score of bombastic proclamations threatening the direst vengeance upon negro troops and their officers in the Union service, although he was always using them in a small way himself, and would have used thousands more but for the fact that they generally landed in our lines as deserters. Now, however, his universal conscription having failed--Vicksburg, Port Hudson, Tullahoma, Gettysburg, Helena and Charleston having made rebel ghosts play fantastic tricks before him, foreign intervention having been indefinitely postponed for want of a respectable belligerent power to recognize--the New York riots and Governor Seymour's "friends" having collapsed into a decent respect for an aroused loyal sentiment and a few thousand bayonets--he plays his last card by calling out 500,000 negro troops for the rebel service, and promises them freedom and fifty acres of land. We are glad that Jeff. in the madness of his desperation has planted himself bravely in his "last ditch." If ever there were any doubts about the Emancipation Proclamation, he has brushed them away like so many cobwebs by calling out the slaves as regular troops. Thus does crime ever overleap itself, and however subtle and well devised its schemes, it always leaves open some avenue for retribution.

We will now have tested the tendency of the slaves. If they love slavery they will fight for it--if they love freedom they will turn upon the power that calls them to fight for their own enslavement and strike their deadliest blows. In this crowning folly of treason, the last hope of slavery dies out in the Western World.

It was Sheridan, we believe, who when he threatened to cut a reckless boy off with a shilling was answered--"very well, father, but where is the shilling to come from?" It is all very well for Jeff. Davis to promise negroes freedom, when they are already free, and fifty acres of land each when neither Jeff. nor his pretended government own so much as a foot of land, save what forgiving humanity may yield for a traitor's grave.

[No Title]
(Column 3)
Summary: Responds to the Lancaster Intelligencer's skepticism of Curtin's patriotism and charge that Curtin has no son or relative in the army. The Repository argues that Curtin's son is only 10 years old and that Curtin does have relatives fighting in the war, including Gen. Gregg and his two brothers.
At Last
(Column 4)
Summary: Responds to the Spirit's assertions of rebel humanity with the burial and funeral of a dead Union soldier and of Union inhumanity in refusing to bury Col. Carter. The Repository argues that the Union buried Carter and that numerous reports of atrocious treatment of Union soldiers by the rebels circulate.
(Column 5)
Summary: Deems the Patriot and Union as "traitorous," in its defense of rebels who destroyed and murdered in Lawrence.
Lieut. John Stewart
(Column 5)
Summary: Reports the appointment of John Stewart, the former adjutant of the 126th Regiment, as the Chairman of the Union County Committee.
(Names in announcement: Lieut. John Stewart)
(Column 5)
Summary: Describes the Union ratification meeting, the speech of Major Wayne McVeigh, the Union State Committee, and Democratic and Union nominations.
Trailer: Tuscarora
Brief War Items
(Column 6)
Summary: Reports brief war items including the capture of the Rebel Gen. Jeff. Thompson and staff at Arkansas and the seizure of 100,00 bales of rebel cotton near Natchez.

