Franklin Repository: June 15, 1864Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | |
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Description of Page: This page includes the "Political Intelligence" and "Washington" columns. The latter rejoices in the outcome of the Baltimore Convention and Grant's prospects, and ridicules the National Democratic Association, which recently met "in their wigwam." |
Union National Convention!
(Column 1)Summary: A detailed report of the Union National Convention in Baltimore, where Abraham Lincoln was unanimously re-nominated for President, and after some debate, Andrew Johnson was nominated for Vice President. Franklin County, as part of the 16th District, was represented by delegates Edward Scull and John Stewart.The Christian Commission Among the Mountains
(Names in announcement: Edward Scull, John Stewart)
(Column 4)Summary: An account of the "tour among the mountains in Upper Path Valley," undertaken by the committee appointed to collect funds for the Ladies Aid Society Fair. Inclement weather and some obnoxious people aside, the committee returned home with over $150.00 in donations, thanks in part to the sponsorship of the Rev. William A. West, pastor of the Upper Path Valley Church.
(Names in announcement: Rev. William A. West)Editorial Comment: "For the Franklin Repository."
Trailer: The Committee
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Description of Page: Includes a poem, "The Brave at Home," anecdotes, and advertisements, with the following headings: Dry and Fancy Goods; Educational; Watches and Jewelry; Dentistry; Medical. |
Army of the Cumberland
(Column 1)Summary: A stirring report from the front, with detailed descriptions of battles and the deserted countryside that the Union Army is traversing on the way to Atlanta.
Origin of Article: "Camp Battery B., Independent Pa., Six miles south of Kingston, Ga., May 20, 1864."Editorial Comment: "The Campaign in Georgia--Capture of Tunnel Hill--The Enemy Retire from Rocky Face Ridge and Buzzard Roost Gap--Battle of Resaca--Casualties--M'Dowell's Battery -- Col. Gross--The 77th Penna. Vols."
Full Text of Article:The Campaign in Georgia--Capture of Tunnel Hill--The Enemy Retire from Rocky Face Ridge and Buzzard Roost Gap--Battle of Resaca--Casualties--M'Dowell's Battery--Col. Gross--The 77th Penna. Vols.
Correspondence of the Franklin Repository
Camp Battery B, Independent Pa.,
Six miles south of Kingston, Ga.,
May 20th, 1864.On Wednesday, the 4th inst., we received orders to have our tents struck at 12 o'clock, M. [sic], and be ready to march, previously having had eight days rations issued us, three days of which we were to carry in our haversacks, and the rest in wagons. There was great cheering all over camp as the order was read. A great many were wondering which road we would take, but they were not long kept in suspense, as we took a pretty direct route for Tunnel Hill, where it was believed we would have rather a sharp brush with the enemy. This just suited the boys, for I never saw them in better spirits or more eager for a fight. We marched along briskly on the afternoon of the 4th, and until nearly night of the 5th, when we went into camp at Catoosa Springs. Here was a delightful place for a weary soldier to take a temporary rest. Out of the same hill, close together, flow beautiful streams of different kinds of water. Here were the ruins of what must have been some splendid residences, whilst some of the mansions still stand in all their magnificence. Here, at these Springs, was no doubt a pleasant summer resort for the chivalrous Southern aristocrats.
On the morning of the 7th (Saturday) the grand Army of the Cumberland was again in motion. Every now and then we could hear heavy cannonading in our front, plainly indicating that we were contending for every inch of ground we gained. The enemy felled trees across the roads and obstructed them all they could to impede our march, but half the Confederacy could not resist the onward march of Sherman's massive columns.
