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Franklin Repository: September 09, 1868

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Republican Mass Meeting. The Victory of Vermont Celebrated. The 'Boys in Blue' Present. Hartranft, Campbell and Cessna
(Column 01)
Summary: This report from a county Republican committee announces a mass meeting to be held in the near future, featuring speakers and a rally.
(Names in announcement: Gen. Hartranft, Gen. Campbell, John Cessna, Edward M'Pherson, S. F. Greenawalt)
Full Text of Article:

A Mass Meeting will be held at Chambersburg, On Friday, the 25th day of September, to which all loyal men of all parties are invited, to hear addresses and organize for the election of Gen. Hartranft, Gen. Campbell, Hon. John Cessna, the Judicial, Legislative and the whole County Ticket.

Arrangements have been made for the attendance of the several organizations of the "Boys in Blue." Delegations of loyal voters from all parts of the county may be confidently expected.

Make one more fight, win one more victory, and rescue your country from the grasp of its enemies.

Teach traitors in power, and those seeking power, that you have not forgotten to hate treason.

Patriotic and eloquent speakers from abroad will be present to address you, whose names we will be able to announce in a few days.

Hon. John Cessna, our candidate for Congress, will speak without fail.

Hon. Edw. M'Pherson, Clerk of the House of Representatives, is engaged to be present.

Rally to the support of your candidates. Emulate the glorious enthusiasm of the "Green Mountain Boys." Win a victory like theirs in October, and the State will go overwhelmingly for Grant, the gallant chieftain, in November.

By order of the County Committee.

S.F. Greenawalt, Chairman.

Snively Strickler. Esq.
(Column 01)
Summary: Snively Strickler, local lawyer and former editor of the Repository, died suddenly in Greencastle on September 1st. The paper prints a brief biography and praises his "far more than ordinary ability."
What Will they Do?
(Column 02)
Summary: This article consists entirely of attacks on the Democratic party, focusing on tieing the Democratic party with slavery and insisting that Democrats in the North and South have always been hostile to the Union.
Full Text of Article:

The Democratic party is fast verging upon desperation. It aims to achieve in the coming contest, what it has found, these eight years, duplicity and sophistry are powerless to attain. They will, say their orators, "defend nothing," but, by the impetuosity of attack will essay to scale the bulwarks of opposition and gain the coveted citadels of power and place. If they fulfill their promise, the change of tactics will agreeably diversify our campaigns; but we fear the vaunt is but an idle one. To say nothing of the difficulty a commander always experiences who attempts to organize his followers, long accustomed to fight under cover, taught by experience that exposure invites the deadly shaft or missile, whose sorties have ever been failures and irruptions disgrace, into a charging column which shall sweep across the plain and mount upon ramparts lined with defenders or meet in shock of conflict with close-set line, steel to steel, this plan of the Democracy will be found, on trial, to be open to another and more serious objection. Their arsenal is well nigh bare of weapons for use in offensive as well as in defensive warfare. For years they have wielded, with some effect, those which they had in their hands when the war of '61 began, and have measurably recruited their stock from our partial losses since, but the old ones are worn out and their places cannot be supplied. In '61, the Democrats, certainly, had in their hands two patent engines for mischief to Republicanism - namely the presumption in favor of slavery as an existing institution sanctioned by the constitution, and the inertia of eleven States practically out of their relations to the Union. The alleged wickedness of attacking slavery, so sanctioned, and the folly of attempting to swing round again, by any human force, so huge a mass as the area comprised in eleven provinces covered with unwilling people, were powerful agencies for our hurt. History, it is possible, will write that the Democrats made the most of them while it was time. They were active, both North and South. Below Mason and Dixon, they took the field with muskets and sabres and fought vindictively in aid of slavery. They fought, also, to prevent the reversal, by the government, of their action in separation from the Union. Above the line, the Democracy, by their leaders, shrinking from the field, confined their efforts to argumentation and to covert aid and comfort. These leaders, essaying to diminish the effective force of the nation, were zealous in their defence of slavery and unceasing in their denunciations of the madness of attempting to restore the insurgent territories. As subordinate to these leading aims, they discouraged enlistments, they refused supplies, they magnified the debt, they impugned motive and assailed character in public men, they lauded the enemy by indirection when timidity forbade open praise, they covertly, by counsel and material aid, crossed the line of division into the realm of treason, they mourned over the successes of patriotism and laughed at its defeats. These were acts of defensive warfare in truth. They did much harm by them on occasions of great peril, for they, measurably, succeeded in delaying the final triumph. But, in the fullness of time, the triumph came, and in spite of their armed attacks in one section, and their malignant, stubborn resistance in the other slavery was abolished and the marvel of restoration achieved.

