Franklin Repository: June 02, 1869Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: During the war, an old woman named Barbara Freitchie reportedly waved a Union flag in Confederate Gen. Jackson's face as he marched past. Confederate sympathizers argue that the Confederate troops' decision not to harm the woman demonstrates their great chivalry and benevolence; the Repository argues that Union troops behaved far more humanely than their counterparts.
Full Text of Article:[No Title]The Lancaster Intelligencer doubts the truth of the story told about Barbara Freitchie, who is said to have waved a Union flag in front of her cottage door, in Frederick, Md., when the rebel General Jackson's corps was marching past, and
But allowing that the flag was flaunted defiantly in the very face of Stonewall Jackson and his men, what a contrast did the conduct of the rebel soldiers present to that of Federal Generals and officials. The infamous order of Butler at New Orleans, and the repeated arrest and imprisonment of ladies in Baltimore and elsewhere for refusing to walk under our flag is a stain upon our character which cannot be wiped out. According to the admission of the Radicals themselves the rebels respected womanhood too much even to insult one who defiantly flaunted the banner of their foes in their very faces. When and where did our armies give such an exhibition of chivalrous courtesy. The less that is said about this Barbara Frietchie story the better. If true it only blazons forth our shame the more conspicuously. If our Radical contemporaries in Lancaster and elsewhere would reflect for a moment they would hesitate before publishing items calculated to provoke such odious comparisons.
The story, whether true or not does not affect the character of the comments of the Intelligencer, runs that Barbara Freitchie, a decrepit old woman, but full of loyalty to her country, waved a small flag when the troops were passing, and that the rebel soldiers leveled their muskets to shoot down the defenceless old patriot, but were sternly ordered by Jackson not to fire.
Unless one saw it done, as here, he would scarcely believe that this could be made the occasion for glorifying rebels who were at that very moment killing loyal citizens and destroying their property, and for denouncing Union soldiers and officers who were heroically giving their lives to protect the persons and property of just such rebel sympathizers as the author of the lines quoted. Wonderful magnanimity, indeed, on the part of rebels, that they did not kill a defenceless old woman, though peremptorily ordered not to fire. Truly this was a marvelous exhibition of chivalrous courtesy, and wholly unparalleled in generous magnanimity by anything in the ranks of the brave "Boys in Blue." And then the outrage the loyal hearted old woman committed on the tender feelings of the chivalrous rebels was so grievous, too. Why, she actually waved the "Stars and Stripes" in the face of the enemies of her country; the flag which she loved and adored, and which they have betrayed and trailed in the dust. Well may the Intelligencer ask "when and where did our armies give such an exhibition of chivalrous courtesy?"
But why say our armies? What interest does he of the Intelligencer have in our armies? What right has he, on his own showing, to say our armies? His sympathies were with those who destroyed the flower of our armies, in their unholy attempt to overthrow the Government. He rejoiced at rebel successes, and felt sad at Union victories.
Is it true that Union soldiers were so utterly devoid of the common courtesies of life that no parallel can be found to this case of but ordinary decency on the part of rebels? Why there was not a town in rebeldom, visited or held, by our soldiers, where rebel flags were not flaunted in their faces by furious and enraged female rebels. Was any one ever killed for it? Certainly not. On the contrary guards were placed over their property to protect it. And it was protected. When rebel armies invaded the North was private property protected? Let the Cumberland Valley and Chambersburg answer! We want to see Union soldiers, every one of whose experience proves the assertion of the Intelligencer to be lies, to read them. If their faces don't mantle with indignation at the insults heaped upon them by this sympathizer we are much mistaken. We would not open the chapter of rebel horrors and barbarities and murder committed on Union prisoners in rebel prison pens, which appalled the civilized world, but when we hear demagogues talk, of their "chivalrous courtesy" just when the whole North is reverently decorating the silent graves of its patriot dead, many of whom were deliberately stoned to death by the chivalry, we cannot wholly forget it. In turn we would suggest to the Intelligencer that decency would admonish it to "hesitate before publishing items calculated to provoke such odious comparisons."
(Column 02)Summary: The Printers' Union, which has a closed shop arrangement with the Congressional Printer, refuses to allow black workers into the Union, and thus into the profession. The Repository attacks this as the last bastion of an institution designed to hold back equal rights for blacks.
