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Franklin Repository: July 28, 1869

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To the Republicans of Franklin County
(Column 01)
Summary: The paper urges local Republicans to attend the County Convention. The editors concede that it is a busy time for local farmers, but insist that nomination of a strong ticket is essential to success in October.
The Campaign
(Column 01)
Summary: This call-to-arms both encourages participation in the upcoming Republican primaries and attempts to prepare and energize Republicans for the upcoming election cycle.
Full Text of Article:

The time is very near at hand when we must engage in a stern and earnest conflict with our political opponents. Before another issue of the REPOSITORY, a Republican county ticket will be nominated, the preliminary work will be accomplished, and the necessities and duties of the campaign will summon the workers to the field.

In organizing our army let every thing be done solely with a view to victory. Let there be no mistakes in the beginning. All the responsibility for the success or the failure of a party in such a contest depends upon the people in their primary meetings and nominating conventions. If an honest desire to serve the country and the party prevail, and a wise and judicious discrimination be made in the selection of candidates for county and legislative offices, the State ticket will be jeoparded and the county will be lost. Hence we say, it is of the utmost importance that we stand right, and that the responsibility of the start lies not with a few contriving local politicians, nor yet with those who utter a warning voice, but with all the voters of the party in their primary meetings and in their nominating conventions.

We are aware that all this is neither striking, pithy nor original. On the contrary it is trite and common place. It has been uttered time after time and year after year so long as your memory can recall. Yet it embodies a great truth, the truth upon which, as it is used or abused, hinges your success or failure. We might make appeals to you in well rounded periods, and high and mighty sounding epithets, but though they did win your applause, like a scenic play, when the play was done, you would go your way and forget it.

When the time arrives for primary meetings, one is gone to his farm, and another to his merchandise, and the responsible work of selecting honest, intelligent and incorruptible men for delegates to the Convention falls to the management of a few interested men, professional wire-workers, and political barnacles. When the work is done, and all wrongly done, then comes a growl of dissatisfaction because bad men have got the places which better men should occupy.

Let there be no more disappointments, and no more growls. A reasonable degree of attention on the part of those men who delight in saying that they are not politicians will prevent them both, and give us a first class ticket to vote for. It is not much to go to an annual election and vote, but it is something to attend the primary township and ward meetings, and with a little laborious care lay the foundation for a ticket which all Republicans can and will support heartily.

We call upon Republicans in every district to make it a sacred duty to be at the primary meetings, and to exercise their right to look after their own interests; and charge them to keep all self constituted managers, and officious trimmers in their proper places. Select men of high and pure character as delegates, men who are interested for the body of the people rather than for the office seekers, and who are acquainted with the claims and qualifications of those aspiring to public positions. Then we may expect popular nominations, such as will receive the hearty and enthusiastic support of the party. Such local nominations, and such a support will harmonize and concentrate all classes upon the State ticket, and add to its strength instead of detracting from it.

Let us not forget that we must fight this campaign with an active, alert, resolute and unscrupulous foe, backed with millions of money, which will be poured out like water to win over the weak and venal. We must oppose them with the weapons which have won so many loyal victories, and which we believe are as dear as ever to the friends of a just and equal and economical government. Let the party commend itself by the selection of irreproachable men for candidates, and they will find favor with the people if the people be mindful of their true interests.

Packer the Soldier's Friend
(Column 02)
Summary: The Repository takes the Patriot to task for arguing that Gubernatorial candidate Asa Packer is a "friend to the soldier" because he offered a large financial reward for anyone who volunteered to fight in the Civil War. The Repository does not condemn this action, but rather points out that Packer had a great fortune to lose during Lee's 1863 invasion of Pennsylvania. The editorial suggests that Packer may have just been trying to protect his own interests when he made the offer.
Full Text of Article:

The Patriot of the 24th inst., under the above caption, undertakes to write up Packer's war record. It says that when Lee's army invaded Pennsylvania in 1863, a meeting was called at Mauch Chunk to raise "emergency" men, at which Packer made the following proposition:

"I will provide the necessaries of life for the family of every man who enlists to-day, and the wages of those of my employees who will enlist shall be paid during the time they serve in the army, the same as if they worked for me."

