Staunton Vindicator: September 30, 1870Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: Ridicules a Republican meeting held in Richmond, and claims they have no real principles other than occupying office. Especially upset that a former prominent Confederate is now at the head of the State Republican party, and warns conservatives not to be taken in by this. Insists the Democrats and Conservatives will soon retake control of the country.
Full Text of Article:[No Title]The Republicans of this State held another Convention in Richmond last week which is reported in our Richmond exchanges as very rich in disorder and other characteristic features. It seems to have been called with the view of perfecting their organization and agreeing upon a platform of principles. In this connection they adopted and put forward a platform, in which they re-affirm their old "principles," assert their support of President Grant; claim the present Administration as a Republican success; declare for a rigid enforcement of the Free School system, and assert that the present General Assembly are not to be expected to carry out the constitution in this particular, nor is it to be hoped that this body will secure to the masses the "fruits" of the new Constitution; denounce the "Conservatives" as a contrivance to evade the issue between the Republican and Democratic parties, and that their ultimate tendency is to side with the latter; give the True Republicans" a rub for their faithlessness to their promises made to Grant and Congress and recommend the nomination of Republican candidates for county offices--All of this will be readily seen as the merest claptrap, which when squeezed contains not a germ of a political principle, unless it be that one general principle--the desire for the loaves and fishes of office.
The great card which they play is their request of Congress to enact laws to secure to the people of the State the "full benefit of the Homestead clause of the Constitution and "compensation to loyal men in the South for property taken for the use of the Government during the war, and the payment of all claims due citizens of the South for services rendered prior to the war, under such guards and restrictions as may be necessary to protect the Government from imposition."
They expect much from this plank.--They declare they will make great inroads on the Conservatives and this is the "principle" they put put forth to accomplish the purpose. The enactment of the law by Congress to compensate "Loyal" men in the South, they think, and hope, will bring into their ranks many who have lost property--in some cases their all--at the hands of the Government. They quietly assert, "who wouldn't be loyal when they are to be paid their losses!" They will fail in their object we think. They know that when a Democratic Administration comes in such a step is sure to be taken. They are only stealing Democratic Thunder, and, what is more, Democrats and Conservatives understand it and will hold aloof from Republican alliances. It was a strong card, boldly played, but only exposes the weakness of the "hand" from which it was played.
A marked feature of this Convention was the selection of Maj. Jno. A. Harman, "Stonewall Jackson's Quartermaster," as the presiding officer. To see this man, who aided in the swift marches of Stonewall Jackson's troops, and to some extent, in keeping up the efficiency of those troops, by which they struck the deadly blows against the enemy which made the name of "Stonewall Jackson" famous, and an old Democrat withal, in the mixed and disorderly crowd that composed that Convention--a sort of ruling spirit among them--may be a cause of wonder to many, and we even now find ourselves wondering at this great change of front. At all events it is so. "Stonewall Jackson's Quartermaster" not only presided over the Republican State Convention, but, judging from the proceedings of that body, is to-day the leading man in that party. It is this very fact we desire to call attention to, for another purpose. A bait has been thrown to Conservatives and Democrats, as we have mentioned above, and the fact of an old Confederate now occupying the most prominent position in the Republican party may have its effect. We warn all against this. Be not deceived by it. The Democrats, and Conservatives are gaining ground every day, and it will not be long before they are again the ruling power in this country. The Republicans know this and are, on all sides, by moderating their proscriptions, endeavoring to secure a permanent hold of power. Every argument and device will be used to secure this. Look to it then and be not deceived by tempting baits or rallying cries but rest assured that the opponents of Republicanism, will, in a few brief years, control this country and make the government, (in strict subjection to the Constitution) really the "best government the world ever saw."
(Column 01)Summary: Urges all Conservative voters to unite behind the Conservative nominees for state office.
