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Franklin Repository: June 26, 1867

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Description of Page: The page contains advertisements, a host of anecdotes, and a story on marriage practices around the world.

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Into Port!
(Column 1)
Summary: The editors praise Chief Justice Chase's ruling at the session of the Circuit Court in Raleigh that debts owed citizens of the loyal states by southerners were not voided as a consequence of the late war.
[No Title]
(Column 3)
Summary: It is reported that Congress will meet for an extra session beginning on July 3rd. The extra session is necessary to insure that President Johnson does not "nullify" the reconstruction laws recently passed by that body. Johnson's attempts to interfere with the process already underway, the piece contends, has rendered him "more odious to the loyal people of the country than ever before."
Full Text of Article:

MR. JOHNSON, by all his ill advised interference with the peaceable work of reconstruction, as it was proceeding in the Southern States, has made an extra session of Congress unavoidable. It has been semi-officially announced that hereafter the administration will not suffer the removal of State officials by the department commanders in the Rebel States, and that the various functions of the several departments of these States must not be interfered with. This determination of the President practically nullifies the Act of Congress, and renders necessary some supplementary action. For this purpose an extra session has been called for the 3d of July. We are compelled to regard this action on the part of the President as the most unfortunate step he has yet taken, both for the country at large and for himself. He has opened a Pandora's box from which may come the most serious evils, to trouble and vex the entire land. Congress can do nothing less than make good what is previously declared to be the law, while it may do a great deal more. Its action will be determined in its character by the President's resistance. It must be unyielding and uncompromising. It cannot recede and is most likely to advance. Mr. Johnson is powerless to defeat its purpose, but he may have to learn this at a fearful cost to himself, and after much painful anxiety to the public. By his interference he excites all the opposition that his earlier course had aroused, but which had been measurably allayed by the success of the reconstruction scheme, and renders himself more odious to the loyal people of the country than ever before. This necessarily follows for the reason that his course if pursued at length would disappoint the hopes of the North for a speedy restoration of the Union, and re-open a struggle which the country deplores, and all this too when there is no necessity for his interference and but the feeblest pretext to justify it. Like certain familiar historical characters, Mr. Johnson may be remarkable for his very retentive memory, but then like them he is unfortunate in not learning anything. In this he may yet require a severe discipline.

A State Convention
(Column 4)
Summary: The editors happily note that the Miners Journal, "one of the most reliable and radical newspapers in Pennsylvania," has come out in favor of the proposed constitutional convention. The journal calls for the implementation of a set of reforms similar to those outlined by the Repository.
(Column 4)
Summary: Reports from Texas indicate that the President's efforts to thwart the will of Congress have already had an impact: judges in the Lonestar state have refused to hear the testimony of blacks, declaring the law allowing it unconstitutional and refusing to recognize "any authority except that of the State of Texas." Thus far, President Johnson, his Cabinet, and the Attorney General have refused all appeals to remove the judges.
Important Opinion By Chief Justice Chase
(Column 6)
Summary: The article discusses the land-mark opinion handed down by Chief Justice Chase in which he ruled that "debts due to citizens of loyal States are not discharged by payment to rebel receivers."
A Constitutional Convention
(Column 7)
Summary: In light of the corrupt practices that marked the last legislature, the Commercial endorses the call to convene a Constitutional Convention to reform the state's legislative process.
Origin of Article: Pittsburg Commercial
Full Text of Article:

The holding of a Convention to revise the Constitution of Pennsylvania is attracting increased attention from the press and from prominent citizens. A deep feeling pervades the Commonwealth on account of the scandalous management at Harrisburg, and a determination has been formed that a remedy shall be devised and applied. The shamelessness with which money was demanded at the last session, not by a few, but by most of the members, as the condition upon which they would hinder or help legislation, has become widely known, and has created an indignation that will not be easily pacified.

In the earlier stages of legislative corruption it was the habit of even debauched and mercenary members to act upon a class of bills, known under the designation of "public," with at least a show of decency and conscience, and to exact gratifications only on bills popularly known as "private." That distinction, which preserved a lingering tradition that "public" business was to be transacted upon considerations of utility and principle, has been swept away. Instances have become frequent of members bluntly demanding on matters purely public, "How much money is there to be had?"

