Franklin Repository: March 13, 1867Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Description of Page: The page includes a number of short stories and unrelated anecdotes. |
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[No Title]
(Column 1)Summary: Edward McPherson has been selected Clerk of the House by unanimous vote.[No Title]
(Column 1)Summary: It is reported that B. F. Myers, of the Bedford Gazette, has been nominated as the new Collector of Revenue for the district that includes Franklin county, though the Senate has not yet approved the appointment. No nomination has been made for Assessor. Until the two positions are officially filled, Jeremiah Bowles and A. D. Gordon will continue to carry out their respective duties as Collector and Assessor.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: A. D. Gordon)
(Column 1)Summary: The article informs readers that Mr. Ashley, in a speech characterized "by exceedingly bad temper and as bad taste," has renewed his efforts in Congress to impeach the President. Such actions, it contends, can only damage "the impeachment programme."How To Attain Reform
(Column 1)Summary: Obstacles to legislative reform, say the editors, come from two sources: those Republicans who disregard the will of their constituents and Democrats who "could not elect their just proportion of Delegates under the legislative apportionment." To overcome these impediments, the editors offer a solution that calls for the election of thirty men--fifteen from each party--to oversee the reform efforts at a constitutional convention.[No Title]
(Column 2)Summary: It is reported that Gen. Grant named Generals Schofield, Sickles, Sheridan, Thomas, and McDowell as the commanders of the five military districts in the South, as called for by Military Reconstruction Act.[No Title]
(Column 3)Summary: The War Department has released a report indicating that 32,662 whites and 24,238 blacks in the South "will need food from some source before the next crop can relieve them." To accomplish this task, the study estimates that 170,700 rations per month will be required.Franklin County Road Law
(Column 6)Summary: The piece includes a copy of the road law recently passed by the legislature. The new act gives supervisors the power to determine how new roads should be divided and contracts awarded for the work.Work Done By Congress
(Column 7)Summary: The article provides a brief summary of 14 bills passed by the 39th Congress, ranging from the new regulations for suffrage rights to new educational initiatives.
Origin of Article: North AmericanEditorial Comment: "The 39th Congress did not adjourn without having accomplished a great deal of good work. Notswithstanding the check upon the legislation that the President's opposition would naturally create, the members generally have proceded in the path of duty indicated so unmistakeably by the determined and over-powering sentiment of the country. The North American sums up the leading measures of the session as follows:"
Full Text of Article:The 39th Congress did not adjourn without having accomplished a great deal of good work. Notwithstanding the check upon legislation that the President's opposition would naturally create, the members generally have proceeded in that path of duty indicated so unmistakably by the determined and over-powering sentiment of the country. The North American sums up the leading measures of the session as follows:
1. The bill establishing universal and impartial suffrage in the District of Columbia without distinction of race or color has become a law over the President's veto, and the first election has been held under it, and has resulted in a Republican triumph.
2. In like manner the bill establishing universal and impartial suffrage in all the territories of the republic has been enacted into a law over the veto, and thus terminates the validity of all territorial laws that disfranchise a man on account of race or color. By the operation of this bill the colored man will have a right to vote in Colorado despite the unfriendly statutes of the territorial Legislature, and all efforts to disfranchise the colored citizen in territories like New Mexico, Montana, Arizona and Idaho are rendered useless. This act will not enfranchise the Chinamen in California and Nevada, but it will have the effect of attracting them from those States to the gold mining territories, where they will be voters.
3. The Military Reconstruction bill, of which we have heretofore spoken at length, has become a law over the veto. It establishes military protection for freedmen and Union men in the South, fixes terms of readmission for the rebel States, declares the existing governments of those States provisional, and secures the right of suffrage forthwith to every adult colored man in all the elections therein.
4. A bill to regulate the tenure of national civil offices has become a law over the veto. It puts an end to the capricious removals for political reasons that have disgraced the present Administration, and renders the official no longer a mere dependent on the Executive pleasure. It deprives the President of much of the power he has wielded for corrupt purposes.
5. The amendatory Tax bill has become a law, with the President's signature. It reduces the income tax, the manufacturers tax, and many other imposts, to the extent of at least seventy millions per annum.
6. An amendatory Tariff bill has been passed relating mainly to the duties on wool and woolen goods, and intended to benefit chiefly the west.
7. Nebraska has been formerly admitted as a State, despite a Presidential veto.
8. A bill has been passed authorizing an issue of loan certificates at a little over three per cent. interest, to the extent of fifty millions of dollars, to provide for the redemption of the accruing compound interest notes.
9. An act has been passed providing for the suppression of the abominable institution of peonage in New Mexico and other territories.
