Franklin Repository: June 24, 1868Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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(Column 08)Summary: Petroleum Nasby, writing in a low class southern vernacular(though the vernacular actually fluctuates between educated and uneducated), offers up Jethro Kippins, a complete unknown, for the Democratic nomination for President. He lists Kippin's strengths, the most powerful of which is that nobody knows him and he has no position on anything.
(Wich is in the Stait ov Kentcky, June 1, 1868.
The matter uv a Presidenshal candidate hez opprest me, and hez also exercised the gigantic intellex who congregate at the Corners. We hev desided that Cheef Justis Chase won't do. We kin support him cheerfully, for his method uv conduktin the impeachment trial hez satisfied us uv his hankerin for a standin in our party. Besides this havin made a start, we consider him safe anyhow. The man wich kin take a nominashen at our hands, or identify hisself with us, may alluz be counted onto. The Ablishnists never forgive sich, and there aint no other place to go. When Johnson and Doolittle and that crowd left the Ablishnists, I new wher they wood land beter than they did. Facilis decensus averni, wich bein translated into vulgar tongue, means, the road to hell is macadamized. Hancock won't do becoz our Southern brethern hev a prejoodis agin the flag he drawd his sword under. Pendleton wood anser the West, but the East is opposed to him; Seymour wood do the East, but the West opposed to him. I therefore, after givin the matter matoor considerashen, hev decided to propose for the posishen, the name uv Jethro L. Kippins, uv Alexander county, Illinoy.
I hev the follorin reasons for insisten on his nominashen:
1. He's geographically level. By look on the map, it will be seen that that county in Illinoy is the extreme sutheasterly part uv the State. It is a Norther county with southern ideas. Across the river is Kentucky, west is southeastern Missoury, and east is lower Injeany. They grow tobacco there, and yearn after slave labor ez intensely ez we do across the river.
2. Nobody knows him. The name of Jethro L. Kippins hez never filled the soundin trump uv fame. With him on our tikkit several pints would be gained. On all the questions on which there is a doubt in the minds of the Democracy, Jethro L. Kippins is uncommitted. He is unembarrassed with views, and on troublesom questions hez nary an opinyun. The trouble Pendleton hez with the greenbax wood not affect him, neither would any uv them other questions which are ruther emarrassin than otherwise. He hez but one political principle, which he holds is enuff for any one man, and that is Democracy, ez it hez bin, ez it is, and ez it may be. He beleeves firmly in the cuss uv Canan, he holds close to Onesimus and Hagar, and hez sworn a solemn oath that no nigger shall ever marry a daughter of hizzin. This noble sentiment which, alluz strikes a responsive cord in every Democratic buzzum, wood be emblazoned on the Kippins banner.
3. Jethro L. Kippens's posishen on the war question is happy. He opposed all the steps wich led to it, and when it finally broke out, he proposed the only troo Demokratic way uv stoppin it. It wuz his opinyun that we hed no right to coerce the South--that there wuz no warrant in the Constooshen for any sich proceedin. "Ef Boregard fires onto Major Anderson," sed he "let Major Anderson go afore the nearest Justis uv the Peece and hev him bound over to keep the peece. If he won't keep the peece, the Justis can't go beyond the Constooshen." After hostilities actooally begun, his posishen wus eminently satisfactory to both sides. He wuz in favor uv the war, but opposed to its prosekooshen. He remarkt that the South had committed a indiscreashen, but were he in Congris, he shoodent vote for nary man nor dollar for carryin on a war agin em. His two sons served in the war--one in the Confedrit servis and one in the Fedral, both ez sutlers. The war bore heavy on him--he made great sacrifices. Three other sons he supported in Canada dooring the continyooance uv the unnachral strife.
