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Staunton Vindicator: March 16, 1860

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Description of Page: Only has cols. 1-4.

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Description of Page: Page 01, cols 5-7.

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Description of Page: Congressional and Virginia legislature reports.

Mr. Douglas' Speech
(Column 1)
Summary: Praises Douglas' reply to Seward's campaign speech. Describes it as a vindication of Democratic principles. Text of the speech is in columns 5-6.
Full Text of Article:

Mr. Douglas' Speech.

Our readers will find, in to-day's paper, a portion of the exceedingly able speech of Judge Douglas, (which we will conclude next week,) in reply to Mr. Seward's elaborately prepared campaign speech.

We publish this speech because we believe it to be a complete answer to Black Republicanism as expounded by its great mouthpiece, and a masterly vindication of Democratic principles and Democratic integrity. In one particular this effort of Mr. Douglas is peculiarly gratifying to us and beneficial to the party--we refer to its perfect refutation of the oft repeated slander, that the Democratic party is responsible, in a moral sense, for the repeal of the Missouri Compact. 'Tis true, that the Democratic party believe that act unconstitutional--'tis true the whole nation confesses this fact--'tis also true that that act, unconstitutional as it was, had become, by years of acquiescence by all parties, consecrated and sacred--'tis also true, that through the agency of the Democratic party, that compact was repealed; but, there is another fact which precedes and justifies the action of the Democratic party in repealing this compromise. Our party was ready and willing to carry out this compact of our fathers, unjust and unequal as it was; but, the anti-slavery men of the North, though the Compromise gave them more than they were entitled to, were unwilling, in good faith, to extend the line to the Pacific; thus the contract was rendered null and void by the failure of one of the parties to comply with its conditions, and the Democracy, thus released, did a good and great and glorious action by thus repealing and spurning from the statute-book the foul and oppressive compact. This speech of Mr. Douglas is impromptu, apropos and withal the best shot on the wing which has been made in the last ten years. It is peculiarly fortunate that it was made immediately after Mr. Seward's, and appeared in the same number of the Congressional Globe, thus following throughout the country the effort of that arch-agitator, and killing it as it runs.

Sam'l Forrest, Esq.
(Column 1)
Summary: Obituary for Forrest, distinguished local citizen and member of the Protestant Episcopal Church. He died of Typhoid Pneumonia on March 15.
(Names in announcement: Samuel Forrest)
More Orders
(Column 1)
Summary: The Staunton Woolen Factory has received more orders from various Virginia militia companies.
(Names in announcement: Mr. O'Rork)
Full Text of Article:

More Orders.

We are gratified to learn through Mr. O'Rork, the energetic Superintendent of the Staunton Woolen Factory, that orders from military companies in various parts of the State, continue to be received for hundreds of yards of the handsome cadet mixture they are manufacturing. We trust that the day is not far distant when not only large orders for this particular kind of goods but also other fabrics will be sought after, and the number of hands employed increased to over one hundred.

[No Title]
(Column 2)
Summary: Rev. Brooke has been appointed to Harper's Ferry.
(Names in announcement: Rev. G.G. Brooke)
Staunton Artillery
(Column 2)
Summary: The Staunton Artillery paraded the streets for three hours last Saturday evening.
Full Text of Article:

Staunton Artillery.

This company turned out in full uniform on Saturday evening last and paraded the streets for some three hours, notwithstanding the day was very unfavorable. Under the training of their Captains and aids, the Artillery and West Augusta Guards bid fair, at no distant day, to reflect credit on Staunton.

For the Vindicator
(Column 3)
Summary: Letter about the judicial elections.
Trailer: CLOD HOPPERS; March 10th, 1860

-Page 03-

Description of Page: This page has a cropping problem--only cols 1-3. Markets in col. 2. Candidates announcements.

(Column 2)
Summary: Carra Kolner died on January 27 at age 4.
(Names in announcement: Carra Kolner, John Kolner, Paulina Kolner)
(Column 2)
Summary: Fanny Kolner died on March 4 at age 5.
(Names in announcement: Fanny Kolner, John Kolner, Paulina Kolner)
(Column 2)
Summary: John Kolner died on March 2 at age 4.
(Names in announcement: John Kolner, Jacob Kolner, Margaret Kolner)
(Column 2)
Summary: Edda Arode died on March 12 at age 4.
(Names in announcement: Edda Arode, Thomas Arode, Fanny Arode)
(Column 2)
Summary: John Reeder died at his father's home in Waynesboro on February 28 at age 25.
(Names in announcement: John Reeder)
Trailer: D.

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Description of Page: Advertisements