At 4 o'clock, P.M., we were in possession of Tunnel Hill, and had a good view of Joe Johnson's rebel hordes, who were posted on Rocky Face Ridge and Buzzard Roost Gap. It is about 2 1/2 miles from the top of Tunnel Hill to the top of Rocky Face Ridge, so we could not reach the enemy with our guns. On Sunday morning, the 8th inst., we advanced upon the enemy in three columns, and soon his skirmishers sought safer places than could be had at the foot of the ridge, so they fell back towards the top. Before night we held the foot of the ridge on the left of Buzzard Roost Gap. Our men made some gallant charges. Here we first tried our new guns, and found them very effective. During the night of the 8th we held a ridge about five hundred yards from the gap, but there was some desperate fighting for it, and ere we got full possession of it many a hero fell to bite the dust. On the 9th we were ordered to the hill in front of the one we took the evening before. We went there on double-quick, as the sharp-shooters from Rocky Face Ridge were very troublesome. We had three of our horses shot in getting there. Works had been erected there for only two pieces, so we could not get them all in position. These two pieces shelled them all day. The enemy opened two or three batteries on us, but did us no injury, as we were too well fortified. About sundown we took the four pieces that we could not get into position to the rear. On the 10th nothing occurred of much importance except that heavy skirmishing was kept up all day. Our two gvns [sic] were still posted on the hill in front of the gap, giving them an occasional shot. On the night of the 10th the entire rebel army was in motion in the direction of our right. We learned that a corresponding change was made of our troops. Under the cover of darkness we pulled our battery by hand to the top of Signal Heights, right in front of the gap. Every one was anxious to know what move was on foot for the morrow. On the morning of the 11th we found all the troops gone except once Corps, which was posted in front of the gap, which it was ordered to hold. Generals Hooker, Palmer and Schofield, commanding respectively the 20th, 14th and 23d Corps, were flanking the rebel position. The following night (the 12th) the enemy thought it best to retire. On the morning of the 13th the cry was was [sic] again "On to Atlanta!" and our columns again advanced. Gen. Johnson exhibited a great want of generalship by wasting so much time and labor in fortifying Rocky Face Ridge and then allowing Gen. Sherman to outflank him. At 1 o'clock, P.M., we reached Dalton, Col. Gross, commanding the brigade to which we were attached, was the first to enter the town. Two of our pieces shelled the enemy all day, as their rear guard appeared very stubborn.
Saturday the 14th, we had some very heavy fighting. Our division was on the extreme left and just before night we were outflanked and greatly outnumbered at this point. Consequently our left wing gradually fell back. At this critical movement "fighting Joe" came up with his corps of veterans just in time to save us from disaster. Here our loss was heavy but that of the enemy much heavier. Capt. Simpson's Battery, 5th Indiana, was on the extreme left and did wonderful execution. The enemy made three desperate charges on it but were each time repulsed. Over two hundred and fifty dead rebels lay in front of this Battery.
Capt. Davis, of the 77th Pa. Vols., Brigade Inspector was here, I fear; mortally wounded. On the 15th we drove the enemy at every point. The 20th Corps made some desperate charges, they made three successive charges on a Fort before getting possession of it. Here we took six guns from the enemy. Our loss was very severe in wounded but few were killed. Our Battery got a splendid position here and did, I think, good execution. We were well fortified so that they could do us little harm. Our casualties were few. Lieut. John H. Hassinger, of Reading, Pa., was wounded in the side, but not mortally. Private Daniel Gallanders, of Erie county, Pa., was shot in the breast, wound not serious. Resaca, where this battle was fought, is a small town situated on the North banks of Coosa river and 15 miles South of Dalton. The 16th found us in full pursuit of the whipped and flying rebels.
We have been fighting and driving the enemy before us up to this day, which is the 20th. Sometimes he would stand and fight us for several hours, but by the time we got formed in line of battle he would make a hasty retreat. We are now resting six miles south of Kingston. The Rome railroad intersects the Atlanta at this place. Rome, too, is in our possession. The railroad will be completed to this place in a few days. The only injury it sustained was the destruction of the bridge over Coosa River. We are now fifty-six miles from Atlanta. On our way here from Tennessee we passed through a number of small and unimportant towns; but they were almost entirely deserted by the white inhabitants, and very few colored persons remained. The country through here is a very fine fertile district, abounding in fine springs of fresh water and never before felt the blasting effects of this war. The air is sweetly perfumed by shrubs, which grow wild in great abundance. Here and there you come across some splendid mansions, but nearly all are deserted. Few churches are met with, and these are constructed out of the cheapest material, and present a very rough exterior--not even painted.
