Staunton Vindicator: May 10, 1861Go To Page : 1 | 2 | |
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(Column 2)Summary: The Vindicator will once again be only two pages long this week because much of the staff is away at Harper's Ferry, while the editor is busy with State army business.Be Patient
(Column 2)Summary: Urges readers to remain patient in their quest to discover what policy Virginia will adopt in the present war. The state is resisting aggression, so it will not adopt an aggressive policy toward the North.A Warning
(Column 2)Summary: Warns that it is the duty of every man to prepare for war.Important Fact
(Column 3)Summary: Urges readers to realize that every vote cast against the Ordinance of Secession, which will be voted upon on the 4th Thursday in May, is "an invitation to Lincoln to march his army of cut-throats and robbers into and through Virginia!" The paper believes that a negative vote is a treasonous act.Spirit of the South
(Column 3)Summary: Claims that many residents of the deep South are showing great affection for Virginia and her current plight. Soldiers are pouring into the State to help aid Virginia's defense.Our Ladies
(Column 3)Summary: The ladies of Staunton are busily making clothing for the local volunteers.The Goths and Vandals
(Column 4)Summary: The Vindicator reprints an article from the New York Herald that states that Northern cities are filled with "the most reckless, desperate men on the face of the earth." These men desperately want to conquer and plunder the South. The Herald believes that, as a result of such men, "The character of the coming campaign will be vindictive, fierce, bloody and merciless, beyond parallel in ancient or modern history."The Crops
(Column 4)Summary: The wheat crop appears very promising.
Full Text of Article:General OrdersThe Crops.
Having travelled during the past week through Rockingham and Augusta, we are pleased to be able to say that the wheat crop never was more promising. If the ordinary growth is not checked, the supply will be more abundant than has been known for many years. Our people need not, therefore, fear any great increase in the price of flour. There is enough of Flour in Virginia now to answer all demands until after harvest, and the Governor having wisely prohibited its exportation, we would not be surprised, in less than sixty days, to find the price of Flour much lower than at present.
Our farmers are now about finishing corn planting, a large quantity of land having been thus appropriated. If we have a good season, and Providence smiles upon us, we will have the substantials of life in abundance.
(Column 5)Summary: The State Convention has decreed that all Volunteer officers above the rank of Captain will be replaced by new appointments made by the Governor. Major Gen. Kenton Harper has thus been removed and his replacement is Col. T.J. Jackson of the Virginia Military Institute.Stupendous Lie!
(Column 5)Summary: Criticizes the N.Y. Commercial Advertiser for its lies. The paper claimed that Richmond residents "placed a Negro astride of the Statue of Washington!!" Another New York paper grossly exaggerated Southern casualties at the bombardment of Fort Sumpter.Harper's Weekly
(Column 6)Summary: Calls on Southerners to stop purchasing Harper's Weekly because the magazine has called for the conquering of the Confederacy and the freeing of the slaves.
Origin of Article: Richmond EnquirerGreat Britain and France
(Column 7)Summary: States that Great Britain and France want the South to part from the North peacefully and without bloodshed. The Dispatch compares this "civilized" desire with the barbarism of the North, which is "not only insisting upon blood, but sending their worst criminals, thieves, cutthroats and murderers, sworn to give no quarter."
Origin of Article: Richmond Dispatch
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The Massachusetts Shoemakers in Virginia
(Column 1)Summary: G.S. Raymond, former foreman of the Staunton Shoe Company, wrote to the Boston Journal informing them that the paper was mistaken in its report that the Massachusetts shoemakers had been imprisoned in Staunton. Some of the men had not been able to take the train because Gov. Letcher had taken control of the railroad for the military, but the shoemakers were free to go whenever they could. They did receive state protection while they were stuck in Staunton.
Origin of Article: Boston JournalCorn and Wheat
(Column 3)Summary: Urges local farmers not to plant an extensively large corn crop because farmers in the cotton states are devoting much of their land to staple crops.
Full Text of Article:DiedCorn and Wheat.
Some of our contemporaries are exceedingly nervous relative to the corn crop, and advise extensive planting. We are entirely ignorant of the source of their apprehension. The Cotton States, this year, are devoting much of their land heretofore used for Cotton, to raising corn, exportation of all cereals is prohibited from Virginia and to our mind, the prospect is that we shall have more than an abundance of corn and wheat (should the season prove favorable) in Virginia and the South, even should the war continue. Flour, after harvest, cannot be over from $4 to $6, and corn, after October, must be much lower than at present.