-Page 05-

Fort Moultrie, Gregg and Beauregard Shelled for Three Hours
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports news from Charleston including information on Fort Moultrie, Gregg, and Beauregard.
From Newbern. A Rebel War Vessel Runs The Blockade. Jeff. Davis calls for 500,000 Black Troops. They are offered Freedom and Fifty Acres of Land
(Column 1)
Summary: Describes news from Newbern including details on the running of the blockade by a rebel war vessel, the fourth to cross the blockade in six weeks. The article also discusses Jefferson Davis's call for 500,000 black troops.
[No Title]
(Column 1)
Summary: Describes a recent meeting between Gen. Meredith, Union Commissioner for the exchange of prisoners, and the Rebel Commissioner of Exchanges to finalize details. The article also includes news of the Army of the Cumberland crossing the Tennessee river.
An Honest Confession
(Column 2)
Summary: Reprints the Raleigh Standard's article that depicts the exhaustion of the Confederate troops and predicts the invigoration of the Union army with the draft.
Origin of Article: The Raleigh Standard
Editorial Comment: "Unlike several of our Northern journals, the Raleigh (North Carolina) Standard considers it a great crime to conceal the truth. It announces that it will, therefore, tell the truth, no matter what may be the consequence and begins by this confession:"
(Column 2)
Summary: On August 20, Rev. McHenry married William Riggeal to Jennie Thompson, both of Loudon.
(Names in announcement: Rev. S. McHenry, Mr. William Riggeal, Miss Jennie Thompson)
(Column 2)
Summary: On August 25, Rev. Deatrich married Joseph Maloy to Sarah Mentzer, both of Franklin County.
(Names in announcement: Rev. W. R. H. Deatrich, Mr. Joseph Maloy, Miss Sarah Mentzer)
(Column 2)
Summary: On August 20, in Chambersburg, Margaret Durboraw died in her 26th year.
(Names in announcement: Margaret Duroboraw)
(Column 2)
Summary: On August 28, in Chambersburg, Ellen, wife of William Kennedy, died in her 26th year.
(Names in announcement: Ellen C. Kennedy, William Kennedy)
(Column 2)
Summary: On August 25, near Fayetteville, Isaac Mull died at the age of 31 years and 28 days.
(Names in announcement: Isaac Mull)
(Column 2)
Summary: On August 24, at the home of his father at Shade Gap, of wounds received at Gettysburg, James Blair died in his 22nd year.
(Names in announcement: James M. Blair, Mr. Blair)
(Column 2)
Summary: On August 21st, in Chambersburg, at the residence of her brother-in-law, John Culbertson, Annie, daughter of James and C. Watson, died in her 22nd year.
(Names in announcement: John P. Culbertson, Annie C. Watson, Mr. James Watson, Mrs. C. Watson)
(Column 2)
Summary: On August 25, in Chambersburg, of bilious remittent fever, Allen, eldest son of William and Isabelia Guthrie, in his 18th year.
(Names in announcement: Allen M Guthrie, William D. Guthrie, Isabelia Guthrie)
(Column 2)
Summary: On August 15, near the State Line, G. Uhler died of the flux at the age of 37 years, 11 months, and 19 days.
(Names in announcement: George UhlerJr.)
(Column 2)
Summary: On August 18, of Diptheria, Alice Ellen, daughter of Absalom and Catharine French, at the age of 9 years, 4 months, and 9 days.
(Names in announcement: Alice Ellen French, Absalom French, Catharine French)
(Column 2)
Summary: On August 17, near Greencastle, Mary Catharine, daughter of Frank Gearhart, aged 4 years, 10 months, and 1 day.
(Names in announcement: Mary Catharine Gearhart, Mr. Frank Gearhart)
(Column 2)
Summary: On August 19, in Montgomery Township, Samuel Smith died in his 43rd year.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Samuel SmithJr.)
(Column 2)
Summary: On August 22nd, near Upton, Isaac Hyssong, died at the age of 30 years, 10 months, and 14 days.
(Names in announcement: Isaac Hyssong)
(Column 2)
Summary: On August 31st, in Chambersburg, John Wesley, youngest son of Christian Stouffer--machinist--died at the age of 5 years, 10 months, and 25 days.
(Names in announcement: John Wesley Stouffer, Christian Stouffer)
Proclamation! General Election
(Column 5)
Summary: Lists the polling places for the October 13 general election. The following residences are listed: House of J. W. Taylor, for South Ward; Public House of John Gordon for Hamilton Township; Public House of M. Shoemaker for part of Green Township; house of J. Harvey for part of Fannett Township; house of G. Anderson for Quincy Township; house of D. Foreman for part of Peters and Montgomery twps.; the school house on the land of M. Cook for Warren Township; house of J. Mullen for par of Peters Township; the log house on the farm of J. Elliott for Welsh Run District, part of Mongomery Township; house of T. McAfee, for parts of Peters and Montgomery Townships.
(Names in announcement: J. W. Taylor, John Gordon, Martin Shoemaker, John Harvey, George Anderson, D. Foreman, Michael Cook, James Mullen, Jacob Elliott, Thomas McAfee, Samuel Brandt)

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Description of Page: The page includes advertisements.

