Staunton Vindicator: February 15, 1867Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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The Mormon Girls
(Column 7)Summary: The article contains an extract from a speech delivered Richard Williams in which he attests to the suffering of Mormon girls "disaffected" by the prospect of entering into polygamous relationships. The "most effective way" to destroy the "whole system," Williams states, would be to "send an army of 10,000 unmarried men there, and protect every man who married a Mormon woman and brought her back to camp."
Editorial Comment: "Richard Williams who delivered a lecture at Buffalo recently on the Mormons, alluded as follows to one of the disturbing elements among the Saints:"A Negro Candidate For Mayor Of Washington
(Column 7)Summary: Reports that blacks in Washington City are "unanimous" in their endorsement of the President of the Freedmen's Bureau Relief Association, of Washington, for mayor; according to the "Washington Intelligencer", the man is black.
Origin of Article: Washington Intelligencer
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[No Title]
(Column 1)Summary: The editors note that the war has had devastating effect on the nation's economy, and assert that the duties applied to imported goods have only exacerbated the situation. Should the situation persist, the editors predict dire consequences for northern manufacturers.
Full Text of Article:[No Title]The change throughout the country, wrought by the war, is greater than many at first suppose. It is not confined to the great labor system of the South, which was wont to furnish sufficient materials to keep the vast mills and factories of the world in motion, but embraces within it a change of the prospects of the whole country. In days gone by the Southern planter made not only a sufficiency for the support of his laborers and dependants, but had an abundant surplus to enable him to lead a comfortable and even luxurious life. What cared he then to make his plantation self-sustaining when his income was sufficient to supply his every need without it! To-day and henceforth the tables are turned. Economy, unknown in the South in former times, is now to be the great polar star of her pecuniary advancement. She is no longer able to purchase, as she was accustomed, her live stock, cereals, provisions, &c., from the great North West, but must needs, in her poverty raise these cereals and breed our own cattle. In like manner, for want of the great staple to exchange for manufactures, she must act to work and finally do her own manufacturing. This she is impelled to by another incentive, the excessive duties on foreign manufactures. With a free trade system she would have continued as formerly to till the soil, and, with the rich harvests she would reap, been content to look on at New England and the outer world in possession of the monopoly of manufactures. But with the present duties, not likely to be decreased, she can illy afford to pay the demands of New England monopoly, and will, as we said, be compelled to turn her attention more particularly to manufacturing.--What she has accomplished, already, gives evident promise, in the future, of her independence of the rest of the world in this respect. With the goods now upon her it can be delayed to no distant day.
The North West must ultimately be effected as is the South. No longer a Southern market for her productions, she will likewise be unable to raise the means to go abroad for her manufactures, and will in turn be driven to the necessity of manufacturing to a greater extent than heretofore.
New England is also bound to feel this changes as the Southern and Western demand for her manufactures grows less. Reveling in wealth, accumulated by a long and well protected monopoly, she feels but slightly, as yet, the running of her mills and factories on half and quarter time. It is however but the "beginning of the end." The handwriting is on her walls. The sceptre is slowly but surely departing from her. Another year, and we fear that half and quarter time will not be all. Many of her factories will cease operation and where was but just now the busy hum of industry will be the quiet of a "deserted village." We do not write as we would wish, concerning that domineering and self-laudatory section of the Union, but as we seem to see the finger of fate unerringly pointing. We would not curse her with such a fate as seems to us portending, but we can but feel that when all was quiet -- when each section was but doing its allotted portion for the advancement of the whole country, of which she was getting the lion's share, New England was not content, but stirred up the cause of strife which has terminated in the present unhappy condition of the country, and which will eventuate in her own impoverishment. If such be her fate, who will say the punishment is undeserved? Since she sowed the whirlwind must she not, in justice, reap the storm?
(Column 1)Summary: After acrimonious debate last Friday, says the article, the Reconstruction Committee's Southern military government bill was defeated in Congress and "'forever buried.'"[No Title]
(Column 1)Summary: The article reports that a "worthy colored man" named Henry Clay was murdered in Warrenton, Va., on January 28. Soon after the crime, two black men were arrested; it is believed the suspects' motive was robbery since Clay was "known to have a considerable sum of money."[No Title]
(Column 2)Summary: Denouncing the revised terms of the proposed constitutional amendment, the editors call on southerners to continue their resistance to the imposition of any radical-inspired scheme to re-admit the former rebel states.