Towards the close of the last session some gentleman had determined to institute criminal proceedings, against various members for taking bribes. These gentlemen were appalled when met by a threat to retaliate upon the members from their own county; and a show of hands was made, disclosing incontestable evidence that it could be done and that effectually. Rather than bring their own neighbors and acquaintances into disrepute and trouble, the proceedings were unwisely abandoned.

On a previous occasion we referred to an attempt made by the members in framing the General Appropriation Bill, to vote themselves larger salaries than they were entitled to. We explained how the bottom of the Treasury was reached, and how, after trying to turn the Sinking Fund into the General Fund, that it also might be exhausted, the salaries were made considerably less than was intended, because the money could not be found to make them larger. But another scheme was resorted to, last winter, on a larger scale than ever before, for increasing the emoluments. The greater portion of the Senators and Representatives took on sons with them, who were appointed to places of one sort or another about the Legislature. So many of the members were concerned in this dodge that they were enabled to make the pay of these youngsters all they dared. This practice is greatly to be reprobated. It has come to amount to taking indirectly from the Treasury sums that the members dare not take directly.

In the present temper of the people--and it is not likely to cool--a Constitutional Convention would provide stringent remedies for existing abuses. The prevailing nepotism would be knocked unceremoniously on the head. Private legislation, as it is termed, would be absolutely prohibited. The requirement would be made absolute that all legislation should be by general laws, applicable everywhere and to all alike, the Courts in the respective counties being charged with the duty of seeing that all associations of citizens desiring corporate franchises, and all existing companies desiring amendments conformed to the rule established. The session would be limited to not exceeding sixty days, the pay of members rigidly fixed, and the number of members very much increased. Provision would doubtless be made for compelling parties giving bribes to become witnesses against members taking bribes.

In the Republican ranks the feeling is decided that the Williamsport State Convention ought to take strong ground in favor of a Constitutional Convention.--Pittsburg Commercial.

