Franklin Repository: May 13, 1868Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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The Franklin Repository for 1868. Seventy-Fifth Volume.
(Column 01)Summary: The Repository, in this self-focused article, ties itself to the Republican party, and thus calls upon all Republicans to spread its circulation.
Full Text of Article:A Glance at ImpeachmentThe Franklin Repository, now in its seventy-fifth year, is more widely read and more liberally supported than any other journal in the State, out of the leading cities. It is unrivalled by any other rural journal in its expenditures for reliable Correspondence, Editorial and other contributions, telegraphing and everything necessary to make a complete General and Local Newspaper.
The Repository gives a cordial and earnest support to Congress in all its measures for the Reconstruction of the States lately in rebellion, and urges the speedy and just re-admission of these States to all their rights and privileges under the Constitution. It advocates, as the surest and speediest, and only just road to this end, the broad and comprehensive measures of Congress, which know no personal or class distinctions, but concede to both white and black the rights, and impose upon them the duties of citizens.
The Repository is not unmindful that to those who imperiled their lives in defense of their country, when assailed by the hordes of treason, belong the lasting gratitude, as well as the more substantial rewards of the Government; that maimed and disabled soldiers should ever be the cherished charge of a grateful people, and should in preference to all others receive appointments and offices of trust under the people.
The Repository seeks neither patronage nor support as a matter of favor. It aims to render a full return to its patrons and readers, and amply remunerate them for the outlay of its subscription price. To the citizens of Franklin and adjoining counties it is especially valuable for its complete Local Reports, Correspondence, Markets, &c, and we firmly believe that the increase of its circulation will be no less advantageous to the cause of the Republican Party and to the success of its candidates, than remunerative to its publishers. To those who seek a newspaper wedded in its belief to the principles of the Republican Party, which believes them to be the Principles of Eternal Right and Justice; which is ready and willing at all times to give a reason for the faith that is in it, but which is ever independent and untrammeled. We appeal with confidence for sympathy and aid in extending our already large circulation.
There are few if any subscribers to the Repository who could not add but one new, responsible subscriber to its list within a month. Let the true friends of the country, in view of the importance of the coming Presidential Election, make an effort.
Under the management of the present proprietors, the Repository will be especially valuable to Farmers. An Agricultural Department will be regularly sustained, under the management of gentlemen of experience and learning. Experiments in Agriculture, Horticulture, the improvements of Cereals for Seed, and improvement of Stock, will be regularly recorded for the benefit of its readers.
Business Men of all classes will find the Repository and best advertising medium in the State, outside of the cities. We believe that no country journal reaches so large a class of intelligent, progressive and thrifty men as does the Repository, and it is invaluable to advertisers.
The Repository is furnished to subscribers at $2.50 per annum in advance.
All subscription accounts must be settled annually. - No paper sent out of the State unless paid for in advance. Subscriptions and Advertisements may be sent directly to the Publishers or to any responsible Agency.
Address. Cook & Hays,
Successors to McClure & Stocer.
(Column 01)Summary: The author analyzes the politics behind the impeachment trial, including what will happen in the case of conviction and how this affects individual Senators' votes.
Full Text of Article:The RailroadI have for three days been among the intensely interested spectators of the great State trial of the first officer of the government, before the first tribunal of the nation. I heard the profound argument and matchless eloquence of Mr. Bingham, closing the case in behalf of the outraged people and violated laws. While his argument was mainly over beaten ground, his exordium and peroration were master specimens of eloquence. The last half hour of his speech was listened to by every Senator and by the thousands of spectators in breathless silence, and when he closed the audience broke out in a thunder of applause. It was not intended to be disrespectful to the high court, but it was the spontaneous outburst of emotions which refused obedience to orderly rules. In vain did Chief Justice Chase call for order, and follow it with a turbulent demand that the galleries be cleared. It was an expression that could not be stilled. As a thousand hands were wildly clapped, nearly as many handkerchiefs waved in the ladies' gallery; and when the order to clear the galleries was enforced in ill concealed passion by Mr. Chase, a torrent of hisses answered back his petulance as the tide of people streamed out of the door. Thus the great trial closed, and it now only remains for the Senate to render its verdict and pass sentence in pursuance thereof.