Local Items
(Column 2)
Summary: Discusses local news including a riot at the Repository office. A "maddened crowd" rushed the doors of the building, perhaps angry at the Repository's printing of the lists of drafted men. The occupants protected themselves by throwing objects from the second story windows.
(Names in announcement: Bush, Shryock, Eyster)
The Draft
(Column 2)
Summary: Describes the "jolly" and agreeable atmosphere during the draft proceedings. The author notes that twelve blacks in Chambersburg and twenty-three in Antrim Township were drafted. Despite the objections heard to black enlistment, all seemed "pleased" with the drafting of blacks.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Hamsher)
Full Text of Article:

In this week's issue will be found a completed list of the drafted men for this district. Everything passed off pleasantly at the drawing, though there were no very large crowds in attendance until Franklin county was drawn. On Thursday there was a very large attendance; the street in front of the Provost Marshal's office was packed with people, including quite a number of the fair sex. The crowd evinced their good humor by mock congratulations of the elect, and merriment and pleasant badinage seemed to be the order of the day. The draft, like lightning, seemed to strike just where it pleased, and shouts and laughter rose now from one end and in another moment from quite the other end of the assemblage, and the person hit seemed to enjoy it quite as much as his neighbors. Our neighbor of the Spirit, Mr. Hamsher, was one of the lucky drawers of a prize, and the crowd, pleased at having one of the chief and peculiar defenders of the "constitution as it is and the union as it was," enrolled under the "Starry Banner," evinced their pleasure by three hearty cheers. The drawing of the Provost Marshal's name also brought forth cheers. Our reporter was likewise astonished by hearing his name called out, but as he was a nine-months' man, he didn't seem to mind it much. In the Borough luck seemed particularly to run against the Printers, Druggists, Lawyers, and Butchers. There were eight printers, every druggist that was in the first class, seven lawyers, and eight butchers drafted. Through the district the ministers seemed to suffer. In one township in Fulton County, of the eighteen names that were drawn, six were Mellott's. There were twelve colored persons drawn in Chambersburg, and twenty-three in Antrim Township. Though we have often heard objections made to the enlisting of colored men, at the drawing, everybody seemed pleased when they were drawn, and seemed to think their chances so much the better for it. In some districts two, three, and in our borough, four brothers were drawn. Everything passed off agreeably, and we never saw a more jolly crowd assembled together.

[No Title]
(Column 3)
Summary: Urges farmers to cultivate fruit trees, plants, and vines in the upcoming growing season.
(No Title)
(Column 3)
Summary: Calls attention to the fraud and villainy of the substitute business.
Full Text of Article:

The substitute business has called into action every species of fraud and villainy. The draft opened a new and rich field for the Peter Funks and thimble-riggers generally, and they have plied their new trade with immense profit to themselves and corresponding loss to conscripts and the government. Five men were justly shot in the Army of the Potomac on Saturday last for becoming the instruments of substitute-brokers, by whom they were induced to desert and sell themselves several times over as substitutes.

It is safe as a rule to refuse to have any dealings with wandering substitute-brokers, or those who advertise from the cities that they are prepared to supply substitutes at marvelously low prices. No man can propose to furnish them at low rates without intending to defraud somebody, and those who have no dealings with them will be sure not to be cheated. Mr. J.A. Thompson, of Pittsburgh, advertises in to-day's paper that he can supply substitutes for less than $50, and invites drafted men to remit him ten cents, for which the profound secret will be made known. Mr. Thompson insists upon advertising in the Repository and paying for it, and we accom[m]odate him as we do patent medicines, circuses, monkey-shows and humbugs generally; but it is due to our readers to say that any man who is silly enough to send him ten cents, must have more dimes than he can use profitably. All who desire to deal honestly with themselves and the government, will furnish their own substitutes or otherwise comply with the law.