4. Jethro L. Kippins hez all the elements uv popularity. He wuz born in a log cabin--he studied Daboll's arithmetic by the lite uv a pine knot, held for the purpose by his mother--he drove a hoss on the canal, was a salt boiler in Southern Ohio, a wagon-boy on the Nashnel Road, wuz left an orphan when six weeks old, swept a store in his early youth, went down the Mississippi on a flat boat, was in the Mexikin war, and hez a consoomin pashen for horses.--He hez, in this, the advantage uv Grant, ez his pashen was so consoomin that it got him into a temporary difficulty, which required twelve men a judge and two lawyers to settle, one uv the lawyers bein the State's Attorney uv the county. These facts in his byography I got from his own lips. Ef there's any dircrepancies, uv course the committee on byography will reconcile em.--It may be that he may hev done too much--wich is to say, ef all he says is troo, he would be two or three hundred years old. Ef so, it will have to be pared down. He hez bin jussis uv the peace for ten years in his native township, wich gives him a splendid knowledge uv constooshenel law.
5. He's trooly nashnel in his views. He knows no north, no south, no east, no west, no nothing. That last qualification mite prejudis some agin him, but to me it's his chief holt. For with sich a man in the Presidenshel chair I wood be safe. We hev an abundance uv sich men as Wood, Seymour, Vallandygum, et settry, who can manage a President, but are too odorous to be electid very much to that posishen themselves.--Therefore it's necessary that precisely sich a man ez I hev described be electid; and the fact that Chase knows too much is the objection I hev to him. Polk was manageable. Pierce eminently so, and poor old Bookannon was wonderfully pliable.
Sich is the candidate wich I present. There are many pints in his favor. Our people would to wunst exclaim, "Who'n thunder is Kippins?" and before they cood find out the day uv election wood be on em, and they'd vote him. His hevin no record is also in his favor. Wat wood Pendleton, Vallandygum, Seymour and Wood give ef they hed no record? A record is like a tin kittle to a dog's tale--it's a noisy appendage wich makes the dog conspicous, and invites every body to shy a brick at him.
I hevent menshened in this, nor shel I, who wood be a proper man for the second place on the ticket. I hev my opinion. Kentucky is deservin uv recognishen--that's all I shel say.--The modesty wich is characteristic uv me prevents me from segestin the partickeler citizen of Kentucky who ought to be thus honored. We shelsee whether or not republics is ongrateful.
(wich is Postmaster.)
P.S. The fact that Jothro L. Kippins holds my note for $18.63, with interest for two years, has no inflooence in my segesting his name. I am inflooenced by no mercenary considerashuns.
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The Lesson of Impeachment
(Column 01)Summary: "A.P.M." summarizes the consequences of the acquittal of Andrew Johnson. Above all, he laments the decision because Johnson can now act with impunity without regard for the laws made by Congress. Also, the Republicans lost any hope of keeping the southern states under loyal governments or of shutting down the "whiskey ring."
Full Text of Article:Wants to Get AwayThe impeachment of Andrew Johnson involved much, very much more than is apparent on the record, or is generally appreciated by the public. The doctrine that it was a criminal trial, that it should be governed by the same technical rules that obtain in police or quarter sessions courts, is as dangerous as it is fallacious. It was the invention of partizans and faithless Senators to shield a usurper from the just consequences of his lawlessness. In despotic governments there is no impeachment of the crown. Revolution, banishment and the guillotine or scaffold are the remedies for intolerable rulers. In obedience to the progress of civilization the Republic of the new world substituted a civil tribunal to which the highest officers must be subject, and empowered it as the grand inquest of the nation. To guard against the quibbles of technical lawyers, the Senate was constituted the tribunal to judge between the ruler and his accusers, and it is left by the fundamental law as the sole judge of the character of the offences. What shall be regarded as "high crimes and misdemeanors," on the part of an officer subject to impeachment, was left for the Senate to decide. Common law or statutary offences are all punishable by the courts, no matter who the offender may be; but there are unendurable crimes that a ruler may commit against the people and their liberties, undefinable by any established law. Mr. Buchanan it is conceded, made the ablest exposition of the power of impeachment nearly for ty years ago, and he declared that official acts lawful in themselves, but done in an oppressive, revengeful or faithless manner, may subject the officer to just conviction and removal, while unlawful acts done in mistaken judgment may not warrant conviction.