Full Text of Article:For the VindicatorThe County Convention, held on Monday last, was composed of delegates from a large majority of the Precincts. How these delegates were appointed, we do not know, but there was ample time and notice given to have selected, as we suppose they did, representative men at each precinct. At any rate, all the candidates who submitted their claims to the convention expected to and of course will support the nominees of the Convention, and, as a matter of course, the friends of defeated candidates will do likewise.
The County Convention was a part and parcel of the Conservative organization of the State. The County contest is but a skirmish preceding the great battle to take place in the next election of State officers.--It therefore behooves all Conservatives to give their cordial support to the Consevative nominees for county offices, and thus perfect the Conservative organization, in order to present an united front in opposition to Republicanism in future elections.
Come up to the work Conservatives and let not one straggler from the ranks be found.
(Column 02)Summary: "Observer" complains about the practice of forcing pupils of Staunton's female schools to entrust their money to principals and teachers for purchase of goods in town. This results in one or two businesses fielding all the purchase requests from "two or three hundred young ladies." Allowing students to travel to town to make their own purchases would increase competition and the distribution of patronage. "Why not allow one or more of the teachers to accompany their pupils to the several stores, and wherever their money can be most judiciously expended, let it be done."
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[No Title]
(Column 01)Summary: George W. Britt, U.S. Surveyor of Distilleries for Augusta, reports that there are 22 apple brandy stills in the county as compared to 3 last year.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: George W. Britt)
(Column 01)Summary: Lists the names of men appointed as School Trustees for each township in Augusta county. Nominations made by Jed. Hotchkiss, Superintendent of Schools.
(Names in announcement: Capt. Jed Hotchkiss, Maj. H. M. Bell, William J. Nelson, P. Byron Hoge, John Towberman, Col. Asher W. Harman, Leigh R. Waddell, B. O. Ferguson, James H. Heizer, John S. Guy, A. S. Turk, Capt. C. G. Merritt, William Thompson, C. H. Withrow, Rev. C. Beard, Dr. J. M. Watson, William Wilson, Kasper B. Koiner, B. J. Craig, Dr. William H. Davies, Samuel Forrer, Jacob H. Plecker)Full Text of Article:County ConventionThe Board of Education, at its recent meeting in Richmond, appointed on the nomination of Capt. Jed. Hotchkiss, the County Superintendent of Schools for Augusta county, the following gentlemen as School Trustees in the several Townships, &c., of the county:
For the City of Staunton.--Major H.M. Bell, Wm. J. Nelson, and P. Byron Hoge.
For Beverly Manor Township.--John Towberman, Col. Asher W. Harman, and Leigh R. Waddell.
For the Pastures Township.--B.O. Ferguson, James H. Heizer and John S. Guy.
For Riverheads Township.--A.S. Turk, Capt. C.G. Mezritt and Wm. Thompson.
For South River Township.--C.H. Withrow, Rev. C. Beard and Dr. J.M. Watson.
For Middle River Township.--Wm. Wilson, Kasper B. Koiner and B.J. Craig.
For North River Township.--Dr. Wm H. Davies, Samuel Forrer and Jacob H. Plecker.
(Column 01)Summary: Reports on the Conservative County Convention minutes. Names the people nominated from each township to serve as delegates to the Congressional convention and those chosen as nominees for county offices.
