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Franklin Repository: May 06, 1868

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[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: A. K. McClure announces he will be retiring from editing the Franklin Repository. Jere Cook and S. W. Hays will take over with his endorsement.
(Names in announcement: A. K. McClure, Jere Cook, S. W. Hays)
[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: Two new editors take over the Repository, asserting that the paper has been consistently accurate in its political arguments, including being against President Johnson. They further add that since agriculture is so important for the general community, they will work to include extensive coverage of all innovations in this area.
(Names in announcement: A. K. M'Clure, George A. Deitz, Jere Cook, S. W. Hays)
Full Text of Article:

From the above the readers of the REPOSITORY will perceive that the undersigned have taken charge of its editorial department and its business. Our introduction to the readers of the REPOSITORY, and the public generally, having already been effected by the retiring Editor, we are spared the annoyance of introducing ourselves, always an irksome duty.

The newspaper to which we succeed is itself, to all those familiar with its long and interesting history, a sufficient guaranty as to the political principles of Freedom and Justice, and the equal Rights of all Men, is to say that it is no longer the REPOSITORY. However feeble then its advocacy of these principles may in the future, as in the past, it will utter no uncertain sound. Under the direction of HON. A. K. M'CLURE, the retiring editor, this journal has attained a position for ability and political sagacity which few others in the State have reached and none surpassed. First of all to foresee the apostasy of Andrew Johnson, it fearlessly predicted his betrayal of his party and his sacrifice of his principles, boldly charged him with treasonable designs, and earnestly warned the loyal people against him. We need but add, today, that in no single particular, save in the degree of his political depravity, has it been mistaken. In view of this past honorable and useful record, we assume the editorial chair with genuine diffidence, and wherein we fail, as we sometimes must, beseech the consideration and charity of its patrons and friends.

The Agricultural interests of this community are greater and more general than all others. We propose, therefore, to give to Agriculture a prominence in this journal commensurate with its interests. A department will always be devoted to recording the experiments made in this branch of science throughout the country, and original articles will appear from time to time from the pens and gentlemen of practical experience and liberal education. The result of the "Experimental Farm" of George A. Deitz, Esq., who has the only private enterprise of the kind in the county, will be regularly reported. This alone, to all those engaged in agricultural pursuits, will be worth the subscription.

Hoping to retain the friendly relations which have heretofore existed between this journal and our neighbor - the Spirit - we subscribe ourselves,


A Bit of History
(Column 01)
Summary: The author argues that though detractors claim that Johnson cannot be removed by the Senate because Senators were appointed by states and Presidents elected by the people, this is untrue, and provides this version of the events leading up to the impeachment.
Full Text of Article:

Mr. Evarts, the last but one of the never ceasing talkers now defending the President, refines even upon the thin arguments of those who have preceded him. He asserts, as one of his remarkable propositions, that the Senate have no authority to convict the President, for the astonishing reason that the former are elected by the States, while the latter is elected by the people. That as the Executive elected by the people, Johnson can be removed only by the people. It is difficult to believe that the speaker hoped to convince any of that body of the correctness of his proposition, but as his four days speech was made for the people, he may have expected to deceive some of these. As Johnson was impeached by the House of Representatives before he was arraigned before the bar of the Senate for trial, and as the constitution provides for his trial by the Senate upon the finding of a bill of impeachment by the House; and as the members of the House are the immediate representatives of the people, Mr. Evarts argument that the Senate is incroaching upon the sacred rights of the people, is not well taken and falls to the ground. But if it serve no other purpose, this pointless point of the speaker suggests some of the strange circumstances in the career of Johnson which at last resulted in his impeachment, and may help to answer the inquiry whether the House of Representatives really represents the people in this matter.