Andrew Johnson has been arraigned before the grand inquest of the nation on various charges. Mainly owing to the predetermined purpose of Chief Justice Chase to acquit the President, the Senate was ruled as a court, subject to judicial rules and prey to the technicalities of legal tribunals. It was a flagrant assumption for Mr. Chase to assume judicial power, and an unpardonable weakness on the part of the Senate to concede. It was a compromise with wrong, and, as usual, wrong triumphed, and the President has been acquitted.
What are the lessons of the verdict?
1. It is established that henceforth officers are to be tried before the court of impeachment as crimnals and must have the full benefit of all the technical rules in pleading, practice and evidence that protect citizens on trial for felonies. No matter what crime they may commit against the peace, prosperity or safety of the nation, unless they violate the written or established law, and are found guilty against all the presumptions of the law, they must go unwhipped of justice. A score of New Orleans and Memphis massacres may be committed under the immediate inspiration of the President, and, as he did not individually commit the murders, or in legal terms advise them, he must be held as innocent.
2. It is established that the President may violate any law of the nation with impunity. He may assume that the law authorizing our national debt is unconstitutional, and arrest the payment of interest and the redemption of matured obligations. There is now no power to restrain him if he shall decide so to act. Until the Supreme Court shall formally decide that the law is constitutional, he can utterly repudiate every obligation of the government; and even when the Supreme Court shall have decided against him, he may assume that the organization of the court is illegal. He may also at once arrest the collection of the revenue by pronouncing the law invalid, instead of allowing half of it to be stolen by partizan favorites, and the army, the navy, the treasury, and every department and every law of the government are subject to the whims of the Executive. To arraign him now for such offences would be folly. It is made the established law of the nation that no usurpation on the part of the President can be an offence against the people, unless he accompanies his acts with the open declaration that he commits them "with the intent" to destroy the government.
3. The President has henceforth unbridled license to denounce the supreme power of the nation as irregular, unconstitutional and revolutionary. He may not only violate its laws at his pleasure, but he may teach popular disrespect for Congress and its enactments, and no measure of indecency, sedition or blasphemy can constitute an offence. There is no statute demanding the proprieties of life on the part of the President, or requiring him to teach obedience to the laws, and he is not therefore amenable for such offences.
4. The President can now, with entire safety, practically defeat the loyal reconstruction of the rebel States. Had Wade become President, treason would have yielded to the loyal power of the nation; but now a new invitation is given to every unrepentant traitor to persist in opposition, even to blood shed, to every act of Congress. It has been done so far without punishment in a single instance, when the President and his supporters were under some measure of restraint. Now they have no retribution to fear, and why should not they maintain their consistency and gratify their fiendish instincts by fresh butcheries. The military authorities may henceforth be subject to the purposes of the President, any law to the contrary notwithstanding, and how far lawlessness and disorder shall sway in the South depends upon the courage of the President to enforce his own triumphant policy.
5. The entire patronage of the nation has been decided to be within the gift of the President. While the Senate has been regarded as part of the appointing power, and the laws regulating offices have been hitherto accepted as binding upon the Executive, the Senate has judicially decided that the President may disregard the Senate and the laws whenever they interpose to defeat his purposes. The Senate, after having repeatedly decided that its prerogatives must be respected, has formally and solemnly decided that it has no rights the President must respect and that there are no laws the President must obey. He may suspend, remove and appoint just as he pleases, with or without the concurrence of the Senate; and if the Senate claims its constitutional rights, it is only necessary for the President to assume that the Senate, and if need be the constitution itself, are unconstitutional, and he must be vindicated. The Senate has practically decided that there is no Senate and no laws unless the President condescends to recognize them.