(Names in announcement: Col. John B. Baldwin, Col. William M. Tate, Col. M. G. Harman, A. W. Harman, Jacob Baylor, William J. Shumate, John N. Opie, T. P. Eskridge, Lewis Harman, David Doom, S. C. Harper, T. J. Burke, C. S. Roller, J. D. Craig, William Crawford, C. S. Grattan, S. B. Finley, G. Barnhart, L. Sibert, J. G. Stover, E. Geeding, William M. Tate, L. Waddell, Joseph Trimble, J. W. Patrick, William Chapman, A. G. Christian, J. D. Brooks, D. S. Bell, P. T. Burkholder, J. M. Lewis, Clinton Hall, J. G. Fulton, James A. Hamrick, T. S. Hogshead, William H. Gamble, D. N. Vanlear, John H. Ervin, James G. Turk, A. S. Turk, T. M. Smiley, J. D. Lilley, A. Blauth, M. W. D. Hogshead, A. A. Sproul, W. T. Rush, J. D. McGuffin, William B. Kayser, Robert Burke, W. G. Sterrett, R. Mauzy, William A. Burke, M. H. Effinger, S. Travers Phillips, M. G. Harman, Charles T. Cochran, William A. Burnett, Joseph N. Ryan, J. BumgardnerJr., George W. Fauber, William L. Mowry, Col. J. D. Lilley)Full Text of Article:Precinct Committees of the Augusta Memorial Association for the Confederate DeadThe County Conservative Convention, to nominate County Officers and select delegates to the Congressional Convention, to be held in Harrisonburg on October 5th, in pursuance of published announcement, met in the Court House, on Monday last. Delegations from a large majority of the Precincts were present.
The Convention was called to order by Col. Jno. B. Baldwin, and Jas. Bumgardner Jr., appointed temporary Secretary. On motion a committee of one from each Township was appointed to nominate permanent officers and, after retiring, reported as Chairman, Col. Wm. M. Tate and as Secretaries, the Editors of the Staunton papers, which report was unanimously adopted.
On motion of Col. M.G. Harman, the selection of Delegates to the Congressional Convention was first taken up, for the reason, as stated by him, that the delegates from Staunton had the right to participate in that, but, it being a doubtful question whether they had a right to vote for County Officers, desired then to withdraw from the Convention and leave the County Delegates to nominate the County Officers.
On motion, each Township and Ward delegation was requested to nominate the Delegates to represent their Township or Ward in the Congressional Convention.
The following Delegates were thereupon nominated and elected:
BEVERLEY MANOR TOWNSHIP.--A.W. Harman, Jacob Baylor, Wm. J. Shumate, John N. Opie, T.P. Eskridge, Lewis Harman, David Doom.
MIDDLE RIVER TOWNSHIP.--S.C. Harper, T.J. Burke, C.S. Roller, J.D. Craig, Wm. Crawford, C.S. Grattan, S.B. Finley, G. Barnhart.
PASTURES TOWNSHIP.--L. Sibert, J.G. Stover, E. Geeding, Wm. M. Tate, L. Waddell, Jos. Trimble.
SOUTH RIVER TOWNSHIP.--J.W. Patrick, Wm. Chapman, A.G. Christian, J.D. Brooks, D.S. Bell, P.T. Burkholder, J.M. Lewis, Clinton Hall.
NORTH RIVER TOWNSHIP.--J.G. Fulton, James A. Hamrick, T.S. Hogshead, Wm. H. Gamble, D.N. Vanlear, John H. Ervin, James G. Turk.
RIVERHEADS TOWNSHIP.--A.S. Turk, T.M. Smiley, J.D. Lilley, A. Blauth, M.W.D. Hogshead, A.A. Sproul, W.T. Rush, J.D. McCuffin.
STAUNTON WARD No. 1.--Wm. B. Kayser, Robt. Burke, W.G. Sterrett, R. Mauzy.
STAUNTON WARD No. 2.--Wm. A. Burke, M. H. Effinger, S. Travers Phillips, M.G. Harman.
The selection of Delegates to the Congressional Convention being completed, the Staunton Delegates withdrew and the County Delegates selected the following gentlemen as the nominees for County Offices:
Treasurer--Charles T. Cochran.
County Clerk--Wm. A. Burnett.
Circuit Clerk--Joseph N. Ryan.
Commonwealth's Attorney--J.Bumgardner Jr.
Superintendent of the Poor--Geo. W. Fauber.
Sheriff--Wm. L. Mowry.
Surveyor--Col. J.D. Lilley.
(Column 02)Summary: The paper prints a list of members, by precinct, of the Augusta Memorial Association for the Confederate Dead.
