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Franklin Repository: January 20, 1869

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Border Damages Again
(Column 01)
Summary: The editor makes another plea to the state legislature to pay border damage compensation to Franklin county as a just and necessary measure. Franklin county farmers lost their produce and livestock many times to friend and foe while keeping their dedication to the Union.
Full Text of Article:

If any apology were necessary for introducing this subject into our columns again, an ample one would be found in the distressing financial condition of many of the citizens of Franklin county, and especially of Chambersburg. Though it is neither fashionable nor popular, as the world goes, to champion the unfortunate, it is right, which is far better, especially if the responsibility for these misfortunes rests somewhere else than on themselves.

If the pecuniary suffering which pervades this community does not make public journals, which have a knowledge of the facts, cry aloud and spare not, we are not able to say what will. When the war closed the farmers of the border counties had suffered heavily both from the raids of the enemy and our own troops. No sooner had the rebels passed over their flourishing fields, destroying their crops, burning their fences, and carrying off their horses, cattle and hogs, than a spasm of watchfulness sent an army of State troops among them, who being "emergency men" found their first great emergency in a lack of supplies, and were compelled to take and use what little the poor farmers had been able to conceal from the rebel jayhawkers. Before the Commissary Department could be put into operation the immediate necessity for troops was gone, and they were withdrawn, leaving lean larders behind. This alternation of foes and friends was repeated several times, until the agricultural community were in despair, and might well have been pardoned if they had cried out, spare us from our friends, at least, if we must be ravaged by our foes.

The frequent raids, and the constant apprehension of them made sudden flights often necessary. Stock was run off, or captured, farms were neglected just when crops were ripening, or when the seed should have been sown, entailing heavy and serious losses in addition to those mentioned above.

We know that all these misfortunes, this neglect and mismanagement, on the part of the State, resulting in destruction of houses, loss of property and often extreme poverty, were borne with calmness and without complaint. The taxes imposed by the Government to carry on the war were never remitted, but were cheerfully paid. Quotas of troops were filled up with our young and available men, and sent to the front while our own border was left unprotected. When the crowning misfortune of the war, to us, came, which destroyed two millions of property in a day and left half the population of Chambersburg bankrupt, and the other half badly crippled there were but half a company of Infantry and two pieces of artillery to defend against a whole division of cavalry. Of course they could do nothing more than save themselves.

Since the close of the war, which reduced the swollen streams of trade and traffic to their original narrow channels, our people have been staggering under the gigantic burden of their losses, hoping that better times would soon dawn and relief would be found. These times have never come. An unsettled financial policy, lack of confidence in the currency of the Government, and a general falling off in the price of produce only made their burdens heavier. Many, unable to meet their debts, have seen their property sacrificed, and themselves cast pennyless on the world. Many others will soon be forced to see the same thing unless relief from some quarter come soon.

There is but one quarter whence this relief can and should come. The Commonwealth owes restitution to her suffering citizens to the extent of the last dollar of loss, if she owes a farthing.--That she failed to protect and defend her border citizens, during the war, whom she was bound, in the nature of things to protect and defend, no one will undertake to deny. That the sacrifice the border sustained in 1863 and 1864 was the salvation of the interior of the State is equally undeniable. It is by no means just--we ask not generosity but justice--that those who escaped loss and danger, now that the danger is past, should refuse to make compensation. It is plain that the whole State should suffer this loss, and not the border counties alone.--They have not been released from the taxes and duties which the Commonwealth exacts of her citizens, nor do they ask to be. But they do ask that while they fulfill their duties, their rights, which are reciprocal, shall not be ignored.

Now that the extent of the losses have been ascertained, let an appropriation be made, and let the sufferers be taxed along with the rest of the State to pay them.--The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is an empire in herself. Her resources are developing, her wealth and strength growing, in a way that is almost magical. Her population is four millions, and she is paying yearly more than two millions of the State debt. In a few years she will be entirely free of debt. Can such a State afford to be mean and niggardly? Can she afford to come short of absolute justice to her loyal subjects? Surely not, when it will not burden a single individual to make her suffering citizens whole.

Our legislatures are not so economical that they cannot be just, if we read aright their proceedings at Harrisburg.--Why, they squander on pasting and folding, on Purdon's Digests and such other lumber, alone, what would in a few years pay our losses. Let them stop these leaks, and turn their attention to their legitimate duties, the wants of the people.

We do not believe there is a member whose constituents are unwilling to have him do justice to the border counties, though we have heard that there are such. If it be true, we remind him that he legislates for the whole State and not for his immediate district, and he will find the whole State approves his action whenever it is just, upright and honest.

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(Column 01)
Summary: An arsonist made a partially successful attempt to burn the store and dwelling of Capt. James C. Patton in Mercersburg. The citizens of Mercersburg put out the fire, but only after much damage was done. "This was a most outrageous attempt to destroy not only property, but human life, and we cannot but mention what is generally believed to be the cause of this act. Some time since a burglary was committed in Mercersburg, and certain parties implicated and arrested. Capt. Patton, as a good citizen, took quite a prominent part in having these old offenders brought to justice." Patton is offering a $500 reward for arrest of the arsonists.
(Names in announcement: Capt. James C. Patton)
Absconding Postmaster
(Column 01)
Summary: Andrew Dalrymple, postmaster at Brown's Mill, fled the county in secret after defaulting on a $500 loan. He left a letter explaining to his creditor that he could not pay. Dalrymple told his wife he was going to Chambersburg for the day, and had not been seen since.
(Names in announcement: Andrew Dalrymple)
(Column 02)
Summary: Gotlieb Koebler, a German resident of Chambersburg, committed suicide on January 12th by taking arsenic. Dr. William H. Boyle held the inquest and the jury signed off on the findings.
(Names in announcement: Gotlieb Koebler, Dr. William H. Boyle, C. Herrmann, L. B. Kurtz, Joseph R. Davison, M. W. Houser, Charles Evans, George W. Hagey)
Tribute of Respect
(Column 02)
Summary: John S. Hicks and William H. Boyle, on behalf of Chambersburg's Columbus Lodge No. 75, I. O. O. F., issue resolutions of sympathy and respect upon the death of William Curtis.
(Names in announcement: John S. Hicks, William H. Boyle, William Curtis)
Sheriff's Sale
(Column 02)
Summary: The paper lists the properties recently sold by the Sheriff.
(Names in announcement: Sheriff Fletcher, John Metz, Martin Myers, Hugh Craig, Daniel Sword, Jacob L. Dechert, Daniel Dechert, Rev. A. S. Foster, W. G. M'Lellan, Henry Feldman, George Ludwig, Franklin Foltz, John R. Orr)
Full Text of Article:

