Franklin Repository: September 16, 1868Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Republican Mass Meeting. The Victory in Vermont Celebrated. The Boys in Blue Present. Hartranft, Campbell and Cessna
(Column 01)Summary: This report from a county Republican committee announces a mass meeting to be held in the near future, featuring speakers and a rally.
Full Text of Article:A Plea for CoffeeA Mass Meeting will be held at Chambersburg, On Friday, the 25th day of September, to which all loyal men of all parties are invited, to hear addresses and organize for the election of Gen. Hartranft, Gen. Campbell, Hon. John Cessna, the Judicial, Legislative and the whole County Ticket.
Arrangements have been made for the attendance of the several organizations of the "Boys in Blue." Delegations of loyal voters from all parts of the county may be confidently expected.
Make one more fight, win one more victory, and rescue your country from the grasp of its enemies.
Teach traitors in power, and those seeking power, that you have not forgotten to hate treason.
Hon. HENRY S. WILSON, U. S. Senator from Massachusetts, and Hon. W. H. BURLEIGH, of New York, will positively be here and address the meeting.
Hon. John Cessna, our candidate for Congress, will speak without fail.
Hon. Edw. M'Pherson, Clerk of the House of Representatives, is engaged to be present.
Rally to the support of your candidates. Emulate the glorious enthusiasm of the "Green Mountain Boys." Win a victory like theirs in October, and the State will go overwhelmingly for Grant, the gallant chieftain, in November.
By order of the County Committee.
S.F. Greenawalt, Chairman.
(Column 01)Summary: This article outlines an episode of voter fraud orchestrated by the Chairman of the Democratic State Committee. According to the author, the Chairman used coffee to make naturalization papers look properly aged, then sent Irishmen around the state voting for Democrats. This was discovered, but the author warns readers to be vigilant against further fraud.
Full Text of Article:[No Title]Some things the Democracy claim as their especial election machinery, and the Republicans as readily concede their right to them. They have been theirs so long that the memory of man runneth not to the contrary, certainly so long that the law of the land would declare their title good in any court. These are such as Free whisky, Free Fights, Colonizing voters. Ignorance, Hostility to Free Schools. An honest fear of the superiority of the Colored Race, and subserviency to the Slave Masters of the South.
With the aid of these, their favorite weapons, they fought and won many battles, and sat down and enjoyed the victory. Success made them boastful, and confident, and insolent, and they believed their power would never end. But the people became intelligent, and learned to know the harmlessness of these weapons. They resisted the encroachments of the Democracy and defeated them. Stung to madness that their right to rule the Government in the interest of Slavery should not only be questioned but denied at the ballot box, they plunged the country into civil war.
For four years they strove to overthrow the government and establish one whose corner stone should be Slavery. Again defeated by the loyal people, and their arms taken from them, they turned from the trial by battle to their old tricks, hoping with these and by the introduction and skilful manipulation of new ones to recover what they had lost.
In Pennsylvania was found a man whose proficiency in all the old tricks and his knowledge of new ones, pointed him out as one who, if any, could restore his party to power. As all the agencies of the devil were already subordinated to the partie's use, he called to his assistance such as are in themselves harmless.
To give him greater facilities, he was made Chairman of the Democratic State Committee and instructed to manufacture enough of votes to carry the State. In 1867 he set himself to work to forge the requisite number of votes, and this is the way he did it. He prepared a large number of naturalization papers, and that the fraud might not be detected, he steeped them in a solution of coffee to give them the appearance of age. He then armed Irishmen with these papers and shipped them into counties where they were not known, gave them a ten days' residence and voted them. By means of these votes one Shugart was elected to the State Senate, and it is said Judge Sharswood was also elected to the Supreme Bench by such votes.
But unfortunately for Mr. Wallace, whose name we had forgotten to mention, his nice little trick was found out and his little game was spoiled. John Cessna, the gentleman whom the Spirit loves so much, and calls pet names, and by the way, this is the secret of the Spirit's affection for him, set himself to work and unearthed this nice plot, and cast Mr. Shugart out of the Senate, and proved that Mr. Wallace was the chief devil in this, perhaps, the most infamous fraud upon record.