During the last two week's fighting, Johnston's army was very badly whipped, and greatly demoralized. Rebel prisoners say if their commander cannot fight us behind such works as he had, he can't fight us at all, and that they had better throw down their arms. I concur with them about throwing down their arms.
Battery B played well its part in the last two weeks active campaign. We had a good many raw recruits but they all fought like veterans. We have now only two Lieutenants with us, two being absent wounded. Lieut. Luitze was wounded at Chickamauga and has not been fit for duty since. We were very fortunate in having good and able officers since we entered the service. You can expect glorious news from Gen. Sherman before the close of this campaign.
Saturday, May 21st: we are still encamped six miles South of Kingston, but the impression is that we will leave for Atlanta next Monday, the 23d inst. I said that we were in the advance through Dalton. About a mile South of that place the rebels drew up in line of battle, we did the same and were just about making a charge, but a few shots from our 12 pound Napoleon guns soon made them "skedaddle," although not until we killed a number of their battery horses. During this advance upon the enemy we gave them very little time to destroy railroads and bridges. The most damage they did was the burning of the railroad bridge across the Coosa river at Resaca. Up to this time the cars were sometimes almost in advance. We were not in Resaca half an hour until two large trains came in, loaded with lumber to rebuild the bridge across Coosa river. I never saw an army in better spirits than Sherman's after this long march and all the privations and hardships it endured. There was a continual cheering in camp. One of the most cheering things was our Brass Band following us into the midst of battle and playing "Rally Around the Flag," &c., and the "Star Spangled Banner" and a number of other national airs. Our Brigade Band would often play within four or five hundred yards of the rebels. Our boys would give one cheer after another, which commingled with the soul stirring strains of the Band would have a very depressing effect on the enemy.
Col. Gross, commanding our brigade, is, I believe, as cool and able a commander as we have in this Department, and justly deserves the star. He formerly commanded the 36th Indiana.
Lieuts. Zeigler, Shatzer and Hassinger, as well as our Captain and the men in the ranks, deserve great praise for their gallant conduct through the late engagements, and I am sure our battery did some very good execution. We were often within two or three hundred yards of the enemy and no line in our front but skirmishers. We would have lost half our number had it not been that we fought mostly behind fortifications, which saved us very much.
The 77th Penna. Vols., Col. Stumbaugh's old regiment, is in our brigade. This is the first time we have been together for over two years. As usual it fought splendidly, and deserves much praise. I do not know the casualties in it yet, but they are few.
The health of our men is general good. They are all in fine spirits, and the cry continues "On to Atlanta!" from which place I hope to write my next.
Old Soldier.
Trailer: Old Soldier
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Description of Page: Entirely advertisements, with the following headings: Gutta-Percha Roofing; Medical; Groceries, &c; Tobacco and Segars; Physicians; Hardware, Cutlery, &c; Forwarding Houses; Attorneys at Law; Pension and Bounty Agencies. |
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Description of Page: There are more articles concerning the re-nomination of Lincoln and the nomination of Johnson, and a summary of war news. |
The Pennsylvania Reserves
(Column 2)Summary: A brief history of the Pennsylvania Reserves, organized by Gov. Curtin in May 1861, and recently discharged after three years of service, "in which they have enriched the ground of every eastern battle-field with their blood." The "shattered columns" of the Pennsylvania Reserves were welcomed back at Harrisburg; scarcely 3,000 of the original 15,856 men bore arms the day they were discharged.Revision of the Cabinet
(Column 3)Summary: The author strongly advocates removing the Cabinet members "who have hung like mill-stones about the progressive ideas of the age," namely Post Master General Blair and his cronies. He argues that a "divided, discordant cabinet neutralizes its own influence upon the policy of the country, and can be peculiarly potent only for evil.""Edward Scull, Esq..."
(Column 5)Summary: "Edward Scull, Esq., was chosen Delegate to the National Convention by the counties of Somerset, Bedford and Fulton, and was the colleague of John Stewart, Esq., at Baltimore. He was instructed for Lincoln, and voted with the entire delegation for Hamlin first for Vice President and then for Johnson."The Old Flag
(Names in announcement: Edward ScullEsq., John StewartEsq.)