Full Text of Article:[No Title]Prejudice against the negro has been driven steadily back from each of its fortified positions, until now it may safely be said to have entrenched itself in the "last ditch." Noah's drunken spree has been made to father more of man's inhumanity to man than even Adam's fall, but with the tumble of the rebellion fell also the logic out of the hitherto irresistible argument from Noah. Slavery died with the death of the rebellion, and prejudice against the colored race fell back on its second line of fortifications. The negro had no right to vote. Driven from that, and the right to vote in the lately rebellious States conceded, he was not allowed to hold office, to testify in courts, to sit on juries or to enforce contracts, nor, by reason of these restrictions, to work for himself. One after another the despised sons of Ham have driven the enemy from all these fortifications, and now they have taken their position in the "last ditch." The negro may vote, hold office, practice law, preach the gospel, hold government clerkships and foreign missions, nay, even be intelligent and a gentleman, but he dare not be a government printer. This is the "last ditch." He might even be a government printer, but to be this it is necessary to belong to the Printers' Union. He is perfectly willing to belong to the Printers' Union, but the Printers' Union is unwilling to belong to him. Having recovered so many of his stolen rights, he is not likely to fail in his attempt to recover this also. Mr. Clapp, the Congressional Printer, has employed a son of Fred. Douglas, colored. The Printers' Union refuse to admit him into the Union, and are bound by the organization to allow no one, not a member, to work with them. Either Mr. Clapp must remove the negro, or the Printers' Union must admit him, or the members of the Union must withdraw. As yet the Congressional Printer and the Printers' Union have each refused to yield. We shall see who wins. The negro holds a strong hand and has a good backer. We advise him to "fight it out on that line, if it takes all summer."
(Column 02)Summary: This article uses quotes from Democrats to show "the meanness of the sneaking rebels."
Full Text of Article:Mistaken CharityA Democratic exchange says:
"Ex-Secretary Stanton has not been heard of for a long time. It is, however, not announced that he has joined the church. He is said to be troubled with constant fears and a terrible dread of the hereafter. The consciousness of his many crimes is crushing the life out of him, and it is not expected that he will live long."
If such be the fears and feelings of a patriot so upright and pure as ex-Secretary Stanton, what must we conceive to be the state of mind of those Northern Copperheads whose hostility to the Union, whose intrigues with the leaders of the rebellion, whose sympathy and encouragement fully proffered to traitors brought down to death and the grave thousands of the bravest and best men of the land? Stanton gave years of intense labor to his country, and sacrificed health and fortune in so doing. They sacrificed human life recklessly, but not their own, and gave everything save their fortunes and their own comfort and safety to secure the success of the rebellion. Other things being equal, whose conscience is likely to be most troubled?
In confirmation of what we have said as to the attitude of Northern Democrats, during the war, we give the testimony of the editor of the Petersburg Index. This individual belonged to the fighting rebels and really seems to have a very correct perception of the meanness of the sneaking rebels, though he don't call them by that name.
"The glorious Democracy of the North! The forgers and riveters of our chains. The hounders on of a brave people to destruction. The heroic proxy-martyrs who bear with such noble equanimity and patient endurance and the suffering of their Southern brethren. The men who, safe in the rear, beseech the poor devils in Virginia, Texas and Mississippi to keep up the fire until a reaction gives them the spoils. And we are to be as Senator Casserly would do were his State be set as Virginia is. What did the Senator do when Virginia cast herself into the breach to confront the tide of encroachment upon American liberality? What did he do? What did they all do? Oh, they are a chivalric, a glorious set! Their advice has been high-sounding and has always led to fair results. By all means, let their counsels guide us for the future."
(Column 02)Summary: The Repository strongly attacks the G.A.R.'s recent recommendation to decorate Confederate soldiers' graves as blaspheming the memories of Union soldiers.