The present Congress was elected in the fall of 1866. Like it, that which preceeded it was largely Republican in politics. It had carried the country safely through a long and bloody war, begun in the interests of slavery and ending in the final destruction of that unchristian institution, and the overwhelming defeat of its champions. It had been throughout the war warmly sustained by the people. With a view to the speedy reconstruction of the rebellious States, Congress submitted to the States an amendment to the constitution, providing, mainly, that no State should count any class as a basis of representation to which it refused political rights. Johnson who had already appointed provisional Governors of these States, from the number of those who had been active traitors, and had directed them to call Conventions to elect legislatures and members of the House and Senate, strongly and openly urged upon them to reject this amendment. The lurking treason of the South, defeated but not eradicated, under the coddling and nursing of Johnson, soon grew bold and defiant, and contemptuously rejected the generous propositions of Congress. The President was flattered and pleased by this demonstration. He saw in it the success of his disloyal schemes. He believed that with the defeated traitors of the South and the fawning Democracy of the North he could defeat Congress, defeat the declared wishes of the loyal people and subvert the Government. He flung discretion to the winds, made drunken, disgusting journeys and speeches throughout the land, and denounced Congress as an unlawful and unconstitutional body, whose most patriotic and beloved members should be hanged. In his drunken madness he bandied epithets and oaths with the mobs who at once cheered, and hissed, and scoffed him, debasing his high office and humiliating the people before the whole world.

This was the exact condition when the present Congress was elected. The issue was openly and boldly made by the Democracy, and as freely accepted by the Republican party. Johnson and the Democracy against the reconstruction measures of Congress was their watchword, and never was a campaign more vigorously contested, or discussion more general. Every one knows that the election resulted in a complete Republican triumph and the vindication of the policy of Congress. The President, who claims to come directly from the people, was by this result unmistakably informed that the people would have none of his policy. Now who, or what body has impeached Andrew Johnson of high crimes and misdemeanors? the Congress elected upon the reconstruction issue. Dare any one assert that they are not the representatives of the people?

Again, it was not the intention of Congress to impeach the President, but it was the bounden duty of that body to guard against his disloyal and unconstitutional measures. To do this it became necessary to hold special sessions. Because a traitor presided in the White House, Congress must continue to sit and watch him. The Freedmen's Bureau bill was passed, vetoed by him, and made a law over his head; the Reconstruction act passed through exactly the same experience. By virtue of the constitutional authority lodged in Congress, they became laws in spite of him, and if he refused to execute them, he had no alternative but to resign. True, he could disobey the laws, but like any other law breaker, he did it at his own peril.

From this time what does he do? The full and free execution of the Freedmen's Bureau is obstructed and impeded by him on every occasion. The Reconstruction measures are made a nulity by his removal of Department commanders because they refused to disobey the laws. The gallant and courtly Sickles was removed even when South Carolina wished him to be retained. Pope was true and had to go. Sheridan would not quietly suffer the loyal people of Louisiana to be butchered at Johnson's instigation, and Hancock - let us pity him for his blindness - took his place. Though now apparent to the simplest that Johnson was determined to prevent the practical Reconstruction of the States lately in rebellion, still Congress acting only on the defensive would not impeach him. As a further preventive the Tenure of Office act was passed. Of course it too was vetoed, but by a two-thirds vote became the law. As such it was duly recognized by the President in his suspension of Secretary Stanton from the War office and appointment of General Grant ad interim, with a report of his reasons for so doing to the Senate. Not satisfied with these the Senate restored Stanton, whereupon Johnson, let us hope to his own confusion, but the everlasting good of the whole country, deliberately violated the laws he had sworn to support and maintain, and removed him.

At last Congress was aroused. Its members had been elected to watch Johnson, to stand between the people and his unholy policy. He had virtually violated and nulified the laws for years, now he had actually disobeyed them, and they promptly impeached him.

His trial will soon end, and whatever the result, it is at the same time the trial of Congress and the country. If Johnson be acquitted, Congress and the people stand convicted of high crimes and misdemeanors; all his unlawful acts will be approved and commended; the Reconstruction of the States in Rebellion will be a nullity, and they who opposed him will have broken the laws. His acquittal will be the triumph of Copperheads in the past and insure their triumph in the coming election, because this Congress does represent the people, and if they are wrong Johnson is right.