I will not attempt to speak of the merits of impeachment. It is needless to do so after the able statesmen of the country have so completely exhausted it. Not only every Senator, but every intelligent citizen of the country, has made up his convictions on the subject, and the nation now waits with deepest interest the verdict of the jurors. What will it be? is the inquiry on every hand. Correspondents have given the widest latitude to speculation in reference to the vote of the Senate. More than enough of Republican Senators have been paraded before the public as certain to vote for acquittal, and it has been persisted in from the first day of the trial until now. I do not, of course, have channels of information unknown to others, and do not claim to be able to judge of the future action of Senators better than others, but I feel that I hazard nothing in saying that the President will be convicted in one or more of the articles by a vote of not less than 40 out of the 54 senators; and I think it more than probable that on the Stevens article, for conspiring to prevent the execution of the civil tenure bill, the vote will embrace every Republican Senator. I regard Grimes, Van Winkle and Fowler as the only Senators at all doubtful on that vote, and it is at least probable that they will vote with their Republican brethren. Messrs. Fessenden, Trumbull, Frelinghuysen, Henderson, Sprague, Anthony and Sherman may vote "not guilty" on several of the articles; but on the vital issue between Congress and the President they will pronounce him a criminal and depose him from his high trust. After the most careful inquiry, I do not to day entertain the shadow of a doubt as to the result. The President will be convicted, and one week from today Mr. Wade will be in the Presidential office.
The country little knows how and why the success of impeachment has been imperiled. While papers in sympathy with the President have been holding up certain Senators as too conscientious and enlightened to vote for conviction, they well knew that their only hope was in the disappointed ambition of the Senators named. No Republican Senator who has not political or personal grievances to avenge, has at any time been doubtful on the question. "The last infirmity of noble minds" has been most painfully visible throughout the trial; and but for the united voice of the faithful people of the nation, demanding the highest measure of integrity at the hands of their Senators, impeachment would have ended in failure and the utter overthrow of Republican rule. Mr. Chase was implacably hostile. It came just when he had learned the bitter lesson that he could not be President, and it added to his own disappointed ambition the still keener sting of the success of his rival, Mr. Wade. He loves not Wade, for each has shadowed the hopes and aspirations of the other. He envies Grant, for gaining without a struggle what Chase has sought in vain for a quarter of a century, forgetful that "whoever envies another confesses his superiority?" Sprague is the son-in-law of Chase, and naturally in sympathy with him. Grimes is an upright but disappointed and embittered man. He is about to retire from public life, and would see disaster take a wider sweep than his own oblivion. Van Winkle has lingering sympathy with the South, as has Fowler, and they follow radical domination reluctantly. Fessenden and Trumbull are great leaders, but they have not led in impeachment, and they chafe like caged eagles in subordinate positions. - With all their greatness they cannot appreciate the popular sentiment, or governmental accidents, which pass them by and fling others into the Presidency.- They are, however, conscientious, and will vote in accordance with their convictions, but they have moved reluctantly, and would be glad to find good grounds for acquittal. As they cannot, they will vote to convict. Anthony and Henderson sympathize with them, and would select a thousand other men for President before Wade; they have not hastened to remove Andrew Johnson. Ross has been esteemed doubtful - no matter why.
