Staunton Vindicator: April 13, 1860Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Description of Page: Candidates announcements in column 3. |
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District Convention
(Column 2)Summary: The Democratic Convention of Augusta and Rockingham counties met in Harrisonburg to elect delegates to the Charleston Convention.Murder in Rockingham
(Names in announcement: Dr. S.H. Moffett, S.M. Yost, S.T. Walker, Capt. J.A. Harman, Mr. Hunter)
(Column 2)Summary: A man named Smallwood, formerly from Augusta, shot and killed Mr. James Devier in Bridgewater, Rockingham county.Valedictory Address
(Names in announcement: John Dinkle, Hugh Devier, James Devier, Smallwood, Hansbarger)
(Column 2)Summary: Alex. Cochran delivered valedictory address before the Washington Society at UVA.Accident
(Names in announcement: Alex B. Cochran, G.M. Cochran)
(Column 2)Summary: Harman's son lost a finger in an accident with a knife.District Convention
(Names in announcement: Capt. John A. Harman, Dr. Fuqua)
(Column 4)Summary: Report from Harrisonburg convention, including a list of delegates. Black smudge obscures part of it. The names listed above are the delegates from Augusta.Central Railroad
(Names in announcement: W. A. Abney, B. F. Abney, W. D. Anderson, B. Bagby, W. Baskins, W.S. Baylor, J. N. Beard, J. Beck, W.J.D. Bell, M. A. Blair, D. Bourland;, S.B. Brown, T. Burke, E. Burke, J. T. Burns, John P. Butterly, G. M. Cochran,Jr., Martin Coiner, J. Derbera, D.T. Doom, G. F. Elick, H. Fisher, F.B. Fuqua, A. W. Garber, W. Grimsley, J. Hannan, A.W. Harman, J.A. Harman, M.G. Harman, T.L. Harman, D. B. Hinton, W. Howell, W. P. Johnson, W. Jordan, H. Laughlin, J. H. Long, A. Lynn, J. C. Marquis, M. McAleer, T.J. Michie, H. L. Opie, D. Peaco, J. Peer, W. H. Peyton, P. N. Powell, C. H. Saupe, J. B. Scherer, H. J. Shomo, J. Shuey, J. Silling, R. Simmons, J. H. Skinner, M. G. Stanton, R.W. Stevenson, Jacob Stover, W. Swink, M. Swink, M. V. B. Swink, J. H. Swink, R. Terrell, B. F. Walker, J. Wanger, W.H. Watts, E. W. Whisman, J. F. Wood, S. Yost)
(Column 3)Summary: The Central Railroad Board of Directors met and changed the freight structure.
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Description of Page: Candidates announcements in column 3, markets in 4. |
(Column 4)Summary: Mary Carroll died at age 23 on April 9.Died
(Names in announcement: Adam Lushbaugh, Mary C. Carroll, John M. Carroll)
(Column 4)Summary: Died on March 20.
(Names in announcement: John S. Thompson)
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