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Staunton Vindicator: July 13, 1860

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-Page 01-

Description of Page: A speech by Douglas in Philadelphia in column 4.

The Difference
(Column 5)
Summary: Discussion of the conventions at Charleston and Baltimore. At the Charleston, the disunionists insisted that the nominee could only win when he received a vote equal to two-thirds of the Electoral College. Once they left Charleston, they changed the rule in their "Bolters" conference. There, they stated that the nominee had to receive two-thirds of the vote of the states present and voting at the conference. The Enquirer criticizes them for this flip-flop.
Origin of Article: Cincinnati Enquirer
Stephen A. Douglas, of Illinois
(Column 6)
Summary: A mini-biography of Stephen Douglas's life.

-Page 02-

Description of Page: Several small articles about Douglas and rallies for him around the country. Letter from New York city mayor supporting Douglas in column 5. "Political history" of Edward Everett, Bell's VP candidate in column 6. Speech on "Irrepressible Conflict" in column 7. Hard to read at the bottom of the page.

State Convention of the National Democracy
(Column 1)
Summary: The Virginia members of the National Democratic Party will meet in Staunton on August 16 to organize and "take such steps as will secure the electoral vote of Virginia for DOUGLAS and JOHNSON."
(Names in announcement: Capt. John A. Herman)
Full Text of Article:

State Convention.

The State Executive Committee met in Richmond on the evening of the 10th and by a vote of five to four, determined to call a Convention to meet in Charlottesville on the 16th of August. We look upon this step as the most unwise and suicidal, and calculated to still widen the breach that already exists in the Democratic party. The friends of Judge Douglas and the regular Democracy, could not of course, think of going into a Convention, the object of whose assembling is to commit them to the support of candidates who represent a fragmentary and disorganizing portion of the Democratic party of Virginia. In addition to this, it is perfectly apparent to the most partially informed that a State Convention composed of the friends of the two Democratic candidates for the Presidency, with passions inflamed as they are and will continue to be, could result in no other way but strife, contention and disruption. We never will go into a Convention with men in whose political integrity we have no confidence.--The leaders of this movement we believe to be composed in part of such men. We desire to unite on one electoral ticket, but it must be done upon fair, equal and honorable terms. Otherwise, the seceders must take the responsibility of defeating the Democratic party of Virginia.

We dislike very much to differ with many of our personal and political friends-- men who are too proud to resort to the subtle tricks of the political tradesman--who scorn to vacillate for a temporary advantage, and who esteem their convictions of right above place and preferment. Such we found the friends of Gov. Wise to be both at Charleston and Baltimore, and we would enter this contest with more satisfaction to ourself were we fighting side by side with these men, to whom we could look with confidence to stand firm in the right. But we will, we fear, have to be separated, for the friends of Douglas and Johnson, and the National Democracy, will never, never, submit to be dragooned and bucked and gagged by the tricksters and wire-pullers who have of late years controlled the State Conventions of Virginia.

Had the Executive Committee fallen upon a plan of reconciliation such as we suggested last week, we would cheerfully have agreed to it. But the majority ignored all propositions tending to settle the difficulties in the party, and nothing is left for us now to do, but to proceed at once to organize the National Democracy, and marching forth in the right, to fight the battle through, and either fall or triumph in defense of the honor and integrity of the National Democratic party, and their candidates, DOUGLAS and JOHNSON.