Now, Mr. Wallace is Chairman of the Democratic Senate Committee again, and Mr. Cessna, who is ardently fond of a good cup of pure Java or Mocha, protests against subverting it to such base uses as manufacturing Democratic votes. The Spirit says he is a temperance man and as such he is willing that Mr. Wallace should use whisky and benzine and all other Democratic agencies in this campaign; that he should arouse the Democratic spirit by pouring spirits down Democratic throats, that Democratic voters should have torchlight processions both about them and in them, but that a beverage so harmless and pleasant as coffee, must not be made an engine to manufacture Democratic votes. Suppose that by the aid of a very strong effort made with very strong coffee, Mr. Wallace succeeded in carrying Pennsylvania in October. Who knows but it would be the means of electing a coffee colored President in November. Then the Democracy, we suppose, would deify coffee as they did Slavery, even though it might be necessary to dispose of their dupes when the election is over as they did of one in Pennsylvania last year. We wonder if Mr. Wallace don't know what became of him.
It's very commendable to protect your hearth-stones, to strike for your altars and your fires, but we say protect your coffee pots. Guard them with a zealous care, Wallace and his minions are about.
(Column 02)Summary: The paper asserts that Republicans are strong on issues of debt and taxation, and any Democratic effort to exploit them will fail.[No Title]
(Column 02)Summary: The paper prints an article asserting that Republican administrations have been more successful in managing the national debt than Democratic ones.[No Title]
(Column 03)Summary: The paper lambastes General Rosecrans, a Union general who since has written letters to Lee and other once-rebel Generals stating that he feels he fought on the wrong side of the Civil War. The paper then contrasts this with the Confederate General Longstreet, who not only defeated Rosecrans during the war, but also seems to be loyal to the Union and reconstruction now.
Full Text of Article:[No Title]The extraordinary conduct and letters of General Rosecrans, coupled with the letters signed by General Lee and a number of other rebel generals and civilians have surprised and wounded his friends. It is well known that he has never forgiven General Grant for rescuing his army from the awful defeat it sustained at Chicamauga through his unaccountable blunders; but no one believed he would debase himself as he has done to the rebels merely on this account.
It is a noticeable fact that the reply of General Lee and the other confederate generals to General Rosecrans is not signed by General Longstreet. The people of the North and especially the soldiers will not have forgotten that General Longstreet is the Confederate General who defeated General Rosecrans at Chicamauga, and is now giving his cordial assent to the reconstruction measures of Congress and calling on the troops he so often led to victory to follow him now to peace, success and prosperity, under the leadership of Grant. Are these the reasons why Longstreet's name does not appear to that epistle; first because he defeated Rosecrans and second because he is now loyal, in favor of the election of General Grant and the Reconstruction acts of Congress? The contrast between the two men is certainly mortifying. Rosecrans folds his banner, and by his sycophantic, humiliating adulation of the arch traitor Lee and others manifests his belief that he was fighting on the wrong side during the war, while Longstreet, perhaps the ablest general of them all, lends his voice and intelligence to the cause of the loyal people.
(Column 03)Summary: The paper defends John Cessna from the Valley Spirit's outrage occasioned when he called one of that paper's editors a "tumblebug." The Repository suggests that the charge might be true.[No Title]
(Column 03)Summary: The Valley Spirit, says the Spectator, attacked Mr. Cessna's recent speech for partisan reasons. Cessna, it seems, was once a Democrat and now speaks for the Republican party.