-Page 03-

Local Items--Franklin County Officers
(Column 1)
Summary: The article contains a list of commissioned officers from Franklin county who served in the volunteer service during the "rebellion."
(Names in announcement: Charles T. Campbell, F. S. Stumbaugh, James G. Elder, Samuel Spear, Peter B. Housum, Robert W. McAllen, J. Mac Thompson, George Stetzell, B. Frank Winger, D. Watson Rowe, John S. Nimmons, James C. Austiun, James C. Brownson, Adam J. Snyder, Luther B. Kurtz, Elias S. Troxill, John L. Ritchey, John Stewart, Samuel E. Carmony, Henry B. Kendig, J. Mac Montgomery, T. Jefferson Mill, Samuel G. Lane, H. G. Chritzman, S. C. Walker, William C. Lane, John S. King, David Newcomer, George W. Burk, George Stitzell, J. Elliott Miller, Frank A. Bushey, Charles J. Smith, Jacob L. Maurer, Victor D. Miller, John S. Angle, John J. Pomeroy, Edward McKee, Bernard McCollum, Samuel J. Niccolls, John Ault, Joseph Davison, John S. Eyster, E. D. Reid, William Stitt, Mark Kerns, George H. Miller, Mich W. Houser, S. R. McKesson, John E. Walker, Albert G. Stark, William H. Davison, James P. McCulloch, John H. Reed, William Walker, George L. Miles, John H. Walker, A. R. Davison, Archibald Res, William Barnitz, William E. McDowell, W. H. Sollenberger, Wash Skinner, Thomas Cochran, Joseph Thomas, D. B. Greenawalt, E. K. Lehman, John T. Dick, A. Jackson Brand, Benjamin Rodes, Thomas Myers, Robert B. Ward, James E. Cook, A. Davidson, Edward A. Minnich, John C. Sample, Joseph W. Winger, John Doebler, Solomon B. Barnes, Daniel Snively, Charles Funk, J. C. Hullinger, James C. Patton, H. C. Phenicie, J. H. Harmony, Christ Pisle, R. J. Boyd, Thomas French, Thomas J. Moore, Neah W. Kuhn, H. W. McKnight, A. J. Stevens, S. M. McDowell, Bruce Lambert, David Vance, William Burgess, Thomas Fletcher, Jesse Little, Hez E. Polsgrave, William H. Shorb, Frederick Sharp, David F. Deihl, H. R. Thompson, Arthur Bennett, James F. Shattuck, Simon Foreman, William N. Pearse, Aaron Treher, James A. Watson, William N. Scott, James P. Wolf, William Verdien, Hiram Treher, A. Crawford, George W. Welsh, Sam Hornbraker, Jeremiah Cook, George F. Platt, George W. Walker, S. O. McCurdy, W. H. H. Mackey, J. Gilmore Rowe, Mich D. Miller, Jacob Snively, William S. Maxwell, Joseph Rock, John Beaver, Samuel B. Peters, H. G. Bonebrake, George Glass, M. B. Wingert, N. W. Horner, James T. Long, David L. Pisle, Lewis Hinckle, G. W. Kennedy, Wilson Reilly, John T. Pfoutz, F. W. Shenefield, W. F. Peiffer, W. P. Skinner, Daniel L. Dubbs, Rezin Debolt, A. A. Pomery, Robert A. Sharp, Philip Besser, B. Frank Deal, E. F. Shatzer, K. S. Taylor, J. B. Strickler, Calvin Hassler, Jacob L. Detrich, Peter Cummings, John W. Bryson, William H. Willett, William Eaker, John C. Brown, George Smith, Edwin S. Wilcox, George Cook, Alex Landis, H. H. Hutten, John R. Michaels, J. H. Aughinbaugh, Syl A. Weldy, Jacob W. Miles, Theo Stouffer, D. E. Wolf, Jacob Sheetz, Henry Daniels, Henry Wolf, Mathias Bitner, William McLenegan, Jacob S. Trout, Clay McCauley, H. H. Brenneman, H. C. Fortescue, Benjamin Zook, J. W. Fletcher, J. W. P. Reid, Adam Franklin, John Hassler, Sam M. Hoeflich, William Stover, John W. Jones, All McDowell, Val H. Bohn, J. S. Armstrong, Jerome Coble, William R. Kreps, Jacob Potter, Jacob Potter, Frank D. Ditzler, Abram Oyer, M'Fd Campbell, Richard Water, George Roth, T. H. Wellstead, Samuel Palmer, G. W. Harmony, R. G. Ferguson, L. F. Brahm, Joseph W. Burk, George J. Deitrich)
Full Text of Article:

FRANKLIN COUNTY OFFICERS.--The following list of commissioned officers from Franklin county, in the volunteer service of the United States during the rebellion, we have compiled from the last report of Adjutant General Russell. A number of those named have been promoted by brevet, and also served in several organizations, but we give the regiment in which they held the highest rank at the time of their discharge:


Charles T. Campbell


F. S. Stumbaugh, 77th In
James G. Elder, 126th in
Samuel P. Spear, 11th Cav.


Peter B. Housum, 77th In
Robert W. M'Allen, 107th In
J. Mac Thompson, 107th In
George Stetzell, 11th Cav
B. Frank Winger, 2d Art
D. Watson Rowe, 126th In


John S. Nimmons, 11th Cav
James C. Austin, 126th In
Robt S. Brownson, 126th In
Adam J. Snyder, 16th Cav
Luther B. Kurtz, 17th Cav
Elias S. Troxell, 22d Cav
John L. Ritchey, 209th In


John Stewart, 126th In
Saml E. Carmony, 16th Cav
Henry B. Kendig, 21st Cav


J. Mac Montgomery, 170th In
T. Jefferson Nill, 126th In


Sam G. Lane, 5th Reserves
H. G. Chritzman, 57th In
S. G. Walker, 9th Cavalry
William C. Lane, 122d In


John S. King, 2d (3m) In
David Newcomer, 26th In
Geo W. Burk, 46th In
George Stitzell, 56th In
J. Elliott Miller, 57th In
Frank A. Bushey, 4th Cav
Charles J. Smith, 69th In
Jacob L. Maurer, 77th In
Victor D. Miller, 78th In
John S. Angle, 123d In


