Staunton Vindicator: February 24, 1860Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Description of Page: Gov. Letcher's annual message. |
Cotton and American Slavery
(Column 6)Summary: The London Times discusses the importance of cotton to English manufacturing and criticizes the Anti-Slavery Society for failing to recognize that ending American slavery will severely disrupt the British economy.
Origin of Article: London Times
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Description of Page: List of Senators who endorsed Helper's Impending Crisis. State Legislature, Congressional reports. |
The Southern Conference
(Column 1)Summary: The Vindicator argues that most Virginians, irrespective of party, support the proposal to attend a Southern Conference. The paper argues that the Conference is not a disunion movement per se. The cotton states support secession, so Virginia needs to attend the Southern Conference to provide "moderate and conservative counsels" to "her more hot-headed sisters."[No Title]
(Column 2)Summary: Commentary on article from London Times reprinted on page 1. The Vindicator points out that the North benefits from slavery, just as the British do.Presidential Electors
(Column 2)Summary: List of Democratic presidential electors for the state at large, as well as Senatorial and County electors from the First District.Sin of Slavery
(Names in announcement: J. S. Caskie, A. A. Chapman, R. A. Claybrook, A. B. Cochran, Samuel A. Coffman, A. H. Dillard, B. B. Douglas, I. B. Dunn, Charles Grattan, John A. Harman, William H. Harman, H. L. Hopkins, Eppa Hunter, T. S. Isbell, J.S. Kemper, Z. Kidwell, Absalom Koiner, William Lamb, Jacob N. Liggett, James W. Massie, Gilbert S. Meem, H. B. Michie, J. G. Newman, William Y. Piper, William M. Sibert, T. T. Tredway)
(Column 3)Summary: R. M. T. Hunter's biblical defense of slavery.
Editorial Comment: "The following short extract from the very able speech delivered by the Hon. R. M. T. Hunter, in the United States Senate, comprises, in a nut shell, the complete refutation of one of the biblical arguments used by the Abolitionists against slavery! It will be remembered that old John Brown quoted this text as in excuse for his villainies."Sales of Land
(Column 3)Summary: Local land sales: Tate to Harman, 303 acres, $18,000; Sheffey to Harman, 570 acres, $31,450; Summerson to Sheffy, 430 acres, $18,050For the Vindicator
(Names in announcement: William M. Tate, M.G. Harman, H.W. Sheffy, R. Summerson)
(Column 6)Summary: More about Fultz's qualifications (or lack thereof). Refers to earlier letters from A Countryman and A Farmer.
(Names in announcement: Fultz)Trailer: A Farmer
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For the Vindicator
(Column 1)Summary: Another letter about the circuit court elections. Discusses the letter from Justice that appeared in the Spectator.Married
(Names in announcement: Judge Thompson)
(Column 2)Summary: Married on February 14.Died
(Names in announcement: Rev. Mr. Howe, Thomas Bright, Miss M.J. Anthony)
(Column 2)Summary: Eddie Vigar died of pneumonia on February 18 at age 7.
(Names in announcement: William Vigar, Eddie Vigar)
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