Full Text of Article:[No Title]The Spirit was thrown into violent spasms by Mr. Cessna's speech, and foamed and worried through a column and a half of personal abuse. It is apparent that the wholesome truths Mr. Cessna had to tell sit very uneasily on the Spirit's political stomach. Perhaps it thinks that as Mr. C. was once a Democrat in good standing, his experience may have enabled him to know many things the Spirit would prefer to have kept concealed, and hence its agitation when he gets up to address a public meeting. Is this the reason why it howls "renegade" so fiercely? We would advise the Spirit to preserve its soul as patiently as its gloomy and agitated feelings will permit. We have many distinguished Republicans who are doing the country yeoman service every day, of whom we are justly proud, against whom the same epithets could be shrieked with as much force as against Mr. Cessna. He needs no vindication at our hands, any more than they do. But if it does you good, gentlemen, by all means keep up the howling.
(Column 03)Summary: The paper scoffs at Democratic efforts to dissuade voters from supporting Grant by suggesting that he would make Stanton his secretary of war. The editors suggest that such a development would be positive, not negative, and praise Stanton for helping end the rebellion.[No Title]
(Column 04)Summary: This reprint from the Somerset Whig warns the populace against Judge Kimmel, calling him weak-willed and lacking in principles. The Spectator agrees with this assessment.
Full Text of Article:"Is not our neighbor of the Democrat a l-ee-tle afraid of Judge Kimmel's constitutional tendency to surrender? He surrendered the professed principles of a life, when he went over to the Democracy. He surrendered a long cherished and oft expressed love for the black man, through an imbecile fear that he might become the superior of the Anglo-Saxon race. He surrendered his adopted home - Chambersburg - through a dread of nasty rebel marauders, and he surrendered his manhood when he publicly apologized to the copperheads of Bedford for having at first sustained the war for the Union.
Might not this proclivity for "caving in" lead to his surrendering you into the power of the "Black Republicans," neighbor? White man is mighty onsartain you know." - Somerset Whig.
It is not our fault if Judge Kimmell's old neighbors will persist in disclosing just those things which he would most wish to keep concealed. There is no doubt that they know most about him, as he lived among them nearly all his life; and if his surrendering propensity so completely controls him as the Somerset Herald & Whig says, his Democratic admirers should know it.
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[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: This report, detailing Democrat Judge Kimmell's rebuttal to Republican John Cessna's speech of the previous week, gives each of Kimmell's arguments then rebuts them from a Republican perspective. Items of discussion include costs of Reconstruction, admitted governmental corruption in both parties, and whether government bonds would be payed back in gold or specie.
Full Text of Article:Antrim O. K.The following report of Judge Kimmell's speech, delivered in the Court House on Saturday, the 5th inst., was crowded out of last week's issue, for want of room:
In common with many other Republicans, we attended the Democratic meeting on Saturday evening last, in the Court House. It was announced that Judge Kimmell would answer John Cessna, who had spoken, in the same place, on Friday evening. We were curious to learn what reply a Democrat could make to the vigorous assault of our own champion. The Judge came promptly to time, and much to our surprise and gratification, began to roar as gently as any sucking dove. Having cooed a little in amicable difference with Mr. M'Cauley, who had preceded Mr. Cessna at our meeting, in a few brief and well chosen sentences, the Judge avowed his purpose of treating his theme in a fair, frank and candid manner. Not he to throw dust in his fellow-citizens' eyes! He scorned the trick; he would aim to convince his opponents of the shortcomings of their party, and the need of calling Democrats to power.
So he began by saying that we had peace at Lee's surrender - that the war had abolished slavery and had proved by its logic the fallacy of the doctrine of secession. Therefore he concluded that, at Appomattox, the country was completely restored in statu quo ante bellum.
The Radicals, however, had refused to so consider it, and by their evil conduct were responsible for all the evil and mischief of the last three years.