Full Text of Article:Charity covers a multitude of sins, but charity may be perverted. It would be if the recommendation of several Posts of the G. A. R. in Washington city to decorate the graves of rebel soldiers last Saturday had been adopted. We do not suppose that it was. The mere act of decorating soldiers' graves may mean very little, but as the expression of a sentiment or principle it means everything. Put into language it says, that the loyal people of the Union hold in lively and lasting gratitude the memory of those who sacrificed their noble lives in its preservation and defense. If that be correct it would be outrageous insult to them, and to the cause in which they fell and died, to pay similar honors to the remains of those who fought to destroy their country, and shed the blood of their brethren. Without hatred towards the dead who died in an unholy cause, we hope the time may never come when the sublime distinction between patriotism and loyalty, and treason, which is sought to be fostered by this custom, will be obliterated. If it does, the inspiration which filled our armies, and carried us triumphantly through the war will be dead, and patriotism will be dead likewise. If we fail to honor those who died for the Union, in the future there will be none willing to make the great sacrifice if needed. We do not merely honor their courage, we honor their courage in defense of right.
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Decoration Day
(Column 01)Summary: The paper reports here on the recent "Decoration Day" in Chambersburg.
(Names in announcement: John A. Seiders, Harry Strickler, Col. James G. Elder, Col. Theodore McGowan, John Doebler, Capt. George L. Miles, Dr. J. H. Shumaker, Pillsbury, Henninger, Wright, Rev. S. Barnes)Full Text of Article:The Mercersburg RailroadSaturday, 29th ult., was observed in Chambersburg as Decoration Day. The ceremonies of this occasion were a grand success. Our ladies, soldiers and citizens left nothing undone that would add to the solemnities of the day. There were many persons present from the country, to witness the display. During the week the following circular had been sent to the ladies, who generously responded to the call.
Saturday, the 29th of May
Has been set apart as a day to decorate, with flowers, the graves of the Soldiers of the late war who fell in defence of our country's cause: In this tribute of respect to the glorious deeds of our departed comrades, and in keeping green their resting places by annual commemoration, it is earnestly desired that we have the cooperation of the Ladies. One year ago they poured forth abundantly their choicest floral offerings to strew the graves of the Martyr dead, and on this second observance of the occasion, they are again asked to aid us in keeping in remembrance the sacrifices of those who gave their lives for their Country's sake, by renewing their contributions of flowers. Repository Hall has been offered as a depository for flowers, and all contributions should be sent in by 11 o'clock on that day."JOHN A. SEIDERS,
Committee to Solicit Flowers.The stage of Repository Hall was literally covered with beautiful bouquets, crosses, and wreaths. There were none who seemed to take a greater interest in the occasion than the children, who were busy during Saturday forenoon carrying flowers to the place where they were to deposit them. There is one thing certain, that this day is established in the hearts of the people, and that the observance of it hereafter will require no appeals to patriotism nor to the love that is borne our gallant dead. The sufferings, privations and heroic deaths of those to whom we owe the very existence of our Government, will never be forgotten. As these graves are annually strewn with flowers, the remembrances of the fallen will return and the influence of their noble lives will ever be felt.
At 3:30 P.M. the procession was formed in front of the Court House, by Col. Jas. G. Elder, Marshal, who had as aids Col. Theo. McGowan, Maj. John Doebler and Capt. Geo. L. Miles. The returned soldiers were on the right, led by the Chambersburg Silver Coronet Band, and in their rear Columbus and Chambersburg Lodges of I. O. O. F., Friendship Fire Company and the Housum Zouaves in their brilliant uniforms. The column marched into Repository Hall, where those who composed it were supplied with bouquets. It then returned to the Court House pavement, where it was favored with some excellent music by a quartette of the AEolian Circle, composed of Dr. J. H. Shumaker and Messrs. Pillsbury Henninger and Wright.
The procession, then marched down Front street to the Presbyterian Cemetery; thence to the Catholic Cemetery; up Second street to Washington; out Washington to the German Lutheran Cemetery; countermarched out Second to the United Brethren Cemetery; thence to Catharine street and up to the German Reformed Cemetery down Front up Market to Franklin; thence to the Cedar Grove Cemetery. Revs. Crawford, Davis, Barnes and Hays officiated at the various Cemeteries.
At Cedar Grove Cemetery, the Quartette sand a piece entitled "Lay Him Low," and Rev. S. Barnes, of the Methodist Church, spoke as follows:
Fellow Countrymen and Ladies. - Lovers of our country's flag, and, by the way,
"Long may it wave O'er" - what is now more emphatically than ever -
"The land of the free and the home of the brave."
The object which brought us together has been accomplished. Our work of today is done. In common with tens of thousands of our patriotic fellow citizens, who elsewhere throughout our broad land, have been employed in other Cemeteries, as we have been here to-day, we have strewn with flowers the graves of our country's recently fallen heroes.