Such are some of the leading principles decided by the acquittal of the President. Of the practical, tangible results of the decision, but two are conspicuous among the many:
1. Of the eleven states once in rebellion, but three can now be relied upon to maintain loyal ascendency in the administration of their governments. Tennessee is safe because the rebels are sweepingly disfranchised, and South Carolina and Florida are safe because the negroes largely predominate over the whites.--Beyond these three States I do not regard any of the eleven as likely to vote for Grant and Colfax in November. Louisiana, North Carolina and Arkansas may be debatable States, but with the practical withdrawal of the military power from the side of the loyal people, I do not hope that more than three of the rebellious States will vote Republican, while seven are likely to vote for the nominees of the New York Convention, as Davis, Beauregard and Forest will advise them.
2. The whiskey tax is practically repealed as far as the government is concerned. Not one dollar in ten is collected now, and as there is no possibility of removing the "ring" while its chief, the the President, remains in office, and keeps its agents in every channel of power reaching the public revenues, its collection henceforth under this administration is an utter impossibility. If it nominally remains, it will be but a gigantic fraud to debauch the people as it debauched the United States Senate, and Congress will act wisely in repealing it, or reducing the tax to a nominal figure. It is not now a question of revenue. It is a question of how many millions the whiskey ring can make up to defeat the election of Grant to the Presidency. The whiskey tax is now but a corruption fund and its repeal will affect only the occupation of the thieves and hyenas who swarm around the pestilential camp of Andrew Johnson.
A. P. M.
(Column 03)Summary: The paper ridicules the Valley Spirit's belittling comments about General Grant. The editors vigorously defend Grant's character and ask why the Spirit's editors can not produce any specific charges against Grant.
Full Text of Article:Chase"Gen. Grant is said to be very anxious to get out of Washington, but he is ashamed to apply to the President for leave of absence. He sneaks from his residence to his headquarters with his head down, hardly daring to look anybody in the face. He is "dead beat." He knows it and is conscious that everybody else knows it. He is said to look small enough to be shut up inside of an ordinary soup tureen. No wonder. Any man would look small and feel mean, who had done what Grant has been guilty of."--Valley Spirit.
WHEN the present proprietors assumed charge of the REPOSITORY, they also pledged themselves to the people to furnish the earliest and most interesting news. Hitherto they have held up their heads proudly in the belief that they had fulfilled their promise. Now alas, bowed down with humiliation and shame, "scarcely daring to look anybody in the face," they admit their miserable failure and concede to their neighbor, the Spirit, the place which they had vain gloriously assumed. To think that Gen. Grant is the candidate of the great Republican party for the Presidency, and that we profess to be it may be the unworthy organ, still the organ, of the party in this part of the "footstool," and not know, until informed by the Spirit, that Gen. Grant is "sneaking about Washington with his head down, hardly daring to look anybody in the face." To add to our humiliating confusion, the Spirit continues with the most perfect nonchalance, and that, too, in the hot month of June as if it was as common as an old gossip's twice told tale. "No wonder. Anybody would look small and feel mean who had done what Grant had been guilty of."
If the Spirit had only informed us what Grant has been guilty of, we might have accepted the alternative of denying it, or admitting it and boldly asserting that we knew it long ago, but didn't deem it worthy of consideration. But these Spirit men are sagacious fellows, perfect Mrs. Nancies. They know something "so very terrible, perfectly dreadful. It makes them shudder. Tell! Oh, no, they couldn't think of telling, for the world. Just think of their poor sensitive nerves. But it was a dreadful thing. To think of the boldness of this bad little man. What will become of us!"
We are reminded of Sam. Weller and the Shepherd's "particular wanity" and wonder what is the particular crime in the Spirit's catalogue of criminality, but we are at a loss to conjecture. We did think that fighting rebels and traitors reached its conception of crowning villainy, and but that the war has been over for three years, we would be ready to believe that this was Grant's offence. He did wallop them awfully, didn't he? But it can't be for this that he "sneaks about hardly daring to look anybody in the face." We never knew him to boast about it, but it always seemed to us that he was pretty well satisfied with his work. Gen. Grant was a temporary member of Johnson's cabinet, which we admit is fearfully demoralizing and enough to make almost any man hang his head with shame. But while he was among them he was not of them. He was incorruptible, and passed through the ordeal with character and reputation unsullied. He executed the trying duties of the war office with integrity and economy. His statesmanship was as marked and able as had been his military ability in the field, and instead of disgracing himself, he won the commendation of all loyal men. So this can't be the Spirit's ghost.