The Patriot adds that a large number of men volunteered, and that Packer kept his faith with those whom his speech sent into the field as soldiers, which is very much to Packer's credit.

For this record, which we admit "is good enough what's of it, and plenty of it such as it is," we are asked to accept the following exalted reflections:

"Few such true friends of the soldier as Asa Packer are to be found anywhere. Only a noble nature, a liberal mind, can appreciate that heroism which nerves a man to leave behind him wife and children and all the endearments of home to risk his life and his all in defence of his country. Judge Packer' sanction, in the instance just referred to, proves that he is a man who measures at its true value the patriotic valor which saved Pennsylvania from the invading host and turned the tide of battle against the armies of the Southern Confederacy. Justly, therefore, and without any affectation of phrase, may he be termed 'The Friend of the Soldier.'"

People are, as a rule, willing enough to accept facts, but they don't want their patriotism and heroism put up in nice little parcels, and labeled, ready for use. They prefer to make their own deductions; and when the Patriot says "here's your nice genuine Packer patriotism, only five cents a package - the friend of the soldier," it must not be surprised to hear it pronounced spurious.

Few men had the means which would permit them to make the proposition which Packer is said to have made, and still fewer had the strong personal and pecuniary reasons to make it which he had. Lee was invading Pennsylvania with an immense army; unless the tide of invasion was speedily turned back the loss to the State, and especially to wealthy capitalists would be incalculable. Packer's $20,000,000 were in danger. His railroad might be destroyed, his extensive coal mines rendered valueless. Everything he had was at stake. Was it exalted patriotism alone which prompted him to "provide the necessaries of life for the families of those who enlisted" in his village and from his mines, to defend his property against the invaders with their lives? Perhaps it was; perhaps it was not, but we will not argue the question. After all it might not be difficult to find such true friends of the soldier as Asa Packer anywhere.

Now let it be understood, we do not find fault with what Packer did, we only object to the false and sophistical use which is here being made of an act prompted solely by his self-interest. He did well to save and protect his property, but call it not patriotism, not mistake it for the act of the friend of the soldier. We might here, invited to it by the Patriot, point out which of the two candidates for Governor is the friend of the soldier, but it would be like trying to demonstrate that white is white.

Democratic Confidence
(Column 02)
Summary: The Repository reports that the Democrats of Pennsylvania are confident of victory because their candidate, unlike many past candidates, has a great deal of personal wealth to contribute to the campaign.
Full Text of Article:

The Democracy profess to be confident of success in the coming election, and we are inclined to think that they are. Of course they profess to be every time an election is held; it is important to assume the appearance of confidence or the faint and wavering, from repeated defeats, would drop off, but this time it seems to be stronger than ever. Now they have no new arguments to present to the people by means of which to win enough of voter to elect their candidates. They have precisely the same platform which crushed Woodward and annihilated Clymer. It is true they have shifted it upon the back of a new man, but Coffee-pot Wallace told the Convention which nominated him that men were of no moment, but principles were everything. So it cannot be the new man.

The secret of their confidence lies in this, that though they have no new argument to lay before the people, they have the old one in greater abundance, and the way it has already worked itself under the jackets of those who were opposed to Packer's nomination is "surprisin'." Money has always been a telling Democratic argument. Its only fault heretofore has been, like Sam Weller's vision, that its supply was limited. But the Democratic candidate for Governor is the happy possessor of $20,000,000, and the confidence of the party is increased in proportion to the difference between this princely sum and the paltry $50,000 which were formerly exhausted in the purchase of coffee-pots, parchment and whiskey. In view of the rich pluckings Democratic managers smile scornfully at the memory of the thinly lined wallets with which they once attempted to corrupt the people.