As we have been thus employed, however, in this service of affection our hearts have been saddened with the thought that, in so far as the dead are concerned, our work has been all in vain. These fair flowers, culled by fairer hands and by the hands of their comrades strewn on the graves of the dead, have, alas, no magic power to call back the souls of the departed, and resuscitate their now decaying bodies. Would that it were otherwise. If it were, there would stand up to-day throughout our broad land, as in the Prophet Ezekiel's vision, "an exceedingly great army." For, of officers and men whose lives were sacrificed during the war to save our country, there were no fewer, by official figures, than 280,739.
Such is the number of our war destroyed and fallen braves. We may render them our tribute of affection, but we cannot bring them back. As it was sung of the great Napoleon, so it may be sung of them.
"They sleep their last sleep, they have fought their last battle.
No sound can awake them to glory again."
But those acts, though useless to them, are nevertheless significant, and we hope, useful to us."
It is customary when depositing in the grave the bodies of the dead, to say, "earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust." Might it not in some sense have been said today, flowers to flowers? For was not, our brave army made up of the flower of our country? This was the case in respect -
1. Of their youth. They were in this regard like the flowers of the spring and early summer time. They were our youth of promise and our manhood of earlier maturity who constituted our noble army, and many of whom now sleep around us. Again,
2. Flowers are the gayest, and in appearance the most beautiful and attractive of all inanimate things. And is not the same true of a well appointed, uniformed and properly equipped army, with banners flying and martial music filling all the air around? How sad that these should fall, broken, bleeding, dying. But
3. The flowers brought and strewn on the graves today were select and choice in quality. So, in point at least of patriotism and philanthropy, must have been the men who would volunteer to expose, and even lose life itself, for their country's and humanity's good. That form of government must indeed be dear to him, who, for its maintenance, would voluntarily lay down his life. And since he who lays down his life to serve his country's good, does it, not for himself, but for the comfort and welfare of others who survive him, his is surely a philanthropy of the very highest possible type. The Great Teacher himself hath said: "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friend." And yet this is just exactly what our fallen braves have done, for us and for those who shall come after us. Again,
4. But for flowers, or blossoms, we should have no fruits. So without our revolutionary armies we should have had no country, in the sense of civil and religious liberty. And but for our recent armies, we should have been without our broad and common country now. We should have been riven and weakened and almost, if not altogether destroyed, in all that now constitutes us great and happy, and we should have become a byword and a hissing amongst the nations. Thus as flowers are productive of fruit and good to man, so have our armies been to us, in giving and preserving to us, all that we hold dear in matters of human government, and who shall sufficiently estimate their worth.
5. Flowers are considered emblems of purity. And, soldiering as a profession, is morally and scripturally right. Though the regularly enlisted soldier take the life of his fellow in regular warfare, yet is he innocent of wrong. St. Paul says of the civil ruler that "he is the minister," or servant, "of God, an avenger, to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil, and beareth not the sword in vain." The soldier is the assistant, or commissioned deputy of the civil ruler, to enforce the law, and, like the ruler in so doing is the Minister or servant of his thing." As therefore "the powers that be' are a God given trust, he who protects them, even with the sword, executes but a Divine beast, and is innocent of moral wrong.
6. Flowers are fragrant. So is the memory of our heroes, living or dead. Their memory, like that of the just, is blessed. Not to cherish and honor them, is to be unworthy of the blessings their blood has purchased for us. For myself, I look not on the form of a living "boy in blue" nor upon the grave of a fallen one, without the feeling of an instinctive disposition to doff my hat in honor of his deeds.
Let love for them, then be embalmed in our hearts, as are flowers in choicest caskets. Let the 30th of May be ever hereafter to us a second 4th of July. Let monuments be erected to their memory. I am glad one is in contemplation here. May the project soon be a grand success. Let the headboards or stones which mark their graves be kept in proper adjustment, and, when needed, suitably renewed. Let the mounds upon their graves be kept full and round, and let flowers be kept growing on them to the end of time. Let our children and our childrens' children be taught the same reverence for our fallen braves that is now cherished for them by ourselves. And, as for our soldiers still amongst us, let them share in the affections we cherish for the dead. Moreover, under God, are they our country's saviors, other things being equal, let them ever be first in our country's patronage, its emoluments and honors.
