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Semi-Weekly Dispatch: August 16, 1861

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-Page 01-

Description of Page: Advertisements, columns 1 and 2; news item from Bangor, Maine, column 5; anecdote from the Bridgton Reporter correspondent in Washington, column 5

War News!
(Column 3)
Summary: Relates the events of the Battle of Davis Creek in Missouri.
Further from the Missouri Battle!
(Column 4)
Summary: Further information from the battle in Missouri.
From Gen. Banks' Column
(Column 5)
Summary: Describes the re-taking of Loudoun County, Virginia, by federal troops.

-Page 02-

Description of Page: News from Washington, column 3; advertisements, columns 4 and 5

The Democratic Meeting
(Column 1)
Summary: Expresses shock and disapproval that the Democrats of Franklin County held a meeting to elect delegates for a nominating convention without issuing any resolution concerning the war, or even mentioning it.
Full Text of Article:

Pursuant to notice, published in the several Democratic journals of the town, convening the Democratic party of the county in County meeting on the evening of the 13th inst., in the Court House, we, in common with others, attended, in expectation of hearing an exposition of the views of the Democracy of Franklin, through it self-constituted leaders, of the present momentous and unparelleled [sic] position of our distressing National affairs. It has been the custom of all parties, heretofore, in county meetings immediately preceeding [sic] the formation of County Tickets, to adopt resolutions expressive of their views of State and National policy, embracing such questions as a Tariff, for instance; internal improvements, the License System, or some other more or less important question--we say, this has been the uniform practice of all parties heretofore, and none came forward in this respect more boastfully and ostentatiously than the leaders of the Democratic party. They were not afraid--not they!--of proclaiming their principles, and emblazoning them upon their banners, so that even they that run might read.

We are now in the midst of a Civil War, the most terrible evil that can afflict any people--the Country is convulsed from centre to circumference--every interest of our people is paralized [sic] and stricken down--the very existence [sic] of our Government and Union is threatened--Treason and Rebellion is rampant in one-half of the Republic--fortifications, and ships, and treasure have been stolen--battles have been fought, the National Flag has been dishonored, perjury has been committed, pirates are jubilant, and in the midst of such a state of National affairs--we almost hesitate to tell the world--the Democracy of Franklin county held a county meeting, organized, passed a resolution calling for an election of delegates to attend a nominating convention, and adjourned without even noticing in any manner, by resolution or otherwise, the terrible condition which our Government is now occupying.

What!--the bold, the fearless, the unterrified Democracy, assemble in County meeting, almost within the hearing of the thunder of the rebel artillery--when the Capitol of the Republic is not only threatened, but almost invested by Treason's troops, and yet adjourned without adopting an expression, by resolution or speech, of assent or dissent, approval or disapproval, of satisfaction or condemnation of the present terrible state of affairs in which our Country is now involved! The thing is without a parallel in the history of politics, or of men pretending to be leaders of parties or of public affairs.

Why was this? Was it a dodge, a political maneouver, from which some political aggrandizement may grow? Is our Union so little worth, that the leaders in this meeting could not find a word of sympathy for it in its present terrible agonies?--not a word of regret for the scores of their heroic fellow-democrats who have already shed their blood and laid down their lives in its defence, and not a word of encouragement for the thousands of others who are now in the tented field ready to offer up their lives also for the Republic?

We are pleased to say here, that we believe fully three-fourths, if not more, of the men who belong to the Democratic party of Franklin, are unconditional, uncompromising Union men--favorable to the enforcement of the Constitution and Laws of the country, and who are opposed to a Peace procurred [sic] upon any other terms than a full, complete and unconditional surrender of those in arms against the Government. While we are free and proud to say so, we feel grieved to be compelled to remark, what we believe to be the truth, and what we believe this meeting plainly indicated, that there are men in Franklin county who would now compromise with Traitors--who are more partizen [sic] than patriotic, and, therefore, prefer Party to Country! O! land of Washington, have you given birth to such children!

