Staunton Vindicator: April 3, 1863Go To Page : 1 | 2 | |
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Description of Page: This page also includes a reprint of the act to regulate impressment, a poem, reports from the Virginia legislature, and various war news. Several holes and splotches make some of this page unreadable. |
"Gov." Pierpoint's Message
(Column 1)Summary: Governor Pierpoint of northwestern Virginia asserts that Virginians have been the chief supporters of the rebellion in men and supplies. The editor of the Vindicator, while proud of the role of Virginians, asserts that such a claim is slanderous to other Southerners.
Origin of Article: Richmond DispatchOutspoken and Truthful
(Column 3)Summary: On the issue of raising African-American regiments, the Boston Courier states that the prospect of such an act is degrading, to be at a point to be willing to call on inferiors for defense. The prospect is also impractical, as inequality between the races renders a mixed-race regiment ineffective and as supplying 150,000 African-American troops with weapons is madness.
Origin of Article: Boston CourierThe Yankee Women
(Column 3)Summary: Disparages reports that 12,824 Yankee women have signed a petition calling for Lincoln "to remove the host of intemperate and incompetent military officials."[No Title]
(Column 3)Summary: The editor reports that men of means throughout the Confederacy have begun selling produce at greatly reduced rates to soldiers' families.Significant
(Column 6)Summary: The Mississippian notes that the Northern press has recently begun referring to Confederate politicians and officers by their proper titles instead of "the most opprobrious" ones used previously. In addition, the press has referred to the "Government of the Confederate States," as if the Confederacy were a recognized power.
Origin of Article: MississippianJeff. Davis's Black Battallions
(Column 7)Summary: This excerpt reports that in a recent skirmish, the 85th Indiana was attacked by two African-American regiments. The editor of the Nashville Union abhors the use of African Americans among the Southern troops, as the war's purpose is to free them.
Origin of Article: Nashville UnionTrailer: "Let not history record that, while slavery was the cause of the rebellion, and the slaveholder the prime mover of the rebellion, you were such degenerate dastards as to allow negro slaves to be the instruments of your country's downfall, and the agency which made the rebellion so successful."
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Description of Page: This page also contains a report from the Confederate Congress, a calendar, a reprint of a list of deserters from the 52 Regiment of Virginia Volunteers, a reprint of a list of deserters from the Staunton Artillery, and advertisements. |
The Confederate Tax Bill
(Column 3)Summary: The editor offers a summary of the tax bill recently passed by the House of Representatives.Eight Per Cent Bonds
(Column 2)Summary: The editor proudly states where these bonds may be purchased and offers details on them.Fellow Citizens of Augusta
(Column 3)Summary: Howe Y. Peyton announces his candidacy for the House of Delegates and seeks support. In spite of his age (25 years), he asserts that he is qualified and capable and motivated by devotion to service, not pride.For the Vindicator
(Names in announcement: Howe Y. Peyton)
(Column 3)Summary: This writer complains of debris in public places, unclean streets and gutters, defective water works, mismanaged gas works, extortion and speculation, selling of alcohol without a license, and inefficient police.
Trailer: OrlandoImpressment Bill
(Column 3)Summary: The editor calls readers' attention to the Impressment Bill published elsewhere in the newspaper. He states that the bill seems intended to protect the producer and the buyer and that farmers can grow their crops with the confidence that they will not be impressed at unfairly low prices.Died
(Column 5)Summary: Alexander Patterson, 53, died March 26, near Waynesboro.Died
(Names in announcement: Mr. Alexander Patterson)
(Column 5)Summary: Charles Armentrout, 58, died March 26, in Augusta County. A native of Rockingham County, he had lived in Augusta for twelve years. Four of his sons served in the army, one killed at Murfreesboro, one crippled at Manassas, and one a prisoner of war taken last spring when Jackson evacuated the Valley.New Advertisements
(Names in announcement: Mr. Charles Armentrout)
(Column 5)Summary: J. B. Lavell of Rockbridge offers $100 reward if his escaped slaves are captured in Augusta or Rockbridge counties or $200 if captured elsewhere in the state. Lavell bought Nelson three months ago from William J. Shumate of Augusta. The escaped slaves, Nelson and Ezekiel, may be near Staunton, as one of them has a free wife there.Not A Deserter
(Names in announcement: Mr. William J. Shumate)
(Column 6)Summary: Robert Eddins was "surprised and mortified" to learn he was listed as a deserter and offers proof in this advertisement that he has a legitimate medical furlough.Notice to Conscripts
(Names in announcement: Private Robert Eddins)
(Column 6)Summary: Major and Quartermaster H. M. Bell calls for teamsters from this district for sixty days, with possible renewal.
(Names in announcement: Major and Q. M. H. M. Bell)