(Column 3)Summary: Jane Schreckhise died on May 2 at age 52. She was a member of the Lutheran Church.Sketch of the Proceedings of the Council of the Town of Staunton
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Jane Schreckhise, George Schreckhise)
(Column 3)Summary: The Staunton Town Council passed an ordinance allowing it to issue bills of small denominations.Virginia To Wit
(Column 4)Summary: List of election commissioners and officers, by precinct: Court House, No. 1 -- Joseph Smith; Franklin M. Young; Thornton Berry; Henry Harrison; Col. Wm. P. Tate; Henry H. Peck (officer); District No. 2 -- William W. Donaghe; John Trimble; Albert J. Garber; C.T. Cochran; William H. Slanker; Robert W. Stevens (officer); Middlebrook -- William R. Dunlap; S. X. Kerr; William Thompson; James A. G. Scott; Elijah Hogshead; William H. Bell (officer); Craigsville -- David Kunkle; Robert Young; Luke Woodward; R. S. Craig; John Lockridge; G. W. McCutchen (officer); Greenville -- William F. Smith; William Hess; John Merrett; John Shulz; Lewis Bumgardner; John Towberman (officer); Stuart's Draft -- Hugh G Guthrie; J.W. Hunter; John Brooke; Adam McChesney; Jacob Van Lear; William L. Hunter (officer); Waynesboro -- John J. Bell; William W. King; Hugh McClure; Samuel Coiner, Sr; Dr. Cyrus Alexander; Wm. Chapman (officer); Fishersville -- Franklin McCue; John Hamilton; J. G. Guthrie; Samuel McCune; D. W. Coiner; Elijah Bateman (officer); New Hope -- George C. Robertson; Jacob Coffman; Nathaniel Kerr; Samuel Coiner, Jr; James N. Gentry; J. D. Hanger (officer); Mt. Meridian -- James W. Crawford; Benjamin Byerly; James Johnson; John A. Patterson; Abraham Mobler; Benjamin Craig (officer); Mt. Sidney -- William S. Hiser; Addison Hyde; J. M. McCue; Thomas Burke; Charles K. Hyde (officer); Springfield -- S.W. Bolen; Theophilus Gamble; John A. Patterson; Josiah Neff; John Rimel; Andrew Crist; (officer); Mt. Solon -- Daniel Forrer; A. R. Bell; James T. Clarke; John J. Cupp; David Kyle; Jos. F. Hottel (officer); Churchville -- James Wilson; Bailey Dunlap; Henry Sterrett; J. W.Huff; H. Bare; R. P. Eubank (officer); Swoope's Depot -- Samuel H. Bell; Washington Swoope, Sr; George Shuey; Jacob Baylor; A. G. Wayland; A.B. Lightner (officer); Midway -- Wm.T. Rush; John Carson; A. M. Moore; James Henry; Jamison D. McGuffin; John H. Rush (officer); New Port -- A.W. Anderson; James Buchanan; James J. Martin; Dr. John McChesney; Thomas Steele; J. E. Echard (officer); Deerfield -- William Guy; W. W. Montgomery; Renix Hodge; J. Mann; Dr. McCutchen; Ed Montgomery (officer); Sherando -- Benjamin F. Lewis; William Grass; M. K. Manley; Samuel A. Hunter; Daniel Shaw; M. M. Moffett (officer); Parnassus -- James Byers; Martin Whitmore; Enos Sillings; Abraham Huffman; George Orebaugh; John Hogshead (officer)
(Names in announcement: Dr. Cyrus Alexander, A.W. Anderson, H. Bare, Elijah Bateman, Jacob Baylor, John J. Bell, Samuel H. Bell, William H. Bell, A.R. Bell, Thornton Berry, S.W. Bolen, John Brooks, James Buchanan, Lewis Bumgardner, Thomas Burke, Benjamin Byerly, James Byers, John Carson, William Chapman, James T. Clarke, C.T. Cochran, Jacob Coffman, Samuel CoinerSr., D.W. Coiner, Samuel CoinerJr., R.S. Craig, Benjamin Craig, James W. Crawford, Andrew Crist, John J. Cupp, William W. Donaghe, Bailey Dunlap, William R. Dunlap, J.E. Echard, R.P. Eubank, Daniel Forrer, Theophilus Gamble, Albert J. Garber, James N. Gentry, William Grass, J.G. Guthrie, Hugh G. Guthrie, William Guy, John Hamilton, J.D. Hanger, Henry Harrison, James Henry, William Hess, William S. Hiser, Renix Hodge, John Hogshead, Elijah Hogshead, Jos. F. Hottell, J.W. Huff, Abraham Huffman, William L. Hunter, J.W. Hunter, Samuel A. Hunter, Charles K. Hyde, James Johnson, S.X. Kerr, Nathaniel Kerr, Wm. W. King, David Kunkle, David Kyle, Benjamin Lewis, A.B. Lightner, John Lockridge, M.K. Manley, J. Mann, James J. Martin, Adam McChesney, Dr. John McChesney, Hugh McClure, Franklin McCue, John C. McCue, Samuel McCune, Dr. McCutchen, G.W. McCutchen, J.D. McGuffin, John Merrett, M.M. Moffett, Abraham Mohler, Ed Montgomery, W.W. Montgomery, A.M. Moore, Josiah Neff, George Orebaugh, John A. Patterson, John A. Patterson, Henry H. Peck, John Rimel, George C. Robertson, John H. Rush, M.T. Rush, James A.G. Scott, Daniel Shaw, George Shuey, John Shultz, Enos Sillings, William H. Slanker, Joseph Smith, William F. Smith, Thomas Steele, Henry Sterrett, Robert W. Stevenson, Washington SwoopeSr., Col. Wm. P. Tate, William Thompson, John Towberman, John Trimble, Jacob Van Lear, A.G. Wayland, Martin Whitmore, James Wilson, Luke Woodward, Franklin Young, Robert Young)