To day, accordingly, Northern Democrats find themselves without a theme for effective appeal to conservatism or despair. On the other hand, our progress in the grand approach, which we are leading the world in towards ultimate freedom from all bondage, both of body and mind, inspires a satisfaction which incites the wish for further and greater advances. Our success in accomplishing the greatest task any people ever attempted encourages us to believe that, for the right, all efforts will result in triumph. So it is that the Democracy, who behold Slavery overthrown and rebellion defeated, find themselves without arms. They are not likely therefore we think, to come out, emptyhanded, and attack an enemy flushed with victory and doubly armed, but if they do, the contest will be short and decisive. They will defend nothing, because they will seek to leave behind what they see is defenceless, and they will dash out what little of brains they yet may have on the impenetrable walls of our truth-bound fortresses.

Let them come - a greater defeat than Gettysburg and a greater capitulation than Appomattox await them!

From Vermont
(Column 02)
Summary: The paper reports on state elections in Vermont that resulted in Republican victories. They take the news as harbinger of Republican fortunes throughout the country.
[No Title]
(Column 03)
Summary: The Repository mocks the Valley Spirit, a rival newspaper, for attempting to downplay the importance of the recent past (including the war) in contemporary politics. The Repository argues that though the war itself is over, the issues and attitudes surrounding it are still alive and must be dealt with.
Full Text of Article:

Saith the Spirit, in unfolding the plan of the campaign, "we will ignore the dead issues of the past." Most prudent and sapient Spirit! Why dead issues? Why ignore them? Is it so very long since the nation was involved in a death-struggle with slavery and Democracy that the tale, more than thricetold, has become wearisome, flat, stale, and unprofitable? Have the actors therein lost interest in its remembrance, as well they who rose from the grapple with the flush of victory on their cheeks and the light of triumph in their eyes, as they, who craving mercy, were lifted up to await with solicitude the victor's word which should speak their punishment or their pardon? Was the strife so aimless in its conduct and so fruitless in its results that it is unworthy of citation in illustration either of the tendencies of policies or of the influences of institutions upon the minds and consciences of men?

Were neither the characters nor the purposes of parties, in any good degree, indicated by their acts and declarations during the continuance of the war just closed? Is it true that, with the surrender of Lee and his traitors a Appomattox, not only was the strife ended but the causes of difference were so wholly buried that reference to them is indiscreet and unprofitable? Above all, is it out of modest shame at trumpeting forth their own good deeds in times of trial, that the Democrats are unwilling to revert to the years which are past, and, reviewing their annals, contemplate the scenes there sketched? Charity prompts these questions. The dead past, it is conceded, ought to bury its dead and the living look forward to the consummation of the work which their hands find, in plenty, to do. But is has never yet been taught that the past is wholly dead. The records which recount the labors of the past, which hold up, as in a mirror, the lives of them who struggled for and against right and truth, which trace the growth of truth in the hearts of men and its approach to dominance over their minds in spite of attempts to repress and to extinguish it, these become lessons fit to be studied by the living. They are heedless and work to certain failure who decline to read them. They who do read them labor in the light of example and comparison. They would do this even if it were true that the generations are not co-laborers but are working independently; how much more when the work of mankind is one, when father and son but continue the task which the ancestor left unfinished and which their posterity must in turn take up! The past is not dead nor its issues - but lives in us and for us, with a vitality which alone enlivens us and fits, as it enables, us to go on with the task.

