Franklin Repository: 10 03, 1866Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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"My Policy" in 1864
(Column 6)Summary: Since taking office, the article contends, Andrew Johnson has dramatically altered his stand regarding the rebels. To illustrate the extent of his reversal, it compares Johnson's pronouncements from 1864, when he advocated disfranchising southern "traitors" and confiscating their property, with his current, less adverserial policy.
Full Text of Article:Facts For BondholdersANDREW JOHNSON ON RECONSTRUCTION.
"In calling a convention to restore the State, who shall restore and re-establish it? Shall the man who gave his influence and his means to destroy the Government? Is he to participate in the great work of reorganization? Shall he who brought this misery upon the State be permitted to control its destinies? If this be so, then all the precious blood of our brave soldiers and officers so freely poured out will have been wantonly spilled, all the glorious victories won by our noble armies will go for naught, and all the battlefields which have been sown with dead heroes during the rebellion will have been made memorable in vain. Why all this carnage and devastation? It was that treason might be put down and traitors punished. Therefore I say that traitors shall take a back seat in the work of restoration."
"I say that the traitor has ceased to be a citizen, and in joining the rebellion has become a public enemy. He forfeited his right to vote with loyal men when he renounced his citizenship and sought to destroy our Government. We say to the most honest and industrious foreigner who comes from England and Germany to dwell among us, and to add to the wealth of the country, 'Before you can be a citizen you must stay here for five years.' If we are so cautious about foreigners, who voluntarily renounce their homes to live with us, what should we say to the traitor who, although born and reared among us, has raised a parricidal hand against the Government which always protected him? My judgement is that he should be subjected to a severe ordeal before he is restored to citizenship."
"Show me who has been engaged in these conspiracies, who has fired upon our flag, who has given instructions to take our forts, custom houses, arsenals, and dock-yards, and I will show you a traitor. Were I President of the United States, I would do as Thomas Jefferson did in 1806 with Aaron Burr. I would have them arrested, and, if convicted, within the meaning and scope of the Constitution, by the Eternal God I would execute them!"
"Treason must be made odious and traitors must be punished and impoverished. Their great plantations must be seized and divided into small farms, and sold to honest, industrious men."
Whenever you find a man anywhere prating about the Constitution of the United States, spot him: he's a traitor.--Andrew Johnson's Campaign Speech at Nashville, September, 1864.
(Column 8)Summary: If Andrew Johnson succeeds in his attempts to usurp power from Congress, the article cautions bondholders, his actions could have serious repercussions on their investments. Indeed, should Johnson dismiss Congress, as it is rumored he will do if northern Democrats and Johnson Republicans gain a sufficient number of seats in the upcoming election, it will result in significant reduction in the value of U. S. bonds, making "them as WORTHLESS AS REBEL BONDS."
Origin of Article: Lancaster Express
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What Of Pennsylvania?
(Column 2)Summary: The editors remind readers that the stakes in the upcoming election are immense. They predict Gen. Geary will defeat Clymer, the Democratic nominee, by 20,000 or more votes in the gubernatorial contest, yet, they stress, it is imperative that all Union men cast their ballots to insure such a result.The Coming Election
(Column 3)Summary: The editors admonish Union men of the county "to see to it that every Union voter in their respective districts gets to the polls." They also stress the necessity of voting the straight ticket. Should the Democrats succeed at electing one of their own either to Congress or the state legislature, they warn, it will only strengthen the president's efforts to re-admit the southern states to the Union.
Full Text of Article:ReconstructionThis is the last number of the REPOSITORY that will be issued prior to the election. We therefore take the opportunity to urge upon the Union men of the various election Districts of our county to see to it that every Union voter in their respective districts gets to the polls early on the day of the election and casts his ticket for all the Republican nominees, from Governor to County Auditor. A full vote will insure the election of your county ticket by a good sound majority, and do much towards swelling the majority which the people of the State have determined to give to Maj. Gen. John W. Geary, as a reward for gallant services rendered them. Let there be no splitting of tickets, for any cause. Should any individual have, or imagine he has, cause of grievance against any candidate on the Union Republican ticket, let him forget the individual grievance in the desire to advance the public good, and vote the straight ticket. Bear in mind that every effort will be made by the Locofoco Copperhead Johnsonites to defeat your nominees for the Legislature and for Congress. They know full well that there is no hope for Clymer; and they know also the importance of securing the Legislature so that they may be able to elect a rebel-sympathizer to the United States Senate in place of the renegade Cowan. And they are especially anxious to send Mr. Sharpe to Congress in place of our true Union Representative, Gen. Wm. H. Koontz--as they expect that Mr. Sharpe would support the President's policy and vote for the immediate admission of unrepentant rebels to seats in Congress. Do not therefore be surprised. Union men of Franklin County and of this Congressional district, should Democrats, Copperheads and Johnsonites offer to trade with you, and vote for Geary for Governor, if you will vote for Sharpe for Congress, or for M'Allen or Adams for the Legislature. Spurn all such offers with the contempt they merit. If you were to agree to them you would be cheated--and would deserve to be cheated. They are the expedients of desperate, dishonest men--and fidelity to your principles and your party demands that you should show them no favor.