John J. Pomeroy, 32d In
Edward McKee, 116th In
Bernard McCollum, 116th In
Samuel J. Niccolls, 126th In
John Ault, 126th Infantry


Joseph A. Davison, D 6th R
John S. Eyster, K 12th Res
E. D. Reid, A. C. S., U. S. Vols.
*Hezekiah Eastom, A 1st Art
William Stitt, A 1st Art
*Mark Kerns, G 1st Art
George H. Miller, G 55th In
Mich W. Houser, C 57th In
+S. R. M. Kesson, A 77th In
*Jno E. Walker, A 77th In
Albert G. Stark, A 77th In
Wash Skinner, A 77th In
Thom G. Cochran, D 77th In
Joseph Thomas, H 77th In
D. B. Greenawalt, K 87th In
E. K. Lehman, A2 103d In
*Jno T. Dick, H 107th In
A. Jackson Brand, K 107th In
Benjamin Rodes, K 107th In
Thomas Myers, K 107th In
Robert B. Ward, D 11th Cav
James E. Cook, D 11th Cav
A. Davidson, E 11th Cav
Ed A. Minnich, I 11th Cav
Jno C. Simple, L 11th Cav
Jos W. Winger, D 2d Art
John Doebler, A 126th In
Wm H. Davison, B 126th In
*Jas P M'Culloch, C 126th In
Jno H. Reed, D 126th In
Wm W. Walker, E 126th In
Geo L. Miles, G 126th In
Jno. H. Walker, H 126th In
A. R. Davison, K 126th In
Arch R. Rea, D 158th In
Wm T. Barnitz, E 158th In
Wm E. M'Dowell, I 158th In
W. H. Sollenberger, H 16th C
Sol B. Barnes, H 16th Cav
Daniel Snively, G 17th Cav
Charles A. Funk, A 165th In
J. O. Hullinger, D 21st Cav
James C. Patton, D 21st Cav
H. C. Phenicie, K 21st Cav
J. H. Harmony, L 21st Cav
Christ Pisle, I 21st (6m) Cav
R. J. Boyd, K 21st (6m) Cav
Thos D. French, L 22d Cav
Thos J. Moore, A 206th In
Noah W. Kuhn, D 209th In
H. W. M'Knight, D 210th In
*A. J. Stevens, Ind Battery B
*S. M. M'Dowell, Ind Bat B
Bruce Lambert, Ind Cav


David Vance, D 6th Res
Wm Burgess, D 6th Res
Thos L. Fletcher, K 12th Res
Jesse Little, K 12th Res
Hez E. Polsgrove, A 1st Art
Wm H. Shorb, G 55th In
+Fred'k Sharp, A 77th In
David F. Deihl, A 77th In
+H. R. Thompson, D 77th In
Arthur Bennett, D 77th In
Jas F. Shattuck, H 77th In
Simon H. Foreman, K 87th In
Wm N. Pearse, B 105th In
Aaron Treher, B 107th In
Jas A. Watson, G 107th In
Wm N. Scott, D 11th Cav
James P. Wolf, B 2d Art
Wm H. Verdier, D 2d Art
Hiram Trelier, H 2d Art
A. M. L. Crawford, H 12th Cav
Geo W. Welsh, A 126th In
Sam Hornbraker, C 126th In
Jeremiah Cook, D 126th In
Geo F. Platt, D 126th In
Geo W. Walker, E 126th In
S. O. M'Curdy, G 126th In
W. H. H. Mackey, H 126th In
J. Gilmore Rowe, K 126th In
Mich D. Miller, B 158th In
Jacob S. Snively, D 158th In
Wm S. Maxwell, E 158th In
Joseph Rock, G 158th In
John Beaver, I 158th In
Sam'l B. Peters, H 16th Cav
H. G. Bonebrake, G 17th Cav
+Geo Glass, A 165th In
M. B. Wingert, A 165th In
N. W. Horner, A 165th In
James T. Long, A 21st Cav
David L. Pisle, D 21st Cav
Lewis H. Hinckle, K 21st Cav
G. W. Kennedy, K 21st Cav
Wilson Reilly, L 21st Cav
John T. Pfoutz, L 21st Cav
F. W. Shenefield, L 21st Cav
W. F. Peiffer, I 21st (6m) Cav
W. P. Skinner, H 21st (6m) C
+Daniel L. Dubbs, B 4th Art
Rezin L. Debolt, C 4th Art
*A. A. Pomeroy, I 198th In
Robert A. Sharp, G 205th In
Philip Besser, K 208th In
B. Frank Deal, D 209th In
E. F. Shatzer, Ind Battery B


