Franklin Repository: March 10, 1869Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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The New Era
(Column 01)Summary: The Repository here celebrates the end of Andrew Johnson's administration with great optimism and a harsh summary of Johnson's actions in office.
Full Text of Article:The St. Thomas School Board AgainOn Thursday last, the people of the United States changed their servant. The event was long looked for and impatiently awaited. For three weary years, the majority of Americans, though angered by the opposition made to their will, by a man whom they had honored with the trust of their powers, had fixed their eyes upon the point of time when the wrong-doer would necessarily surrender his office and give up his trust. The endurance of such evil as could not well be prevented and the repression of gross misuse of power where possible were deemed preferable to a forcible ejection from place and a resumption of the misplaced trusts. Perhaps in no other land under the sun would forbearance by a nation - the fickle, inconsiderate, hydra-headed mob of monarchists - be so continuously, steadily and wisely exhibited. Though bitterly repentant of its own mistake, and hopeless of amendment, on the part of the recreant office-holder, yet respect for law, regard for order, caution as to precedent, and, above all, reliance on their own ultimate victory with time and patience for helpers, the nation sublimely bore and waited. The event has justified its action. The period of suffering is over - the hour of relief has come. Without violence, the Ides of March beheld a Consul, who had usurped the powers of the people, overthrown; without the fear of a war of factions, another, who will take care of the Republic, installed. The people rejoiced at the consummation - not as when the herald proclaiming "the King is dead - long live the King!" the bells are wrung and artillery thunders and obsequious crowds wave their ready hats in the air to honor one they fear, but as men who see and know that a great good which involved their own dearest interests, the welfare of their country and of mankind, is accomplished. Such is our rejoicing at the change which the ceremonies at Washington effected. Andrew Johnson has left a place, which it is charity to say, he occupied chiefly to thwart the popular will. To divert the energies of our national life into channels which, circuitously, would bring us into the direction of old-time progress was his avowed purpose. It availed nothing that the inclinations of the people and the plain indications of events pointed him to new and directer channels to the open waters of peace and security. He preferred the old and set up a stubborn will against the desires of them whom he had sworn to serve. A pilot so minded, with a crew so averse, can neither reach his haven, not yet make theirs, but the vessel, inconstant and veering, beats upon a limited expanse and touches on every tock and shoal that borders its course. Nothing but an overseeing Providence prevents the ultimate catastrophe, wherein the perverse helmsman and the helpless crew are merged in the common flood. That such has been our risk and such our hope of salvation, every thoughtful man knows and the fourth of March, with its change of pilot and the substitution of one who will seek those straighter broader channels without delay, brought no greater or juster ground of relief than this knowledge. With Ulysses S. Grant the conflict ceases. Today the quiet of concord reigns where so long were heard only the mutterings of discontent and angry rebukes. But, to drop metaphor, with Johnson went out the last hope of the reactionists; slavery, the hope of the reactionists; slavery, the culmination of the devil's protest against God's making of humanity, lost its last defender. The battle of human right, the beginning of which no eye can see, was won when the plaudits of the people rose to the echo of the Inaugural. Hereafter, in all of this broad land, no man can trample with impunity on another's rights. As equals in the civil scheme as in the divine, though differing in endowment, it is given to all men to follow to the end, the life which Providence has bestowed, laboring to receive fruit and enjoying when gathered. The contemplation of this result, better as it is than the dreamer's picture in Atlanta or Utopia, fuller than the end for which, for a race only, Marathon and Salamis were fought; broader in its scope than Sidney's or Hampden's aspirations; wide as the most liberal interpretation of the Divine love which embraces every creature in the whole earth, must awaken the purest thankfulness and content. The new era is the time of peace. The message given in Judea, for eighteen hundred years has been working out its results. To-day they are visible, fully rounded and complete; for, in perfect freedom from all shackles of limb or conscience men may, for the first time, securely look to Heaven alone for direction and to their own wills for motives.
The problems of our daily life are henceforward, greatly simplified. Radical abuses, affecting our existence even as beings, are stricken out of the list of objects to live for and attack. The subjugation of the earth, the single work given man when first put here, alone remains for occupation for our hands. It is true that errors and blunders in our dealings with each other as nations and as individuals will continue to abound and to require correction, but it will never happen, we think, that abuses, fundamental encroachments on primal rights, will arise. Free to develop all the resources of our home, the earth, because we have, in fact and in truth, the only peace that is lasting, the peace of recognized equality and independence as men, what may we not expect from the unconstrained, unperverted, intelligent, efforts of all men?
