Staunton Vindicator: September 30, 1859Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Description of Page: Fiction |
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Description of Page: International news |
The Harmonious Opposition
(Column 1)Summary: The Opposition press has delighted in the wrangling within the Democratic camp. However, the Vindicator notes with sarcasm that the Opposition ranks are not terribly harmonious either, as is indicated by a fight going on between Botts and the Richmond Whig.Laying the Corner Stone of the M.E. Church
(Names in announcement: Mr. Wise, Mr. Douglas, Mr. Stuart, Mr. Botts, Mr. Rives)
(Column 2)Summary: The ceremony for the laying of the corner stone was quite an event, especially the speech given by Rev. Riley.
(Names in announcement: Rev. Dr. Riley)Full Text of Article:Mr. Douglas on Judge Black's reply to the Harper Squatter Sovereignty ManifestoThe monotony of our town was delightfully disturbed on last Tuesday by the ceremonies attending the laying of the Corner Stone of the new Methodist Church. The Masonic Fraternity, the Odd Fellows, the Sons of Temperance, the Military and Fire Association, turned out and added much to the occasion. "Turner's Silver Cornet Band" was also "out," and with delightful "concord of sweet sounds" entertained at frequent intervals the large assembly.
But the event of the day was certainly the Oration of the Rev. Dr. Riley. We regret much that we were no in a position to hear the whole of his eloquent discourse, but his clear, ringing voice, assisted by an eager and rapt attention, could be heard when aroused by the excitement of his theme, and when embodying his most energetic thoughts, even at the outskirts of the large crowd. His review of the History of France for the last century, was as a specimen of genuine and lofty oratory, equal to anything we have ever heard; while his masterly vindication of the present age from the charge of degeneracy, as compared with ancient times was most apropos and eloquent, and his reputation of those beautiful lines of Tennyson on the brave six hundred who charged on certain death at Balaclava, was the most splendid piece of declamation we ever heard.
Mr. Riley was formerly a resident of Staunton, and has many warm friends in this place; long may he live in the enjoyment of his fine talents and of the good which must result from the efforts of such a mind devoted as is his, to the holy mission of Christ.
After the oration had been delivered and the collection taken up the procession formed and proceeded to the site of the old church where the ceremony of laying the corner stone was performed according to the forms of the Masonic Fraternity. On the whole the day passed off pleasantly and agreeably to every one.
(Column 2)Summary: On September 16, Douglas responded with anger to Black's criticism of Douglas's views on squatter sovereignty. The Vindicator defends Black's position.[No Title]
(Column 2)Summary: Sarcastically says that it hoped that harmony would be restored to the Opposition after Botts and the Richmond Whig got into a war of words.Man Killed
(Names in announcement: Mr. Botts)
(Column 2)Summary: Farrar, in retaliation for alleged insults of his wife by Vance, broke the neck of Vance and killed him.
(Names in announcement: William Farrar, Michael Vance, Justice Bickle)Full Text of Article:The Eclectic MagazineOn Saturday last, about three miles from Staunton, a fatal affray (sic) took place - between Wm. Farrar and Michael Vance, which resulted in the death of the latter, his neck having been broken by blows received from the fist of the former. We learn that Farrar alleges that his wife had been insulted by Vance. An inquest was held upon the body and a verdict returned that he came to his death in accordance with the above facts. Farrar was arrested, and and fully committed by Justice Bickle. - The examining trial will be had at the next Court.
(Column 2)Summary: Mr. Rood, the agent for the Eclectic, will only be at the American for a few more days for subscribers to subscribe to his magazine.Improving
(Names in announcement: Mr. Rood)
(Column 2)Summary: Simms, who had been in critical condition, is thankfully improving.The Hon. J.M. Botts as Pacificator
(Names in announcement: O.P. Simms)
(Column 3)Summary: Botts has apparently become the mediator in the war between the News and the Whig. The Vindicator sarcastically delights in the tension between the Opposition papers.Death of Rev. Dr. Eichelberger
(Names in announcement: Mr. Botts)
(Column 4)Summary: The death of Eichelberger, minister in the Evangelical Lutheran Church, has cast a gloom on Staunton.A New Movement Against the Webster Statue--Northern Fanaticism
(Names in announcement: Rev. Eichelberger, Rev. Mr. Baum, Rev. Mr. Walker)
(Column 3)Summary: Article includes (and criticizes) an excerpt from Garrison's "The Liberator," which criticizes the erection of a statue commemorating Webster because Webster's supported the fugitive slave bill.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Garrison, Gov. Banks)Full Text of Article:Attempted Suicide"The Abolitionists have adopted a new rallying cry. 'Down with the Union,' has given place to 'Down with Webster's Statue.'"
(Column 6)Summary: Stiff of Staunton attempted suicide last Sunday by cutting his throat with a knife.
(Names in announcement: Edward Stiff, Dr. Peachy)
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(Column 2)Summary: Married on September 21, 1859.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. William E. Baker, D. Clark, Mary S. Loveridus)
(Column 2)Summary: Married on September 26 at the Virginia Hotel.Died
(Names in announcement: Rev. George Brooke, Lafayette Campbell, Sallie Talley)
(Column 2)Summary: Miss Carter, formerly of Staunton, died in Richmond on September 24 at age 25.Died
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Adams, Mary E. Carter)
(Column 2)Summary: Miss Patterson, formerly of Augusta, died in Harrisonburg on September 19 at age 29.
(Names in announcement: Mary Patterson)
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