Franklin Repository: August 01, 1866Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Huber vs. Reilly
(Column 6)Summary: A copy of Justice Agnew's dissenting opinion in the celebrated Huber vs. Reilly case. Agnew was joined by Justice Reed in opposing the court majority.
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[No Title]
(Column 1)Summary: Urges the Union men of the county to select "an unobjectionable ticket--one composed of honest, competent and available men" to ensure that the Republican party emerges victorious in the upcoming election.Modern Democracy
(Column 1)Summary: The editors argue that slavery undermined the "popular supposition" that class distinctions did not exist in American society. The peculiar institution not only relegated blacks to an inferior position but created an incredible economic divide among whites as well. Unfortunately, the editors contend, the legacy of the antebellum order has not yet been destroyed, as seen by the election of former "southern gentlemen" to Congress and other positions of power.
Full Text of Article:Mr. Seward and TammanyIt would seem that in subserviency and servility, the modern is no improvement on the old Democracy. The Declaration of Independence, even according to the most orthodox Democratic interpretation of that instrument, was popularly supposed to have established the principle, that white men at least were free and equal in this country. It has always been our boast that we have no Orders of nobility, no class distinctions, nothing in short that elevates one white man above another, except it be intelligence. Each citizen of this Republic whether high or low, rich or poor, well born or obscurely born, has ever been taught to consider himself one of the Sovereigns, and the inferior of no other citizen socially or politically. All this we repeat was the popular supposition, but for forty years before the commencement of the great Rebellion it was an equally popular delusion.
During those forty years a privileged class had sprung up. The system of slavery in the South had produced legitimate fruits. As between white men, the rich had become richer and the poor poorer, until at last some two or three hundred thousand controlled the destinies of eight millions. These gentlemen earning their bread in the sweat of other men's brows, and living in luxury and idleness, had ample opportunity to arrange matters to suit themselves. Sending their own children to Northern Colleges, they permitted no free schools among themselves lest forsooth the negro might be instructed, and in consequence poor white men's children received no education. Owning their own labor, they had no occasion to employ white men--and as a result those who remained in competition with the unpaid negro labor, were soon sunk into such a state of ignorance, poverty and degradation, that the slaves themselves looked down upon and despised them as "poor white trash." This state of things exactly suited the privileged class--the poor white men they controlled through their prejudices engendered from ignorance, and the slaves through fear. They were masters of the situation. They permitted nothing to be published among themselves which could shake their dominion and all publications from abroad were carefully excluded as "incendiary documents." The very gospel of a great and just God was preached in their interest. Setting matters thus satisfactorily at home, they at the same time did not neglect their interests abroad. Wisely sending their best men to Washington, and keeping them there as long as they would consent to serve, they soon obtained such weight in national affairs as enabled them to take possession of the general government. The offices were filled with their creatures, and the army and navy were the pension lists for their children. Making themselves the balance of power in political matters, it was long a doubtful struggle between the two great parties of the country. Whig and Democratic, which should abase themselves to most to conciliate them and gain their coveted influence. It was reserved for the Democratic party to be successful in this honorable (?) contest, and in consequence the Whig party went out of existence. The new allies now had all their own way, that is, the one as masters, the others as very humble servants. The Southerners in the plenitude of their power, lorded it everywhere. They pervaded the North, and whether it was being a servant or a Congressman, or casting a bone, in the shape of an office, to a Democratic politician, it was done with such an air of magnificent disdain that they were immediately dubbed "chivalry." Their demands for new concessions of power were endless, and the Democracy with their brows in the dust always yielded more than was asked. But in the meantime the nation was becoming alarmed and dissatisfied, and the dissatisfaction made itself visible in the popular vote which gradually left the allies in a minority, although by our system, which gives to Delaware and Florida the same power in the government as New York and Pennsylvania, they still contrived to retain power. But the end was approaching. Believing themselves to possess all the courage and chivalry of the country, looking upon the North as a nation of tradesmen so immersed in business and wedded to the almighty dollar, as to be lost to all considerations, of courage and patriotism; relying on the long continued abject servility of the Democratic party, these Southern gentlemen renewed their demands and pressed them until the civil war was the result.
From the trials and sufferings of that war arose another popular supposition. It was supposed that Northern men had shown they possessed courage and manhood of the highest order. That they had governed themselves with an ability in the midst of a civil war, which showed that the people thoroughly understood their system of government, knew its advantages were determined to preserve its destination and demonstrate that the Republic was not an experiment.