The following real estate was sold by Sheriff Fletcher, on Friday, the 15th inst:

The property of John Metz, in Montgomery township, containing 125 acres, with a log house and log barn thereon erected, bounded by lands of Martin Myers and Hugh Craig, was purchased by Daniel Sword, for $1,425.

A house and lot of Jacob L. Dechert, situated on Front street, Chambersburg, near the German Reformed Church, was sold for $3,550, to Daniel Dechert.

The property of Rev. A.S. Foster, situated on "Federal Hill," was sold to W.G. M'Lellan, for $3,100.

The Indian Queen Hotel, on Front street, Chambersburg, the property of Henry Feldman, was purchased by George Ludwig, for $8,080.

The property of Franklin Foltz, on North Front street, Chambersburg, was sold for $1,000, to Jno. R. Orr, Esq.

Court Proceedings
(Column 02)
Summary: The paper announces the opening of the January Court, noting that many cases will draw large crowds this term.
(Names in announcement: Judge King, Judge Ferguson, Judge Armstrong, William M'Kane, Maria Verner, Obed Lowry, Mary Spoonhour)
Full Text of Article:

The January term of court commenced on Monday morning last. His Honor, Judge King, presided; Associate Judges Ferguson and Armstrong were present. The morning was spent in listening to motions, reports, &c. The following case was disposed of in the afternoon:

Com. vs. Wm. M'Kane.--Assault and Battery, on oath of Maria Varner. Defendant not guilty, and the prosecutrix to pay the costs.

Com. vs. Obed Lowry.--Fornication and Bastardy, on oath of Mary Spoonhour. This case is on trial as we go to press.

The important cases that will come before the Court this term have drawn a large number of persons from all parts of the county. The Court House since its erection has never been so densely packed with spectators as it was on Monday and Tuesday.

Meeting of a New Organization
(Column 02)
Summary: The dentists of Franklin and adjoining counties have created an auxiliary chapter to the State Dental Society. They held their semi-annual meeting at the Young Men's Christian Association. They have named themselves the Cumberland Valley Dental Society and profess to elevate the dental profession and protect the public from charlatans.
Debating Club
(Column 03)
Summary: A Young Men's Debating Club has been formed at Bossart's School House in Hamilton. It aims to improve "the minds of the scholars and young persons generally."
[No Title]
(Column 03)
Summary: Mrs. D. M. Eiker and Miss A. M. Snyder of Chambersburg are thanked for their contributions to the fair and festival of the Silver Cornet Band of Mechanicsburg.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. D. M. Eiker, Miss A. M. Snyder)
[No Title]
(Column 03)
Summary: Lt. Joseph Shepley, "a gallant soldier in the late war," died suddenly at his father's house in Shippensburg on Thursday.
(Names in announcement: Lt. Joseph Shepley)
(Column 03)
Summary: Isaac Keefer of Franklin and Miss Maggie Cline of M'Connellsburg were married on January 14th at the residence of the bride's parents by the Rev. J. Hassler, assisted by Rev. A. M. Whetstone.
(Names in announcement: Isaac Keefer, Maggie Cline, Rev. J. Hassler, Rev. A. M. Whetstone)
(Column 03)
Summary: A. J. Eyler of Chambersburg and Miss Anna Mary Sanders of Hagerstown were married in Chambersburg on January 12th by the Rev. P. S. Davis.
(Names in announcement: A. J. Eyler, Anna Mary Sanders, Rev. P. S. Davis)
(Column 03)
Summary: Absalom Beamer of Adams County and Miss Sarah Wells of Chambersburg were married on January 14th by the Rev. J. Keller Miller.
(Names in announcement: Absalom Beamer, Sarah Wells, Rev. J. Keller Miller)
(Column 03)
Summary: Benjamin F. Lehman of Illinois and Miss Hannah J. Shively of Franklin were married on January 14th at Pleasant Retreat Parsonage by the Rev. James M. Bishop.
(Names in announcement: Benjamin F. Lehman, Hannah J. Shively, Rev. James M. Bishop)
(Column 03)
Summary: Thomas Adams of Perry County and Miss Lizzie M. Elder, daughter of Samuel Elder of Dry Run, were married on January 15th by the Rev. William A. West.
(Names in announcement: Thomas Adams, Lizzie M. Elder, Samuel Elder, Rev. William A. West)
(Column 03)
Summary: Miss Nancy Stouffer died in Chambersburg on January 7th. She was 68 years old.
(Names in announcement: Nancy Stouffer)
(Column 03)
Summary: George Thompson Fry, formerly of Chambersburg, died in Minnesota on January 8th. He was 60 years old.
(Names in announcement: George Thompson Fry)

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