Just here the Judge was indignant that the Radicals should wish, in this campaign, to recur for any purpose to the years and events of the war. It is idle, quoth the Judge, to revert to the past - it is folly to revive dead issues. Accordingly, he proceeded to arraign the Republican party for its ill conduct, since 1865, in the matters of reconstruction and the finances, and thus made it evident that the past, which Democrats do not wish to care to touch upon, must be the years prior to 1865; and the issues which it is useless and foolish to review are those of the war and anterior to it. Why the Democracy should fight so shyly of what most men now regard as the most instructive, as it certainly is the most glorious period of American history, we are not informed, but with careful particularity the orator proceeded to inform us that although the Government had expended only three hundred millions of money in all, for its working expenses, from Washington to Buchanan, yet the wasteful Republicans are now spending $400,000,000 annually for the same purpose. Our debt, it was said was greater than the British - our taxes higher than the French. In these four allegations the Judge was not perhaps aware that there are only four errors. It cost much more than $300,000,000 up to Buchanan's day - the working expenses of the Government, independent of pensions and extraordinary payments on account of the war, and temporary expenses of the war and navy departments are not over $60,000,000 annually - our debt not half of that of the British, our taxation not greater than the French.
The speaker attributed the annual expenses to the army, which he said had cost $917,000,000 in three years - that 60,000 men were retained to do the work of ten thousand. He forgot to say that most of that large sum was paid in a few months after the war to the soldiers for their services in the war, and that $38,000,000, were paid in '67 and '68 as additional bounties, and he was in gross error when he said that 10,000 men could do the work. The truth is that the fifty-five skeleton regiments of infantry and ten of cavalry have been inadequate to garrison our posts and keep the Indians down.
A fling at the navy, which he said cost $117,000,000 annually, just $74,000,000 greater than the actual cost of 1866, and 87,000,000 greater than that of 1867, followed, but doubtless because he had determined not to go behind 1865, not even a passing word of credit was given the floating fortresses of our country which are ready to repel all foreign armies as successfully as they stormed with shot and shell and coasst-trongholds of the rebels. The Freedman's Bureau, Congress, impeachments and reconstruction were set down as the remaining causes of expenditure. The Judge here grew hazy, for he could not say how much reconstruction had cost us, so giving the rest credit for about three millions annually, he heaped all the remainder upon reconstruction as having a back broad enough to bear it. By way of clincher, at this point, the authority of Jerry Black was invoked, who said somewhere and at sometime, that the Radicals stole $1,000,000,000, but in pity for the convicted Republicans, who, of course, cannot gainsay Jerry Black, Judge Kimmell candidly admitted that the Democrats had stolen some also. How much he did not say, but Black, perhaps, would say they took all the balance. What that balance was we were kindly informed in the next statement, where it was alleged that $1,594,000,000 had been collected in the three years now last past, and but $124,000,000 vouched for. If it be true that the Democrats, out of place and power, as they feelingly complain, stole over $370,000,000, what must they have done in the same time had they had full swing in all of the offices? This conundrum perhaps the Judge will answer when he next comes to talk finances. However, it was boastfully answered that if the Democrats were in power they would begin retrenchment and reform at once - the army would be cut down to a nominal force - the navy would shrink to the redoubtable five frigates and a schooner, which, as Halleck or Drake sang, would sweep the seas from Nova Zembla to the line - Butler would go home and stay in Lowell and stealing would cease. The venerable speaker's face grew placid as he thought of this gladsome consummation. The beautiful picture of a government administered by Democrats - from a Democrat in the White House to Democrats in the "post orifices" at the cross-roads in the remotest rural districts - and all honest and hard working in the service of this country, was so touching to contemplate that we momentarily expected a burst of thanksgiving from the orator and fervent "halleloogias" from the audience. But the MacPelters and Bascoms of the assembly didn't get their cue, unfortunately, and the speech went on. The 'colored cuss,' as he was appropriately styled, was called up and severely rebuked for his irrepressive habit of capturing Radicals and impressing governments in his interest. Here the Judge waxed eloquent and impressive - the antipathy, normal and everlasting, which exists between the blonde, blue-eyed Saxon, and the sable son of Africa, was appealed to, and the sympathetic hearers urged to guard their posterity from the dominance of the so rapidly rising black race. Fear is certainly the most moving of the passions, and the Judge's blue-blooded auditors responded with yells to his forcible appeals. The Court House rang with their shouts, as though they meant to intimidate, then and there, the absent usurpers. With ready tact, the reconstruction measures, which threaten to be the guarantees of this supremacy, were then held up for execration - these abominable expedients were heartily condemned, with saving remark, however, that so far as they were not inconsistent with the Constitution, they should stand. Did the Judge happen, then, to remember that the 13th and 14th amendments of the Constitution sanction all that has been done by the Congress in reconstruction or does he mean, when he goes to Congress to insist that these amendments are null and not parts of the instruments as the nation has believed? If he did remember, then he will accept the situation, and, letting them stand, will accept the situation, and, letting them stand, will either have to contest with the negro for intellectual supremacy some day, or he means, with Frank Blair, to sweep away the whole concern, amendments and all. Which will happen, when he sways the Congress to his will, it will be perhaps a matter of interest to the voters to know, for in the latter, then the war for which he hooted Mr. M'Cauley for predicting, will be a thing to be apprehended, if the voters and soldiers of the North are not grown suddenly tamer than we deem them.