The outlook, to-day, in this material point of view, is hopeful to the last degree. The language of oriental hyperbole is barely equal to the depicting of our natural advantages. Every variety of climate and kind of soil, illimitable space for expansion by land the omnipresent waters for communication - a numerous people, healthy, hardy, intelligent and pure - the materials of progress in profusion and the agents for its attainment in abounding numbers, there seems nothing more to be looked for or desired save that reverent trust in Him who made us and who, through chastening, but in much love, has permitted us, perhaps in advance of the other peoples of earth, to reach this point. Let us avail ourselves of our past experience and the old, old, mistakes of all mankind, and forgetting to subdue man that his unrequited toil may shift the curse of labor from his master, be content, by subduing nature, to finally conquer our fate by obedience to law.
(Column 02)Summary: The Repository attacks the school board for ordering a teacher to continue treating black students in an inferior manner because parents were complaining.
(Names in announcement: John Calvin Detrich)Full Text of Article:The St. Thomas School BoardIt seems a little strange that the St. Thomas School Board should compel one of its teachers to stultify himself as it did John Calvin Detrich, the teacher of the school to which the colored children were sent. The Board has a simple escape from the odium which attaches to such conduct as it was charged with, if it was not true; and that was to deny it. Instead of this its members force John Calvin Detrich, a son of one of the board, who teaches the school, to publish two cards, in each of which he fully confirms all that was alleged against them. This poor fellow, who evidently would deal out even handed justice to his pupils if he were not a coward, admits in the first card, that while parents and pupils complained that the little colored girl was allowed the same privileges as themselves, the board directed him to settle the matter to suit himself. In the second card, not signed by himself it is true, but bearing his unmistakable earmarks, he goes a step further and says he was directed "not to make any change if he could possibly get along without it." It is perfectly safe for the friends of justice to allow this statement to go before the public without a word of comment. It shows outrageous bigotry on the part of the white parents and pupils, total incapacity on the part of the teacher, who seeks "peace and harmony" at the expense of right and justice, and a moral unfitness for the important duties of school directors on the part of the board.
(Column 06)Summary: This letter comes from a teacher at a local school who was ordered to preserve "peace and harmony" at the school at all costs in the face of parental agitation over a black student being placed in a position of higher standing. He lays out his version of the case.
(Names in announcement: Joseph Winter, Miss Lucy , John Calvin Deatrich, John F. Reese, John W. Coble)Full Text of Article:To the Editors of the Franklin Repository,
By request of the honorable Board of School Directors of St. Thomas township, I hereby make a statement of some facts concerning the difficulty that occurred in my school, between the whites and the colored children of Joseph Winters. I received them kindly, and have not the least aversion to teaching them. I taught the little boy the alphabet, having no others in the class with him. I procured the necessary books for Miss Lucy and placed her in those classes that her attainments demanded. She was at least two years the senior of any other in the classes, I allowed her to trap and persisted in it until parents and pupils began to complain. I then brought the matter before the Board. They took no action, but told me to manage the affair in such a manner that I could have peace and harmony in the school. Some of the members of the Board however, spoke to Mr. Winters in regard to the matter. He said I could dispose of them as regards the trapping and classification as I saw fit. He only desired me to give them the same attention that I gave the others. Taking it for granted that Mr. Winters was perfectly satisfied with the arrangement, I made the change. Miss Lucy being absent for a few days returned. Her place of course was at the foot. I then kindly told her that in order to remedy a disturbance that had been existing in the school for some time, she should keep her place at the foot. After disposing of her in this manner we got along very smoothly in school. The young ladies who previously shunned her, now associated to a greater extent with her and we had peace. Previous to this change, the whites would not drink out of the same drinking vessel. I told them to bring a drinking vessel along. They did so. I did all I possibly could to have peace and harmony reign. So far as I understand, Mr. Winters cherishes the highest regard for me. I desired peace and harmony to reign in my school, and in order to have it so, I found it necessary to dispose of her as I did. It was a painful duty that devolved upon me, and I dealt with it to the best of my judgment and ability. Hoping these few isolated facts will suffice, I will close.