But is there anything else Grant could have been guilty of? The Democracy say that he can neither write nor speak. But a man's failure to master these accomplishments can scarcely be classified among crimes. The lack of these cannot be said to make up the essence of guilt. It is true Grant don't write voluminously, nor make long speeches. Still he might make out to ask the President for leave of absence. Besides, we have a number of his speeches and letters on record, which may be found in every creditable history of the late war, which, in addition, will show that he had a most extraordinary facility at making his mark. Unlike the marks of other illiterate men, his never needs a witness to identify them. Buckner and Pendleton, Johnson and Lee, and a host of other rebels learned to know his style so well that it was not even necessary to wait for the mark to identify his letters. If the Democracy are still incredulous as to his literary attainments, we refer them to these gentlemen, who will, we doubt not, be pleased to give the most satisfactory testimonials.
(Column 03)Summary: The paper blasts Chief Justice Salmon P. Chase for flirting with the Democratic nomination for president. The editors charge that the Democratic Party stands opposed to all Chase once advocated.
Full Text of Article:Chief Justice Chase, in his letter of the 25th of May, wherein he bids for the Democratic Nomination makes this extraordinary statement: "If the Democratic party would take ground which would assure the party against all attempts to subvert the principles of universal suffrage established in all of the Southern Constitutions, then I think the fortune of the great cause for which I have labored so long would be secure, and I should not regret my absence from political labors."
This declaration, alone, coming from Chief Justice Chase, who cannot be ignorant of the history the Democratic party has made for itself in the past, shows the degree of political blindness and stupidity which overtakes men when possessed with an unholy desire for the Presidency.
Consider what the man asks, and deny if you can that his ambition has made him a hopeless imbecile; or how could he expect the Democratic party to take ground in favor of the principle of universal suffrage? What are the facts? Their entire history has identified them with the system of slavery, and an obtrusive, radical hostility to the freedom of the black man. Their boast has ever been, and still is to-day, that this is a white man's government. Their prominent leaders and law makers were always slaveholders and their legislation was a studied and persistent recognition of the right of one race to enslave another. The rebellion was a war for slavery and made solely by the Democratic party. There were only Democrats in the rebel ranks. And let it not be forgotten that the Democratic Party in the North have put themselves as thoroughly on the record against the principle of universal suffrage, and even universal freedom, as their Southern brethren. They ever voted against furnishing men and money to carry on the war and save the Government. They declared every act of Congress and every act of the martyred Lincoln to suppress the rebellion unconstitutional. They declared the war a failure and that the Government must cease to oppose their Southern brethren. They rejoiced over rebel victories, and were sad when Union armies were triumphant. They declared the draft unconstitutional, and urged resistance even to blood. They refused the payment of war taxes. They denounced Union Soldiers as "Lincoln hirelings." They inaugurated bloody riots in New York to defeat the Union cause. To-day they are the same party in principle, spirit and sympathy, and love the cause of the rebellion as much and as honestly as they did then. If it were possible to elect him, they would rather vote for Jeff Davis for President than for Judge Chase. In view of this record what must we concede of a life long advocate of universal suffrage who seeks a nomination for the Presidency in the Democratic Party. Is he only unveiling the demagogue, or is he mad?
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A Visit to Woodlawn Experimental Farm
(Column 01)Summary: Description of a visit to the farm of George A. Deitz, two miles east of Chambersburg. Deitz plans to turn his land into an experimental seed farm. He has been experimenting, at great cost, with developing new types of wheat. After local wheat all failed, he imported some varieties from Europe. Some of these have proven great successes while others have failed.The Conservative Soldiers' Convention
(Names in announcement: George A. Deitz)
(Column 02)Summary: The paper prints a description of the Conservative Soldiers Convention. The author of the description implies that these soldiers had never seen combat, did not know how to command, praised Confederate soldiers over those of the Union, and called Grant a "villain". This item is probably intended to stir up opposition to the convention.