(Column 6)Summary: An unabashed plug for a "campaign paper for the people," to be forthcoming from the editors of the Franklin Repository, McClure and Stoner. They vow to devote twenty columns a week to Lincoln and Johnson, and to "wage relentless war upon Copperheads until their decisive discomfiture in November."
Full Text of Article:A Campaign Paper for the People!
Lincoln and Johnson!
Union and Freedom!
For the Right of Suffrage To Soldiers!________
The Proprietors of the Repository will issue, on Thursday, July 21st, and weekly thereafter until the full returns of the Presidential election can be given,
The Old Flag:
a neatly printed Campaign paper of twenty columns, devoted exclusively to the election Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. It will contain Portraits of Lincoln and Johnson, and other eminent men; Maps of Battles & Battle-Fields, and will wage relentless war upon Copperheads until their decisive discomfiture in November next.
The Old Flag is designed for universal circulation among the People, and will be printed at the lowest possible rates. Two numbers will be issued before the special election to decide upon the amendments to the Constitution allowing our gallant soldiers to vote, and it will earnestly advocate the right of our heroes to cast their suffrages on the field to sustain the sacred cause for which they are periling their lives.
Terms--Cash in Advance:
One Copy,- - - 50 cts.
10 Copies to one address, $4.50
20 " " " " $8.00
30 " " " " 10.50
50 " " " " 15.00
And at the same rate (30 cents per copy) for any number over fifty.Let every earnest Union man at once commence to raise a club for his immediate neighborhood, so that all the numbers can be secured.
The first number will contain a Portrait of President Lincoln, and the second will contain a Portrait of Andrew Johnson.
Address M'Clure & Stoner,
Chambersburg, Pa.
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Description of Page: Includes more material relating to the Discharge of the Pennsylvania Reserves, the Report of the Markets, and New Advertisements. |
Death of Gen. Jenkins
(Column 1)Summary: This article confirms the death of "our" Jenkins--the Guerrilla Jenkins who captured Chambersburg in June of 1863. The author provides some little known facts and anecdotes about Jenkins and the occupation, including the "fact" that Jenkins, who allegedly graduated in the same class at Cannonsburg College as J. McDowell Sharpe, Esq., and had been a member of the same Congress as Hon. Wilson Reilly, had made "very kind inquiries about these two gentlemen" while he was in town. Most of the detail provides a less genteel portrait, and ultimately the name of the guerrilla Jenkins, "in infamy, is added to the long black list of Treason's minions."Engagement of the 21st Cavalry--Casualties
(Names in announcement: Gen. Albert Gallatin Jenkins, Hon. Wilson Reilly, J. McDowell SharpEsq.)
(Column 1)Summary: An update of the movements of the 21st Cavalry, who were in the thick of the federal assault on June 3rd at Cold Harbor. The wounded men include Col. W. H. Boyd, who has a severe neck wound, and has been brought to his home on "Federal Hill," near Chambersburg. The other wounded, as recorded in the New York Herald, are J. W. Vancamp, neck; Thomas Prosser, foot; J. Andrews, thigh; J. Clark, shoulder; D. Kepple, hand; Corp. H. A. Edmunston, shoulder; Corporal G. W. Doud, hip; Sergt. J. Rodgers; G. Hupp, hip; Jno. Clark, face; Capt. William H. Philips, side; T. Dear, leg; W. Foot, side; John Shunvolt, hip; W. T. Shuler, legs; Lieut. M. P. Doyle, elbow. Lieutenant Richard H. Waters died almost instantly when he was hit by a shell, but the other deaths are not yet known. The editors will publish the list of men killed as soon as they receive it.The Ladies' Fair--Surprising Success
(Names in announcement: Col. W. H. Boyd, J. W. Vancamp, Thomas Prosser, J. Andrews, J. Clark, D. Kepple, Corp. H. A. Edmunston, W. A. Dunn, J. Malo, Corporal G. W. Doud, Sergt. J. Rodgers, G. Hupp, Jno. Clark, Capt. William H. Philips, T. Dear, W. Foot, John Shunvolt, W. T. Shuler, Lieut. M. P. Doyle, Lieut. Richard H. Waters)