They, only, ignore the past who dare not, and will not read its lessons. The Spirit turns from it because it convicts the party of hostility to truth, to freedom, to the lasting interests of mankind. That will be a glad day to Democratic leaders - if a sad one for the country - when patriots will consent to deem the glory of their lifetime a thing of the past, and the aims of their struggles and sacrifices only dead issues of a forgotten strife, for then, we take it, and not until then, will these charlatans who seek only to bewilder, to dazzle and blind, be able to gain that leadership of the whole people to which they aspire.

[No Title]
(Column 03)
Summary: This article rebuts common Democratic complaints and arguments from a Republican perspective.
Full Text of Article:

Commander-In-Chief Wallace asks the Democracy some funny conundrums which they seem very slow to answer. The fact is they have given them up. He wants to know first - "Why is the National debt greater now than when Lee surrendered and why does it still increase?"

The assertion that it is greater than when the war closed is false and Wallace knows it, and of course the conundrum lacks point.

He asks in the second place - "What has become of the fifteen hundred millions of dollars they have wrung from the comforts and necessities of the people since June, 1861?"

We answer, much of it has gone to pay the debt created by a Democratic war, much more to pay the interest on that debt, and the balance to preserve order and protect the lives of the colored and white unionists of the South against whom the Democratic party has ever incited Southern rebels.

Third. "Why are more than one hundred million of dollars annually wasted on the reconstructed South, and why is it not made to yield as much to relieve us from taxation and aid in paying our debt?"

This is a double barrelled conundrum and we answer it as follows: So much treasure has been wasted annually on the unreconstructed States because the Democratic party has continually resisted the reconstruction, and made its expenditure necessary to preserve peace and order and provide a government for three States; and therefore it could not be appropriated to paying our debt and relieving us from taxation.

Fourth. "Why is the white man made the inferior of the negro in every Southern State?"

Really Mr. Wallace, this is a little too hard for us. If the humiliating fact be true, they can best answer for themselves. We never knew of a white Union man in the South who was inferior to the negro, and it is only Democrats who concede their own degradation. We know that Democracy is awfully demoralizing and would not be astonished if it did make its devotees really inferior to the negro.

But we would rather that Mr. Wallace answered this himself. We feel that we might do injustice to the colored race.

Fifth. "Why is one class of men totally exempt from taxation whilst all others groan beneath the load they should aid in bearing?"

This is also a false statement. No class of MEN is exempt. One class of property is exempt from taxation. Government Bonds are exempt, so also is real estate and so also are some others.

Sixth. "Why shall the 5.20 bonds be paid in gold, when by the express terms of the contract they were made payable in legal tender notes?"

They were made payable in gold by the express terms of the contract, and not in legal tender notes. And the best evidence of this is, that, when they were created, legal tender notes were not yet in existence.

[No Title]
(Column 04)
Summary: The paper reports that John Cessna was nominated at the Congressional Conference.

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Enthusiastic Mass Meeting
(Column 01)
Summary: The article reports on a recent meeting of Republicans. It details who spoke and generally outlines the events of the evening.
(Names in announcement: Col. Wiestling, W. U. Brewer, G. W. Zeigler, John Cessna, Lt. John Stewart, I. H. M'Cauley)
Full Text of Article:

On Saturday evening there was an immense mass meeting held at Greencastle. Considering that this was the first one held there, and that it was only intended to be a prelude to what is to follow, it far exceeded the expectations of the most sanguine. The first exercise on the programme was the presentation of a beautiful flag to the "Boys in Blue" by the patriotic ladies of Greencastle. Col. Wiestling was to have made the presentation, but owing to the unfortunate accident that happened him he was unable to be present. Lieut. John Stewart was asked to do the honors of the occasion on the part of the fair presenters. Although this gentleman had no time for preparation, he made an elegant little speech. W. U. Brewer then replied in behalf of the Boys in Blue. After the presentation and acceptation speech, the ladies sung the "Star Spangled Banner," to which the Boys in Blue responded with "Rally Round the Flag." The vast crowd then swung round to Zeigler's corner to listen to the orators appointed for the occasion.