Gen. Grant's Intemperance
(Column 03)
Summary: The paper defends General Grant against charges of intemperance.

-Page 03-

Great Victory! Democracy Defeated! Chambersburg Won't Stand the Ku-Klux Klan!
(Column 02)
Summary: This election report describes Democratic efforts in Chambersburg, their subsequent defeat, and contains vote records for each candidate.
Full Text of Article:

On Monday last the annual spring election for Borough Officers was held, under the late law passed by the Legislature. For some time past the Democracy have been actively at work, and succeeded in forming a thorough organization. They not only placed their very best men on their ticket, but they also induced one who had always acted with us to allow himself to be sacrificed. A few weeks since we warned members of our party not to form any political affiliations with the Copperheads, and predicted the consequences. The election on Monday only affirms our position, and is but another warning to those who forsake their party on account of disappointment of personal ambitions. The polls were opened on Monday at 12 M, and closed at 6 P. M. More than 800 votes were polled. Both parties were busy, but it was soon discovered that the Democracy had been preparing for the conflict, and all their available material was brought out. This only aroused the Republicans, and although their strength was not out by several hundred they still believed that victory was on their side. During the entire evening the Court House pavement was crowded, and anxious groups were awaiting to hear the result. Democrats and Republicans were discussing the effect on the Borough, should their favorite candidates be elected or defeated. The former especially felt jubilant until it "leaked out" that "their case was all dough," when they
"Folded their tents like the Arabs,
And silently stole away."

We must not fail to note that our political opponents gracefully yielded, and are fully satisfied that no "ring" can give control of this Borough to their party, and Republicans who "scratched" their tickets have been taught
"That the best laid plans of mice and men,
Gang aft agee."

In the short space of six hours the vote polled was not quite 400 hundred short of last October's vote, and 75 more than the spring election of '67. We print below the names of the candidates and the votes each received.

Republican Democrat


Lyman S. Clarke......436 A. H. Seuseny........409 Clarke's majority, 27.


Samuel F. Greenawait..486 P. Henry Peiffer......392 Theodore B. Wood......471 James King............392 Jacob L. Suesserolt...486 Josiah Allen..........382 Peter Kreichbaum......460 James Logan...........379 Franklin S. Gillespie 486 Jacob Smith...........371


Abraham D. Canfman....461 William C. Finney.....385 Caufman's majority, 79.


Michael W. Houser.....487 Henry C. Koontz.......364 Houser's majority, 123.
(Column 02)
Summary: This open letter from the head of a Pennsylvania temperance organization urges temperance advocates to recruit children into the campaign, among more general comments about the status of the state organization.
Full Text of Article:

We publish, by request, the following extracts from the report of N. W. Pratt, Esq., Grand Worthy Patriarch of the Grand Division of Sons of Temperance of Pennsylvania, made at the quarterly session of that body lately held in this place:

Chambersburg, April 22, 1868
To the Officers and Members of the Grand Division, Sons of Temperance of Pennsylvania

Worthy Brothers:-In presenting to you this, my second quarterly report, permit me to say that, assembled for thanksgiving to God, that the horrors of war have passed away, we hope no more to desolate the beautiful towns, villages, and cities of our noble Commonwealth, of our fair land of freedom. Where we are now assembled, the evils of war have been fully realized. The torch of ruthless invaders here was applied, and in a short space of time laid waste what had been the result of many years of patient toil and labor and reduced this rich and beautiful borough to an unsightly mass of ruins. Yet, notwithstanding all the past unfortunate desolations of war, Chambersburg has risen Phoenixlike from its ashes, to more than its former beauty. We are here, my brothers, to do business, not that which make our fellowmen miserable and unhappy, or to dart the incendiary torch into the midst of their homes and peaceful firesides, but we are here waving the beautiful Olive Branch of peace and goodwill to all mankind. We are here as Philanthropists, and we should be here as christians, to labor for the happiness of our fellowmen here and hereafter. If the great evil against which we are contending had never been permitted in our land. I believe we should have been saved from a large portion, if not all, of the desolations of war, bloodshed, crime and misery, that is such a fearful curse upon our land.