K. S. Taylor, A 2d (3m) In
J. B. Strickler, C 2d (3m) In
Calvin M. Hassler, D 6th Res
Jacob L. Detrich, A 1st Art
Peter Cummings, A 1st Art
John W. Bryson, A 77th In
Wm H. Willett, A 77th In
William Eaker, A 77th In
John C. Brown, K 87th In
George Smith, B 107th In
Edwin S. Wilcox, G 107th In
George Cook, K 107th In
Alex C. Landis, K 107th In
H. H. Hutten, K 107th, In
John R. Michaels, K 107th In
J. H. Aughinbaugh, D 11th C
Syl A. Weldy, D 11th Cav
Jacob W. Miles, D 11th Cav
Theo Stouffer, A 2d Art
D. E. Wolf, B 2d Art
Jacob Sheets, C 2d Art
Henry Daniels, D 2d Art
Henry Wolf, D 2d Art
Mathias Bitner, H 2d Art
Wm M'Lenegan, A 126th In
Jacob S. Trout, C 126th In
Clay McCauley, D 126th In
H. H. Brenneman, E 126th In
*H. C. Fortesene, G 126th In
Benj F. Zook, G 126th In
J. W. Fletcher, H 126th In
J. W. P. Reid, K 126th In
Adam Franklin, B 158th In
John Hassler, D 158th In
Sam M. Hoeflich, E 158th In
William Stover, G 158th In
John W. Jones, I 158th In
All McDowell, B 15th Cav
Val H. Bohn, H 16ht Cav
J. S. Armstrong, H 16th Cav
Jerome Coble, H 16th Cav
Wm R. Kreps, G 17th Cav
Jacob Potter, G 17th Cav
Frank D. Ditzler, A 165th In
Abram S. Oyer, A 165th In
M'Fd Campbell, D 21st Cav
*Richard Water, E 21st Cav
George Roth, E 21st Cav
T. H. Wellstead, I 21st Cav
Samuel Palmer, K 21st Cav
G. W. Harmony, L 21st Cav
R. G. Ferguson, H 21st (6m) C
L. F. Brahm, F 184th In
Joseph W. Burk, L 22d Cav
Geo J. Deitrich, D 209th In

*Killed in action or died of wounds.
+Died from disease contracted in the service.