Mr. G. W. Zeigler was appointed chairman of the meeting. Hon. John Cessna was introduced by the chairman and received with applause. He spoke eloquently and pointedly for about half an hour, when owing to a severe hoarseness, he was compelled to bring his remarks to a close. Lieut. John Stewart was next introduced and spoke at length upon the great questions before the people. He, in a very able manner, called the so-called Democratic party's attention to their war record, and closed by exhorting all loyal men to vindicate their loyalty by supporting the Republican platform. I. H. M'Cauley, Esq., then appeared and entered upon the discussion of the issues of the hour in a most spirited and happy manner, and the audience showed their appreciation of his remarks by their close attention.

The exercises were interspersed with music by the Chambersburg and Greencastle Bands. The citizens of Greencastle are under many obligations to the Chambersburg Band for the very happy manner in which it entertained them, and they trust during the campaign they may often have the pleasure of hearing them.

This meeting was a decided success, and showed that the Republicans are fully roused up. The original intention of the meeting was that it should be a sort of a commencement - an introduction only to what is to follow. If this, the signal gun of the campaign, produced such a decided effect, what will be the result when the heavy batteries are opened all along the line?

Republican Congressional Conference
(Column 01)
Summary: The paper reports on a Congressional Conference of major Republicans in the area.
(Names in announcement: Capt. George Eyster, William Adams, Jere Cook)
Full Text of Article:

Pursuant to agreement, the Congressional conference of the Republican party of this District, met at the Hotel of Mr. John M'Ilvaine, in Fulton county, on Tuesday, the 2d day of September instant. The following Conferees were present:

Adams.- T. B. Picking, Peter Shively, Dr. Robert Horner

Bedford.- Major Daniel Washabaugh, John W. Sams, Simon Nyeum.

Franklin.- Capt. George Eyster, William Adams, Jere. Cook.

Fulton.- Col. W. W. Kirk, Henry E. Shaffer, C. E. Kennedy.

On motion of W. Adams, Col. Kirk was chosen President, and on motion of Major Washabaugh, Jere. Cook was chosen Secretary.

Mr. Adams presented the following dispatch, which was read and ordered to be put upon the minutes:

September 1st, 1868.
Somerset county will concur in action of the Conference. W. H. Koontz

To Hon. John Cessna, Bedford, Pa.

On motion of Dr. Horner, Hon. John Cessna, of Bedford, was nominated by acclaim as the candidate of the Republican party of the 16th District for Congress.

Captain Eyster offered the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted:

Resolved, That the permanence of the institutions and the welfare of the people of the United States demand the continuance of the Republican party in power, and that the declarations of principles of the organization as contained in the National and State platforms recently promulgated, announce the policy that all true patriots should wish to see pursued.

Resolved, That the Congressional Conference having nominated Hon. John Cessna as the candidate of the Republicans of the 16th District of Pennsylvania for Congress, proudly present him to the people as a representative man in whose principles, ability and integrity the most unbounded confidence can be reposed, and claim for him the united support of the Republican party, and of all others who would see a wholesome and permanent reconstruction of that portion of our country recently engaged in rebellion.

On motion of Mr. Adams, the conference adjourned sine die. W. W. Kird, Pres't.

JERE. COOK, Sec'y.