I am glad to be able to say on this occasion, that so far as our Order is concerned, our star is in the ascendant. In our own jurisdiction there is evidently an uprising in the work, and if the feeling manifested is only cherished as it should be, we would soon see our number largely increased, and our influence bearing down with tremendous weight upon the evils against which we are contending, and we would give way before us, and the sacred Banner of Temperance wave in holy triumph throughout the length and breadth of our land. But this, my brothers, cannot be done without the use of means. It is not for me to say it shall be done, but this much I will say, I will do all in my power with my small means and feeble efforts to bring this great work to a successful completion. It is the word of Holy Writ "That he that soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly, but he that soweth bountifully shall reap bountifully." Let us, my brothers, be of the latter class, that in the great day we may come rejoicing, bringing our sheaves with application to duty, that our own city, town, village or borough is to be the limit of our foil and labor; nay, rather let us feel that we must work and toil on, both at home and away from home, until the sacred principles of total abstinence shall be embraced by the entire brotherhood of man.

I take the liberty of appealing to you of our State, and in doing so I feel that I am but fulfilling a duty, the demand of which is imperative. Comparatively speaking, but little has been done for the protection of the youth of our Commonwealth, from the snares that beset them in the youthful paths of life. I ask, does not duty call in thunder tones, "save the youth," and yet how little we heed the call. A few faithful brothers are faithful to the call, and are laboring with untiring zeal in sustaining the Order of the Cadets of Temperance. They call for help, but they call in vain. Our Divisions do not respond to the call as they should, and I think sometimes they seem almost lost to a sense of their duty to their God, their country and the youth of our State, forgetting how much easier it is to mould and restrain the young minds than it is to correct long cherished habits of disipation. I have on a former occasion called the attention of this Grand Division to this important subject, but I fear with little or no effect, but I am determined to press the subject at every opportunity. Will you not take hold of the matter at once, and take decisive measures to encourage those who [several words obscured] Philanthropic work. I am well assured that there is not a Division in our jurisdiction but might with proper effect get up and sustain a section of Cadets, which would not only be a powerful shield to the youth from the evils of intemperance, but a fruitful source of strength and prosperity to themselves.

I am happy to announce to you that the committee on lectures and public meetings have secured the services of P. G., W. A., A. E. Bradley, of New York, and he is now lecturing with great success in our State, and he had already succeeded in organizing eight Divisions of our Order, although he has been but two weeks at the work. I hope the committee will be enabled to continue him in the field until he has canvassed our entire Commonwealth, and until our Order has been planted in every town and village in our jurisdiction. Eleven new Divisions have been chartered by the Charter Committee since our last Quarterly Session.

Finally brothers, in concluding my imperfect report, allow me to invoke you to a more earnest effort in carrying forward our glorious work; let us raise high our banners and let our battle cry be onward. I am with you in every measure you may see fit or judge expedient to adopt to promote the advancement of the work God has thus committed to our charge. I feel desirous that we all work in harmony, love and zeal together so that when our own "Star shall set at life's close, it may get as se's the Morning Star, which goeth not down behind the darkened West, but melts away into the brightness of heaven."

