Franklin Repository: January 08, 1868Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Principles vs. Expediency and Availability
(Column 02)Summary: The editors severely criticize Andrew Johnson and his policies and call him a usurper for ignoring the will of the electorate. They use Johnson as an example to show what happens when candidates are chosen because of expediency instead of upholding party principles. The editors also urge Republicans to select candidates for future elections based on their desire to carry out the party's progressive vision.
Full Text of Article:The Chambersburg Woolen MillsWhen a servant is willing and able to execute the commands of his master, it is immaterial what his political or religious belief may be, but when he attempts to usurp the place of the master, and to put in force his own peculiar views, it is altogether time he was discharged from his office. If the people of the United States had put in force, in the National family, the rules which each one would not fail to enforce in his own affairs, the public servant, who has made himself the Public's master and usurped the functions of its representatives, would now be classed with Charles 1st of England, and Louis the sixteenth of France. But the peoples' representatives did not deem it expedient to impeach and punish the bold usurper--we cannot but believe that a majority of them believed that he ought to be impeached and that he deserved the extreme penalty of the law--and hence Andrew Johnson continues to outrage public sentiment and common decency. The time was when the Chief Magistrate of the nation regarded himself only as the servant of the people, believed that he fulfilled his office when he executed the will of the people as expressed through their representatives in Congress. So long as the President held these modest views of his office, it was not very material what his political faith was. The laws would be excuted notwithstanding they did not exactly agree with his policy. But those halcyon days are of the past. The complacent, self-confident individual who now holds and disgraces the Presidential office deems himself the chief depository of wisdom. The combined wisdom of Congress is foolishness compared with his profound discernment. "My policy" is the only basis of reconstruction. While he does not--because he dares not--directly prevent, he resorts to every expedient to embarrass the execution of the reconstruction laws. When it suits his purpose he is a stickler for the letter of the law. When it don't, he construes liberally. In either case the concise and sententious Binckly, with whom opinions are as plenty as blackberries, holds himself in readiness to furnish the argument. Andrew Johnson has taught us the necessity of consulting something besides expediency and availability in the selection of a candidate for President. Devotion to these narrow views made him Vice President, and accident made him President, behold the man and his deeds. All true friends of Progress see now the error we committed then and do not wish to repeat it. Certain results of the late contest are to be secured. Too much blood was spilled; too much suffering endured; too much sorrow brought upon the community, to permit those results to be lost through our inaction or through our subserviency to such narrow policy as that of expediency. There are certain progressive principles which the Republican party originated long ago, they have been carried almost to fruition, shall we go back upon them now? Shall we sacrifice them to preserve a party name? Would it not be more manly to maintain them? aye! and carry them out to their logical conclusions. We know that those principles are founded in right and justice. We know that they will prevail in the end. Let us not look for those whose only qualification is that they have--more through chance than any thing else--the strength necessary to elect them. But rather search for those who when elected will carry out those principles which are best fitted to promote the welfare of the people. Let us put no such mean interrogatories as, "Is he available?" "Is it expedient to adopt this measure or that?" But rather, "Is he fit?" "Do the principles which we wish carried out live in him?" "Are the measures just and right?"
(Column 04)Summary: "Looker On" writes to comment on the state of manufacturing in Chambersburg, specifically the Chambersburg Woolen Mill. He asserts that the mill did well for itself in its first year and urges more investment in such mills in the future. "Looker On" also calls on investors to steer away from government bonds and invest more in local manufacturing.
