Staunton Vindicator: September 16, 1870Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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(Column 02)Summary: Prints a letter written by prominent conservatives asking Alex H.H. Stuart to be their party's candidate for Congress and the latter's acceptance letter. Stuart also spells out his platform, which includes removing all political obstacles for former Confederates, reducing taxes and corruption, and observing neutrality abroad.
Full Text of Article:STAUNTON, VA., Sept. 9th, 1870.
Hon. Alex. H.H. Stuart:
DEAR SIR:--Our present most estimable Representative in Congress, Hon. Wm. Milnes, having announced his determination not again, under any circumstances, to be a candidate for election, and being impressed, as we are, with the conviction of the great importance to the District to have, as its Representatives in the next Congress, a gentleman of the largest experience in public affairs, and of the most comprehensive and statesmanlike views of the proper policy of our Government in the future, we respectfully, but earnestly, request you to allow us to announce you as a candidate for election to a seat in the next House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States, subject to the decision of the District Convention proposed to be held in Harrisonburg on the 5th proximo.
We are, very respectfully,
Your obedient servants,
Jos A Waddell, John Paris, L R Waddell, D S Young, C T Cochran, Robt Cowan, Wm Crawford, G K Harper, Davis A Kayser, M A Bright, W C Eskridge, Alex H Sitlington, H M Bell, J Wayt, A F Kinney, Thos A Bledsoe, M Harvey Effinger, H L Gallagher, Robert G Bickle, O C Morris, Thornton Berry, David S Bell, Wm S McChesney, P O Palmer, Z D Shafer, H A Glenn, John Echols, John A & Y M Bickle, P B Hoge & Bro., Wm B Kayser, Wm G Sterrett, George Baylor, R H May, A D W Reed, A Gardner, Logan J Maupin, D R Williams, Jos W Earman, Jas Bumgardner, jr., James F Patterson, J A Gilkeson, G W McClure, A T Gilkeson, Theo Gamble, James H Blackley, P N Powell, F M Young, A Hoge, Wm Frazeir, C W S Turner, C C Francisco, Jno B Evans, B F Points, Thos J Michie, Jno A English, Jno B Hoge, Taylor G Hoge, Geo H Eyster, John A Patterson, Lewis Whitmer, Thos P Wilson, S Travers Philips, D F Clemmer, Jno H Parkins, Thos C Elder, Jas E Taylor, E T Kinney, James Ker, A M Fauntleroy, H H Peck, B T Bagby, J Alex Waddell, T W Shelton, George Harlan.
STAUNTON, Sept. 12th, 1870.
Messrs. Jos. A. Waddell, John Paris, Leigh R. Waddell, D.S. Young, C.T. Cochran and others:
GENTLEMEN:--I have had the honor to receive your favor of the 9th inst., in which you request me to allow you to announce me as a candidate for the election to a seat in the next House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States, subject to the decision of the District Convention, proposed to be held in Harrisonburg, on the 5th proximo.
In reply, I beg leave to say, that if it shall be ascertained that your invitation is in harmony with the general wish of the people of the District, I will not feel at liberty to withhold such service as I may be able to render.
In the fall of 1865, I was elected by a District, composed, in a large part, of the Counties which constitute the present District, to a seat in the House of Representatives, but was not allowed to qualify. Since that time, my political disabilities, under the 14th amendment of the Constitution of the United States, have been removed, by act of Congress, and in the event of my election now, there would be no legal obstacle to my taking my seat.
It may be proper to add that if the voters of the District should honor me with their suffrages, I should labor assiduously to accomplish the following among other important objects:
1. The immediate removal of all disabilities, resulting from the civil war, and the restoration of harmony and fraternal fellowship between all sections of the country, which the abuses and usurpations of partizan power have hitherto tended to prevent.
2. A tariff for revenue, to cover the expenses of an economical administration, and to meet the just obligations of the Government, as opposed to the existing system of exorbitant protection for special monoplies, and undisguised partiality for favored interests.
3. Reduction of the present odious and oppressive scale of taxation, both as applied to imports and internal revenue.
4. Rigid economy in every department of the Government, and retrenchment of expenses.
5. Reform of the public service in all its branches, civil military and naval.
6. A sound National Currency, equally distributed among the States, and protected against speculations.
7. The rights of intelligent labor against all selfish combinations to degrade and depreciate it.
8. Legislation by which the public lands will be reserved for actual settlers, and as a resource of national credit, in opposition to the Radical policy of enormous grants to speculators and corrupt schemes of appropriation for the benefit of one portion of the country at the expense of the other.
9. Aid from the Government of the U.S. in the most available form to complete the line of Water Communication between the Chesapeake and Ohio.
10. Strict and impartial neutrality in the contests between other nations, cultivating friendship with all, and entangling alliances with none.
In conclusion, Gentlemen, I pray you to accept my profound acknowledgments for the confidence which you have shown in me, and for the very flattering terms in which you have been pleased to convey your invitation.
Very respectfully,
Your ob't. servant,
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Sunday School Convention
(Column 01)Summary: Delegates from the Sunday Schools within the Baltimore Conference of the M. E. Church South will meet in Staunton on November 24th. Each school should choose its delegates and notify Rev. H. H. Kennedy, minister in charge of Staunton Station.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Rev. H. H. Kennedy)
(Column 01)Summary: Staunton's Female Schools opened this week for the fall term. "Staunton is now looked upon, and justly, as a great centre of female education, and will be more famous in this line in the future."Married
(Column 02)Summary: John L. Patterson and Miss Emma A. Overholt, both of Augusta, were married near Waynesboro on September 5th by the Rev. J. E. Seneker.Died
(Names in announcement: John L. Patterson, Emma A. Overholt, Rev. J. E. Seneker)
(Column 02)Summary: John Bush died at his residence near Deerfield, Augusta County, on September 7th. He was 87 years old.Died
(Names in announcement: John Bush)
(Column 02)Summary: Augustus F. M. Myers, infant son of Samuel K. and Geraldine F. Myers, died on Christian's Creek, Augusta County, on September 4th. He was 4 months old.
(Names in announcement: Augustus F. M. Myers, Samuel K. Myers, Geraldine F. Myers)
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