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Franklin Repository: November 2, 1864

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-Page 01-

Description of Page: The page includes advertisements and a poem on Gen. Sheridan.

Hon. Geo. H. Pendleton
(Column 4)
Summary: The Repository provides a short biography of Pendleton, the Democratic candidate for vice president, and records his anti-war votes in Congress.

-Page 02-

Description of Page: The page includes reminders to readers to support the Union and vote for Lincoln.

The Army Vote
(Column 1)
Summary: The Repository reports election irregularities with the army vote. Some Democratic judges invalidated a number of soldiers' votes because poll books contained candidates from several counties, a violation of the act passed by the legislature. The editors remind that the act also states that "no mere informality in the manner of carrying on or executing any of the provisions of this act, shall invalidate any election held under the same or authorize the return thereof, to be rejected or set aside."
The Southern Railroad
(Column 3)
Summary: Praises the efforts to establish the Connellsville and Southern Pennsylvania Railroad near or through Chambersburg. The Repository notes the economic benefits a railroad would bring the community.
Full Text of Article:

The Commissioners named in the ball incorporating the Connellsville and Southern Pennsylvania Railroad Company, met at Bedford on the 14th ult., to open conscription books and commence the work of organization. Hon. Samuel L. Russell presided at the meeting, and five millions two hundred thousand dollars were subscribed to the capital stock, and five dollars paid in on every subscription. Such an immense subscription made bona fide, as it was, at once secures the early construction of this most important artery of trade, and must add fabulous wealth to the Southern tier of counties in this State.

The stockholders adjourned to meet in Philadelphia, on the 10th of November, to effect a permanent organization of the company by the election of President and Directors. Thus far we have heard only the name of Col. John A. Wright suggested for the Presidency, and we shall be glad to learn that he has been chosen and accepted the responsible trust. He is one of the most thorough and experienced Railroad men of the country, and with the sternest integrity combines the most comprehensive and practical business qualities. We can think of no man who could give a brighter promise of early success to this vital enterprise.

The delay in the approval of the bill by Gov. Curtin, arising from the grave constitutional question earnestly urged by the Baltimore interests in opposition to the resumption by the State of the franchises of the Pittsburgh and Connellsville Company, necessarily postpones active operations on the new road this season; but we are assured that the promptest measures will be taken to put it in readiness for rapid progress next season. We presume that the heavy subscriptions to the capital stock made at Bedford came mainly from those interested in the great internal thoroughfares of the country--the Pennsylvania Central and the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad, as the construction of the great Southern line is of the utmost importance to them. The Pennsylvania Central is now unequal to its immense and steadily growing trade, and by leading the Southern Pennsylvania to the commercial city of our State by intersecting the Cumberland Valley at or near Chambersburg, its through trade can be well accommodated, and the local trade of the State immensely increased by developing the exhaustless mines and forests of the counties between this and Connellsville. The investment, on their part, is therefore most judicious, and at once disenthrals the Southern counties, develops their slumbering wealth, enhances the value of every acre of land on the border, and must greatly cheapen coal, lumber, and every article wanted from the West. In addition it will make Philadelphia the receptacle of all the wealth of Southern Pennsylvania, and add greatly to the general prosperity of the Commonwealth. This enterprise cannot be too earnestly commended to the people of our county, and we hope to see them co-operate generously in pushing it forward to early completion.

The Political Campaign
(Column 4)
Summary: The Repository condemns the Valley Spirit's criticism of Gen. Sheridan's scorched earth tactics in the Shenandoah Valley as disloyal.
Summary Of War News
(Column 5)
Summary: Summarizes war news including the Union capture of 24 cannons from General Early; the rebel capture of the steamer Ike Davis near the mouth of the Rio Grande; and the resolution of the governors of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi "which declare that it is necessary that every male person of suitable age, without regard to color, shall at once be put in the southern armies."
Franklin County Election
(Column 6)
Summary: The Repository prints the combined home vote and official army vote for the Franklin County elections: Congress--Koontz (Union) 3508, Coffroth (Democrat) 3457; Judge--King (Union) 3431, Kimmell (Democrat) 3477; Assembly--McClure (Union) 3632, Roath (Union) 3376, Sharpe (Democrat) 3580, Mitchell (Democrat) 3298; Commissioner--Davison (Union) 3442, Armstrong (Democrat) 3478; Director--Criswell (Union) 3475, D. J. Skinner (Democrat) 3446; Auditor--M. R. Skinner (Union) 3441, Martin (Democrat) 3466; Coroner--Wertz (Union) 3451, Miller (Democrat) 3459.
(Names in announcement: McPherson, Coffroth, Koontz, King, Kimmell, McClure, Roath, Sharpe, Mitchell, Davison, Armstrong, Criswell, D. J. Skinner, M. R. Skinner, Martin, Wertz, Miller)
Pennsylvania Legislature
(Column 6)
Summary: The Repository prints the "correct list" of the members of both branches of the new Pennsylvania legislature, which includes McClure and Sharpe as the representatives for the district of Perry and Franklin. The election brought 18 Union and 13 Democrat members the state Senate and 64 Union and 36 Democrat members to the state House.
(Names in announcement: Alex. K. McClure, J. McDowell Sharpe)
Enormous Frauds In The New York Soldiers' Vote!
(Column 7)
Summary: Describes the forgery of ballots in the New York elections. The article includes the confession of one of the participants.
Political Intelligence
(Column 7)
Summary: Reports political news including Lincoln's proclamation admitting Nevada into the Union. The article describes a rebel attempt to affect the election. A paroled soldier named Franklin Schwenk, of Company H, 13th Pennsylvania Cavalry, declares that the rebels offered to set him free if he would vote for McClellan.