As the interest, however, of this occasion, consists not so much in the words spoken, as the deeds performed and in the affections cherished, I will now close, by thanking you for your very kind and attentive hearing.
After the procession had accomplished the object for which it had been assembled, it returned to the Court House and was dismissed. Every thing passed off in the most satisfactory manner. Most of our business houses were closed from 3 to 6 P.M.
The following soldiers are buried in
Col. Peter B. Housum, 77th Reg Penna Vols.
Capt William Stouffer, Co C, 92d Reg Ill Vols.
Rev Wm H Maxwell, Chaplain.
Jacob Lortz, Co A, 77th Penna Vols.
Thomas J Reichter, 100th Penna Vols.
D Augustus Houser, Co A, 126th Penna Vols.
Robert S. Martin, 111th Reg Penna Vols.
Jacob Householder, 210th Penna Vols.
James W Palmer, Co L, 21st Penna Cav.
Jacob B Shaffer, Co A, 126th Penna Vols.
William H Seiders, Co D, 11th Penna Cav.
T J C M'Grath, Co A, 126th Penna Vols.
William B Leisher, Co D, 210th Reg Penna Vols.
Andrew M'Kean, Co D, 21st Penna Cav.
William M'Kean, 2d Penna Art.
Benjamin F Suter, Co D, 210th Reg Penna Vols.
James M'Geehan, Co K, 107th Reg Penna Vols.
John Liggett, Co K, 107th Penna Vols.
Charles W Kline, Co K, 107th Penna Vols.
Dewitt C Piper, 18th Reg U.S. Infantry.
John Caseman, Co K, 107th Reg Penna Vols.
David W Hummelsme, Co D, 11th Penna Cav.
Jacob H Butler, Co D, 11th Penna Cav.
John K Simmers, Co D, 210th Reg Penna Vols.
George Nolan, 2d Penna Art.
Thomas M Dunkinson, Co K, 107th Reg Penna Vols.
Capt. Samuel R. M'Kesson, Co A, 77th Penna Vols.
George S Shinefield, Co D, 126th Reg Penna Vols.
James S Shuman, Co D, 11th Penna Cav.
William E Shuman, Co K, 107th Reg Penna Vols.
John N Heckerman, 13th Penna Cav.
Lieut Thomas L Fletcher, Co K, 126th Penna Reserves.
John S Oaks, Co A, 26th Reg Penna Vols.
Emanuel Dietrich, Co H, 213th Reg Penna Vols.
Marfin Huher, Co C, 149th Reg Penna Vols.
Dr John R Olippinger, Co D, 126th Penna Vols.
Hugh Bretherton, Co D, 11th Penna Cav.
Casper Rug, Co E, 21st Penna Cav.
Robert Cunningham, Penna Reserves.
C Allen, 1st Michigan Cav.
Calvin Johnston.
S H Ellis, Co H, 137th Reg Penna Vols.
Henry M'Cloud, New York Vols.
John Pensinger, Co A, 77th Penna Vols.
James M'Kesson, Co A, 126th Penna Vols.
Capt John C Sample, Co D, 11th Penna Vols.
Samuel Dine, Independent Penna Battery.
Frederick Williams, Regular Army.
Samuel Armbuster, Penna Infantry.
Zephemiah Burfort, 14th Penna Cav.
------ Carr, 30th Reg Penna Vols.
George W Creddinger, Penna Vols.
Jeremiah Dakens, 10th Reg Penna Vols.
Charles A Frank.
George W Gale.
Andrew Hoffman, 20th Penna Cav.
Christian Hoeflich, 5th U.S. Artillery.
William W James.
Jonas Nixon.
Peter Obhoff, 2st New York Cav.
George D Robertson.
Adam Wier.
Dr Stewart Kennedy, Surgeon U S Navy.
George W Wallace, Anderson Body Guard.
Samuel D C Reed, Co A, 126th Reg Penna Vols.CATHOLIC.
Patrick Curran, Co H, 69th New York Vols.
Joseph Yeager, Indepedent Penna Battery.
Thos. Curran, Co H, 69th New York Vols.
Frank Donovan, Co A, 77th Penna Vols.SECOND LUTHERAN.
Henry M Fennel, Co M, 21st Penna Cav.UNITED BRETHREN.