ST. THOMAS, PA., MARCH 8, 1869.
We, the undersigned, teachers of St. Thomas township, were present at the meeting of the Board of School Directors when the teacher brought the difficulty that occurred at the Bratten school before them. The Board took no action in the matter, but told the teacher he should do the best he could to keep peace and harmony in the school, and not to make any change if he could possibly get along without it.
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New Road Law
(Column 01)Summary: The paper prints the new Franklin County Road Law. It provides for the election of road supervisors who will be responsible for assessing and collecting a tax for construction and maintanence of roads. They will be paid $2 a day during their service, and must post a bond before taking up the post.Franklin County Horticultural Society
(Column 01)Summary: The horticultural society held its semi-annual meeting at the Ryder Nursary Association. John M. Cooper gave an address on manures. The librarian reported on books purchased, and a number of fruits and vegetables were exhibited. The editors assert that the association will be of great benefit to anyone who engages in gardening and agriculture in Franklin County.Donation Visit
(Names in announcement: John M. Cooper, P. S. Davis, T. B. Jenkins)
(Column 01)Summary: The friends of Rev. John Hunter, pastor of the Church of God, paid him a visit to bestow gifts and provisions upon him. He publishes a letter of thanks.Dramatic Entertainment
(Names in announcement: Rev. John Hunter, Mrs. M. C. Wolf)
(Column 01)Summary: The Housum Zouaves of Chambersburg will give their first dramatic performance in Fayetteville on Saturday.The Wilson Female College
(Column 02)Summary: The Rev. E. B. Raffensperger has been appointed Financial Secretary of the Board of Trustees of Wilson Female College. He will immediately begin completing the endowment of $200,000. He will live in Chambersburg and will carry on his work there and in surrounding counties.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Rev. E. B. Raffensperger)
(Column 02)Summary: The meeting of the Republicans of Scotland enjoyed a large turnout. Luther M. Garver chaired the event, and Maj. F. D. Ditzler served as Secretary. The following were nominated as candidates for office: Henry Wallace for judge; Jeremiah Ott for inspector; John G. Youst for assessor; William Clark, Robert Kilpatrick, and John Embich for school director; John L. Lesher, David Greenawalt, Jr., for supervisors; Jacob Glass and John R. Thompson for auditors; J. Amos Miller for township clerk; William Bittinger for constable.Velocipede School
(Names in announcement: Luther M. Garver, Maj. F. D. Ditzler, Henry Wallace, Jeremiah Ott, John G. Youst, William Clark, Robert Kilpatrick, John Embich, John L. Lesher, David GreenawaltJr., Jacob Glass, John R. Thompson, J. Amos Miller, William Bittinger)
(Column 02)Summary: George P. Lawton announces he will offer lessons on riding the velocipede. Five of the new vehicles have been ordered, which is creating a great excitement in Chambersburg.I. O. O. F.
(Names in announcement: George P. Lawton)
(Column 02)Summary: Columbus Lodge No. 75, I. O. O. F., of Chambersburg will participate in the order's semi-centennial celebration in Philadelphia.Married
(Column 04)Summary: Ezra Stouffer of Illinois and Miss Eliza Cort, formerly of Franklin, were married in Illinois on February 23rd in Illinois.Died
(Names in announcement: Ezra Stouffer, Eliza Cort)
(Column 04)Summary: David Guyer, Jr., died in Horse Valley on February 22nd. He was 29 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: David GuyerJr.)
(Column 04)Summary: David Dunkle died near Spring Run on February 26th. He was 20 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: David Dunkle)
(Column 04)Summary: George Lehner died in Chambersburg on February 7th. He was 65 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: George Lehner)
(Column 04)Summary: Hiram Sowers died in Fayetteville on February 21st. He was 34 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: Hiram Sowers)
(Column 04)Summary: Sarah E. Remley died on March 2nd. He was 13 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: Sarah E. Remley)
(Column 04)Summary: Mrs. Sarah B. Wright died in Loudon on March 4th after a protracted illness. She was 57 years old.
(Names in announcement: Sarah B. Wright)
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