Denying, in the face of fact and history, that the debt has been lessened from $4,000,000,000 to $2,500,000,000 in three years, the bonds came for their share of attention. This great question - gold or greenbacks - was summarily treated by the Judge. He bluntly asserted that the bargain was and is to pay the principal in paper. As a lawyer, the Judge should have brought out the Acts of Congress and shown the facts. That he did not, when the Statutes at Large were at his hand, is excellent evidence that they would not serve his purpose. On the contrary, he chose the most unfair of all arguments - that from an extreme and exceptional case. He excited envy by instancing the good fortune of the man who had gold to sell, and patriotism and pluck enough to lend it to the Government when gold was 2,90 - he said 3,00 - and triumphantly asked if he should profit by a payment in gold. We dare to say not a man in his audience but would claim the gold if he had the bonds, but we fear few would have bought in '62 or '63, even at 2,90, and to help the Government in that "unholy war," which was proving to be only "debt, slaughter and disgrace." The hole at which the Judge essayed to creep out of the financial difficulties, proved at last, however, to be the same which, all timid men first choose for themselves, in argument, and one which even Republicans may employ when reasoning with timid men, namely: that the country will soon get back to specie payment and then we can pay in gold as easily as in paper. To get back, though, the Judge proscribed a trial of Democratic ordering. The army and navy were to go to nothing - the reconstruction governments to fall to pieces and then - said he, as gleefully as the last man will feel when he, standing alone, surveys the wreck of matter and the crush of worlds - out of the debris of the concern we will pay up and fork over. But the nigger shan't vote! No sirs, elevate, cultivate, dignify him as you may, so help me Bob I won't, as a member of Congress, aid in such iniquity! What a pity the Judge has not been a Congressman for six years past! The emancipation proclamation would have been withheld and Sam would be hoeing cotton as peacefully as ever in Arkansas, instead of going to barbeques at Democratic invitation or being courted by Democrats in Mississippi for his vote!
Such must have been the current of the Judge's secret thoughts, for, connectedly enough, he now spoke of Alabama, and predicted that the negroes would "go back" on their Radical friends. This declaration gave the audience much of comfort, for they yelled consumedly, an individual in the rear of the room rivalling the vocal bird of Australia, the laughing-jackass, in his stentorian shouts. The enthusiasm being thus at its height, the orator gracefully closed with a reference to the tomb of Washington, which, as it was slightly marred in its effect by some doubt the speaker seemed to have on which side of the Potomac the said tomb is lying and being situate, only the more fitly closed an address which was uncertain in its facts, misty in its logic and wonderfully mixed in its rhetoric.