Nor did the embarrassments in the way of impeachment stop with the mere personal prejudices of Senators. There are not less then four Senators who think it quite probable that the Chicago convention would take them for Vice President, but for the fact that Mr. Wade will be in the Presidency with vast patronage to dispense. They do not, of course, wish impetuously to place Wade to vote to effect conviction, knowing that he would at once resign and allow Mr. Colfax to take the prize; but when detected it was soon abandoned. No man could be a party to such a combination and have a future, and it was frowned out of existence. Another interest looks to the nomination of Mr. Colfax for Vice President, and it is more jealous of Mr. Wade's accession to the Presidency, because it is presumed that it may nominate him for the Vice Presidency. Mr. Colfax has not allowed his ambition to retard impeachment for a moment, but there are half a score of Congressmen, each of whom believes that he would certainly become Speaker if Mr. Colfax should be promoted, and they have striven to delay impeachment, and to make combinations and adverse interests have failed, simply because impeachment is the cause of the people, and no man, or set of men, was strong enough to resist it, or to defeat it by perfidious machinations within the loyal ranks. It is a sublime triumph, before which no ambition or prejudice has been able to stand, and I most earnestly hope and believe that it will bring peace to our long distracted nationality.
On Tuesday next the vote will be taken, and on Wednesday the judgment of the court will be rendered and Mr. Wade qualified as President. He will find a peaceful path to the White House, and there will not be a ripple upon the wave of public sentiment. Beyond deposing Mr. Johnson, I hope that sentence will not go. Ours is a government of the people, and it is in their name that Andrew Johnson is to be deposed. Let him be their ruler hereafter if they desire him. Let there be no obstacle thrown in the way of Andrew Johnson's appealing from the Senate to the supreme tribunal of the nation - the American People, and if he has been wronged he can be vindicated, Deposed just when the people are about to select a new Executive, there is especial fitness and propriety in leaving every channel open to him to reverse the verdict against him, for, if he shall not be chosen, he will retire with a double condemnation. He merits this to complete the measure of popular judgment, and seal in flaming and ineffaceable characters, his matchless infamy. A. K. M.
Washington, May 7, 1868.
(Column 03)Summary: This article strongly encourages the proposed railroad terminating in Chambersburg.
Full Text of Article:[No Title]Unless the citizens of Chambersburg are willing to allow a golden opportunity to pass; unless they are desirous of aiding foreign localities from the wealth of our county, they should at once act in this matter. Never has such an opportunity offered itself to our Borough to build up its business; to make this the centre of trade for Southern Pennsylvania; and to give employment to hundreds of laboring men. In our local column we give a long and interesting account of a meeting held in the Court House, on the 5th inst.- There was not a man present who was not firmly convinced of the feasibility of the plan. The large and wealthy Townships of Quincy and Washington, the richest portion of this county, would contribute to our wealth, multiply our commercial enterprises, double our population, and greatly enhance the value of our property. Should this road connect with the Cumberland Valley railroad below Scotland instead of at this point, we forever will lose the advantages that are now within our grasp. Our people, to be sure, would be compelled to come here once in a while at a Session of Court, but on all other occasions they would pass us by and supply their wants at some other place. And more than this, as all know, a charter has been granted for a railroad from here to Gettysburg. Suppose this Mont Alto road is extended from Fayetteville to Scotland, the Gettysburg road will meet it there and go to Scotland, whilst, if we build our portion of the road, this will be the terminus of the Gettysburg Railroad. Seven miles of Gettysburg Railroad are graded in Adams county, and we can make our six miles, only leaving twelve miles to be completed through a pass in the South mountain, not requiring a heavy grade. We have already discussed this question in previous issues and must leave it entirely to those who have the financial ability to say whether we shall become a live active town, or look with wonder and astonishment at the chances we have missed, when neighboring communities are prospering and our business is dull and unprofitable.
(Column 03)Summary: This article attacks what it calls inconsistencies in the Democratic party's platform, as well as its poor treatment of the freedmen.