Full Text of Article:To the Editors of the Franklin Repository
I have just been reading a fly-sheet, or circular, giving a statement of the past and present condition of the Chambersburg Woolen Mill. That circular has been prepared, I suppose, by the authorized officers of the mill. Its statements are candid and fair, as all must admit who read it without prejudice or ill-will. Its appeal also to the large and small capitalists of the town, to aid in the undertaking is enforced by arguments as clear, as they are unanswerable. According to their statement, the company has done well for the first year. It could not be expected that the mill would clear itself the first twelve months. If it has done without going backward the past year, it has beat a great many of its old competitors. But so far from losing, we believe that it has made handsome gains. For the wealthy men of Chambersburg to let the mill and its dependants suffer, when they can so easily avert it, would be sheer madness on their part. No sensible man needs to be informed, that a business to be successful, must be supported in a tangible form. "Money is the soul of trade." If a town like Chambersburg, with a population of seven or eight thousand inhabitants cannot run one mill without running it ashore, what shall we say of those towns in New England, whose population are less than this, running eight to twelve mills. The growth of New England is mainly due to its manufacturing interests. Without its Woolen and Cotton Manufactories, it would be but a barren waste. On the other hand, Chambersburg is surrounded by rich agricultural lands, such as are not found in New England, only in isolated places. This is very much in our favor, as it enables all classes of people here to live at a much cheaper rate. Coal also is much cheaper here than in New England, and coal is an important item to a manufacturer. Chambersburg too has as good a chance as New England in procuring skillful hands to operate its manufacturing establishments. Notwithstanding these great advantages as a manufacturing centre, our monied men seem to have more faith in Government Bonds. By the way, these government securities are the ruination of trade. This high rate of interest causes the capitalist to invest his money in them, and let precarious business slide. This is an injury to the laboring class, who are dependent for a living upon their honest labor. It is labor too that has to create the wealth wherewith to pay this high rate of interest. The national debt--or at least a large part of it--ought to be allowed to lay over a few generations like the national debt of England, so that we may be better able to compete with that nation in manufacturing. It is all nonsense to attempt to run a manufacturing race with England, with the heavy load of debt we are now carrying. We must lay some of it down, if we mean to run lightly and win. But let us return to Chambersburg and its woolen interests once more, as it is only in its infancy, and needs our fostering care; while the government will take care of itself, and stand for ages, when we are mouldering in the dust. The town of Chambersburg has outgrown itself in the matter of stores, with but little outside population to sustain them. Foster and encourage manufacturing and the town will grow and prosper, and the storekeepers will be benefited thereby. The success of this our first enterprise in the manufacture of woolen fancy cloths ought to interest of all. To let it go down for want of funds, would demoralize in a measure the whole town, and would prove a damper to all future enterprises of a like character. Some contend that the big fish will eat the little ones up. Let us hear how they will do it. So far as that is concerned, I cannot see how the large stockholder can appropriate what belongs to the small stockholder, any more than the captain of a ship can rob a ship's passenger of his trunk
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(Column 01)Summary: The paper provides a very detailed directory of the names of men who hold local office, ministers of various churches, and the meetings times and places of various associations in town.
(Names in announcement: Alex King, James Ferguson, John Armstrong, William H. M'Dowell, Henry Strickler, Henry S. Shade, W. S. Stenger, Thaddeus M. Mahon, George W. Skinner, John Doebler, J. W. Fletcher, Emanuel Kuhn, Addison Imbrie, William Boyd, Daniel Skinner, Jonas C. Palmer, George Foreman, William S. Everett, James H. Clayton, M. W. Heintzelman, John GillanJr., John Ditzler, E. J. Bonebrake, Charles Gelwicks, Dr. J. C. Richards, Dr. John Lambert, M. Martin, Samuel W. Nevin, Samuel Myers, William S. Everett, George Palmer, Samuel F. Greenawalt, Adam Hamilton, Benjamin Rhodes, Allen C. M'Grath, B. Latrobe Maurer, D. S. Fahnestock, John A. Seiders, John Forbes, Michael W. Houser, James Hamilton, J. S. Nixon, J. N. Snider, S. M. Shillito, J. Henninger, Calvin Gilbert, Rev. J. A. Crawford, Rev. Irving Magee, Rev. G. Roth, Rev. P. S. Davis, Rev. Dr. Schneck, Rev. S. H. C. Smith, Rev. H. Y. Hummelbaugh, Rev. Hunter, Rev. Cox)Full Text of Article:Rev. Henry Harbaugh, D. D., Dec'dThe following is a directory of the officers of Franklin county and the Borough of Chambersburg, of the ministers of Chambersburg, and the time of meeting of the different associations:
President Judge--Hon. Alex King.