(Column 02)
Summary: The paper lists the many Chambersburg property owners who have made improvements to their homes or erected new buildings.
(Names in announcement: Capt. David Clever, John Brown, William H. M'Dowell, A. H. M'Culloh, Edward Echart, Daniel Stepler, Lewis Horne, D. Gelwicks, Peter Pickle, Henry Monks, John Smith, Dr. Schneck, George Besser, Samuel Henneberger, Householder, Charles F. Miller, John Monath)
J. H. Shumaker, A. M.
(Column 03)
Summary: The paper endorses J. H. Shumaker as an excellent teacher and calls attention to his advertisement.
(Names in announcement: J. H. Shumaker)
(Column 03)
Summary: The Presbyterian Church did not hold services the past weekend due to the absence of Rev. J. Agnew Crawford. Episcopal services were held in the lower story of the Masonic Hall, Rev. Hawkins presiding. Rev. J. H. Barclay of New York will preach in the Lutheran Church on Sunday.
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. Agnew Crawford, Rev. J. H. Barclay, Rev. Hawkins)
The Huntingdon, Fulton and Franklin Railroad
(Column 03)
Summary: The citizens of Huntingdon County have been working to promote the construction of a railroad to join the Cumberland Valley line. They invite the citizens of Franklin to participate in their efforts.
(Column 03)
Summary: The citizens of Chambersburg have been entertained with the cuckoo clock that jeweler F. G. Dittman has in his store.
(Names in announcement: F. G. Dittman)
I. O. G. T.
(Column 03)
Summary: W. S. Roney installed a number of officers of McMurray Lodge No. 119, I. O. G. T. Mrs. Rachel A. Sloan and John Gilmore were elected as representatives to the grand lodge, and William H. Wanamaker was chosen lodge deputy.
(Names in announcement: W. S. Roney, John M. Gilmore, Miss Jennie Over, Charles W. Brad, Harper Black, John A. Seiders, Frank Keagy, Levi Sheets, Mary Mason, Miss Lide P. Welsh, Miss Lide Tolbert, N. Gehr Hazelet, Albert Stratten, Rachel A. Sloan, John M. Gilmore)
A Handsome Donation
(Column 03)
Summary: The ladies of the Middle Spring Church presented the pastor's wife, Mrs. I. N. Hays, with a silver and china tea set.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. I. N. Hays)
Y. M. C. A.
(Column 03)
Summary: The Young Men's Christian Association secured rooms above Gelwicks and Burkhardt's store where they will hold meetings. They hope to open a reading room, and invite all young men to attend an upcoming meeting.
[No Title]
(Column 04)
Summary: Maj. Hershberger's panorama of the burning of Chambersburg will be on display in Repository Hall. The major will also play a violin solo. Those who, due to crowds, did not see the painting last time are now afforded a chance.
(Names in announcement: Maj. Hershberger)
Trustees Elected
(Column 04)
Summary: The Chambersburg Academy elected trustees at a recent meeting.
(Names in announcement: William M'Lellan, William L. Chambers, William H. M'Dowell, B. Wolff, Benjamin Chambers, T. B. Kennedy, W. G. Reed, D. K. Wunderlich, G. R. Messersmith, William Heyser, George Eyster, Edmund Culbertson)
New Buildings
(Column 04)
Summary: The Greencastle Building Association recently purchased ten acres on which it plans to erect dwelling houses.
(Column 04)
Summary: The pastoral relation between Rev. Charles G. Fisher and the Grindstone Hill congregation was dissolved at a recent meeting of the Mercersburg Classis of the German Reformed Church.
(Names in announcement: Rev. Charles G. Fisher)
(Column 04)
Summary: Clinton D. Spielman and Miss Sarah Henderson, both of Chambersburg, were married on May 5th at the residence of the bride's parents by the Rev. Samuel Barnes.
(Names in announcement: Clinton D. Spielman, Sarah Henderson, Rev. Samuel Barnes)
(Column 04)
Summary: W. A. Stinger and Miss E. Miller, both of Metal, were married on April 24th by the Rev. J. P. Anthony.
(Names in announcement: W. A. Stinger, E. Miller, Rev. J. P. Anthony)
(Column 04)
Summary: Matilda Leiston died in Fannett on April 21st. She was 52 years old.
(Names in announcement: Matilda Leiston)
(Column 04)
Summary: Mrs. Margaret C. M'Knight, a native and long-time resident of Chambersburg, died in Philadelphia on April 30th at the age of 77. She was the widow of the late Rev. John M'Knight, former pastor of Rocky Spring and St. Thomas Presbyterian Churches.
(Names in announcement: Margaret C. M'Knight, Rev. John M'Knight)
(Column 04)
Summary: Joseph Zarman King, infant son of Lemuel and Rosean King, died on April 23rd. He was 8 months old.
(Names in announcement: Joseph Zarman King, Lemuel King, Rosean King)

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