Mr. Stenger followed the Judge, in an animated attack on Mr. Cessna, in which, as he set out to prove that Mr. C. had been a Democrat in '63, he succeeded in establishing not only that fact which Mr. Cessna admitted the night before, but showed conclusively by his own testimony and that of other equally reliable Democrats, that he was, to use his own words, in 1862 "too rotten a Democrat" to be supported by the party for office. Mr. Stenger did not explain why Mr. Cessna had thus early lost caste in the party - but as it had only been because he had from the outset been a warm War Democrat and supported Mr. Lincoln in all his war measures, we are certainly obliged to Mr. Stenger for thus strengthening our candidate in our estimation. We hope he will repeat his testimony this campaign as often as he can find it convenient.
The Republicans by this time were tired, and when Mr. Stenger ceased, they began to leave - the Democrats, being witnesses, left also and thus this, the first meeting of the Democrat club, adjourned.
(Column 02)Summary: The paper prints a list of the members of Antrim's Boys in Blue.
Full Text of Article:[No Title]The following is a list of the "Antrim Boys in Blue," who vote as they fought. If any person has any doubt as to whether the soldiers will support by their ballots this fall their old leader--Gen. U. S. Grant, who led them so gallantly to victory--and their comrades and friends who have been placed upon the Republican ticket, we respectfully refer them to the following:
Jos. A. Davison, Captain, D, 6th Penna Reserves
Geo. H. Miller, Captain, G, 55th Penna Vols.
Frank Wunderlich, Signal Corps U. S. A.
Geo. H. Shough, A, 208th Penna Vols.
James C. Morehead, K, 126th Penna Vols.
David Cleverstone, K, 15th Penna Cav.
Isaiah Ilginfritz, K, 21st Penna Cav.
Francis Hoffman, H, 2d Penna Heavy Art.
Lewis W. Detrick, Lieutenant, E, 30th U. S. C. T.
George L. Benner, C, 2d Maryland Vols.
William G. Mellinger, I, 7th Maryland Vols.
William G. Pensinger, A, 77th Penna Vols.
Lazarus Pensinger, K, 126th Penna Vols.
George W. Pensinger, G, Ringgold Battalion
David Pensinger, A, 77th Penna Vols.
Jeremiah Pensinger, A, 77th Penna Vols.
George Pensinger, D, 126th Penna Vols.
William H. Pensinger, K, 21st Penna Cav.
John Pensinger, K, 21st Penna Cav.
Jacob Pensinger, K, 21st Penna Cav.
J. R. Frey, Captain, D, 77th Penna Vols.
Philip J. Seiple, A, 21st Penna Cav.
J. Wilson Burk, Lieutenant, L, 22d Penna Cav.
D. W. Rowe, Lieutenant Colonel, 126th Penna Vols.
William H. Davison, Captain, B, 126th Penna Vols.
John H. Logue, K, 21st Penna Cav.
John Missavy, B, 126th Penna Vols.
William H. Snively, K, 21st Penna Cav.
George W. Bence, A, 77th Penna Vols.
John A. Marshall, G, 22d, Penna Cav.
Samuel H. Hissong, E, 13th Maryland Vols.
Scott L. Randall, C, 187th Penna Vols.
George Bickly, B, 210th Penna Vols.
J. Harry Kershoner, Signal Corps, U. S. A.
William Shough, F, 195th Penna Vols.
Leonard Stoner, G, 1st Penna Cav.
John Saylor, 5th Penna Vols--1812
Henry Fauster, E, 17th Penna Cav.
Adam Shirey, M, 17th Penna Cav.
James H. Long, A, 2d Penna Cav.
William Snyder, K, 126th Penna Vols.
Henry Hoover, G, 209th Penna Vols.
George Ridde, D, 209th Penna Vols.
Moses Lichty, G, 55th Penna Vols.
John F. Stine, B, 126th Penna Vols.
Jacob Shrader, M, 17th Penna Cav.
George W. Bartell, M, 17th Penna Cab.
John Tice, I, 126th Penna Vols.
Henry Crull, D, 57th Penna Vols.
Calvin Shrader, I, 126th Penna Vols.
Henry Richter, A, 49th Penna Vols.
David Hess, C, 2d Penna Vols.