Associate Judges--Jas. Ferguson, Jno. Armstrong Esqs.
Prothonotory--William H. M'Dowell.
Register and Recorder--Henry Strickler.
Deputy Register and Recorder--Henry S. Shade.
District Attorney--W.S. Stenger.
Clerk of Courts--Thaddeus M. Mahon.
Treasurer--George W. Skinner.
Sheriff--John Doebler.
Deputy Sheriff--J.W. Fletcher.
Surveyor--Emanuel Kuhn.
Jury Commissioners--Addison Imbrie, Wm. Boyd.
Commissioners--Daniel Skinner, Jonas C. Palmer, Wm. Shenafield. Clerk--Geo. Foreman. Counsel--Wm S. Everett, Esq.
Directors of Poor--James H. Clayton, M.W. Heintzelman, John Gillan, Jr. Steward--John Ditzler, Counsel and Clerk--E.J. Bonebrake. Treasurer--Charles Gelwicks. Physician--Dr. J.C. Richards
Physician to Jail--Dr. John Lambert.
Auditors--M. Martin, Samuel W. Nevin, Samuel Myers.
Burgess--Wm. S. Everett.
Council--George Palmer, Samuel F. Greenawalt, Adam Hamilton, Benjamin Rhodes, Allen C. M'Grath, B. Latrobe Maurer. Treasurer--D.S. Fahnestock. Clerk--John A. Seiders.
Street Commissioner--John Forbes.
Constable--Michael W. Houser.
School Directors--James Hamilton, J.S. Nixon, J.N. Snider, S.M. Shillito, J. Henninger, Calvin Gilbert. President--S.M. Shillito. Tresurer--Jacob Henninger.
Presbyterian--Rev. J.A. Crawford.
First Lutheran--Rev. Irving Magee.
Second Lutheran--Rev. G. Roth.
First German Reformed--Rev. P.S. Davis.
Second German Reformed--Rev. Dr. Schneck.
Methodist--Rev. S.H.C. Smith.
United Brethren--Rev. H.Y. Hummelbaugh.
Church of God--Rev. Mr. Hunter.
Roman Catholic--Rev. Mr. Cox.
George Washington Lodge, No. 143, A.Y.M., meets on the first Friday on or before full moon, in the Masonic Hall, Second street.
Olive Branch Encampment, No. 13, I.O.O.F., meets on the 2d and 4th Monday evenings of each mouth, in the third story of the Repository Building.
Columbus Lodge, No. 75, I.O.O.F., meets every Thursday evening in the third story of the Repository Hall.
Chambersburg Lodge, No. 175, I.O.O.F., meets every Tuesday evening, in the third story of the Repository Hall.
Falling Spring Division, No. 122, Sons of Temperance, meets every Friday evening, in the third story of Mr. Ludwig's Building, N.W. corner of the Diamond.
M'Murray Lodge, No. 119, I.O.G.T., meets every Monday evening in the third story of Mr. Ludwig's building, North-west corner of the Diamond. Degree Lodge meets on the 1st and 3d Wednesday evenings of each month in same place.
Post No. 24, Grand Army of the Republic, holds its meetings on the 1st and 3d Wednesday evenings of each month, in the third story of Mr. J.N. Snider's building on the Diamond.
(Column 01)Summary: Extended obituary of the late Rev. Henry Harbaugh that highlights the accomplishments of his early education, his publications, and the various pastorships he headed in his lifetime. The paper asserts that he was an ideal citizen and will be sorely missed by his fellow ministers and parishioners.
Full Text of Article:Extension of the Franklin RailroadThe funeral of this eminent divine, whose death was announced in our last issue, took place with proper christian solemnities, at Mercersburg, on Tuesday, the 31st ult., at 11 o'clock, A.M. His death had brought together a large number of prominent ministers and elders of the church to which he belonged. Rev. John W. Nevin, D.D., President of Franklin and Marshall College at Lancaster, conducted the services and delivered the discourse. He was assisted by Drs. Gerhart, Schneck, Theodore Appel and others.