10. Payments to slaveholders for slaves enlisted as soldiers have been directed to stop.
11. A national bankrupt law has been enacted.
12. All future danger of a legislative interregnum, such as happened in 1861, at the outset of the rebellion, has been obviated by the passage of an act providing for the meeting of every new Congress on the first day of its term, March 4.
13. An act has been passed providing for the acceptance of League Island as a site for the iron-clad naval station.
14. An act has been passed establishing a department of education as a part of the national government.
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Local Items--Davis Panorama of the Rebellion
(Column 1)Summary: Reports that Harry H. Davis, "whose panorama of the Southern Republic has won distinction both in the U. S. and Europe," will exhibit his show in Chambersburg next Saturday and Monday evenings.[No Title]
(Column Local Items--Church Dedication)Summary: The Church of God's new temple was dedicated last Sunday in a service that included a sermon by Elder C. H. Forney, former pastor of the Congregation. The new building was erected on the site of the old church, which was destroyed during the July 30, 1864 raid on Chambersburg, and cost over $6,000 to construct.Local Items--Handsome Presents
(Names in announcement: Elder C. H. Forney)
(Column 2)Summary: Relates that the Lutheran Congregation presented their pastor, Rev. J. A. Kunkelman, with a "handsome and complete stone china dinner and tea set, together with nearly one hundred dollars in greenbacks."Local Items--Bold Robberies
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. A. Kunkelman)
(Column 2)Summary: A thief broke into David F. Leisher's residence on West Market street last Tuesday evening while he and his wife were asleep. The thief absconded with Leisher's pocket-book, which, fortunately for Leisher, was empty. The same night, John Reisner's home was entered illegally, but in this instance the thief, who is thought to be the same person, made off with a silver watch and two suits of clothing.Local Items--Borough Nominations
(Names in announcement: David F. Leisher, John Reisner)
(Column 2)Summary: Lists the men nominated to represent the Republican party in the upcoming borough elections.Local Items--Washington Township
(Names in announcement: W. S. Everett, Allen C. McGrath, B. Latrobe Maurer, Jacob Henninger, Calvin Gilbert, Nathan P. Pearse, George Flack, J. Boyd Wright, Michael W. Houser, Hugh B. Davison, Isaac H. McCauley, David M. Leisher, Philip Hamman, William Pearse, John W. Reges, Frank Snider, Michael Houser)
(Column 2)Summary: Lists the men from Washington township nominated for the Republican ticket.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: John Walter, Jacob Potter, George Summers, Nicholas Bonebrake, John Funk, Valentine Kriner, John Kugler, Henry Henicle, Jacob G. Summers, A. Barr, D. B. Resh, H. A. Fisher)
(Column 2)Summary: While en route to the state capital, Louis W. Hall, Speaker of the Senate, and Morrow B. Lowry, Senator from Erie, visited Chambersburg last Friday.
(Names in announcement: A. K. McClure)Origin of Article: Local Items--PersonalLocal Items--Pardoned
(Column 2)Summary: Gov. Geary has pardoned Mrs. Bernthisel, of Greencastle, for her adultery conviction.Married
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Bernthisel)
(Column 2)Summary: On Feb. 18th, John C. Brown and Elizabeth McFerren were married by Rev. B. S. Schneck.Married
(Names in announcement: John C. Brown, Elizabeth McFerren, Rev. B. S. Schneck)
(Column 2)Summary: On March 7th, Daniel Oyer and Elizabeth Brown were married by Rev. B. S. Schneck.Married
(Names in announcement: Daniel Oyer, Elizabeth Brown, Rev. B. S. Schneck)
(Column 2)Summary: On March 7th, J. F. Carl and Martha A. Pfoutz were married by Rev. J. Hassler.Married
(Names in announcement: J. F. Carl, Martha A. Pfoutz, Rev. J. Hassler)
(Column 2)Summary: On Feb. 14th, William Moor and Elizabeth Coons were married by Rev. J. B. Jones.Married
(Names in announcement: William Moor, Elizabeth Coons, Rev. J. B. Jones)
(Column 2)Summary: On William C. George and Nannie J. McKenzie were married by Rev. S. H. C. Smith.Died
(Names in announcement: William C. George, Nannie J. McKenzie, Rev.' S. H. C. Smith)
(Column 2)Summary: On March 2nd, Susanna, consort of David Gipe, died in St. Thomas. She was 37 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: Susanna Gipe, David Gipe)
(Column 2)Summary: On Feb. 18th, John Snively died in Green township. He was 85 years old.
(Names in announcement: John Snively)
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Description of Page: This page contains advertisements. |