Full Text of Article:"North, South, East, or West,
Take the one that you love best." - Old SongThe extreme flexibility of the Democratic party and policy has always been a source of wonder and admiration to the uninitiated. The ease with which it is "off with the old" and "on with the new," and the cleverness with which opposites and even inconsistencies are merged and woven with each other, are facts thoroughly established, but peculiarly Democratic. In ancient days the good old Whig party - peace to its ashes - stood amazed to find its favorite thunder, the Protective tariff, stolen by an avowed free trade party, and its biggest guns turned with terrific effect upon itself! And though without spoils or power for years, it still shifts its scenes with all the facility of the dissolving and appearing views of the diorama. To illustrate: The last Democratic State Convention of Ohio, resolved "that we are opposed both in principle and policy to negro suffrage." This is view No. 1. The stage manager raises his hands, and No. 2 slowly rises out of the swamps of South Carolina: "Resolved, that we declare our willingness, when we have the power, to grant the colored citizens, with proper qualifications as to property and intelligence, the right of suffrage." Another wave and another scene. It emerged out of the tall grass of the Illinois prairies: "Resolved, that the right of suffrage shall be limited to the white race in this country." One more wave and the show closes with a scene from Georgia, painted by B. H. Hill, a leading Democratic artist: "A very large torchlight procession of Democratic Niggers are marching through the streets. Proclaim it throughout upper Georgia, that everything is safe."
Now, taken by the four corners, this seems to unsophisticated Republican eyes simply a mass of contradictions, from which only confusion worse confounded could come. Democratic spectacles see through it at a glance. "Democratic niggers" in Georgia are an excellent institution, and should be encouraged.- "Democratic niggers" even in Illinois, if there were any, with votes in their hands, would grow as comely as the most perfectly fashioned Anglo Saxon. Democratic thunder against the "nigger" would tone down into the gentle roar of the sucking dove; thick lips would recede, projecting heels would shorten, flat feet would assume the aristocratic curve - unfailing sign of gentle blood - and the "horrible stink," by this little bit of paper, this unfailing badge of manhood, would fall upon the Democratic olfactories with all the grateful, delicious, sweetness of the balm of a thousand flowers.
We are glad that the Democracy of the South, with War Democracy, are in favor of Negro Suffrage, and we take it that they are, otherwise they would hardly care to herald it that "Democratic niggers" were marching through the streets burning pine-knots, and thereby "everything was safe." But we protest against the Democracy of Ohio and Illinois undertaking to deceive innocent Republicans into the belief that they are opposed to "Democratic niggers" voting.
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Railroad Meeting
(Column 01)Summary: This article contains several full speeches from a recent meeting concerning whether the town of Chambersburg should strive to work with neighboring communities to create a first-class railroad with a terminus in Chambersburg. Each of the speeches is strongly in favor of the idea.
(Names in announcement: Col. George B. Wiestling, Col. M'Gowan, Col. James C. Austin, Calvin M. Duncan, Col. F. S. Stumbaugh, J. A. Eyster, C. M. Duncan, William L. Chambers, H. M. White, T. B. Wood)Full Text of Article:ImprovementsOn Tuesday, the 5th inst, a large audience assembled in the Court House for the purpose of listening to a statement of Col. Wiestling in regard to the projected Railroad from Waynesboro to this point. Many were conjectures we heard concerning the number of persons that would be in attendance, but on entering the room it was manifest that our citizens were aroused to the necessity of exerting themselves, and had determined to gain all possible information on the subject. Some of our wealthiest business men were present, and we think were convinced of the feasibility of the route.
There are no great reasons why the citizens of Waynesboro, Washington and Quincy townships should bring this road to this place, as it can be built at much less expense to Scotland, yet the good people of the Eastern portion of this county are willing to put themselves to some inconvenience to enlarge and improve their county town.
We have gone to some trouble to give an accurate and lengthy account of the proceedings, and would invite the attention of our readers to a careful perusal of the able and practical remarks of the eloquent gentlemen who addressed the meeting.
On motion of Col. M'Gowan, the meeting was organized by choosing Col. James C. Austin President, and Calvin M. Duncan, Esq., Vice President.
