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Semi-Weekly Dispatch: June 28, 1861

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-Page 01-

Description of Page: List of national, state, and local government officials, column 1; advertisements, columns 1-3; poem, column 4

Inaugural Address of Mr. Pierpont, the New Governor of Loyal Virginia
(Column 4)
Summary: Reprints the speech of the governor elected in western Virginia. The governor notes that those who have previously governed Virginia have believed the propertied, educated classes should make the decisions in the state. It is these leaders, the "usurpers of the South," who have driven Virginia to secede. Now, Pierpont asserts, loyal Virginians are reclaiming the power of all the people to make the law.
Gen. Scott's Plan
(Column 5)
Summary: Excerpts the opinion of the Washington correspondent for the New York Tribune, who believes that General Scott has no long-range plan for winning the war. Presently, the correspondent argues, the troops around Washington are there simply to defend the capital. But he thinks the present plans will be modified before the fall.
Origin of Article: New York Tribune

-Page 02-

Description of Page: Proceedings of the Wheeling convention, column 3; report of destruction of property by the South at Baltimore, column 3; advertisements, column 5

Items of News
(Column 1)
Summary: Various news briefs concerning the war, including information that Hugh Brenan, a private in company F of the 24th Pennsylvania regiment, was arrested and "will probably be shot" for attempting to shoot the day officer, Captain Thomas Smith.
Peace Propositions
(Column 1)
Summary: Reprints two dispatches from Washington. The first reports that the "Rebels" have advanced a proposition for peace that requires recognition of the Southern Confederacy by the federal government, along with a treaty of commerce and friendship. The second denies that the South has offered any such proposition and that "the traitors intend to push the war to the bitter end."
Origin of Article: New York Tribune
The McClellan-McMagoffin Treaty
(Column 2)
Summary: Reprints the agreement made between General McClellan and General Buckner of Kentucky, whereby Kentucky will enforce the laws of the United States on its soil. By the agreement, Kentucky will be compelled to remove Southern troops from the state if they manage to occupy it. If Kentucky is unable to accomplish the removal of Southern forces, they must call on the United States government to do so. The Dispatch is in accord with President Lincoln's decision to repudiate this agreement, because the Dispatch believes that the government should not be required to ask permission to enter a state. In addition, the editor states Governor Magoffin of Kentucky is attempting to fool the government with this stance of neutrality. The editor fears that, once Magoffin has gathered troops, he may well declare that "Kentucky has changed her mind" and has decided to join the Confederacy.
Proclamation of Gen. McClellan
(Column 3)
Summary: Reprints orders by General McClellan to his troops that they should bring into battle the "highest and noblest qualities of soldiers' discipline--courage and mercy." The soldiers under his command should remember that they have the upper hand morally over those they will fight, and, therefore, they should show mercy to their disarmed foe.
Contrabands to Go to Hayti
(Column 4)
Summary: Speculates that Congress will give the president the means to send to Haiti any African Americans of the North who wish to go.
Origin of Article: Washington Republican
Full Text of Article:

It is probably that Congress, at its approaching session, will place means in the hands of the President for the colonization in Hayti, and elsewhere, of such of our colored people as may desire to emigrate. Such a measure seems to be demanded by the new exigencies. As it would only contemplate the aiding of voluntary emigration, it would quiet any sensitiveness in relation to a too sudden and great increase of our free negro population. No question of constitutionality can be raised, as the war power covers the case.

Of course, large discretion must be left to the President as to the place or places, to be colonized. Available places are numerous and not remote. Hayti alone would perhaps be able to receive all the colonists who would offer themselves.

The expense would'nt [sic] be formidable. From military "lines" established near Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, New Orleans, &c., into which the contraband negroes would flock, they might be "sluiced off" to St. Domingo or Central America, with great rapidity and economy.

This is upon the supposition that it becomes necessary to carry this war to the Gulf, as must be the case if the traitors continue obstinate. But even if the war terminates with the pacification of Virginia, the number of negroes desiring to be colonized must be large enough to require national interposition.--Washington Republican.