(Column 3)Summary: There are two competing visions of how Reconstruction should be carried out, explains the article. The first calls for the immediate re-admission of the former rebel states and is promulgated by President Johnson; the second seeks guarantees, in the form of constitutional amendments, from the southern states before they can be restored "to their old places of power and influence in the nation" and is advocated by Congress. Should Johnson succeed at passing his policy, it will "continue to disturb the peace of the nation for years to come." If Congress prevails, however, peace "will be restored throughout the land" and the country will begin a period of "prosperity unprecedented in the history of the world."Gen. Wm. H. Koontz
(Column 4)Summary: Gen. Koontz has been quite ill of late, explains the piece, as a consequence he has been unable to visit the eastern sections of the district, including Chambersburg.Rebuke The Corruptionists!
(Column 4)Summary: The article criticizes the Johnson administration for its corrupt tactics and practices, which include blatant attempts at bribery and the bartering of offices for votes.The Democratic Mass Meeting
(Column 5)Summary: The article offers a negative appraisal of the Democratic meeting held in Chambersburg last Wednesday.Democratic Electioneering
(Column 5)Summary: Local Democrats have been given ten thousand dollars to "carry" the election for William Sharpe. With that amount of money, the piece suggests, Democrats hope to purchase 500 to 1,000 votes.
Full Text of Article:Colonizing Voters!DEMOCRATIC ELECTIONEERING.--Ten thousand dollars we understand have been sent into this Congressional district to carry it for Mr. Sharpe. It is confidently expected that from 500 to 1000 votes can be bought up for that sum. Ten dollars a piece in cash have been offered to more than one needy Republican, if he would only agree to drop Gen. Koontz and go for Mr. Sharpe. And barrels of flour have become quite plenty and easily obtainable. Only one Republican that we can hear of, has as yet sacrificed his principles to his belly--and he, report says, could not live upon bread alone, but asked and obtained some mutton also. So well pleased is he said to be with his bargain, that report says he has already hauled two other barrels of flour to starving friends in St. Thomas township. Rumor says that a "big" fish is acting as the Almoner in this distribution of bread and meat to the hungry. It is not a very long time until the election, but we think it will be plenty long to spot this good Samaritan, and bring him and his needy friends to grief. Verily the man who will sell his birth-right for ten dollars or a barrel of flour should be a Johnson man, for he is too mean to belong to any respectable party.
(Column 6)Summary: It is reported that Democrats in Metal township are "resorting to one of their old tricks" in an effort to stave off their inevitable defeat in the upcoming election. To accomplish this feat they have brought 80 to 100 men into the county, and "put them to work under the employ of certain Democratic Iron Masters" in the lower end of the township, "for the purpose of aiding by their votes to elect Mr. Sharpe to Congress."
Full Text of Article:Bribery, Dark and DirtyCOLONIZING VOTERS.--We are informed that the Copper-Johnsonites, despairing of carrying this county by fair and honest means, are resorting to one of their old tricks to effect the same end, viz: colonizing voters. It is said that from eighty to one hundred persons have been brought into the county, and put to work under the employ of certain Democratic Iron Masters in the lower end of Metal township to see that no fraud is perpetrated upon them and the Union party of the State. It is easy to tell in rural districts, such as theirs, who are, and who are not entitled to vote, and in all cases the votes of these travelling electors should be challenged, and they be compelled to establish their right to vote in the manner, and under the penalties, provided in the laws of the State.
(Column 7)Summary: It is reported that local Democrats visited Wolfstown and offered to pay 36 young black girls--one for each state--to ride in the procession during the political "mass meeting" last week, but were rebuffed.
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Local Items--Change of Proprietors
(Column 2)Summary: Reports that Henry Feldman has taken over the Indian Queen Hotel.Local Items--Personal
(Names in announcement: Henry Feldman, D. L. Taylor)
(Column 2)Summary: Announces that Rev. Janeway, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, and Rev. Dr. Conrad, pastor of the Lutheran Church, will both be leaving their positions in Chambersburg.Local Items
(Names in announcement: Rev. Janeway, Rev. Dr. Conrad)
(Column 2)Summary: Mary Andrews died "at the advanced age of 105" in Strasburg on Sept. 22nd.Local Items--The Guillotine Still At Work
(Names in announcement: Mary Andrews)
(Column 2)Summary: Reports that two more appointees have lost their positions as a result of the changes initiated by the Johnson administration. B. Fohl, the Postmaster of St. Thomas, and Miss Grove, Postmaster of Mercersburg, were replaced by Michael Keyser and John Hogh respectively.Local Items--Mass Meeting
(Names in announcement: B. Fohl, Michael Keyser, Miss Grove, John Hoch)
(Column 2)Summary: The Republicans will hold a meeting in Shippensburg next Saturday.Local Items--Union Republican Meetings
(Column 1)Summary: The article offers an overview of the various Republican meetings held in Franklin county last week.Died
(Names in announcement: Samuel H. Swansy, William C. Lane, I. H. McCauley, William Spencer, George Chambers, F. S. Stumbaugh, Upton Henderson, Lyman S. Clark, W. S. Everett, Wilson Hays, John A. Light, Frederick Hemminger, John Ditzler, Henry Good, Col. Theodore McGowan, Emmanuel Stove, George Eyster, E. J. Bonebrake, Henry Eby, John Crawford)
(Column 3)Summary: On Sept. 9th, Eliz'h Senseny, 64, died in Chambersburg.Died
(Names in announcement: Eliz'h Senseny)
(Column 3)Summary: On Sept. 28th, John Jacob, only son of Jonathan and Susannah Jacoby, died in Antrim township. He was 14 months old.
(Names in announcement: John Jacob Jacoby, Jonathan Jacoby, Susannah Jacoby)
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