Dr. Harbaugh was born near Waynesboro', in this county, in October, 1817, and was fifty years and two months old at the time of his decease. In acquiring his early education he labored under great disadvantages. Receiving no aid or sympathy from his friends he went to Ohio and taught school, studying at night by the light of hickory-bark fires, to keep in advance of his pupils. Pecuniary difficulties also compelled him to relinquish his college course at the end of the Sophomore year, at which point he entered the Theological Seminary. But such were his talents and his untiring industry that he soon won distinction in the church, and was honored with the degree of Master of Arts, by the institution in which he had previously studied. His Doctorate was subsequently conferred by the authorities of Union College at Schenectady, N.Y.
Dr. Harbaugh was undoubtedly a remarkable man. He was well known as a writer and a theologian, not only in this country, but across the Atlantic. As an author he was not only voluminous but eminently interesting and instructive. Among the productions of his pen we may mention "The Future Life" in three volumes, comprising "The Sainted Dead," "The Heavenly Recognition," and "The Heavenly Home;" "The Birds of the Bible;" The Life of Schlatter;" "The Lives of the Fathers of the Reformed Church of America"--two or three volumes; "The True Glory of Woman," and several devotional books and tracts, all of which are exciting a great and good influence. Besides, he contributed largely to the leading periodicals of the country, published for thirteen years a monthly for the young, and was, at the time of his death, editor of the Mercersburg Review. Some of his books have passed through a great many editions, and their high character is such, that the demand for them is not likely to be abated. We are glad to learn that another volume of the "Lives of the Fathers," and his "Lectures on the Heidelberg Catechism" are ready for the press.
At different periods of his life, Dr. Harbaugh was pastor of several prominent congregations in the Reformed Church, and in 1863 he was elected Professor of Didactic Theology in the Seminary at Mercersburg, which position he filled with marked ability until the time of his death. Since his acceptance of the professorship, he has been earnestly engaged in preparing a system of Divinity, and although he was not spared to finish this work, we hope that what he has done in this direction will yet be of much advantage to the church.
Dr. Harbaugh was not only possessed of rare and versatile talents, but was wonderfully industrious and became to be a man of vast acquirements. As a public speaker it may perhaps be said that he never failed to interest those whom he addressed, whether grave divines in the Synod or little children in the Sunday School, and no man within the bounds of his denomination has exercised a more permeating and widely extended influence. His earnest christian character, and his genial nature made him a general favorite, and he will live long in the hearts not only of his brethren in the ministry, but of thousands of others to whom he has given words of instruction and comfort. It will be hard to find any one fully able to take his place.
(Column 01)Summary: The paper comments on surveys of two possible routes for an extension of the Franklin Railroad. The article provides details on the proposed routes and ongoing negotiations with local property-holders to gain approval for building the railroad through their farms.
Full Text of Article:Greencastle ItemsThe maps and profiles of the recent surveys of the two routes of extension which are proposed to Williamsport, made by Maj. Edward Watts, Chief Engineer, have been submitted to the proper authorities and approved. It now remains to be determined which of the two contemplated routes shall be adopted. The one extends from the point on the Franklin Railroad, at which it crosses the State line, west of the Salisbury ridge, direct to Fenton opposite Williamsport, a distance of nine miles, with a maximum grade of 49.10, and at a cost of about $314,000. The other route commences at the termination of the Railroad in Washington street in Hagerstown, and running along Walnut street to Antietam, where it makes a slight curve, and thence, with the exception of one small deflection, in a perfect bee-line to Fenton, a distance of six miles, with a maximum grade of 52.03, and at a total cost of about $303,000. The Hagerstown route, it will be seen, is three miles shorter than the State Line route; but in the length of road from Williamsport to Harrisburg, the State Line route is three miles shorter. The charter is already secured and the proper officer will at once call upon property holders along the line, to arrange, justly and amicably, for the passage of the road through their farms.