(Column 2)Summary: The Ladies' Fair to benefit the Christian Commission, presently occupies Franklin Hall and the Court House. There is a museum, meals regularly served at "hotel prices," and many items to buy, including toys, confectionery, trophies from the battle-fields." The Fair raised $500.00 on opening night, and continues to be well attended.A Noble Soldier
(Column 2)Summary: A tribute to Lieut. Dick Waters, who "fell instantly killed at Bethsada [sic] Church." Originally enlisted in the 12th Indiana, a one year regiment, he came to Chambersburg and enlisted in Capt. Miles' company of the 126th Regiment. He was then appointed 2d Lieut., Co. E, 21st Regiment of Pennsylvania Cavalry: "His intelligence was of a high order and his conversational powers always to be appreciated."The Pennsylvania Reserves
(Names in announcement: Lieut. Dick Waters, Capt. Miles)
(Column 2)Summary: J. R. Sypher, of Lancaster will publish a History of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps. Capt. George W. Heagy, of Chambersburg, is the accredited agent for the book in Franklin County, and is presently taking orders--$3.00 for cloth, $3.50 for a leather binding.Captured by the Enemy
(Names in announcement: J. R. Sypher, Capt. George W. Heagy)
(Column 3)Summary: Capt. David B. McKibben, of the 14th United States Regular Infantry, was captured by the enemy last week. He had been commissioned Colonel of the 158th Regiment of drafted nine months' men from the Franklin County area, and "was greatly beloved by his command." When that Regiment's term expired, he resumed his position in the Regular Army.The New Union Pole
(Names in announcement: Capt. David B. McKibben)
(Column 3)Summary: After trouble last week, a new Union pole was successfully planted in the Diamond at Chambersburg: "With the exception of the great pole 240 feet in height on the grounds of the Sanitary Fair in Philadelphia, this is perhaps the highest Union pole in the State."
Full Text of Article:ContributionsWe recorded the unfortunate accident that occur[r]ed to the new Union pole to be erected in our Diamond, last week. Another was procured and prepared, about twenty feet longer, and was successfully planted in its place yesterday morning. With the exception of the great pole 240 feet in height on the grounds of the Sanitary Fair in Philadelphia, this is perhaps the highest Union pole in the State. At 6 P.M. a splendid new flag was raised to its place amid the cheering of our people and the music of our Band.
(Column 3)Summary: "We acknowledge the receipt of $25 from J. Heke & Co., and 50 cents from Male School No. 2 for the U. S. Christian Commission at Philadelphia, and $2.50 from the Same School for the Sanitary Commission."Sale of Property
(Column 3)Summary: "The Mill Property in Chambersburg known as Eyster's Mills, was sold at public sale recently for $32,600. C. S. Eyster was the purchaser. It was purchased by his father some years ago for $17,000."Died
(Names in announcement: C. S. Eyster)
(Column 4)Summary: Corporal Abraham H. Shirk, of Company K, 58th Ohio Regiment, died on May 10, 1864, at Vicksburg, Mississippi, aged 38.Died
(Names in announcement: Corporal Abraham H. Shirk)
(Column 4)Summary: Mrs. Anna Margaret Neff, "consort" of David Neff, died in Smoketown on June 7, 1864, aged 52 years, 11 months, and 4 days.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Anna Margaret Neff, David Neff)
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Description of Page: Entirely advertisements, with the following headings: Lines of Travel; Musical; Boots and Shoes; Dye-Colors; Stoves and Tinware; Medical; Drugs, Medicines, &c; Dry and Fancy Goods; Books and Stationery. |
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Description of Page: Entirely advertisements, with the following headings: Clothing; Insurance; Coal, Lumber, &c; Liquors; Agricultural; Trees, Plants and Vines; Saddlery, Harness, &c; Confectionery, &c; Seeds; Medical. |
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Description of Page: Includes a transcript of the speech given by Rev. Dr. Breckinridge, of Kentucky, on taking the chair of the Union National Convention as temporary President, as well as advertisements, with the following headings: Justices of the Peace; Real Estate Sales; Financial; Co-Partnership Notices; Hotels; Military Notices; Legal Notices. Page misnumbered "6." |