Col. George B. Wiestling then being introduced by the Chairman, spoke as follows:
Mr. President and Gentlemen: - I suppose that all present are aware that I am not here to appeal to you for favorable action in making this place the Northern terminus of the Mont Alto Railroad, but merely to advise you of the origin and progress of the enterprise - of the motives which prompted the wishes of the citizens of the Eastern portion of the county, to extend the road to Waynesboro, and of its general condition and prospects at present. The propriety of confining myself to this, will be manifest to you, when you consider that a connection with the Cumberland Valley Railroad, at or near Scotland, will not only cost less in the construction of our road and from the favorable alignments and gradients to that point, be quite as cheaply operated when built, but that the mileage to the Susquehanna river for all the tonnage of Quincy and Washington townships will be at least six miles less, than it will be with this place as our connecting point. If in what I have to say, I refer frequently to the Mt. Alto Iron company and their works, I trust it will not be attributed to egoism or selfishness, but simply to the fact that under the circumstances it is necessary and unavoidable. * * * * He then proceeded to give a history of the enterprise from its commencement, during which he read extracts from the "Report of Prof. J. Peter Lesley, Topographical Geologist, to the President and Directors of the Cumberland Valley Railroad company;" demonstrating the feasibility of a railroad to Mont Alto, with the certainty of obtaining in sufficient quantity to support the road. He explained the cause which delayed the construction of the road thus long, and stated that the time had now arrived, when some of the manufactories in the South eastern portion of the county, were compelled to have railroad facilities by the exigencies of their business, either by a connection with the Cumberland Valley or the Western Maryland road; or as an alternative remove their establishments elsewhere, to other counties, where such facilities could be enjoyed. He drew attention to the fact that the road was not only perfectly feasible, at exceedingly low cost of construction, and could be operated very cheaply in consequence of its favorable location; but that the amount of business which could be furnished to it would in all human probability make it paying stock.
He brought into comparison roads in operations in other portions of the State, carriers of ore, which had not nearly the territory tributary to them which this would have, which had little or no passenger travel, which all knew this would have considerable; which carried little or no agricultural products, or implements or merchandise while a knowledge of the section through which the road was to pass, was a guarantee of the amount of the character of tonnage it would enjoy; which were dependent on no richer or more extensive deposits of iron ore than this road would penetrate, and which were expensive in their construction and yet were divided paying roads. He stated that the citizens of Washington and Quincy townships had awakened to a lively appreciation of these advantages - had taken prompt and vigorous action, and had already subscribed $100,000 to the capital stock, and believed that with the expected assistance of the Cumberland Valley Railroad company and Mont Alto Iron company, the early completion of the road was a fixed fact. That the road with Scotland the Waynesboro as termini (about 18 miles in length.) was estimated to cost about $360,000; and that with Chambersburg as the Northern terminus, it would be upwards of one mile longer, and cost probably somewhat more per mile for a portion of it. He stated that while the South-eastern section of the county realized the advantages which Scotland offered as a connecting point, they still felt a lively interest in their shiretown, and he believed there were none who would not prefer making Chambersburg the terminus, provided it was made equally advantageous. He closed by reminding the audience that the investment not only provided ample, direct, legitimate compensation, but by it the whole community would be benefited, and take another step forward in material progress.