It now seems that this was also a popular, though pleasing delusion. The Democratic papers, among others the Spirit, think that in the reconstruction of the Government, we had better have from the Southern States "honest, well-born, wealthy, manly representatives" in other words those honest gentlemen (?) Davis, Stephens, Breckinridge, Toombs et. al. who precipitated the Rebellion, and who did us the honor to govern us in other days. But we are not to insist that the Southern States shall be represented by such "lying, craven, passionless, poverty stricken scum of renegades" as Botts, Maynard, Stokes and the hundreds of other Union men who remained true to us through tears and blood, who were robbed and plundered by the honest gentlemen above referred to until they became poverty stricken, but who for the cause counted life itself not too great a sacrifice. (The words in italics are a reprint in the Spirit from the New York Citizen.) The effects of "my policy" have been so invigorating that the "well born representatives" are fast recovering from any slight disability they may have experienced from the severe treatment of the last four years. They are again resuming their former impudence and swagger, and are rapidly reducing their democratic allies to their old contemptible position. They have ordered a convention at Philadelphia on the 14th inst. which will present the usual spectacle of Southern arrogance and copperhead servility. Their courage increases as their condition improves and they are again beginning to bluster and threaten as of old, and of course are aped by their allies. At the recent Democratic meeting in Reading all the speakers from the great Blair down to Clymer, threatened the country with civil war and woes innumerable.
(Column 2)Summary: The editorial ridicules the unsavory relationship developing between Mr. Seward and Tammany Hall, the Democratic club of New York.[No Title]
(Column 3)Summary: A convention of railroad officers met in New York on June 28th, where they resolved to discontinue the practice of dispensing free passes on their lines for anything other than charitable purposes, a decision applauded by the editors.[No Title]
(Column 3)Summary: Notes that the first "general intelligence" to reach the offices of the Repository via the Atlantic Telegraph has arrived, bringing news of the conclusion of a treaty between Austria and Prussia.[No Title]
(Column 4)Summary: It is reported that the President signed a bill re-organizing the Supreme Court, reducing the number of justices to seven.Director of the Poor
(Column 7)Summary: "Soldier" declares that delegates from Peters township will endorse Samuel Gsell for Director of the Poor at the Union Convention.
(Names in announcement: Samuel Gsell)Trailer: SoldierGov. Curtin in Gettysburg
(Column 8)Summary: An extract from a speech delivered by Gov. Curtin in which he declared that his efforts to provide care for the 3,000 orphans of soldiers, who perished during the late war, would be one of the most important acts of his tenure in office, and urged those in attendance to elect "no man who will not protect this legacy."
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Local Items--Balloon Ascension
(Column 2)Summary: Reports that John A. Light made "a beautiful ascension" in his balloon last Saturday, which was viewed by an "immense concourse of people" who came out to observe the "wonderful feat of science." After rising to the point where the car was no longer visible, Light's aircraft travelled about eight or ten miles, before touching down upon Mr. Lowry's farm, near Waynesboro. The flight lasted close to an hour.Local Items--Sudden Death
(Names in announcement: John A. Light, Lowry)
(Column 2)Summary: Michael Greenawalt, known by most as "Moses," died suddenly last Monday on his way home after attending to some business at the bank. It is believed that the cause of his death was apoplexy. Two days later, Eve C. Mohler, wife of Samuel Mohler, passed away while she was working in the cellar of her house. Evidently Mrs. Mohler ruptured a blood vessel leading from her heart to her lungs, resulting in her death within minutes.Local Items--Public School
(Names in announcement: Michael Greenawalt, Eve C. Mohler, Samuel Mohler)
(Column 2)Summary: The Directors of the Chambersburg School District have published their annual statement; receipts from taxes and other sources amounted to $8,406.95 while expenditures totaled $8,393.68, leaving a surplus of $13.27. The total number of students attending classes was 1229, of which 608 were males and 621 were females.Local Items--Director of the Poor
(Column 2)Summary: Martin Hemtzelman will become the Director of Poor, replacing Sheriff Doebler, who resigned from the position to run for nomination at the next Union Convention.Local Items--Fighting
(Names in announcement: Martin Hemtzelman, Sheriff Doebler)
(Column 2)Summary: Reports that there were a number of fights last Saturday afternoon and evening. The cause of most of the melees, contends the article, was the "too free use of bad whiskey."Local Items--A Row
(Column 2)Summary: A brawl occurred at Daniel's restaurant, on Second St., last Friday evening which resulted in considerable damage to the establishment.Local Items--Confirmed
(Column 2)Summary: The Senate confirmed the appointment of J. W. Deal as Postmaster of Chambersburg last Monday.Married
(Names in announcement: J. W. Deal)
(Column 2)Summary: On July 23rd, Edward Hecker, of Lancaster, and Annie, daughter of George Colby, were married by Rev. J. K. Miller.Married
(Names in announcement: Edward Hecker, Annie Colby, George Colby, Rev. J. K. Miller)
(Column 2)Summary: On July 24th, John W. Winters and Margaret A. Sharar were married by Rev. J. Benson Akers.Died
(Names in announcement: John W. Winters, Margaret Sharar, Rev. J. Benson Akers)
(Column 2)Summary: On July 25th, Eve C., wife of Samuel Mohler, died in Chambersburg. She was 79 years old.
(Names in announcement: Eve C. Mohler, Samuel Mohler)
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