Local Items--Roll of Honor
(Column 1)
Summary: A list of all the soldiers buried in the various cemeteries in Chambersburg during the late war.
(Names in announcement: Hugh Brotherton, Patrick Curran, Thomas Curran, Thomas Dunkinson, Fisher Bard, John Heckerman, Augustus D. Houser, Peter Housum, David Hummelsine, William B. Leisher, Jacob Lortz, William McCain, Andrew McCain, James McGeelion, T. J. C. McGrath, George Nolen, John S. Oaks, James Palmer, Thomas Richter, William Seiders, Jacob Shafer, James Y. Shuman, John Simmers, William Shuman, William Stouffer, Benjamin F. Suters)
Local Items--Look Out For Mad Dogs
(Column 1)
Summary: Warns readers that there have been a number of reported sightings of mad dogs in the county in the last couple of weeks.
Local Itemss--Serious Accident
(Column 2)
Summary: Jacob Whetzel had to have his leg amputated just above his knee after he injured his limb while felling trees on June 21st. Whetzel was alone when the incident occurred; George Waddle came to his rescue after hearing his cries for help. Waddle brought the man to his home and called on Dr. Snively who set the limb. Soon after it was determined that the leg would have to be amputated, which was accordingly done with the assistance of Dr. Frantz and E. A. Herring.
(Names in announcement: Jacob Whetzel, Dr. Frantz, Dr. E. A. Herring)
Origin of Article: Waynesboro Record
Local Items--Soldier's Monument
(Column 2)
Summary: Reports that Company C, 126th Regiment Penna. Vols. recently erected "a handsome marble monument" in honor of Capt. James P. McCullough, the former commander of the company who died in the Battle of Petersburg on April 2, 1863. The monument stands near the Church Hill cemetery where McCullough's remains were interred.
(Names in announcement: Capt. James P. McCullough)
Origin of Article: Mercersburg Journal
Local Items--Accident
(Column 2)
Summary: On the way home from a picnic near Harchelrode's Mill last Saturday, Martin Shoemaker's daughter was seriously injured when she was thrown from the wagon she was riding in and run over by one of its wheels. The young woman suffered several gashes on her face. Initially her recovery was doubtful, though the prognosis has improved in the days since the accident.
(Names in announcement: Martin Shoemaker, Snyder)
Origin of Article: Shippensburg Sentinel
Local Items--Bitten by a Mad Dog
(Column 2)
Summary: The article relates that a dog believed to be mad bit two people in Chambersburg last week. The dog first attacked the little son of Edward Spahr while he stood in front of his father's house. The canine then proceeded down the street where he bit a gentleman. The dog was later killed in Rocky Spring. Thus far, neither of the dog's victims appear to show any sign of infection.
(Names in announcement: Edward Spahr)
Local Items--Accident
(Column 2)
Summary: James Long, a drayman in Greencastle, injured himself while unloading some cars at the warehouse of Schafhirt and Imbrie last Monday, says the piece. Long tumbled to the ground while trying to jump from across a platform car, dislocating his shoulder. Long was attended to by Dr. Grubb who "immediately performed an operation that gave relief to the sufferer."
(Names in announcement: James Long, Schafhirt, Imbrie, Dr. Grubb)
Origin of Article: Greencastle Pilot
Local Items
(Column 2)
Summary: Due to an increase in its business, reports the article, the Cumberland Valley Railroad company has erected a large brick building at the end of its machine shop. The company also plans on constructing cattle pens on property that it recently purchased.
Local Items--Fourth of July
(Column 2)
Summary: The Friendship Fire Company will celebrate the Fourth of July with an excursion to Adam Kissecker's Woods, near Greencastle; the Methodist Society will spend the day in a grove by Marion station.
Local Items--Personal
(Column 3)
Summary: Notes that the Democracy of the Third Congressional District of California has selected James W. Coffroth, a native of Greencastle, as its candidate in the upcoming election.
(Names in announcement: James W. Coffroth)
Local Items--New Post Office
(Column 3)
Summary: The Post Master General has established a new office at Brown's Mill, located on the Franklin Railroad line, and has named Andrew Dalrymple as the Postmaster and J. R. Young as his assistant.
(Names in announcement: Andrew Dalrymple, J. R. Young)
[No Title]
(Column 3)
Summary: Notes that the "colored Masons" of Chambersburg traveled to Hagerstown last Monday to participate in a parade given by the order.
(Column 4)
Summary: On June 18th, Johnathan Palmer, of Lettersburg, Md., and Elmira Appenzeller were married by Rev. J. Dickson.
(Names in announcement: Johnathan Palmer, Elmira Appenzeller, Rev. J. Dickson)
(Column 4)
Summary: On June 23rd, Philip Hert and Margaret Schmidt were married by Rev. G. Roth.
(Names in announcement: Philip Hert, Margaret Schmidt, Rev. G. Roth)
(Column 4)
Summary: On June 2nd, Lydia, wife of George Houser, died in Chambersburg. She was 63 years old.
(Names in announcement: Lydia Houser, George Houser)
(Column 4)
Summary: On June 24th, Catharine, wife of John Bowles, died in Chambersburg. She was 35 years old.
(Names in announcement: Catharine Bowles, John Bowles)
(Column 4)
Summary: On June 12th, Bruce Lambert, son of Dr. John Lambert, of Chambersburg, died in Sacramento, California. He was 26 years old.
(Names in announcement: Bruce Lambert, Dr. John Lambert)

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Description of Page: This page contains advertisements.