We have given but the substance of the Colonel's speech, owing to a want of room to publish it all. He was followed by I. H. M'Cauley, Esq., who said:
Mr. Chairman: - I had no thought of saying anything when I came into this meeting, but after what has been stated by my friend, Col. Wiestling, I am more deeply than ever impressed with the importance to our town and people of the matter under consideration. That we will shortly have a railroad built from Waynesboro to connect with the Cumberland Valley road, is now a fixed fact. Shall the point of connection be below Scotland, five or six miles from us - or shall it be here. Shall we lose the benefit of the large amount of travel and business it will necessarily create, or shall we make an effort and have it brought into our midst. You have been shown by my friend, Col. Wiestling that railroads much more costly than this will be, built through mining district's, are paying, and why not this one. The people of our county do not, in my opinion, have any adequate conception of the immense wealth that lies buried in our soil. We are generally regarded as an Agricultural community, with but few large manufacturing establishments. Our county is yet undeveloped, so far as its mineral wealth is concerned. I have been told by a gentleman who knows, and who has been through all the large iron mining regions of this State - upon the Ironton railroad, and the Catasaqua and Fogelsville railroad - roads built to bring out iron ore exclusively - and who has also been through the large ore producing districts of the Eastern States - that he knows from a careful examination, that there is nowhere in the United States a body of Hematite ore comparable in extent in richness, and in value, with that lying along the base of the mountains which bound the Eastern side of our county. The value of the iron made at "Hughes' Works" is well known everywhere. It owes its quantity to the peculiar character of the ore out of which it is made. Open a railroad through that immensely valuable ore region and in five years from that time it is opened, you will see twenty furnaces in full blast, with their immense expenditures where there is now one. All that is wanted is an outlet for the ore there lying buried out of sight in the bowels of the earth. It is sought for even as far West as Central Ohio - the largest establishments in the richest iron regions of our own State need and would gladly use it, if they could get it. And as an evidence of its importance and value, I will simply state that I have it from good authority, that an iron establishment in the centre of our own State, that could only procure 200 tons per week with the ore they are compelled to use was by buying this hematite ore to mix with theirs, enabled to produce 300 tons in the same time. Any one can see the immense importance that the development of this ore alone will be to our country. Large sums of money will at once be invested, upon the making of the road. Our population must necessarily be largely increased. Our agricultural products will have a home market, at good prices, and all to whom this trade and money shall come cannot fail to be largely benefited by it.
Now shall we let this trade do by us, never to return or benefit us, or shall we seek by a generous effort to bring it to our town, its natural centre. Chambersburg, I tell you, Mr. Chairman cannot afford to lose this trade. The people of Waynesboro, we are informed have already raised over $50,000 to build this road and say that they will make it $100,000. All honor to them! They deserve to have a first class railroad to their rich agricultural and mineral lands. The people along the route have pledged themselves for $50,000 more - and we are only asked to give as much as will pay the increased cost of coming here, over going to Scotland. I tell you, my friends, that if this effort fails, there is a great danger that the people of Quincy and Washington townships will turn around and seek an outlet by the Western Maryland road, which will be finished to Baltimore within a year and which they can reach in four or five miles, at a much less expense than they are willing to put into the road to this place, and where will Chambersburg lie then? The trade of the richest part of her territory will have gone from her forever, and thousands of dollars will be spent elsewhere which would be spent here if the proper facilities for trade and travel were only offered.
Our town should earnestly seek the opening of arteries of trade and travel such as this. We should invest in them to the extent of our means. They will pay, if not in dividends, yet in the increased value of real estate, and through the business they will bring to our merchants and mechanics. The day is not far distant when we will have a railway East over the mountains and westward to the coal fields of Broadtop, and on to the Ohio. Nor is the day far distant when the great line of travel from the North to the South will be through this valley and town. We have now a direct and continuous line from New York to within a few miles of the Potomac and but few lines are wanting, and they will soon be made, to complete the chain to New Orleans. Then instead of one line of rails over the Cumberland Valley, you will soon see two or more and where we have now one train of cars, we will then have twenty, bearing along their rich fruits of goods, and their thousands of idle pleasure-seekers, and hurrying, busy men.
Therefore, entreat the business men of Chambersburg to arouse themselves to their true interests, and take such immediate measures as will aid the construction of this road to this point and thus secure that which there is great danger to fear they will never lose, if they let the present opportunity pass.
C. M. Duncan, Esq., then addresses the meeting as follows:
Mr. President and Fellow Citizens: - This is a practical question, it concerns every citizen of this borough. The rich and the poor, the merchant, mechanic, the tradesman and laborer - all are directly interested in the construction of this proposed road between Waynesboro and Chambersburg.
