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Valley of the Shadow

Staunton Vindicator: July 29, 1870

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[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: Gives one of its many arguments for the benefits of subscribing to the Valley Railroad. Lists the advantages Augusta residents would have, including lower tariffs and direct access to prime markets in Baltimore. Tries to get people to withdraw support for a rival railroad that would not pass through Staunton directly.
Full Text of Article:

The all absorbing topic with our people now is the subject of the county subscription to the stock of the Valley Railroad. This subject has been written about and discussed in the papers, pro and con, for a number of weeks past, and many points have been brought out tending to show the greatest advantages to our people from the early completion of this necessary public improvement, and as a consequence the reasons why our people, should, as one man, vote for the subscription. These reasons have doubtlessly been considered by many, and we know some former opponents who now propose to vote for and are working to carry the county subscription. We do not propose to recapitulate the arguments already adduced, but to look at the subject from another stand point.

In the first place we are positively and emphatically a railroad man. We believe they have advantaged every community to which they were of easy access. We are in favor of all the railroads which are projected and can possibly be projected through our county. We would rejoice to see the Page Valley Railroad constructed and we are equally anxious to see the Valley Railroad a reality. But there are some roads more advantageous to a community than others. This is the case as between the above named roads. Let us look at the two.

Suppose the Page Valley Railroad built to Fisherville, without a cent's cost to our people, and how would it advantage them? It will open up the section through which it passes. Will it do anything further? One of the great advantages of Railroads is the cheap and rapid transportation of productions from the producing sections to the places of demand. Will this be afforded by the Page Valley Road? We think not, and we give you our reasons. It runs, in connection with other roads, to Philadelphia and New York, and for every transshipment, or every road over which produce passes, an additional amount is added to the cost of transportation, and by the time produce from this section reaches either Philadelphia or New York, the costs reduce the net receipts below what would be realized in Richmond or Baltimore and that is surely no advantage. But our people do not, nor are they likely to send their produce to either Philadelphia or New York, and our merchants are not likely to buy there and ship over this road for the same reason.

Then as to Baltimore, which is a better market for our produce than either of the above. Whether the produce shipped on this road reaches Baltimore by the Manassas road and its connections, or by the Baltimore & Ohio Road from its point of connection with the Page Valley Railroad, it will be subjected to local rates, at least after it leaves the Page Valley Road, which will continue the present high rates of transportation, so much complained of in this locality now. Look at it then calmly and judge for yourselves if it can possibly be a competition likely to reduce the rates of transportation and render it cheap.

Let us then view the Valley Railroad in this light. Will it be likely to render transportation cheap? It will be a continuous line of railway to Baltimore, and run, in all probability, by one company. The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company are anxious to run it when completed and have made a proposition to do so. Produce will then be transported, without breaking bulk, directly from any point in Augusta, or along the line of this road, to Baltimore, thereby saving the additional costs of transshipments and of extra tariffs where freight passes over several roads. Breaking bulk and shipping over several roads, is very like a farmer starting a load of hay to town and upsetting the wagon once or twice. By the time he has re-loaded it his profits are considerably reduced, if any profits are left after the operation.

But the prime question is, "will the stockholders favor low tariffs," and thereby reduce the rates of transportation? This is the most important aspect and from whence arises the greatest advantages to communities. The stockholders are the City of Baltimore, $1,000,000, Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, $1,000,000, and the counties and towns along the line, $1,200,000. What are their interests? Clearly Baltimore has not invested in this road as a matter of speculation. She cares nothing for the dividends arising from it. Her object is to help to open up another direct line of communication from a rich and productive section, and to secure the transportation of its productions to her limits. From the increase of her business thereby she will derive ten-fold more advantage than if the road declared a dividend of 20 per cent, per annum. This she clearly understands. It is surely not her interest to drive off trade by high rates of transportation, but, on the contrary, she is directly interested to have the very lowest possible rates of transportation. The people of the Counties and Towns along the line are also directly interested in having low rates. The People of Baltimore and the People of the Valley will own eleven-sixteenths of the whole stock, and both are directly interested in low rates and they will have them. It is this very thing that will secure low rates for the future on this road, and force low rates on every road running through this section. Stock Companies, composed of individuals, are always interested to secure the greatest possible dividends, and, as owners of Railroads, are continually making the effort to raise their rates and where there is no competition always succeed. Where there is competition the rates are reduced to the lowest possible figures. The Valley Railroad will be a competing line with the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad and the only competing line it will have in this section. The large majority of its stockholders are, as we have shown, forever committed to low rates of transportation. This will secure a lasting saving to all along its route. Then people of Augusta can you afford to let this advantageous offer slip? Will you not vote the subscription, or do you prefer to continue to pay in the shape of freight tariffs, for the future without deriving any benefit therefor, as much yearly as would pay your railroad tax for three or four years?