(Column 02)Summary: The directors of the First National Bank of Greencastle declare dividends of five per cent for the last six months. The citizens of Greencastle met on December 30th to organize a building association. Subscriptions are being solicited. David E. Stover, a former proprietor of the Repository, left Greencastle for California.Sons of Temperance
(Names in announcement: David E. Stover)
(Column 02)Summary: The Falling Spring Division, No 122, Sons of Temperance, elected officers. G. W. P. M'Culloh installed them on Friday.New Turnpike
(Names in announcement: G. W. P. M'Culloh, William H. Wanamaker, Frank Henderson, D. B. Kirby, Leonard Ebert, James B. Gillan, W. F. Eyster, Rev. N. Schlosser, David K. Appenzeller, John Embich, Jacob Wolf, Jacob Henninger, R. P. Hazelet, D. B. Kirby, Maggie Reilly, Mollie Aughinbaugh, Annie C. Forbes, Emma Jarrett, Tillie Oaks)
(Column 02)Summary: An application has been made to construct a turnpike from Carns' blacksmith shop on the Waynesboro, Greencastle, Mercersburg turnpike to a point near Claylick by way of the Greentree Inn. It will be called the Welsh Run turnpike. Subscriptions to stock are already being made.Improvement
(Column 02)Summary: The Cumberland Valley Railroad company has built more facilities in Chambersburg to handle increasing traffic on the road. They have recently remodeled and enlarged the Robert Morris engine, and are working on the Col. Gehr.The Week of Prayer
(Column 02)Summary: The Evangelical Alliance has designated the present week a "week of prayer." Local churches will hold meetings throughout the week.A Row
(Column 02)Summary: Several white and black men got in a fight Thursday evening on Second Street in Chambersburg. Two white men attacked a black man named Sam Brooks. Brooks fled and procured some friends who "in turn inflicted a severe castigation on his white assailants."Arrested
(Names in announcement: Sam Brooks)
(Column 02)Summary: William Stoner was arrested for the shooting of David Montgomery in a bar in Wolfstown. Stoner had eluded the law for several months, but was arrested in Williamsport and brought to Chambersburg by Philip Hamman to stand trial .Free Lecture
(Names in announcement: William Stoner, David Montgomery, Philip Hamman)
(Column 03)Summary: The Rev. S. H. C. Smith will deliver the first in a series of lectures for the benefit of the poor. Their is no entrance fee, but a collection will be taken up. The paper encourages all to attend.Enforce the Ordinance
(Names in announcement: Rev. S. H. C. Smith)
(Column 03)Summary: The paper complains about the condition of the town pavements. The editors are especially upset about lax enforcement of the ordinance providing for the clearing of snow after a storm.Reduction in Price of Gas
(Column 03)Summary: The Chambersburg Gas Company announces that after the 1st of January gas will cost $5 per 1,000 feet. A reduction of 40 cents per 1,000 feet will be made from the final bill if payments are made at the secretary's office on or before the 10th of each month.Masonic
(Column 03)Summary: The Rev. Edward Bennett has been appointed District Deputy Grand Master for the counties of Franklin, Cumberland, Montour, and Berks.Religious
(Names in announcement: Rev. Edward Bennett)
(Column 03)Summary: The Rev. Irving Magee, pastor-elect of the Lutheran Church, will preach an introductory sermon on Sunday.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. Irving Magee)
(Column 04)Summary: William Johnson of Greencastle and Miss Sue Pawling of Mercersburg were married in Mercersburg on December 24th by the Rev. J. Brown.Married
(Names in announcement: William Johnson, Sue Pawling, Rev. J. Brown)
(Column 04)Summary: S. S. Hager of Franklin and Miss Maggie J. Cook of Ohio were married in Pittsburgh on December 12th by the Rev. W. S. Gray.Married
(Names in announcement: S. S. Hager, Maggie J. Cook, Rev. W. S. Gray)
(Column 04)Summary: Daniel Cleverstone and Miss Sarah Baity, both of Greencastle, were married on December 12th by the Rev. O. M. Stewart.Married