Charles E Rapp, Co C, 2d Penna Artillery.
Jacob M'Gowan, Co A, 126th Penna Vols.
Lieut J Wesley Jones, 58th Penna Infantry.GERMAN REFORMED.
Lieut Robert Earley, Quarter Master Indiana Vols.
Lieut Matthew Gillan, 2d Penna Infantry.
R Bard Fisher, Co A, 126th Penna Vols.JEWISH.
Isaac Burgauer.
(Column 02)Summary: The people of Mercersburg have $120,000 to support construction of a railroad. They need to raise $30,000 more. The paper urges other townships to get involved. They have "a fine opportunity to increase the value of their property, develop the minerals hid in their lands, and secure for themselves an easy access to market for the produce of their farms.""Memorial Day" in Greenvillage
(Column 02)Summary: A correspondent reports on the internment of several soldiers in Greenvillage on the recent Memorial Day.
Full Text of Article:[No Title]A correspondent writes us that "on Saturday last, the citizens of Greenvillage gave us their daily pursuits, to spend the day in the holy work of affection and love to the noble dead who are sleeping in their midst. Just as the sun was sinking to rest, grateful and friendly hands were decorating the graves of those who died in defense of the old flag. Rev. L. Williams delivered an earnest and patriotic address, well suited to the occasion." The following is a list of the soldiers interred there:
Lieut Geo Glass, Co A, 165th Penna Vols.
Sergt John Wallace, Co A, 77th Penna Vols.
Sergt Mathias Glass, Co C, 2d Penna Arty.
James Glass, Co A, 126th Penna Vols.
Geo Shoemaker, Co G, 126th Penna Vols.
(Column 02)Summary: An effort is being made to raise $10,000 to enlarge the Chambersburg Academy. The school has been flourishing under Dr. Shumaker, and there is no longer room for all those who wish to attend.[No Title]
(Column 02)Summary: Craig McDowell and John Pauli, two academy students, rescued a classmate who fell into the Conococheague after their boat capsized.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Craig McDowell, John Pauli)
(Column 02)Summary: The soldiers of Franklin voted on May 29th to thank the ladies of Chambersburg, Rev. S. Barnes, the clergy, the Silver Cornet Band, the military, the Odd Fellows, the firemen, the musical quartette, and citizens generally for assistance and support on Decoration Day.[No Title]
(Column 02)Summary: A lodge of the Knight of Pythias will be opened in Chambersburg.[No Title]
(Column 03)Summary: Prof. J. H. Shumaker of the Chambersburg Academy will direct a student performace in Repository Hall on June 25th.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Prof. J. H. Shumaker)
(Column 03)Summary: Col. Hugh J. Campbell, former principal of the Chambersburg Academy, presided at the Louisiana Republican State Convention.Lutheran Church
(Names in announcement: Col. Hugh J. Campbell)
(Column 03)Summary: The Rev. S. A. Gotwald, pastor-elect of the Lutheran Church, will preach on Sunday.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Rev. S. A. Gotwald)
(Column 03)Summary: Martin Shoemaker has been appointed postmaster at Graeffenburg in place of Samuel Secrist.Married
(Names in announcement: Martin Shoemaker, Samuel Secrist)
(Column 04)Summary: D. C. M. Appleby and Miss M. Alice Montague, daughter of Thomas Montague, all of Shade Gap, were married on May 24th by the Rev. William A. West, assisted by Rev. James H. Baird.Married
(Names in announcement: D. C. M. Appleby, M. Alice Montague, Thomas Montague, Rev. William A. West, Rev. James H. Baird)
(Column 04)Summary: Emanuel Stevenson and Miss Catharine Wrist, both of Green, were married in Fayetteville on May 14th by Charles Lego.Married
(Names in announcement: Emanuel Stevenson, Catharine Wrist, Charles Lego)
(Column 04)Summary: Isaac Colbert of Cumberland County and Miss Matilda Roof of Green, Franklin County, were married in Fayetteville on May 19th by Charles Lego.Died
(Names in announcement: Isaac Colbert, Matilda Roof, Charles Lego)
(Column 04)Summary: Emma Gelwicks, daughter of John and Margaret Gelwicks, died on April 17th. She was 15 years old.
(Names in announcement: Emma Gelwicks, John Gelwicks, Margaret Gelwicks)
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