The farmer and merchant are directly affected by and are interested in lowering freight rates. The mechanic, laborer and other consumers are, though seemingly indirectly, as directly interested in the same thing. They pay the original cost of articles consumed with the profit and freight added. If the latter be low it is directly a saving to them. Then we are all, farmer, merchant, mechanic and day-laborer, interested in this matter. The Valley Railroad secures the end desired. Then let us turn out, on the 6th of August and accomplish the greatest good to old Augusta by voting, with an unanimity unsurpassed, for the County subscription.

Election Day. Saturday, August 6th, 1870. Subscription to Valley Railroad
(Column 03)
Summary: The paper prints an address arguing that passing the county subscription to the Valley Railroad will ensure construction of the line to the economic benefit of Augusta. It dismisses concerns that the subscription will result in high taxes. The paper also includes a list of men appointed to canvass the various voting districts on election day. City of Staunton: Chairman Capt. J. Bumgardner, Jr., William Frazier, Benjamin Crawford, Col. R. H. Catlett, R. W. Burke, W. H. H. Lynn, A. N. Breckinridge, S. A. Hoshour, P. H. Trout, W. H. Tams, W. J. Nelson, George E. Price, John B. Scherer, Jr., D. A. Kayser, W. L. Lushbaugh, Capt. W. L. Balthis, R. M. Guy, Dr. J. W. Harris, C. W. Stafford, H. B. Michie, B. T. Bagby, J. Fred Effinger, W. H. Watts, George A. Smith, Dr. W. S. McChesney, J. C. Gayer, A. H. Fultz, N. B. Hendry, John S. Lipscomb, John B. Hoge, M. H. Effinger, Capt. T. D. Ranson, John Donovan, S. H. Hilb, R. H. Fisher, Heber Ker, James W. Crawford, Charles Trayer, J. A. Moore, J. L. Timberlake, W. L. Herr, Capt. W. H. Sale, J. E. Hanger, W. J. Keller. Beverly Manor Township: Chairman William J. D. Bell, Col. J. Baylor, Capt. E. W. Bayly, A. Anderson, Col. William A. Bell, H. L. Opie, D. R. Williams, W. W. Donaghe, Jr., Fred L. Fultz, John Trimble, Dr. Walters, Capt. P. O. Palmer, St. F. C. Roberts, William Taylor, R. B. Swoope, Henry Eidson, Jr., John Snapp, G. Child, T. J. Mitchell, C. T. Palmer, Thomas P. Eskridge, H. P. Dickerson, A. D. Wren, John M. Kinney, William J. Shumate, J. Wayt Bell, John N. Opie, Maj. John A. Harman, D. C. McGuffin, Col. A. W. Harman, William F. Ast. Middle River Township: Chairman William Crawford, Capt. T. J. Burke, John H. Parkins, I. J. Parkins, A. T. Grooms, D. B. Hinton, Maj. James Walker, Jacob C. Roler, W. P. Sheets, S. M. Crawford, A. Shomake, Jonathan Sheets, Charles S. Roler, D. B. Hyde, Dr. H. B. Christian, E. B. Burke, Maj. William M. Wilson, E. L. Edmondson, Hugh Connell, N. E. Lyman, Robert Kenney, Capt. C. G. Grattan, Dr. Samuel Kennerly. South River Township: Chairman John Hamilton, George Bateman, W. A. Abuey, A. G. Christian, J. T. Maupin, Jacob Forrer, Jacob Wisler, Dr. T. W. Shelton, Rev. J. Killian, Maj. G. B. Stuart, H. L. Gallaher, William Chapman, W. W. Clinedinst, W. B. Gallaher, Dr. T. G. Dellinger, Samuel H. Steele, F. M. Finley, James Patrick, Col. D. S. Bell, R. C. Logan, Capt. E. Bateman, William Hamilton, W. A. Mann, Charles Withrow. Riverheads: Chairman M. W. D. Hogshead, R. N. Carson, William F. Smith, J. D. McGuffin, Adam Hawpe, J. S. Lightner, John J. Larew, William Roan, A. A. Sproul, David Kunkle, J. Thomas McClure, J. A. Bumgardner, A. Blauth, Capt. C. G. Merritt, William T. Rush, A. S. Turk, William Steele, Capt. J. J. Martin, James Bumgardner, Sr., John Christian, Thomas A. Lightner, C. J. Cameron, Col. J. D. Lilley, John Larew, John Fauber. North River: Chairman Col. J. Marshall McCue, N. L. Blakemore, D. N. Van Lear, Capt. Samuel Paul, Prof. T. J. White, George Craun, Samuel Forrer, Dr. Robeson, J. G. Fulton, R. H. Dudley, Dr. Trevy, J. H. Plecker, William Howell, D. E. Mohler, Frank Davis, Dr. William H. Davis, P. H. Wheeler, Maj. J. H. Ervin, R. A. Curry, James Todd, Capt. W. H. Gamble, Chesley Kinney, J. A. Hamrick, James P. Byers, Thomas S. Hogshead, George Dunlap, Capt. T. H. Dryden. Pastures: Chairman Lorenzo Sibert, D. B. Taylor, Kennerly Craig, A. K. Clayton, S. E. Mugen, J. W. Sitlington, N. Ryan, James Cross, Brown Allen, J. G. Stover, Ephriam Geeding, Maj. William M. Tate, Samuel H. Bell, M. S. Cease, W. D. Rippetoe, Mr. Lackey, Henry Forrer, William Kunkle, William Armstrong, R. S. Craig, B. O. Furgeson, John Shouff, R. N. Wallace, Caleb Crone, Dr. D. Bashaw, Luke Woodward, L. R. Boswell, J. S. Guy, G. W. McCutchen, Col. F. F. Sterrett, C. S. Thompson, A. Knowles, Dr. A. Wilson, A. B. Lightner, John Roudebush, D. A. Seig.Central Committee: M. G. Harman, A. H. H. Stuart, John B. Baldwin, William A. Burke, John Echols, George Baylor, Thomas J. Michie, S. Travers Phillips, Joseph A. Waddell, William H. Gorman, David Fultz, Hugh W. Sheffey, R. G. Bickle, C. R. Harris, N. K. Trout, James H. Skinner, T. C. Elder, John M. Hardy, H. M. Bell, P. B. Hoge.