-Page 03-

Description of Page: Advertisements, columns 4 and 5

Lieut. Col. Bowman and Mr. Chase
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports that Bowman and Chase are rumored to have been taken to Richmond and that they will soon be released on parole. Their friends have made efforts to have them exchanged.
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports the death of James Mifflin of Shippensburg, an government teamster who drowned in the Potomac River near Williamsport.
Serious Accident
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports that a farmer, Powell Leap, living near Chambersburg was riding atop the load when hauling hay and fell off backward by a sudden jolt. The Dispatch reports that "his chest was represented to us as twice its natural size." Though Leap was still alive when the paper went to press, he was not expected to live.
Death of Another Soldier
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports the death of a German soldier from Pittsburgh, Charles Sitzler of the Third Regiment. Sitzler died of typhoid fever in the house of Mr. F. Deatrich of Chambersburg. The funeral arrangements were made by Mr. J. Hoke.
(Names in announcement: Mr. F. Deatrich, Mr. J. Hoke)
Full Text of Article:

A volunteer from Pittsburgh, a member of the 3d Regiment, died on last Tuesday evening, of Typhoid fever, at the house of Mr. F. Deatrich of this place. The deceased was a German, 19 years old, named Charles Sitzler. His mother arrived on last Saturday and remained with him untill [sic] his death. Being very poor the railroad companies granted her a free pass both ways, and on Tuesday morning she left for her home taking with her the remains of her son. The funeral arrangements were attended to be Mr. J. Hoke. The poor woman, upon leaving, could not express in words her gratitude to him, and as the car was starting, she, with tears in her eyes, signaled to him and pointed upward. The sight was affecting, and the meaning not to be misunderstood.

The Retreat from Harper's Ferry
(Column 1)
Summary: An account of the retreat from Harper's Ferry given by a Chambersburg soldier who had been impressed into the Confederate army and had recently escaped.
Full Text of Article:

A man from this place, who had been impressed in the Southern army, and who was in the retreat from Harper's Ferry, has made his escape, bringing his Southern uniform and the sight off his rifle, as trophies. His account of the retreat we give in his own peculiar style. He says:

"When the news came that a large force was coming against us, we were all in confusion, and then you ought to have seen the boys gitting. While on the retreat word was brought that the enemy was not following us and had gone back again; then, said he, we all came back to the Ferry again. Word was again brought us that they were coming again in still larger numbers than before. You should have seen them git then!"

It would appear from this statement, that the peace policy of Jeff. Davis was rather involuntary on his part.

[No Title]
(Column 1)
Summary: William McLellan, Esq., of Chambersburg and Major John Rowe of Greencastle have distributed clothing to the soldiers encamped at Hagerstown to replace the inferior clothing furnished by the state.
(Names in announcement: William McLellanEsq., Maj. John Rowe)
Religious Notice
(Column 2)
Summary: Announces that the Reverend James Mackey of Shippensburg will preach "in the Bethel" at the corner of Queen and Water streets the following Sunday.
Capt. Doubleday
(Column 2)
Summary: Announces that Captain Doubleday has been promoted to Major.
Grass Cutting
(Column 2)
Summary: Remarks that the grass cutting season has arrived and that farmers are busy making hay.
Full Text of Article:

The Grass cutting season is here, and our farmers are busily engaged in making hay. The weather is highly propitious and it is thought the yield will be plentiful and good. Wheat is begining [sic] to put on a golden appearanc [sic]. Soon will the Harvest Home be celebrated in Franklin County, and never perhaps, with greater cause for thankfulness for an abundant crop.

Fire in Greencastle
(Column 2)
Summary: Reports that a fire on the previous Monday afternoon in Greencastle completely destroyed the foundry building and nearly all its contents. In addition, the blaze consumed two houses, causing a total of $12,500 in damages.
Hospital Cases
(Column 2)
Summary: Reports that several citizens took into their homes people still remaining in the hospital on the previous Monday. Samuel Myers, Judge Chambers, Mrs. Wolfkill, D. Trostle, and F. Deatrich each took in one, while Charles Oyster, Jr., took in three, and A. H. McCulloh took in two. Dr. A. H. Senseny was the attending physician.
(Names in announcement: Saml. Myers, Chas. OysterJr., Judge Chambers, Mrs. Wolfkill, D. Trostle, A. H. McCulloh, F. Deatrick, Dr. A. H. Senseny)

-Page 04-

Description of Page: Reprint of an ordinance for the reorganization of Virginia's state government, column 1; prices current, column 2; advertisements, columns 2-5