Full Text of Article:Augusta County Fair--A New FeatureStaunton--Ward No. 1--John S. Moorman, William L. Bumgardner, Mrs. Capt. D. McCoy, Miss Avery Covell, Miss Eleanor Baylor.
Staunton--Ward No. 2--Capt. R. H. May, James Ker, Mrs. Josie Eyster, Miss Fannie Skinner, Miss Florence Phillips.
Sandy Hollow--Capt. L. Harman, H. L. Opie, Mrs. William Donaghe, Mrs. J. N. Opie, Miss Lorena Williams.
Bolivar--Jos. Merriken, George R. Bell, Miss Hattie McGuffin, Miss Nannie Bell, Miss Kate Smith.
Peaco's Mill--E. M. Cushing, David Speck, Miss Sallie Kinney, Miss Sallie S. Henderson, Miss Eliza Shuey.
Folly--Col. James C. Cochran, W. Harvey Marshall, Mrs. Mary Lewis, Miss Sallie Gilkeson, Miss Bettie Eskridge.
Hebron--George H. Eidson, Alpheus Cook, Mrs. Rev. D. B. Ewing, Miss Emma V. Taylor, Mrs. G. W. Swoope.
Greenville--Dr. William Gillum, John B. Smith, Miss Mary Smith, Miss Augusta Bumgardner, Miss Lizzie Pilson.
Middlebrook--M. W. D. Hogshead, James W. McCorkle, Mrs. Sallie Kunkel, Mrs. George Rusmisel, Miss Maggie McCutchen.
Newport--Dr. Charles Berry, Thomas M. Smiley, Miss Lorena McChesney, Miss Lucy Turk, Miss Ellen Steele.
Midway--Nelson Bell, Jr., John H. Rush, Miss Betty Henry, Miss Willie Pinkerton, Miss Florence McGuffin.
Waynesboro--Artemus Patterson, J. Phil Smith, Mrs. George A. Bruce, Miss E. Withrow, Mrs. Sallie McGuire.
Fishersville--Capt. E. Bateman, John E. Hamilton, Mrs. Virginia Hamilton, Miss Jennie Bell, Miss Bettie Caldwell.
Barterbrook--A. G. Christian, Dr. T. W. Shelton, Mrs. Martha Dold, Miss Ophelia Wilson, Miss Emma Moffett.
Sherando--Clinton Hall, Daniel Heiserman, Mrs. J. M. Lewis, Mrs. David G. Hyden, Miss Mary Coiner.
New Hope--Capt. Charles Grattan, Dr. B. F. Walker, Miss Lucy Stout, Miss Lucy Waddell, Mrs. Lizzie Hinton.
Mt. Sidney--Capt. Thomas J. Burke, C. S. Roller, Miss Sadie Crawford, Miss Jennie McCue, Mrs. Mary Wilson.
Verona--William B. Moorman, Ed Crawford, Miss Mollie Gilkeson, Miss Sallie Crawford, Miss E. W. Edmondson.
Mt. Meridian--Capt. Tom McClung, J. D. Craig, Miss Cornelia Patterson, Miss Mary Hanna Walker, Miss Laura Boone.
Red Mills--Sinclair Koiner, William Hanger, Miss Catharine Yount, Miss Betty J. Barnhart, Miss Barbara Baylor.
Mt. Solon--Col. J. M. McCue, Capt. E. L. Curtis, Mrs. Maggie T. Lockridge, Miss Bettie Forrer, Mrs. Robert Kyle.
Spring Hill--William H. Gamble, Dr. Van Lear, Miss Mary Plecker, Miss Lizzie Herring, Miss Fanny Bell
Parnassus--Ad Cochran, Robert Byers, Miss Lizzie Kinnie, Miss Mary Hamrick, Miss Lucy Blair.
Sangersville--J. W. Crist, N. L. Blakemore, Miss Mary S. Gregory, Mrs. Dr. William Davis, Miss Ann L. Humbert.