[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: The members of the Franklin County Bar met and passed resolutions of sympathy and respect upon the death of Snively Strickler. The group plans to attend the funeral together.
(Names in announcement: Snively Strickler, W. S. Stenger, F. M. Kimmell, I. H. M'Cauley, John R. Orr, F. S. Stumbaugh, D. W. Rowe)
The Coming Fair
(Column 01)
Summary: Preparations for the fair are nearly complete. Covered stalls have been constructed and hay and straw will be provided free of charge. Secretary Calvin Gilbert will be accepting entries. There are no entrance fees except for the speed trial and tournament. A new militia company commanded by Capt. Wash Skinner will give a military display.
(Names in announcement: Calvin Gilbert, Capt. Wash Skinner)
[No Title]
(Column 02)
Summary: The paper announces the sudden death of James H. Reed, a "young gentleman" and former express agent at Chambersburg. He collapsed with a hemorrhage while on a trip to Greencastle. He leaves parents and many friends to mourn his loss.
(Names in announcement: James H. Reed)
[No Title]
(Column 02)
Summary: D. W. Rowe was unanimously declared the Republican nominee for the office of Additional Law Judge for the 16th district. Franklin, Somerset, Bedford, and Fulton delegations all unanimously supported him.
(Names in announcement: D. W. Rowe, John Stewart, F. S. Stumbaugh, George Chambers)
[No Title]
(Column 02)
Summary: The citizens of the South Ward organized a Republican club to be known as the South Ward Invincibles.
(Names in announcement: H. S. Stoner, M. A. Foltz, W. F. Eyster, W. E. Tolbert)
Grant and Colfax Club
(Column 02)
Summary: George Eyster announces that the Grant and Colfax Club will meet in the rooms above Jacob N. Snider's store on Wednesday night.
(Names in announcement: George Eyster)
[No Title]
(Column 02)
Summary: The Republicans of Quincy organized a Grant and Colfax Club in conjunction with the Boys in Blue. Capt. Joseph Rock was elected president; Emanuel Stover, vice president; and Lt. J. C. Martin, secretary and treasurer.
(Names in announcement: Joseph Rock, Emanuel Stover, Lt. J. C. Martin)
[No Title]
(Column 02)
Summary: The Boys in Blue of Chambersburg turned out last night with their lanterns. Although only one quarter of their number participated, they offered an impressive spectacle.
(Column 02)
Summary: David L. Coyle, son of A. L. Coyle of Chambersburg, and Miss Carrie E. Hays, daughter of Robert Hays of Philadelphia, were married in Philadelphia on September 1st by the Rev. Frank L. Robbins, assisted by Rev. James M. Crowell.
(Names in announcement: David L. Coyle, A. L. Coyle, Carrie E. Hays, Robert Hays, Rev. Frank L. Robbins, Rev. James M. Crowell)
(Column 02)
Summary: Amos Stouffer and Miss Mary E. Immel, both from near Chambersburg, were married on September 1st by the Rev. L. T. Williams.
(Names in announcement: Amos Stouffer, Mary E. Immel, Rev. L. T. Williams)
(Column 02)
Summary: Thomas Harrison and Miss Elizabeth Poe, both of St. Thomas, were married on September 1st at the residence of Rev. J. Keller Miller.
(Names in announcement: Thomas Harrison, Elizabeth Poe, Rev. J. Keller Miller)
(Column 02)
Summary: Catharine Buchanan died on August 18th. She was 63 years old.
(Names in announcement: Catharine Buchanan)
(Column 02)
Summary: Mrs. Isabella Gilmore died near Spring Run on September 2nd. She was 84 years old.
(Names in announcement: Isabella Gilmore)
(Column 02)
Summary: Alice E. C. Smith, daughter of George and Priscilla Smith, died in Chambersburg on August 21st. She was 8 months old.
(Names in announcement: Alice E. C. Smith, Priscilla Smith, George Smith)
(Column 02)
Summary: Snively Strickler died in Greencastle on September 1st. He was 38 years old.
(Names in announcement: Snively Strickler)

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