After the remarks and discussion of the gentlemen who preceded me, I presume no one present will doubt for a moment the vital importance of this question and the necessity of one immediate action. Mr. President, time, in my judgment, Sir, is an essential thing in this matter. Now the people of Waynesboro, Quincy, Mont Alto and Fayetteville, though joined to us by ties of common interest, already propose by their liberal subscriptions to this road, to bind themselves to us in bands of steel. Now they stretch forth their hands towards us; and will we, the citizens of Chambersburg, shrink back? Will we spurn their generous proffer? Can we do so without peril to the vital interest of our town?
We should at once accept the proposition made to us by the citizens along the proposed route, for if not now accepted, that wealthy and enterprising people in Washington and Quincy township will not rest until they have railroad communication with some other point. It may be a branch road connection with the Western Maryland road - when it will be too late for us here to bestir ourselves. With such a road running South, we would lose all the trade and commerce of that portion of our county, which is by far the wealthiest portion in agricultural products and mineral ores. Lose it, and lose it forever!
Look at the advantages and benefits that would flow to us and to our town, by a railroad running from Waynesboro to this point. Along the route are located the best farms, mills, and live there most wealthy and enterprising citizens to be found in this whole valley. Their farms, mills, factories, furnaces and shops will pour their products over this road. And along the route, nature has hid in her bosom treasures of untold millions, in belts and veins, beds and strata of iron ore. A railroad will compel dame nature to yield up to man her treasures. She will pour her wealth into the pockets and coffers of all our citizens. To the development of these vast beds of ore the Iron Company of Mont Alto has already done much, but they need and will have the facilities of a railroad, to operate more extensively and satisfactory.
This energetic Iron Company of Mont Alto at first contemplated building merely a freight railroad, to connect their works with Scotland; but, encouraged in this railroad enterprise by citizens along the route, and by the people of Waynesboro and vicinity, and requested to build a first class road terminating at Chambersburg - they have finally consented to do so. This will of course cost more money; and now, we the citizens of Chambersburg are asked to contribute something.
We will contribute! We can't afford to let this railroad pass around our town, with the terminus at Scotland - Chambersburg can't allow Scotland to rival her in this matter. Let this proposition be at once accepted - let us act at once, promptly and energetically. Let us all join in an enterprise which cannot fail to be of interest and advantage. And let a little of the energy and zeal of Col. Wiestling be infused into our slumbering energies. Let us build this road, and a new energy will be awakened along the whole route - new mills and factories will arise and shake the hills with the hum and buzz of whirling wheels and whistling spindles, new furnaces will arise, forges be built, and from a hundred chimnies and stacks clouds of smoke will darken the very heavens. A few years since, I visited the Iron Mountains in Missouri, then some ten or twelve furnaces were built there - now, Sirs, hundreds of furnaces and forges are converting the iron ore into greenbacks, at no small rate. The Iron Mountain railroad has done wonders there. This projected road will do wonders for us here.
Now, Mr. President, this Iron Company of Mont Alto will have a railroad, and if we fail at this time to move in the matter, we may waken to our true interests too late. When they once have a freight road to Scotland directly from their works, it might afterwards be converted into a first-class road, but then we shall have lost, and lost forever, the most favorable opportunity to have the terminus here. Then we will have lost all that vast trade and travel of the whole Eastern section of our county, with Scotland rivaling Chambersburg. Sir, if we fail to act, and act promptly in this matter, we shall prove ourselves blind to a project which is of vital importance to our town - blind to our highest interests. If we fail to encourage this enterprise now, we may never have another opportunity so favorable. These proffers by parties along the route are made now - six months, twelve months hence they may change their minds. Let us then all join in this work now, and there will be no failure.
Col. F. S. Stumbaugh made a few brief remarks, telling the audience how in other days Chambersburg had permitted the Penna. Railroad to pass us by when our town might have been along its route.
On motion of Col. McGowan, the following well known gentlemen were appointed a committee to solicit subscriptions: - J. A. Eyster, C. M. Duncan, Wm L. Chambers, H. M. White, T. B. Wood.