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(Column 01)
Summary: A correspondent writes a description of his home, Orrstown.
(Names in announcement: Bard, James S. Blair, J. W. Orr, McKosh, W. H. Blair, Joseph Kennedy, Dr. Max Kennedy)
Full Text of Article:

A correspondent at Orrstown writes as follows: - Having heard you express a desire to have some local correspondents, giving items of local interest from different sections of the county, I may occasionally, as I have time and inclination, give you a few items which may be of interest, to at least some of the numerous readers of the good old time-honored REPOSITORY, which has been a welcome visitor to our family circle for more than a quarter of a century.

With this introduction, I will direct the mind of the reader to the pleasant village, or rather I should say, Borough of Orrstown, which is situated in the northern part of the county of Franklin, ten or twelve miles north of Chambersburg, on the road leading from Shippensburg to Upper Strasburg, midway between the two places, five miles from either place, within a few hundred yards of the Conodoguinet Creek, and is noted as one of the most healthy locations in the county.

As there is nothing of particular interest occurring here at present, it may be of some interest to give a partial description of our town, as there are a great many persons even in the county who have never seen it. Just the other day one of the candidates for one of the county offices said he never had been here before, and was perfectly astonished to learn what a "nice place we had down here."

Well, in the first place, we have a population of about four hundred inhabitants, a quiet, peaceable, industrious and thrifty people, of whom the greater part are engaged in the various avocations and pursuits of life, of which I may give some description hereafter. Out houses are principally built of brick, the buildings presenting a very unique and neat appearance, and the stranger is often heard remark, what a beautiful place, we have not seen as pretty a town, in all our travels, &c. Not wishing to be tedious, and having said thus much, we will leave its business operations, churches, schools, mechanics, &c., &c., for some future communication.

Our usually quiet town has been somewhat enlivened by certain visitors from abroad. Two of the Messrs. Bard have been here for several days. They were formerly from this place, but now engaged in the mercantile business in the city of Chicago. Also Mr. James S. Blair, now in business in the city of Alleghany.

The crops in the vicinity have been very abundant; - the wheat crop especially being very heavy, and has all been stowed away in barns and stacks in good order, and the farmers have reason to be grateful for having had such fine weather for harvesting their crops. The oats crop will also be an abundant one, and since the recent rains the corn and potato crop look very promising. On the whole, I think we never had a more plentiful crop in this locality.

ON Sabbath evening last, about 6 o'clock, quite a serious accident occurred in our town, causing great excitement, and drew quite a crowd of men, women and children to the residence of Mr. J. W. Orr. On arriving there, I learned the following particulars: - Mr. McKosh, a gentleman in the employ of Mr. Orr, was taking the horses to the pasture field, and had with him Mr. Orr's little son, between two and three years old, carrying him in front of him on the horse he was riding. When near the field, one of the horses, which was running loose, viciously attacked the horse upon which they were riding, kicking the man and child, which caused them to fall to the ground, cutting them severely in the face. Mr. McKosh received a gash in the face and also in the forehead, and the child a severe gash in the fleshy part of the cheek. Dr. Max Kennedy was promptly summoned to the place, and upon examination found there were no bones broken and although they were severely hurt, their case was not considered dangerous. They are at present doing well.

On Monday morning, W. H. Blair, Esq., Jos. Kennedy and Dr. Max Kennedy, started to Tennessee, with a view of purchasing land and locating in that section of the country.

The Franklin County Horticultural Society
(Column 01)
Summary: The Franklin County Horticultural Society met in the store of the Ryder Nursery Association on July 20th. Three new members were elected to the society. The group discussed publishing a journal, and a number of fruits and vegetables were exhibited.
(Names in announcement: Dr. Boyle, Frank Henderson, Prof. J. H. Shumaker, Dr. E. Culbertson, R. P. Hazelet, Charles F. Miller, Josiah Schofield, T. B. Jenkins, Nixon)
Our Hotels
(Column 01)
Summary: The paper publishes an article describing local hotels, including: The National Hotel, Daniel Trostle proprietor and Ed Fetter, clerk; The Washington House run by Johnny Lantz and his assistants Harper and Hollar; The Indian Queen, proprietor Henry Feldman; The Montgomery House run by Daniel Miller and his clerks Sellers and Jones.
(Names in announcement: Daniel Trostle, Ed Fetter, Johnny Lantz, Harper, Hollar, Henry Feldman, Daniel Miller, Sellers, Jones)
The Convention
(Column 02)
Summary: The paper lists the candidates for the offices to be chosen at the upcoming Republican Convention.
Full Text of Article:

The Convention of the Union Republican Party of Franklin county promises to be unusually interesting this year. There will be four important offices to fill, and great care must be taken in selecting good, strong men. Franklin county is one of the closest in the State, and discord and want of harmony may give it to the enemy. It is in such localities as this that Asa Packer's money will be used to corrupt. We have the material to make a ticket that cannot be defeated. We print below the names of the candidates for the different offices. All are good men and would give satisfaction to their constituents.


Reuber Lewis, Chambersburg.
Jacob N. Flinder, Chambersburg.
Samuel Knisely, Orrstown.
Capt. Jas. C. Patton, Mercersburg.


Henry S. Shade, St. Thomas.
Harry C. Greenawalt, Fayetteville.
A. A. Skinner, Fanettsburg.


John A. Hyssons, Mercersburg.
John H. McMullin, Southampton township.
Wm. H. McDowell, Chambersburg.


Thas. M. Mahon, Chambersburg.
John X. Smith, Southampton township.
Lew. W. Detrich, Hamilton township.


Wm. Bender, Chambersburg.

[No Title]
(Column 02)
Summary: A burlesque opera company under the direction of D. D. White performed in Repository Hall on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday nights. The shows were not heavily attended, but White did recover his money. Louisa Boshell shined a an expert wire walker. Viola Clifton's singing was excellent. Mr. Wood brought down the house as the older sister in a burlesque of Cinderella, and William Swain entertained with comic movements.
(Names in announcement: D. D. White, Louisa Boshell, Viola Clifton, Wood, William Swaine)
(Column 02)
Summary: Mrs. Catharine Row, who died in Waynesboro on July 13th at age 85 had 11 children and 27 grandchildren. She was married to the late Michael Row for 65 years.
(Names in announcement: Catharine Row, Michael Row)
[No Title]
(Column 03)
Summary: The New York Burlesque Operatic Troop will perform for two more nights in Repository Hall under the supervision of the Friendship Fire Company.
Religious Notice
(Column 03)
Summary: Rev. R. White of Illinois will preach at the Church of God Bethel on Sunday.
[No Title]
(Column 03)
Summary: Lyman S. Clarke has been appointed to the Union Republican State Central Committee from Franklin County.
(Names in announcement: Lyman S. Clarke)
[No Title]
(Column 03)
Summary: The Rev. S. A. Gotwald, pastor of the Lutheran Church, will preach his introductory sermon on Sunday.
(Names in announcement: Rev. S. A. Gotwald)
(Column 04)
Summary: John Ulrich of Harrisburg and Mrs. Elizabeth Monn of Quincy were married on April 11th by the Rev. G. Roth.
(Names in announcement: John Ulrich, Elizabeth Monn, Rev. G. Roth)
(Column 04)
Summary: Louis M. Muench of Baltimore and Miss Elizabeth Carl of Chambersburg were married on July 6th by Rev. G. Roth.
(Names in announcement: Louis M. Muench, Elizabeth Carl, Rev. G. Roth)
(Column 04)
Summary: Gotlieb Larvein and Miss Matilda Lampas, both of Franklin, were married on July 22nd.
(Names in announcement: Gotlieb Larvein, Matilda Lampas)
(Column 04)
Summary: James M'Curdy died in Chambersburg on July 7th. He was 49 years old. He was well-known and an "earnest, honest, industrious man. He served for two years during the war, and probably owed his death to the exposure and severities of his soldier life." During his illness, he professed his faith and joined the Falling Spring Presbyterian Church.
(Names in announcement: James M'Curdy)

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