A Rumored Truce
(Column 1)
Summary: Expresses the hope that the rumor of a possible thirty-day truce between the United States and the Confederate States will prove true.
Origin of Article: Louisville Journal
A Peace Party
(Column 2)
Summary: Argues that those in the North who cry "Peace!" are simply "enemies of the Union." Peace should only be achieved, the Dispatch insists, through "complete submission of those in arms against the Government."
Full Text of Article:

The enemies of the Union in the North, (there are many of them, and not confined to the Abolitionists either) who, for the purpose of crippling the Administration, and strengthening the hands of Southern Treason, are crying Peace! Peace! We are for Peace too, but not a Peace secured at the sacrifice of the integrity of the Union; it must be a Peace brought about by the complete submission of those in arms against the Government--an unconditional surrender of the rebels to the authority of the Constitution and Laws, and a recognition of the Union in all its length, breadth, depth and heighth [sic]. A Peace obtained upon any other terms would be more injurious than war, and the men or the party that counsel such a Peace, are masked enemies of the Union, more to be dreaded than all the open and more manly enemies in the South. We adopt the language of an influential cotemporary [sic], who remarks:

"A Peace Party in the North is nothing more than the reserve forces of Jeff. Davis. Both are animated by the same purpose. Mr. Davis wishes the North humiliated; so does the Peace party. Mr. Davis wants Northern bacon and Northern arms; the Peace party have both to dispose of at reasonable terms. Mr. Davis wishes to ruin the Administration; the Peace party is laboring to the same end. The only difference seems to be that Davis has armed his Virginia "Peace party," and stationed it at Manassas, under command of Beauregard and Johnson, two very distinguished members, while his "Peace party" in the North is commanded by Breckinridge, Bayard, Vallandigham, and Wood. The whole six of them are very faithful officers, and Mr. Davis is as efficiently represented by his Northern servants as he is by his Southern."

(Column 2)
Summary: Relates that the Charleston Mercury cried retaliation when it received word that federal troops had hanged some of the prisoners captured at Bull Run. Warns the South that they should be careful, lest they find themselves "considerably worsted in a game of this kind."
A Secession Newspaper Suppressed
(Column 3)
Summary: Reports that the Bangor Democrat, of Bangor, Maine, was suppressed by Bangor citizens on August 12.
Full Text of Article:

Bangor, Me, August 12.--At one o'clock to-day, the Bangor Democrat, a Secession sheet, was completely cleared out by a large number of people, the contents of the office being burned in the street. Mr. Emery, the editor, was unharmed, but Jones A. Barber, who made some demonstrations, was badly used, but subsequently rescued and lodged in jail.

The Pennsylvania Sharp Shooters
(Column 4)
Summary: Announces the need for "sharp shooters" to join a company in the midst of being formed in Harrisburg under the command of Mr. J. M. Dewey.
The New York Observer Touched
(Column 4)
Summary: Relates a story about a clergyman from Louisiana who wrote a letter to the New York Observer asserting that he would not hesitate to kill any federal soldier in an invading army. The Observer notes that it "hopes the parson may pay the $25 he owes them before his bloodthirsty scheme is carried out."
Origin of Article: New York Observer

