Semi-Weekly Dispatch: November 22, 1861Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Description of Page: Advertisements, columns 1 and 2; various news items from the South, column 4; letter to the Cincinnati Gazette from a correspondent in Pike County, Kentucky, column 5 |
Affairs at Norfolk
(Column 3)Summary: Details of the situation at Norfolk, Virginia, reported by Mr. Henry Davis, who had lived in Norfolk for the past ten months and just arrived with other refugees in New York.
Origin of Article: New York TribuneThe Pillaging of Beaufort
(Column 3)Summary: Describes the pillaging of homes in Beaufort by slaves and the general state of disarray with the content of houses on the sidewalks and their interiors were in "a chaos of broken furniture, torn books and engravings, old letters, &c."
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Description of Page: News from Maryland, Fort Pickens, Memphis, Washington, Fortress Monroe, columns 2 and 3; article detailing the particulars of the arrest of Slidell and Mason, columns 3 and 4; article from the Richmond Dispatch expressing the dangers involved in accepting peace, column 4; advertisements, column 5 |
Justification in a Nutshell
(Column 1)Summary: Argues that the seizure of the "would-be" Confederate ministers to France and England was entirely within the rights of the United States.
Origin of Article: Philadelphia PressGen. Wool
(Column 1)Summary: Points out that federal operations at Fortress Monroe have become more efficient and disciplined since General Wool took over the command.
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Description of Page: Advertisements, columns 3-5 |
Pleasant Weather
(Column 1)Summary: Comments that the weather has been unusually pleasant. Reports that aside from the rain of a few weeks ago, the weather has been "remarkably fine" and just cold enough to make outdoor activity pleasurable.False Representations
(Column 1)Summary: Relates that an African-American man represented himself falsely as having been sent by "a certain Hotel-keeper whom he named" to the grocery of Mr. John Schofield to acquire two hams. It was later discovered that the man had not been sent by the hotel keeper and that instead he had left town on the next train without paying for the hams.
Full Text of Article:Camp SliferSeveral days ago a colored man called at the Grocery of Mr. John Schofield, and inquired if he had any Hams on hand, remarking that he was sent by a certain Hotel-keeper whom he named, to get a couple. Several being shown, he picked two and left, remarking that the landlord, just being out of change, would call in the evening and pay for them. The time having passed at which payment was to be made, suspicion was aroused that all was not right, and inquiry was made of the landlord, who said he had sent no one to his Store for Hams. Mr. Schofield by that time commenced "smelling a large mice." He was confident of being minus two Hames, for which he had received no pay, and on looking around for the colored man who had got them, discovered that he had left in the next Train.
(Column 1)Summary: Reports that parts of two companies are now encamped at Camp Slifer and that another company is to arrive today from Cumberland County. In addition, Captain J. T. Hoskinson of Chambersburg is busy raising his company.Accident
(Names in announcement: Captain J. T. Hoskinson)
(Column 2)Summary: Relates an accident that occurred the previous week when the horse of Mr. Jason Robison, resident of Washington township, became frightened while pulling Mr. Robison's buggy and kicked him on the leg, fracturing it badly.Torchlight Procession
(Names in announcement: Mr. Jas. Robison)
(Column 2)Summary: Reports on a torchlight procession held the previous Friday evening by the Union men of Hagerstown.
Origin of Article: Greencastle PilotDied from Exposure
(Column 2)Summary: Reports the death of an Irishman, Alexandria Speer of Chambersburg, who became drunk several evenings previous and was left lying on the road, but was unable to make his way home and died the next morning.Deaths
(Names in announcement: Alexandria Speer)
(Column 3)Summary: Mrs. Jane M. Reed of Chambersburg, who was 73 years of age, died at the home of her son in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, on November 19. Mrs. Reed had been a resident of Newville, Cumberland County, for many years and will be interred there.Deaths
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Jane M. Reed)
(Column 3)Summary: Emma E. Young, aged 11 years, died on November 17 in Antrim township, Franklin County. She was the third daughter of Jacob and Ann Elisa Young.
(Names in announcement: Emma E. Young, Jacob Young, Ann Elisa Young)
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Description of Page: Prices current, column 1; advertisements, columns 1-5 |