On motion of Col. Stumbaugh, it was resolved that the committee be requested to report on Tuesday evening, the 19th of May. On motion of John Stewart, Esq., the meeting adjourned. We hope this committee will meet with success.
(Column 02)Summary: George Hetrick improved the appearance of his house on South Front Street by painting it. The Misses Chambers have erected a mansion on the grounds formerly owned by William L. Chambers, and Walter Beatty and Sheriff Doebler have both had houses built. The Town Council is discussing building a bridge across the spring on King Street.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: George Hetrick, Ms. Chambers, William L. Chambers, Walter Beatty, Sheriff Doebler)
(Column 02)Summary: The citizens of Fayetteville constructed a building that will house a new town hall and village school. The stockholders of the association elected officers.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: John R. Crawford, D. B. Greenawalt, H. C. Greenawalt, Dr. E. Hartzel, Jacob B. Cook, Robert T. M. M'Elroy, D. W. Long)
(Column 02)Summary: J. M. M'Clure has opened a law office in Ludwig's building opposite the Chambersburg court house. He is a Yale graduate who studied law with M'Clure and Stewart and was admitted to the bar in 1867. He carries the endorsement of the paper.Appointments
(Names in announcement: J. M. M'Clure)
(Column 03)Summary: The following have been appointed to Chambersburg town council posts: Lyman S. Clarke, attorney for council; John A. Seiders, secretary for council; Daniel S. Fahnestock, borough treasurer; Levi P. Lippy, lamp lighter, N.W.; John Greenawalt, lamp lighter, S.W.; Nicholas Snyder, wood inspector, N.W.; John Dittman, wood inspector, S.W.; David F. Leisher, tax collector.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Lyman S. Clarke, John A. Seiders, Daniel S. Fahnestock, Levi P. Lippy, John Greenawalt, Nicholas Snyder, John Dittman, David F. Leisher)
(Column 03)Summary: J. S. Eby moved his office to the second floor of Ludwig's Building on the Diamond opposite the Court House. Mr. Eby was admitted to the bar in 1865 after studying with T. B. Kennedy. He then worked for a time with Mr. Kennedy.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: J. S. Eby, T. B. Kennedy)
(Column 03)Summary: C. W. Ashcom, collector of the district, will be at the office of J. L. P. Deitrich on Second Street between the 19th and 21st of May.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: C. W. Ashcom, J. L. P. Deitrich)
(Column 03)Summary: Chambersburg's newest band played in front of Repository Hall. They promise to become "first-class" musicians.Law Partnership
(Column 03)Summary: Jere Cook and S. W. Hays have formed a law partnership. They have taken up an office in the Repository Building.Notary Public Appointed
(Names in announcement: Jere Cook, S. W. Hays)
(Column 03)Summary: Gov. Geary has re-appointed Jacob Hostetter a notary public for Greencastle.Married
(Names in announcement: Jacob Hostetter)
(Column 04)Summary: Edward N. M'Kimm of Adams County and Mrs. Catharine E. Creamer of Marion, Franklin County, were married at the U. B. Parsonage on May 5th by the Rev. H. Y. Hummelbaugh.Died
(Names in announcement: Edward N. M'Kimm, Catharine E. Creamer, Rev. H. Y. Hummelbaugh)
(Column 04)Summary: Tobias Crider died in Letterkenny on May 9th. He was 70 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: Tobias Crider)
(Column 04)Summary: Willie Aldridge, infant son of William H. and Lucy Aldridge, died on April 9th. He was 10 months old.Died
(Names in announcement: Willie Aldridge, William H. Aldridge, Lucy Aldridge)
(Column 04)Summary: Nancy Jane Blair, wife of W. H. Blair and daughter of W. L. Smith, died in Orrstown on April 29th. She was 37 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: Nancy Jane Blair, W. H. Blair, W. L. Smith)
(Column 04)Summary: Marshall Mains of Southampton died on May 5th. He was 40 years old.
(Names in announcement: Marshall Mains)
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