Franklin Repository: March 09, 1870Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: The Repository mocks Democrats who are upset to see black politicians taking office in areas of the country in place of men like John C. Calhoun and Jefferson Davis.
Full Text of Article:The transition of an unwilling subject from even a lower condition to a higher one, is often marked with strange ebulitions of temper which to the eye of the beholder are seen in their true character, weakness, absurdity and pitiable childishness. Take for example a modern Democrat, one who through all the vicissitudes of our country's struggle to free itself of the incubus of slavery, has held fast to his political "Diana," whom he supposed "all Asia and the world worshipped." Every effort of our glorious country to rise to a level with the Declaration of Independence, is still viewed by our modern Democrat as a thrust at his political faith. He has had a tear of sympathy to shed for every pang which his idol felt, a deep drawn sigh to swell his bosom for every symptom of dissolution which indicated the death of the "beast," at whose shrine he knelt. The final triumph of the government over the enemy that was grappling it by the throat, is still viewed by the fogy Democrat as a calamity. The "Fifteenth Amendment" is alike odious to their vision as the "Declaration of Independence." Now, like the rebellious Israelites after their emancipation from Egyptian bondage, they are wont to look back to the "leeks and onions" which they left in Egypt; they manifest their discontent by grumbling at the beneficent changes which have followed in the wake of our country's march to its higher destiny. A down trodden people whose loyalty and devotion to our government have been demonstrated by their patience under the most flagrant wrongs, and their enthusiastic efforts to assimilate themselves with those who were their oppressors, in the grand march to national greatness and national glory. Revels, now a U.S. Senator, is a "thorn in their flesh." The modern Democrat is grieved to the heart that Jefferson Davis, J. C. Calhoun and other dignitaries who were men "after his own heart," have been succeeded by one of the hated colored race. What an infraction of the Constitution to have Saulsbury and Garrett Davis disgraced by the presence of Revels of Mississippi?
Our neighbor of the Spirit is a fair specimen of one of these transition unfortunates. The character and dignity of the Senate of the United States, has sadly deteriorated in his eyes. He looks back with a mourful interest to the glorious past when Democracy in the person of Brooks was engaged in the dignified duty of purifying the Senate from the contaminating influence of a Sumner; a Keit and Barksdale were endeavoring to give dignity to the House in their courteous encounter with Grow of Pennsylvania, or a Pryor was wont to admonish Potter that the free discussion of public measures must not be tolerated, by sending his a challenge to mortal combat. Oh, how unlike the good old times, to him, is the heresy of the "equality of citizens before the law," compared with that glorious period when an anti-slavery lecturer was pelted with rotten eggs, or even that constitutional era, when a Northern citizen could be tarred and feathered or hanged by the neck till he was dead on suspicion of being an abolitionist if caught in a Southern State. Nay, it must needs make our modern Democrat draw a sigh of relief, in his retrospect of our country, to know that there was a period in our country's history when the Constitution guaranteed the right to a mob to murder Lovejoy and destroy his printing press. And the blood-hounds of the South in full communion with the biped blood-hounds of the North could chase the trembling slave, fleeing from bondage, within sight of the proud banners of his native land. But we must have patience with the Democrat in his transition state. He has had severe trials. He has seen his proud, dominant party disintegrate, large numbers of which went to swell the columns of the hated Republican party. He too from force of circumstances will soon find it convenient to turn his eyes on the future; his last look on these pleasant visions of the past will be an epoch to be remembered as the "last sigh of the Moor."
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Special Notice
(Column 01)Summary: Jere Cook, assistant assessor for the 16th District, will meet the citizens of Antrim on March 8th-10th at Greencastle's Hays House to collect income and special license taxes. A 50% penalty will be added to late payments.Town Meeting
(Names in announcement: Jere Cook)
(Column 01)Summary: The border war damage claimants will meet tomorrow in the Court House.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: A. H. M'Culloh, William H. Boyle, William C. M'Nulty, Frank Elliott, H. Bishop, C. H. Gordon, Christian Burkhart, Augustus Duncan, S. F. Greenawalt, E. G. Etter, I. Jeffries, William Gelwicks, P. Heefner)
(Column 03)Summary: A meeting of the Franklin County Horticultural Society was held in Mr. Reed's building on the corner of Front and King Streets. Thirty members attended. The spring exhibition will be held on June 11th. Several members read papers on various aspects of horticulture.Franklin County Bank
(Names in announcement: Rev. P. S. Davis, Mr. Reed, Rev. J. A. Crawford)
(Column 03)Summary: C. H. Taylor, popular long-time teller at the First National Bank, and Col. Chambers McKibben of Philadelphia, purchased the banking house of Austin, Elder, and Fletcher to be hereafter named the Franklin County Bank. The paper endorses the partners.Sudden Death
(Names in announcement: C. H. Taylor, Col. Chambers McKibben, Austin, Elder, Fletcher)
(Column 03)Summary: Samuel Linn, son of John Linn, died suddenly on Tuesday. He was 13 years old. He suddenly became sick after spending the day at school. He was buried in Falling Spring Church.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Samuel Linn, John Linn)
(Column 03)Summary: The concert in Repository Hall for the benefit of the poor raised $129.00. An additional subscription purse of $34.00 was also raised, and contributions made of meat, flour, and potatoes.Married
(Column 05)Summary: Samuel M. Atwell and Miss Mattie E. Jarrett, both of Chambersburg, were married in the Methodist Parsonage on March 1st by the Rev. S. Barnes.Married
(Names in announcement: Samuel M. Atwell, Mattie E. Jarrett, Rev. S. Barnes)
(Column 05)Summary: James T. Wood and Miss Maggie A. McFerrin, both of Chambersburg, were married on January 20th at the Methodist Parsonage by the Rev. S. Barnes.Died
(Names in announcement: James T. Wood, Maggie A. McFerrin, Rev. S. Barnes)
(Column 05)Summary: Rebecca Vondersmith died near Church Hill on February 12th. She was 74 years old.
(Names in announcement: Rebecca Vondersmith)
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