James R. Cummings, G, 17th Penna Cav.
Frank A. Bushey, Assistant Surgeon, 4th Penna Cav.
Samuel H. Prather, C, 2d Penna Vols.
William Gaff, A, 126th Penna Vols.
James W. Barr, K, 126th Penna Vols.
George W. Snively, Lieutenant, D, 158th Penna Vols.
Jacob S. Snively, Lieutenant, D, 158th Penna Vols.
Wilfred Six, I, 22d Penna Cav.
J. S. Weiser, Lieutenant, K, 22d Penna Cav.
Daniel S. Walck, G, 17th Penna Cav.
Charles A. Unger, 21st Penna Cav.
Jacob Helfrick, D, 209th Penna Vols.
John B. Davison, K, 126th Penna Vols.
John B. Byers, K, 126th Penna Vols.
George W. Swisher, K, 21st Penna Cav.
William C. Binnix, I, 7th Maryland Vols.
Jacob Shatzer, D, 158th Penna Vols.
Carlisle Koons, D, 209th Penna Vols.
John M. Wagner, K, 126th Penna Vols.
Michael Trehr, Captain, 158th Penna Vols.
Charles Palmer, K, 126th Penna Vols.
Henry F. Barnett, 26th Penna Vols.
Charles H. Newcomer, K, 126th Penna Vols.
Israel Shanabrook, G, 101st Penna Vols.
Jere B. Young, F, 3d Maryland Vols.
Jonathan Carpenter, B, 1st Maryland Cav.
Marshall D. Deitrich, K, 126th Penna Vols.
Samuel Eby, Signal Corps, U. S. A.
Theodore Koons, C, 126th Penna Vols.
Joseph Shatzer, D, 158th Penna Vols.
John H. Herr, K, 22d Penna Cav.
Thomas Koon, D, 158th Penna Vols.
Abraham Bowman, B, 126th Penna Vols.
Jacob Bowman, D, 2d Penna Art.
Andrew Baker, K, 126th Penna Vols.
Abram Pittinger, B, 2d Penna Heavy Art.
Jerome King, G, 55th Penna Vols.
Andrew Dalrymple, D, 1st Maryland Vols.
Jacob Lantz, D, 158th Penna Vols.
A. H. M'Gaughey, K, 21st Penna Cav.
John L. Koons, K, 21st Penna Cav.
John L. Alexander, K, 21st Penna Cav.
James Cleary, K, 21st Penna Cav.
W. F. Patton, K, 195th Penna Vols.
Samuel F. Robertson, L, 22d Penna Cav.
Simon Cutshaw, 13th Penna Cav.
Jeremiah Schoff, 9th Penna Cav.
Theodore F. Huber, I, 126th Penna Vols.
David W. Craig, A, 21st Penna Cav.
William Dixon, B, 21st Penna Cav.
William Buckstone, D, 153d Penna Vols.
Joseph Poole, E, 11th Penna Cav.
John Stains, B, 158th Penna Vols.
R. J. Boyd, Captain, K, 21st Penna Cav.
C. M. Good, G, 100th Penna Vols.
Upton Easton, H, 21st Penna Cav.
H. W. Brenizer, G, 195th Penna Vols.
David Hager, L, 21st Penna Cav.
Thomas Clingan, D, 158th Penna Vols.
Jeremiah Blowman, E, 22d Penna Cav.