Full Text of Article:[No Title]A contributor furnishes the following:
Would it not be well to inform the public, through the columns of your valuable paper, that after the leaders of the so-called Democratic party party, in secret conclave at Democratic headquarters, near the Court House had determined to hold a Conservative Soldiers' and Sailors' Convention, to send delegates to the Democratic Convention at New York, on the 4th of July next, runners were sent out to invite the soldiers. The town and country was minutely canvassed, letters were written and mailed urging the faithful to see to it that there should be a grand turn out. The Valley Spirit published the call, parading a good many names, some of whom say they never signed or authorized any one to sign the call for them. Be that as it may, at an early hour on the morning of the 15th inst., our citizens were aroused from their usual quiet by martial music, which must certainly have been a reminder of the advance of Gen. Lee upon our borough, or some of the lesser Rebel Generals.
At 8 1/2 o'clock the Conservatives were gathered and formed into column, viz: Brass band, one drummer and one fifer, standard bearer, twelve soldiers (one of whom wears the letter "D,") and eight or ten home guards--the latter under the immediate command of Col. J.A.S. Cramer, the former under Segt. N. Humelshine, and all under command of Chief Marshal F.M. Kimmel, who, by the by, was in the saddle early in the morning, much to the delight of the boys, who had for the first time the pleasure of seeing this distinguished military officer mounted, and who greeted him with "whoa! January." The column marched under the command of their chief to the Cumberland Valley depot, to receive the hosts that were to come in the Hagerstown train, from Waynesboro, Greencastle, Mercersburg and other places.
The train came at the usual time, not having been detained one minute in loading up the lame and wounded soldiers and sailors. The cars were emptied and the braves formed, when it was found that a division of two brass bands, martial music, twenty-eight soldiers, one half of whom never smelled gunpower in battle, and forty three home guards, comprised too large a body for the command of the Chief Marshal (he never before having commanded so many soldiers, who therefore took advantage of serious indisposition, and turned over the command to Sergt. Humelshine, and with his aid road up Second street to Catharine, up Catharine to Main, down Main to the Diamond, refusing along the route to receive boquets or ribbons, but carefully reviewing the improvements, as he had done on a former occasion, just before he made haste out the Pittsburg Pike to meet and surrender the town to his particular friend, General Stuart, after which he dismissed his aid, dismounted and returned to his office to prepare his pronunciamento, declaring General Robert E. Lee the greatest Military General of the age.
The column marched from the depot up Second to Market, and down Market to the Court House, amidst the most vociferous shouts from the Colored Gents from Wolfstown (whether the shouting was in honor or derision of the column, we were unable to learn) and at the Court House were dismissed.
At one o'clock the convention assembled in the Court House, and was organized by calling Col. Frank Winger to the chair, who said he had not prepared a speech and would not make a speech, "at the same time pulling out of his side pocket a manuscript which he commenced reading as follows: "But I am proud to be permitted to address such a vast assemblage of soldiers, sailors and marines," and continued reading until he had finished all that he or some one else had written.
Capt. G.W. Skinner offered a series of resolutions, and Lieut. Detrich moved to amend one of the resolutions, but the president being familiar with parliamentary law, decided that tweedle dee and tweedle dum meant one and the same thing, and poor Detrich, the U S Revenue officer was cried down. Then Capt. Skinner being called, said he had not expected to be called on, and would not make a speech, but continued talking for some time, commencing every new thought with now one word about Grant, and finally got off the following decided clincher, viz: notwithstanding General Grant's military record as a soldier, he is the greatest villain of them all, and concluded with the warning that Grant would manipulate the electoral vote, by the military if by no other means.
