Staunton Vindicator: October 22, 1869Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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A Nut for the Radicals
(Column 01)Summary: The paper reports that an African American man took top prize for best barrel of flour over a number of white competitors. "Will our RADICAL friends (?) be kind enough to make a note of this."Valley Rail Road Meeting
(Column 01)Summary: The stock holders of the Valley Railroad met in Staunton to discuss promoting the line. They called on all counties that have pledged money to proceed in collecting it, and appointed committees in the counties and in Staunton to sell additional subscriptions.Official List of Premiums Awarded at the Augusta County Fair, held at the Fair Grounds, near Staunton, Va., October 12th, 13th and 14th, 1869
(Names in announcement: Jed Hotchkiss, N. K. Trout, Col. Harman, H. W. Sheffey, Gen. John Echols, Col. George Baylor, W. E. Logan, Maj. H. M. Bell, Col. Bolivar Christian, M. Harvey Effinger, Robert G. Bickle)
(Column 02)Summary: The paper prints a long list of prizes awarded at the fair.
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[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: Prof. Scharf of the Virginia Female Institute gave a dramatic reading in which he entertained the audience with "fine" delineations of character.[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: A carpenter named Cullen was taken before Mayor Allen and charged with stealing a set of harness from Rev. W. E. Baker. He was committed to jail to await the Grand Jury.Sad Accident
(Names in announcement: Cullen, Allen, Rev. W. E. Baker)
(Column 01)Summary: William Todd, son of James H. Todd, dislocated his neck after being thrown from his horse on his way back from the fair. The efforts of Dr. S. Homer Henkel could not save his life. He was taken to Mrs. Hamrick's after the accident.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: William Todd, James H. Todd, Dr. S. Homer Henkel, Mrs. Hamrick)
(Column 01)Summary: Staunton's Female Schools have opened with a large number of pupils. The Augusta Female Seminary, Miss Mary Julia Baldwin, principal, opened with 140 students. The Virginia Female Institute, Rev. R. H. Phillips, principal, opened with a large number of students. The Methodist Institute, Rev. William Harris, principal, also opened with large attendance. "Our female schools are all flourishing and will have to put up other buildings to accommodate those who apply. This is the very best comment on the manner in which female education is conducted in Staunton."Obituary
(Names in announcement: Mary Julia Baldwin, Rev. R. H. Phillips, Rev. William Harris)
(Column 02)Summary: Mrs. Lucretia Cox, wife of B. F. Cox, died in Staunton on September 15th of consumption. She was 43 years old. "She was a member of the Presbyterian Church for a number of years; lived the life of a christian, died in the triumphs of faith, and has gone to her exceeding great reward. Her afflictions were great, but she bore them with christian fortitude. She was in cheerful readiness and waiting for death." She communicated words of hope to her brother, Rev. S. J. Liggan, during her final hours.
(Names in announcement: Lucretia Cox, B. F. Cox, Rev. S. J. Liggan)
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