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[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: J. W. Hall, not G. W. Hale as reported last week, has been appointed postmaster at Mt. Solon.
(Names in announcement: J. W. Hall, G. W. Hale)
Gen. Lee to be President of the Valley R. R.
(Column 01)
Summary: Col. Harman asserted in a speech at the Court House that Gen. Lee would accept the presidency of the Valley Railroad if it were offered.
(Names in announcement: Col. Harman)
[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: William E. Sheets will take the census in the northwest portion of Augusta County. This is part of E. L. Houff's division. "He is a business man and we doubt not will perform the duty promptly and efficiently."
(Names in announcement: William E. Sheets, E. L. Houff)
[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: Rev. William A. Harris, principal of the Wesleyan Female Institute, purchased the residence and grounds of George M. Cochran, Sr., to serve as a sight for expansion of the school. They plan to erect an additional building immediately.
(Names in announcement: Rev. William A. Harris, George M. CochranSr.)
[No Title]
(Column 01)
Summary: A grand barbecue will be held at the fair grounds on Saturday. Gen. Robert E. Lee and "other prominent gentlemen" will attend.
Valley R. R. Meetings
(Column 01)
Summary: Addresses were delivered at the Court House in favor of the Valley Railroad subscription. Citizens are urged to attend the barbecue to show their support.
(Names in announcement: Stuart, Sheffey, Col. William Allan, M. G. Harman, George Baylor, Dr. C. R. Harris, Gen. Echols)
To the People of Augusta County
(Column 01)
Summary: The committee advocating adoption of the county subscription to the Valley Railroad calls on any supporters not yet involved to step forward and help ensure the "material prosperity of this grand old county." "We must all put our shoulder to the wheel and poll such a vote in favor of the subscription as will secure to us this Road. This is the only chance we have of getting a Railroad through this beautiful Valley." All supporters should at least attend the barbecue.
(Names in announcement: William A. Burke, S. T. Phillips, W. H. Gorman)
County Court
(Column 01)
Summary: Discusses court business, mostly lists the names of men certified for various town offices.
(Names in announcement: John B. Smith, D. B. Zimmerman, William H. Cale, Jonas Lowman, James C. M. McClung, S. N. Patterson, A. T. Grooms, J. F. Heizer, J. F. Davis, J. A. Stuart, William T. Rush, H. B. Seig, T. W. Shelton, John Paris, John M. Kinney, G. W. Sutler, L. R. Roswell, J. Alex Kerr, P. H. Wheeler, J. N. McFarland, William L. Mowry, Joseph A. Wilson, R. G. Byers, J. G. FultonJr., J. R. Merriken, J. S. McCorkle, M. McAlear, J. F. Heizer, Charles Brooks, A. Rusmisel, C. S. Roler, J. W. Gillespie, N. B. Koiner, I. W. Gilkerson, A. A. Sproul, J. H. Rush, W. W. Clinedinst, D. W. Coiner, J. Huff, D. Henkel, L. R. Waddell, T. S. Hogshead, G. A. Shuey, J. D. Lilley, P. Airhart, D. B. Hinton, Rev. M. A. Taylor)
Full Text of Article:

But little business of general interest was transacted.

The following Township Officers appeared, and qualified and gave the required bonds:

CONSTABLES.--Jno. B. Smith, D.B. Zimmerman, Wm. H. Cale, Jonas Lowman, Jas. C.M. McClung, S.N. Patterson, A.T. Grooms, J.F. Heizer, J.F. Davis, J.A. Stuart.

SUPERVISORS.--Wm. T. Rush, H.B. Seig, T.W. Shelton, John Paris.

ASSESSORS.--Jno. M. Kinney, G. W. Sutler, L.R. Roswell, J. Alex Kerr, P.H. Wheeler.

COLLECTORS.--J.N. McFarland, Wm. L. Mowry, Jos. A. Wilson, R.G. Byers.

CLERKS.--J.G. Fulton, Jr., J.R. Merriken, J. S. McCorkle.

OVERSEERS OF POOR.--M. McAlear, J.F. Hoizer, Chas. Brooks, A. Rusmisel.

JUSTICES.--C.S. Roler, J.W. Gillespie, N.B. Koizer, I.W. Gilkerson, A.A. Sproul, J.H. Rush, W.W. Clinedinst, D.W. Coiner, J. Huff, D. Heakel, L.F. Waddell, T.S. Hogshead, G.A. Shuey.

COMMISSIONERS OF ROADS.--J.D. Lilley, P. Airhart, D.B. Hinton.

The appeal, road and motion dockets were ordered to be called for trial at the September term next.

Rev. M.A. Taylor, of the M.E. Church South was authorized to celebrate the rights of marriage.

(Column 02)
Summary: George Harman Snapp, infant son of Archibald D. and Sarah C. Snapp, died in Staunton on July 17th. He was 5 months old.
(Names in announcement: George Harman Snapp, Archibald D. Snapp, Sarah C. Snapp)
(Column 02)
Summary: John B. Gibson died near Fishersville at the residence of his father, Mr. Overton Gibson. "The writer knew much of this young man in health and in disease. A brighter and better character never lived in our midst. He possessed every noble element which belongs to the gentleman, the man of business and the devout christian. He was truly a stay and comfort to his aged father and motherless brothers and sisters, whose irreparable loss with that of a whole community they must feel most deeply." An account of his final moments is included.
(Names in announcement: John B. Gibson, Overton Gibson)

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