(Names in announcement: Daniel Cleverstone, Sarah Baity, Rev. O. M. Stewart)
(Column 04)Summary: T. Lynch of Maryland and Miss Mary E. Bohn of Franklin were married on January 2nd by the Rev. O. M. Stewart.Married
(Names in announcement: T. Lynch, Mary E. Bohn, Rev. O. M. Stewart)
(Column 04)Summary: Jonas Gsell of Franklin and Miss Hallie F. Hassler of Dauphin were married in Harrisburg on January 2nd by the Rev. G. F. Stelling.Married
(Names in announcement: Jonas Gsell, Hallie F. Hassler, Rev. G. F. Stelling)
(Column 04)Summary: William C. Binnix of Hagerstown and Miss Francis Grayham of Franklin were married on December 24th by the Rev. S. N. Callendar.Married
(Names in announcement: William C. Binnix, Francis Grayham, Rev. S. N. Callendar)
(Column 04)Summary: David Binkley and Miss Margaret Stine, both of Franklin, were married on December 26th by the Rev. S. N. Callendar.Married
(Names in announcement: David Binkley, Margaret Stine, Rev. S. N. Callendar)
(Column 04)Summary: Robert Grayham and Mrs. Helen A. Hawbecker, both of Franklin, were married on December 31st by the Rev. S. N. Callendar.Married
(Names in announcement: Robert Grayham, Helen A. Hawbecker, Rev. S. N. Callendar)
(Column 04)Summary: Isadore Curtis and Miss Susan Wallach, both of Antrim, were married on December 22nd by the Rev. J. W. Wightman.Married
(Names in announcement: Isadore Curtis, Susan Wallach, Rev. J. W. Wightman)
(Column 04)Summary: John W. Cradler of St. Thomas and Miss Mary Ann Palmer of Hamilton were married on December 31st at the bride's residence by the Rev. J. Shaffer.Married
(Names in announcement: John W. Cradler, Mary Ann Palmer, Rev. J. Shaffer)
(Column 04)Summary: George Fleagle and Miss Nancy C. Markey, both of Horse Valley, were married on January 2nd by the Rev. J. B. Jones.Died
(Names in announcement: George Fleagle, Nancy C. Markey, Rev. J. B. Jones)
(Column 04)Summary: John Mills died near Greencastle on January 1st. He was 57 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: John Mills)
(Column 04)Summary: Henry Grove died in Shady Grove on December 27th. He was 45 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: Henry Grove)
(Column 04)Summary: A. Wilson Skinner died near Dry Run on January 1st. He was 21 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: A. Wilson Skinner)
(Column 04)Summary: Sylvester Ramsey, son of Brice Ramsey, died near Dry Run on January 2nd. He was 11 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: Sylvester Ramsey, Brice Ramsey)
(Column 04)Summary: Margaret J. Leberknight, daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Leberknight, died in Hamilton on January 1st. She was 9 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: Margaret J. Leberknight, Daniel Leberknight, Elizabeth Leberknight)
(Column 04)Summary: Rev. James Huston Bratten died in Chambersburg on January 3rd of chronic bronchitis. He was 50 years old. "The deceased was well known to the people of the town and country, having spent the greater portion of his life in our midst. He was a man of noble and generous impulses, of great energy and perseverance of character, and considerable ability as a public speaker. After his conversion, which occurred more than twenty years ago, his whole aim in life seemed to be to do good to his fellow-men. To this end he entered the Gospel Ministry, in which calling he continued to labor for the salvation of souls, until he was disabled, less than a year ago, by the disease which finally carried him to his grave. He belonged to the United Brethren Church until about six years ago, when he left that denomination and connected himself with the Lutheran Church, in whose communion he died. His last charge was in Huntingdon county this State, where, about a year ago, in going to one of his appointments through a violent storm, he contracted a severe cold, which eventuated in his death. Thus did he literally wear out his life in the service of his Master. He leaves a wife and four children."
(Names in announcement: Rev. James Huston Bratten)
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