After which Wm. S. Stenger, Esq., was called, who dwelt long and loud in his thanks to the soldiers and empty seats for the privilege of addressing them. He then paid his respects to Gen. Grant by saying that no Republican speaker in this county, in this State or the United States, would dare assert in public that Gen. Grant had sufficient capacity to fill the Presidential chair, and concluded by saying that he knew the white race in the South were so far superior to any other race in this country, that when they got into Congress, as he had no doubt they would notwithstanding the opposition of the Democratic representatives, they would repudiate all acts of Congress passed since they voluntarily left the halls of Congress, and he would stand by them in doing so. We thought this good law and logic, coming from the District Attorney, who is sworn to support the laws as they are. After Stenger concluded the Convention adjourned sine die.
(Column 02)Summary: The recent fair held by the Monumental Association proved a great success. The organization raised $400 in profits. They plan to continue raising money over the summer with lectures and concerts and will hold a Monumental Fair next winter.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: B. Frank Gilmore, William C. Eyster, Mrs. Brotherton)
(Column 03)Summary: Summary of a meeting of the "Boys in Blue", a Republican soldiers group. The paper lists the names of the officers elected, praises their war time service, and prints resolutions endorsing Grant and the Republican platform.
(Names in announcement: James G. Elder, Col. M'Gowan, Lt. J. W. Fletcher, Godfrey Greenawalt, John H. Leisher, David Forbes, John Stewart, Col. James G. Elder, Sgt. Thomas Grimason, Theophilus Stratten, Sgt. John A. Seiders, Sgt. Harry Strickler, Capt. Calvin Gilbert, Col. F. S. Stumbaugh, Maj. L. B. Kurtz, Maj. John Doebler, Thad M. Mahon, Col. Elder)Full Text of Article:Railroad Meeting at FayettevilleTHE "Boys in Blue" had a large and enthusiastic meeting in the Court House on Monday evening last. James G. Elder, the gallant Colonel of the 126th P.V., called the house to order. On motion of Col. M'Gowan, a committee consisting of Col. M'Gowan, Lieut. J. W. Fletcher, Godfrey Greenawalt, John H. Leisher, and David Forbes was appointed to report permanent officers and draft a constitution. Whilst they were performing their duties, Adjt. John Stewart made an eloquent and earnest address. The Committee after the conclusion of Mr. Stewart's remarks, reported as permanent officers the following gentlemen, who were real soldiers during the war, who never flinched from danger, nor shirked a duty: Prest., Col. James G. Elder; Vice Prests., Sergt. Thomas Grimason, Private Theophilus Stratten; Sectys., Sergt John A. Seiders, Sergt. Harry Strickler; Treasurer, Capt- Calvin Gilbert; Marshal, Col. F.S. Stumbaugh; Asst. Marshals, Maj. L.B. Kurtz, Maj. John Doebler; Chairman Executive Committee, Thad. M. Mahon. Their reputation as brave men is not limited to Franklin county, and their patriotism and daring is but a part of the history of the Armies that conquered treason. There is not one who has not proved his devotion to his country in battle, several were promoted for bravery, and two of them, Col. Elder and Sergt. Strickler were severely wounded in the discharge of their duties. If the Conservative soldiers, whether picked from those that met in the Court House on the 26th inst., or from their conquered allies in the armies of Lee and Johnson, think they can find ten soldiers of equal merit, we ask them to match ours. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted:
Resolved, That we hereby endorse the action of the National Union Republican Convention, which recently met in Chicago, in selecting as their standard bearer in the coming Presidential contest, our beloved Chief, General Ulysses S. Grant, and Hon. Schuyler Colfax, for the offices of President and Vice President of the United States.
Resolved, That we also hereby express our cordial approval of the Platform of principals adopted by that convention, and pledge ourselves to do all in our power to secure the triumphant election of the candidates selected by that convention.
Resolved, That we hereby cordially invite all our old associates in arms, who fought for the preservation of our glorious Union and the defeat of the traitors who were endeavoring to destroy it, to join with us in the election of our nominees to the hisghest offices in the fight of the American People.
The meeting adjourned to Monday evening next, at their room on the third story of Austin & Elder's Banking House, which they propose holding as their permanent head-quarters.