-Page 03-

Description of Page: The page includes advertisements and market reports.

Grand Mass Meeting
(Column 1)
Summary: Describes a meeting on October 28, at which Hannibal Hamlin, the Vice President, urged support for the Union and the Union presidential and vice presidential candidates.
(Names in announcement: Hon. John Rowe)
Another Hero Gone
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports the death of Michael Ley, of Co. G, (under Capt. Kurtz) 17th Pa. Cavalry. He was shot on October 1 while bearing dispatches from Winchester to Gen. Sheridan's headquarters. Capt. Hebble's company helped bury him with military honors in Mercersburg in the Presbyterian Cemetery. He leaves a wife and four children.
(Names in announcement: Michael Ley, Captain L. B. Kurtz, Captain Hebble, Mrs. Ley)
Sad and Fatal Affair
(Column 1)
Summary: Notes the death of Jacob Sweitz on October 26. He was killed by drunk soldiers who had earlier attempted to gain admission to his house.
(Names in announcement: Jacob Sweitzer)
Patriotic and Prolific
(Column 1)
Summary: The Repository reprints a Carlisle Herald article about the Reese family. Hiram Reese recently enlisted his sons, George and Jeremiah. A total of twelve Reese sons have enlisted.
(Names in announcement: Hiram R. Reese, George Reese, Jeremiah Reese)
Origin of Article: The Carlisle Herald
Masonic Dedication
(Column 2)
Summary: Announces the dedication of the new hall for the Cumberland Valley Lodge, No 315, A. Y. M. in Shippensburg on the 20th.
Sudden Death
(Column 2)
Summary: Reports that Charles Hock died suddenly at his home, Snow Hill, near Quincy, on October 27.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Charles Hock)
Advance of Hancock's & Warren's Corps
(Column 2)
Summary: Describes the advance of Hancock's and Warren's Corps. The article details the repulse of a rebel attack on Hancock, the capture of 900 prisoners, a gallant affair at Beverly, the rebel attack of a garrison, the defeat of the rebels losing half their forces, the defeat of General Price's army, the capture of 1,500 prisoners and 12 pieces of artillery, and the capture of General Marmaduke and Cabell.
[No Title]
(Column 2)
Summary: Notes the court martial of Capt. Ward, Co. D, 11th Pa. Cav., at Fortress Monroe, for forging certificates crediting recruits to certain townships and for selling horses belonging to the government.
(Names in announcement: Captain R. B. Ward)
(Column 3)
Summary: On October 11, at the home of the bride's father, by Rev. Breidenbaugh, J. Lesher , married M. Foust, both of Antrim Township.
(Names in announcement: Rev. E. Breidenbaugh, Mr. Josiah Lesher, Mr. Foust, Miss Martha Foust)
(Column 3)
Summary: On October 25, by Rev. Breidenbaugh, at the home of Dr. Michael, Greencastle, W. Wilhelm, of Baltimore, married E. Carlisle, of Chambersburg.
(Names in announcement: Rev. E. Breidenbaugh, Dr. C. Michael, Mr. William Wilhelm, Mrs. Emma Carlisle)
(Column 3)
Summary: On October 25, by Rev. Briedenbaugh at the Lutheran Parsonage, Greencastle, T. Daly married S. Frantz, both of Montgomery Township.
(Names in announcement: Rev. E. Breidenbaugh, Mr. Thomas O. Daly, Miss Sarah Frantz)
(Column 3)
Summary: On September 12, in Hannibal Mo., R. Catron, formerly of Waynesboro, aged 57 years, 11 months, and 2 days.
(Names in announcement: Robert Catron)
(Column 3)
Summary: On October 25, in Quincy Township, Mrs. Middour, wife of J. Middour, died at "an advanced age."
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Middour, Jacob Middour)
(Column 3)
Summary: On October 21, near Brown's Mill, Mrs. Hassler, wife of A. Hassler, Esq., aged 36 years and 2 days.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Charlotte Hassler, Abraham HasslerEsq.)
(Column 3)
Summary: On 28, in Guilford Township, C. Lowry, died at 54 years, 11 months, and 14 days.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Curtis Lowry)
(Column 3)
Summary: On October 20, R. Patterson, widow of J. Patterson, of Letterkenny Township, died in about the 80th year of her life.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Ruth Patterson, John Patterson)

-Page 04-

Description of Page: The page includes a poem entitled "The Truant Wife," advertisements, and train schedules.