Samuel Dickson, Penna Reserves
Thomas Flora
Frank Arbaugh
David Gerhart
(Column 02)Summary: The hall of Austin and Elder's building was crowded with Chambersburg's Boys in Blue on Thursday. They celebrated Republican victories in Vermont that "filled every loyal heart with joy, and like every Union victory brought dismay to the hearts of those who sympathize with the Lost Cause." Lt. S. W. Hays and Col. F. S. Stumbaugh addressed the crowd.Grand Mass Meeting of Both Parties in Waynesboro
(Names in announcement: Lt. S. W. Hays, Col. F. S. Stumbaugh)
(Column 03)Summary: F. M. Kimmell, Democratic candidate for Congress, and John Cessna, Republican candidate, will debate in Waynesboro on September 26th.[No Title]
(Column 03)Summary: The paper reminds readers that entries at the fair are free, unlike many other county fairs. They urge citizens to participate, and praise the ladies of Chambersburg for becoming involved. "Now that the ball is started, every citizen should feel that this is going to be a real benefit to the county, and if the county is benefitted, will not all be rewarded?"The Proposed Female College
(Column 03)Summary: The paper urges the importance of supporting the proposed women's college in Chambersburg. "If established here, it will bring tens of thousands of dollars annually to our business men, and as in other places where large Literary Institutions are established, be the means of bringing many families of cultivation and wealth to make their permanent residence here."[No Title]
(Column 03)Summary: The commissioners for appraising war-damage claims sat in the Court House on September 11th, 12th, and 14th. They disposed of many claims. The business was accomplished in a much more orderly fashion than last time, and there were no cases of swindling.Gov. Geary at Greencastle
(Column 03)Summary: Gov. Geary stopped at the Adam's House in Greencastle after returning from a visit to Mercersburg. He gave an impromptu speech to the crowd that gathered to see him.[No Title]
(Column 03)Summary: The Grant and Colfax Club of Chambersburg erected a transparency of General Grant on the third story of Snider's building. It is a full size color picture of Grant with columns on the sides upon which they plan to list the states that Grant carries. "When lighted up it presents a beautiful and attractive appearance, and reflects great credit on those who designed it."[No Title]
(Column 03)Summary: Rev. J. H. Baird, General Agent of the Aetna Life Insurance Co., will visit Chambersburg to sell policies. The company is also looking for other agents to hire.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. H. Baird)
(Column 03)Summary: The Democratic Party of Chambersburg established headquarters in Gelwicks building. They put up a flag pole on which there is a streamer reading "Seymour, Blair, and Victory," and a United States flag flying at half-mast. "Party always before country is characteristic of the Democracy," charges the Repository.[No Title]
(Column 03)Summary: Rev. W. Alexander of Wisconsin will preach in the Court House on Friday.Guilford to the Mass Meeting
(Column 03)Summary: "Many Citizens" announce that all Republicans wishing to join the Cavalry Brigade for the upcoming mass-meeting should assemble at Leisher's School House.Married
(Column 04)Summary: John Yeager and Miss Sarah E. Evans, both of St. Thomas, were married on August 27th at the residence of Solie Hollar by the Rev. S. A. Mowers.Married
(Names in announcement: John Yeager, Sarah E. Evans, Solie Hollar, Rev. S. A. Mowers)
(Column 04)Summary: Philip Lautenshlayer and Miss Kate Gross, both of Chambersburg, were married on September 6th by the Rev. G. Roth.Died
(Names in announcement: Philip Lautenshlayer, Kate Gross, Rev. G. Roth)
(Column 04)Summary: Mrs. Rebecca S. Kirby, wife of the late James R. Kirby, died in Chambersburg on September 14th after a lingering illness. She was 65 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: Rebecca S. Kirby, James R. Kirby)
(Column 04)Summary: James Downey died at his residence in Antrim on September 3rd. He was 61 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: James Downey)
(Column 04)Summary: Walter C. Dieter, son of John and Minnie Dieter, died in Chambersburg on Sunday. He was 2 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: Walter C. Dieter, John Dieter, Minnie Dieter)
(Column 04)Summary: Jamie Crawford Orr, son of John R. and Mary Orr, died on September 7th of dysentery. He was 1 year old.Died
(Names in announcement: Jamie Crawford Orr, John R. Orr, Mary Orr)
(Column 04)Summary: Mrs. Mary L. Hickock, widow of J. H. Hickock, formerly of Chambersburg, died in Bedford on September 4th after a lingering illness. She was 73 years old.
(Names in announcement: Mary L. Hickock, J. H. Hickock)
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