[No Title]
(Column 3)
Summary: The editors note the death of Helen, wife of Wm. Kennedy, the chief editor of the Spirit and Times. She died on August 28, after having been married only three months.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Helen Kennedy, Wm. KennedyEsq.)
Mr. Joseph Snouffer
(Column 3)
Summary: "Mr. Joseph Snouffer, of Waynesboro, whose arrest we announced last week, has been sent from Gettysburg to Fort M'Henry."
(Names in announcement: Mr. Joseph Snouffer)
Union County Committee
(Column 4)
Summary: Lists the Union County Committee members: Stewart--Chairman; Antrim--Davidson; Chambersburg-North Ward--Foltz; South Ward--Balsley; Dry Run--Everett; Fayetteville--Crawford; Greenvillage--McClay; Guilford--Ferguson; Hamilton--Palmer; Letterkenny--Weist; Loudon--McDowell; Lurgan--Saltsman; Metal--Walker; Mercersburg--Grove; Orrstown--Spencer; Peters--Myers; Quincy--Monn; Southampton--McMullin; St. Thomas--Tankersly; Sulphur Springs--Shearer; Warren--Thomas; Washington--G. W. Walker; Welsh Run--Bowles.
(Names in announcement: John Stewart, William H. Davidson, C. C. Foltz, George J. Balsley, J. W. Everett, John E. Crawford, Dr. C. T. McClay, William Ferguson, J. Palmer, J. R. Weist, J. D. McDowell, John Saltsman, Capt. J. H. Walker, T. C. Grove, David Spencer, J. B. Myers, A. S. Monn, John H. McMullin, John R. Tankersly, J. M. Shearer, John Thomas, George W. Walker, Samuel Bowles)
[No Title]
(Column 4)
Summary: Notes the death of a rebel prisoner, Jas. W. Henderson, of consumption in the Waynesboro hospital. Henderson was buried at the M. E. Church by Rev. Dorsey. He claimed loyalty to the Union on the argument that he was forced into rebel service.
(Names in announcement: Rev. Dr. Dorsey)
Origin of Article: The Waynesboro Record
Horse Thieves
(Column 4)
Summary: Reports the theft of several horses from Daniel Senger, Jacob Zentmyer, and Jacob Newcomer, all of Waynesboro. The article announces the formation of an association to protect citizens from horse theft.
(Names in announcement: Daniel Senger, Jacob Zentmyer, Jacob Newcomer)
[No Title]
(Column 4)
Summary: Warns against "persons representing themselves as having authority to search for captured horses."
(Names in announcement: Col. Thompson)
Democratic County Convention
(Column 4)
Summary: Reports the Democratic nominations: Assembly--J. M'D. Sharpe; Prothonotary--John R. Orr; Reg. and Rec.--S. R. McKesson; Clk. of Courts-H. C. Phenicie. Sharpe, Orr, and McKesson reside in Chambersburg and Phenicie resides in Montgomery.
(Names in announcement: J. M'D. Sharpe, John R. Orr, S. R. McKesson, H. C. Phenicie)
[No Title]
(Column 4)
Summary: Reports the recovery of P. Hamman after a serious illness of several weeks.
(Names in announcement: P. HammanEsq.)
[No Title]
(Column 4)
Summary: Reports the destruction of Plum's barn on August 28 caused by lightning. All his crops and implements as well as two cows and two horses were destroyed.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Plum)
[No Title]
(Column 4)
Summary: Reprints the Greencastle Pilot's statement that "much sickness prevails in that place at present, and that they have lost many of their most useful citizens during the last few months. Since the first of January one firm in the town has made over one hundred coffins."
Origin of Article: The Greencastle Pilot