Full Text of Article:[No Title]We published in our last issue the new plan of reconstruction which was said to have met with favor from President Johnson, the Northern Democracy, Conservative Republicans and a number of prominent Southern gentlemen, among them the Governors of several Southern States. We read it hastily and published it merely for the information of ourselves. We have since re-read it several times and we can scarcely see any difference between the new plan proposed Constitutional Amendment of Congress, which the Southern State Legislatures, as far as they have acted upon it, have with a great degree of unanimity refused to ratify. The difference between it and the new plan is that the latter does away with the disability clause of the former. This was one of the most objectionable feature. These have been discussed and the mind of the South fully made up on the subject. The new plan then comes up as nearly as possible to the proposed amendment, not to be one of the same. If we have good reasons to refuse to offer the other as a plan of re-construction on our part. Leaving aside the merits (as far as we are concerned,) of the new plan, it is not likely to meet with the consent of those who hold the balance of power in Congress. They meet it with decision, as a step towards the Republican demands, but not quite far enough. If we intend to maintain our Constitutional stand points and demand our rights in the Union as Constitutional rights, and failing to get them, as we have thus far, to quietly await the time when fanaticism shall be borne down by the power of reason and justice, then it is a step too far for even representative Southern men to have gone and will not be sanctioned by the masses. But if the Union, at the sacrifice of the principles on which it was established, and for the sake of union alone, in what we must obtain, with the present feeling of the Northern people, we have truly made but a feeble step and must, if we would succeed, swallow all the nauseating draughts the fanatical quacks prepare, and ask no questions.
We hardly think the Southern people are ready for such panaceas for union, whether prepared by Northern or Southern doctors, and believe that all such, not in strict accord with the Constitution, will, as they should meet the fate of the kindred Constitutional Amendment.
(Column 2)Summary: Expressing little surprise at its findings, the editors rebuke the Congressional Committee's majority report on the causes of the New Orleans riot. By attaching blame for the incident on the "unreconstructed," the commissioners overlooked the true source of the riot: the "Conventionists" who incited the blacks.[No Title]
(Column 2)Summary: The article vilifies the Grand Army of the Republic as "a secret organization" whose chief purpose is "to sustain the policy of the present radical Congress, by force, if necessary, and especially if opposition is made to the effort to impeach the President."
Origin of Article: New York WorldImpeachment--Suspension of the President
(Column 3)Summary: Relates that the latest congressional debate over impeachment focuses on whether Johnson should be suspended pending the outcome of the impeachment hearing. Should that take place, the article contends, it would give Johnson "'solid constitutional grounds for resistance.'"
Origin of Article: New York World[No Title]
(Column 4)Summary: States that the Committee on Ways and Means will introduce its Internal Revenue bill shortly.
Origin of Article: Washington[No Title]
(Column 4)Summary: Indicates that the New York Southern Relief Association has voted to send $10,000 worth of corn to Alabama immediately.
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Local Items
(Column 1)Summary: Relates that a freight train ran off the tracks at the western edge of the Blue Ridge Tunnel, destroying one car and damaging several others.Local Items
(Column 1)Summary: Urges disabled soldiers to apply to William F. Taylor, Secretary of the Board in charge of distributing artificial limbs to veterans injured in the late war.Local Items
(Column 1)Summary: Reports that the "'Staunton Thespians'" gave two "interesting" performances last weekend.Local Items
(Column 1)Summary: The article notes that officers were selected at the last meeting of the Building Association at the Firemen's Hall.Local Items
(Names in announcement: John K. Woods, J. B. Evans, Herbert Kerr, J. H. Waters, H. H. Peck, A. M. Bruce, E. M. Cushing, B. T. Bagby, W. J. Nelson, P. B. Hoge, N. P. Catlett, Samuel A. Hoshour)
(Column 1)Summary: James Hanger, inventor of an artificial limb, recently made "a great improvement" on his design. The latest model is on display at Trouts' Drug Store.Local Items
(Names in announcement: James Hanger)
(Column 1)Summary: Announces that the proceeds from tonight's Grand Concert will go toward the purchase of a new organ for the Presbyterian Church.Local Items
(Column 1)Summary: Relates that reviews from Dr. C. R. Harris's lecture at the Staunton Lyceum last Friday are highly complimentary.Married
(Column 2)Summary: On Feb. 7 Martin V. Palmer and Hettie E. Patterson were married by Rev. W. R. Stringer.Married
(Names in announcement: Martin V. Palmer, Hettie E. Patterson, Rev. W. R. Stringer)
(Column 2)Summary: On Jan. 29 Andrew H. Wall and Margaret McMahon were married by Rev. Walters.Married
(Names in announcement: Andrew H. Wall, Margaret McMahon, Rev. Walters)
(Column 2)Summary: On Jan. 3 A. L. Berry and Nancy J. Hulvey were married by Rev. J. J. Engle.Died
(Names in announcement: A. L. Berry, Nancy J. Hulvey, Rev. J. J. Engle)
(Column 2)Summary: On Feb. 8 Eveline Davis, consort of F. C. Davis, died. She was 38 years old.
(Names in announcement: Eveline Davis, F. C. Davis)
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