-Page 03-

Description of Page: Advertisements, columns 3-5

(Column 1)
Summary: Reports that the military depot and hospital connected with General Banks' column has been moved from Hagerstown to Frederick City.
A House Wanted
(Column 1)
Summary: Requests the rental of a small house, or of three or four rooms, for a small family "in a pleasant part of the town."
Large Tomato
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports that T. J. Early of Chambersburg has grown a tomato weighing one and three-quarters pounds.
(Names in announcement: T. J. EarlyEsq.)
Excursion Tickets
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports the availability of excursion tickets for those wishing to attend the Union Camp Meeting of the Church of God near Scotland. The meeting began the previous day and will continue about five or six more days.
Gone to Richmond
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports that Major A. K. Syester of Hagerstown has gone to Richmond in an attempt to secure the release of J. Allison Eyster, Esq., of Chambersburg, who was recently taken prisoner by the Confederates.
(Names in announcement: J. Allison EysterEsq.)
Origin of Article: Hagerstown Herald
Military Meeting!
(Column 1)
Summary: Announces a meeting on Saturday evening in the Hope Engine House for the purpose of forming a volunteer company.
Trailer: MANY.
Cold Spell
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports that the weather has been "disagreeably cold" for the past few days. Warns readers to take care to avoid "unnecessary exposure" in the cold mornings and evenings so that they do not develop chills or a fever.
The First City Troop
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports that the First City Troop of Philadelphia passed through Chambersburg the previous Tuesday on their way home. Speculates that most of the men, whose term of service has expired, will re-enlist.
(Column 1)
Summary: Explains that many Chambersburg residents gave soldiers who had not yet received their pay cash advances. Reports information in the Pittsburgh Post that Mr. D. Trostle of Chambersburg had advanced $108 to a Lieutenant Graham of Pittsburgh. However, a warrant is currently out for Graham's arrest for swindling, because he took the money and then also drew his pay.
(Names in announcement: Mr. D. Trostle)
New Postage Stamp and Envelope
(Column 2)
Summary: Reports that the government has issued a new kind of postage stamp. Many Southern states had accrued a large number of the old stamps without paying for them, and issuance of a new stamp is to prevent Southerners from using the old ones.
Leaves To-Day
(Column 2)
Summary: Reports that the company of Light Cavalry from Chambersburg, led by Captain George Stetzel, leaves for Philadelphia today to join their regiment. First Lieutenant of the company is Samuel P. Speer; Second Lieutenant, G. L. Miles. First Sergeant is John Nimmons; Second Sergeant is Wm. Deatrich; Third Sergeant, Ed. Minnich; and Fourth Sergeant, James Aughinbaugh. First Corporal is J. E. Cook; Second Corporal is Theo. Stratton; Third Corporal, Jacob Miles; Fourth Corporal, Harry McCauley; Fifth Corporal, Jno. Hicks; Sixth, Thos. W. Merklein; Seventh, Sylvester Weldey; and Eighth, Dennis Rily. Second Bugler is Ed. Kline. The other men listed are privates in the company.
(Names in announcement: George Stetzel, Samuel P. Speer, G. L. Miles, John Nimmons, Wm. Deatrich, Ed. Minnich, James Aughinbaugh, J. E. Cook, Theo. Stratton, Jacob Miles, Harry McCauley, Jno. Hicks, Thos. W. Merklein, Sylvester Weldey, Dennis Rily, Ed. Kline, James Shuman, John Peiffer, John Elsor, Jeremiah Smith, J. L. Hoyer, J. D. McDonna, J. C. Peterson, James Mason, Joshua Norris, John Rhodes, John Labey, Jere Burkholder, John C. Sample, W. F. Smith, Leonard Pfarr, George Power, David Hummelshine, Charles Jones, W. W. Scott, M. Stoner, Godfrey Greenawalt, Adam Bowers, Adam Leitz, Hugh Brotherton, Wm. Henneberger, David Morehead, J. Hellman, J. B. Byers, John Purviance, Wm. B. Mahon, Joshua H. Norris, Joseph Bricker, Wm. S. Price, Lewis Losher, Thomas Warren, John Bricker, John Haemmerle, Richard Harding, Wm. H. Commens, F. G. Kline, John R. Smith, Henry Ulrich)
To Arms! To Arms!
(Column 2)
Summary: Urges residents of Chambersburg to form a military company for home protection, rather than merely "sitting with folded hands, with as much equanimity as if nothing was the matter." Directs readers' attention to the notice of a meeting for the purpose of forming such a company.
An Arrival
(Column 2)
Summary: Reports the arrival in town of Mr. Charles Arter, former resident of Chambersburg. Mr. Arter's mother and his uncle, Captain George Jarrett, continue to reside in Chambersburg, but Mr. Arter himself moved west around 1840 and now lives in Cairo, Illinois. His land there became occupied by the government, who tore down the buildings of his distillery. Mr. Arter is on his way to Washington to request compensation and to ask permission for a cavalry that has been formed at Cairo to join Union forces.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Charles Arter, Capt. Geo. Jarrett)
(Column 3)
Summary: Announces the marriage of Mr. Samuel Strock of Hamilton township to Mrs. Sarah Strock of St. Thomas Township on August 8.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Samuel Strock, Mrs. Sarah Strock)
(Column 3)
Summary: Mrs. Sarah George, aged 48 years, died near Fayetteville on August 2.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Sarah George)
(Column 3)
Summary: Mr. John Wiland, aged 74 years, died in Hamilton Township on August 7.
(Names in announcement: John Wiland)

-Page 04-

Description of Page: Anecdotes from the battle at Bull Run, column 1; advertisements, columns 2-5; current prices, column 3

A Proclamation by the President of the United States
(Column 2)
Summary: Reprint of a proclamation whereby Lincoln declares the last Thursday in September as a day of "humiliation, prayer and fasting" for the people of the United States.