Centreville--Clement Fulton, H. V. Bell, Mrs. Dr. J. M. Trevy, Miss Mody Fulton, Miss Sallie Wheeler.
Churchville--Capt. Joseph A. Wilson, Lit Waddell, Mrs. William H. Bell, Miss Rebecca Sterrett, Miss Jennie Stover.
Buffalo Gap--Dr. James F. Tate, Magnus S. Cease, Mrs. Samuel H. Bell, Miss Ada Sibert, Miss Florence Lightner.
Craigsville--Dr. D. Bashaw, Robert S. Craig, Miss Josephine Hodge, Miss Mary Thomas, Miss Amanda Woodward.
Deerfield--David V. Taylor, John S. Guy, Miss Agnes Montgomery, Miss Nannie McCutchen, Miss Mary Montgomery.
Lebanon Springs--Thomas H. Gross, Frank E. Irvine, Miss Jennie Lange, Miss Belle Pauly, Miss Susan Rhyan.
(Circulars will be sent to each Committee defining its duties.)
S. Travers Phillips, Secretary Ex. Com.
Bolivar Christian, Chairman Ex. Com.
(Column 02)Summary: The paper reports with excitement that a herd of thorough-bred cattle from Hardy County will be brought to Augusta to be sold at the fair. "Growing thorough-bred cattle, horses, sheep and hogs may be regarded as the agricultural 'fine arts,' and we hope the day is not far distant when our Valley, and especially our county, will be celebrated for its success in this attractive department of industry."Terrible Freshet
(Column 02)Summary: Heavy rains caused Augusta's creeks and rivers to rise and overflow their banks. Flooding from Lewis Creek caused an estimated $20,000 of damage in Staunton. "Houses were swept away and even Masonry, compactly put up, and had stood the test of many freshets, was swept away as though it were a wooden structure." The bridges over Main Street, near the railroad bridge, and near the American Hotel were destroyed or badly damaged. A party of men rescued James Teabo from the flood. Several bridges of the C. and O. Railroad were destroyed, including those near Waynesboro, Goose Creek, Christian's Creek, and Swoope's. Two trains are stuck on the tracks. No train will run into Staunton for eight to ten days, and all telegraphic communication is out.Married
(Names in announcement: James Teabo, John B. SchererJr., Richard May, Thomas P. Eskridge, Parker, Stafford, Rice, Echols)
(Column 03)Summary: Thomas Shafer and Miss Laura Gibbs, both of Staunton, were married on September 21st at the residence of the bride's father by the Rev. Mr. Williams.Married
(Names in announcement: Thomas Shafer, Laura Gibbs, Rev. Williams)
(Column 03)Summary: Charles A. Gladke of Staunton and Miss Rosetta Rosenbaum, daughter of Henry Rosenbaum of Washington D. C., were married on September 17th at the residence of the bride's father by the Rev. Isaac Stempel.Married
(Names in announcement: Charles A. Gladke, Rosetta Rosenbaum, Henry Rosenbaum, Rev. Isaac Stempel)
(Column 03)Summary: David B. Wilson, formerly of Augusta, and Miss Mary C. Dillard, daughter of the late Dr. F. Dillard of Missouri, were married on September 8th at "Prairie Lee," the residence of John Buckner, by the Rev. John F. Cowan.Died
(Names in announcement: David B. Wilson, Mary C. Dillard, Dr. F. Dillard, John Buckner, Rev. John F. Cowan)
(Column 03)Summary: Alex Hall and George Hall, sons of James and Maria Hall of Augusta, died on July 23rd and August 18th. They were 3 years old and 18 months old respectively.Died
(Names in announcement: Alex Hall, George Hall, James Hall, Maria Hall)
(Column 03)Summary: Loretta Julie Gorman, daughter of W. H. and J. C. Gorman, died on September 15th. She was 4 months old.
(Names in announcement: Loretta Julie Gorman, W. H. Gorman, J. C. Gorman)
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