[No Title]
(Column 1)
Summary: Maj. General Harper appointed Covell to his staff as a Major.
(Names in announcement: Maj. General Harper, Prof. J.C. Covell)
[No Title]
(Column 1)
Summary: The Augusta Fire Association gave a demonstration.
Douglas and Lincoln
(Column 1)
Summary: An article comparing the two candidates on the slavery issue. Clearly pro-Douglas.
Non-Intervention the True Doctrine
(Column 2)
Summary: Supports Douglas and his policy of non-intervention in the area of slavery.
Horse Stealing
(Column 4)
Summary: Two of John Churchman's horses were stolen by Elijah Hunter. The thief was caught in Lynchburg and was being brought back to Staunton when he escaped. He was caught again by R. Bickle and put in the Augusta jail.
(Names in announcement: John ChurchmanSr., Mr. John ChurchmanJr., Elijah Hunter, Thornton BerryEsq., Esq. R.G. Bickle)
Ladies' Fair
(Column 4)
Summary: Announcement of a Fair at the Town Hall, done by the women of the M. E. Church.
Sudden Death
(Column 5)
Summary: Mr. Rippetoe of Augusta died after collapsing to the ground before fishing.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Z. Johnson, Mrs. Corely, Mr. Rippetoe)
State Convention
(Column 5)
Summary: Breckinridge supporters have called a convention to meet in Charlottesville.
Full Text of Article:

"We look upon this step as most unwise and suicidal, and calculated to still widen the breach that already formed in the Democratic party."

Rule and Ruin
(Column 7)
Summary: President Buchanan is firing all government workers who support Douglas for President. The editor attacks this purge of government.
The M. E. Church
(Column 7)
Summary: The church is almost completed.
(Names in announcement: Rev. Wheeler)

-Page 03-

Description of Page: Article about a minister who was executed in N. J. for murdering his wife in column 1.

For the Vindicator
(Column 2)
Summary: Letter attacks the Black Republicans and calls for unity among the South.
Trailer: Augusta
For the Vindicator. Church Meeting.
(Column 2)
Summary: Augusta Circuit of M. E. Church decides to support a split from the Northern part of the church over the slavery issue. The conference was led by Revs. Smith and Doyle.
(Names in announcement: Rev. B.H. Smith, Rev. W.K. Boyle, John Reeder, D. Hinkle, George Hall, H.W. Burkholder, R. Trevey, J.B. Hammer, S. Fitch, J. Lockridge)
Full Text of Article:

Church Meeting.

At a Quarterly Meeting Conference held at Calvary Chapel, July 7th, 1860, for Augusta Circuit, Rev. B. H. Smith was called to the Chair, and Rev. W. K. Boyle appointed Secretary. The object of the meeting being explained, John W. Reeder, D. Hinkle, Geo. Hall and H. W. Burkholder, were appointed a committee to prepare resolutions, &c.

The following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:

Whereas, the last General Conference of M. E. Church, held in Buffalo, N. Y., introduced a new chapter into the Discipline upon the subject of slavery, which is contrary to the civil laws of our country, and to the wishes of our people in the border Conferences; and, whereas, other charges have signified their unwillingness to submit to it, and have expressed a desire to hold a Convention and take steps to separate from the Northern portion of the Church: Therefore

Resolved, That we, the official members of Augusta Circuit, hereby enter our solemn protest against, and repudiate the sentiments in the new chapter, whether it be regarded as law or advice.

Rosolved, That we believe the time has come for us to separate from a church which has now become thoroughly abolitionized.

Resolved, That we approve of holding a Convention previous to the next annual conference.

Resolved, That this meeting elect delegates to attend a District Convention to be held in Harrisonburg on the first Thursday in August.

Resolved, That a copy of these proceedings be sent to our county papers with a request to publish.


Ministers. B. H. Smith, Minister Wm. K. Boyle. Laymen. John W. Reeder, David Hinkle, George Hall, R. Trevey, J. B. Hamner, S. Fitch, H. W. Burkholder, J. Lockridge.
Trailer: Signed by all below
(Column 4)
Summary: Mary Eddins, age 63, died at the home of her brother-in-law, James Craig.
(Names in announcement: James CraigEsq., Mrs. Mary Eddins)
(Column 4)
Summary: George Hopson, age 79, died at the home of his son-in-law, Samuel Morehead.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Samuel Morehead, Mr. George Hopson)

-Page 04-

Description of Page: No Page Information Available