We are authorized by the 'Boys in Blue" to say that they will furnish us with a list of members for publication next week, men that were actual soldiers, not having found it necessary to use names of persons who were never in the service to swell the list.
(Column 03)Summary: The Waynesboro and Mt. Alto Rail Road Company held a meeting on June 18th in Union Hall at Fayetteville. The committees on subscriptions read reports showing that $15,000 have been subscribed so far, leaving $28,000 remaining. Col. Weistling delivered a speech on the importance of the road "as a connecting link with other roads leading to markets on the sea board." A committee was appointed to assess the remaining $28,000 on towns along the line of the proposed road. Daniel Geiser was elected president of the meeting; Henry Good of Quincy, vice president; and Jacob B. Cook of Fayetteville, secretary.A Novel Wager
(Names in announcement: Henry Good, Jacob B. Cook, Daniel Geiser, Col. Weistling, Douglass, Dr. W. M. Wright)
(Column 04)Summary: The paper reports that the verdict on impeachment will decide a wager between W. W. Crooks, a staunch Republican, and J. A. S. Cramer, a staunch Democrat. The loser will wheel a wheel-barrow through town carrying a banner reading either "Impeachment, a success," or "Impeachment, a failure," depending upon the result. A band will accompany the losing party.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: W. W. Crooks, J. A. S. Cramer)
(Column 04)Summary: Franklin County ministers passed a number of resolutions regarding funerals. They ask that funerals start promptly at a previously announced time; not be scheduled on Sundays, if possible; and that parties notify pastors who are expected to preside over burials of citizens not belonging to a congregation. They also ask that ministers not be expected to be present a funerals of non-parish members, and that ministers not necessarily have to accompany the procession back to its point of departure.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: B. S. Schneck, F. Dyson, P. S. Davis, Irving Magee, S. Barnes, J. A. Crawford, John Hunter, H. Y. Hummelbaugh, G. Roths, W. G. Hawkins)
(Column 04)Summary: The Catholics of Chambersburg held a very successful fair in Repository Hall. They raised between $300 and $400 for their church. Father Cox, who is demonstrably popular with his parishioners, presided.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Father Cox)
(Column 04)Summary: The following veterans write the Repository to disavow any connection with the Conservative Soldiers Club: George W. Suders, 77th Pa. Vols.; Samuel Rosenberger, 112th Pa. Reg.; Daniel Rapp, Co. K., 107th Pa. Vols.; Charles Jones, Bat. B, Ind. Light Artillery. Their names had been erroneously listed in the Valley Spirit as members of the organization. "We fought against traitors, and are 'fighting it out on that line' still," they declare.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: George W. Suders, Samuel Rosenberger, Daniel Rapp, Charles Jones)
(Column 04)Summary: The paper reports that a group of conservative soldiers raised an upside-down US flag over Boyd's Hotel. "It may have been done by one of that party who were in the habit of calling our 'Boys in Blue,' 'Lincoln's hirelings.' Had it been the 'Stars and Bars,' the mistake would not have been made."Married
(Column 05)Summary: L. G. Sherman of Newville and Miss Carrie M. Behm of St. Thomas were married on June 18th at the Methodist Parsonage in Chambersburg by the Rev. S. Barnes.Married
(Names in announcement: L. G. Sherman, Carrie M. Behm, Rev. S. Barnes)
(Column 05)Summary: William H. Roler and Miss Mary Elizabeth Burkholder, both of Franklin, were married on May 2nd by the Rev. S. Bigham.Married
(Names in announcement: William H. Roler, Mary Elizabeth Burkholder, Rev. S. Bigham)
(Column 05)Summary: John Kope of East Waterford and Miss Isabella M. Walker of Dry Run were married on June 18th by the Rev. William A. West.Died
(Names in announcement: John Kope, Isabella M. Walker, Rev. William A. West)
(Column 05)Summary: Mrs. Louisa Jane Byers, wife of Emanuel Byers, died in Guilford on June 7th. She was 35 years old.
(Names in announcement: Louisa Jane Byers, Emanuel Byers)
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