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Franklin Repository: September 03, 1862

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-Page 01-

Description of Page: General war news.

Summary Of The General News.
(Column 2)
Summary: News from reports dating Aug. 27-Sept. 1, 1862. Reports of movements and battles all around the country--Kentucky, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee (Gen. Johnson surrenders his 700 men to Morgan's 1800 rebel fighters), Missouri too. Cumberland Gap, northern Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Also an agreement from the railroads to transport horses and grooms free one way (for the National Horse Exhibition at Williamsport).
The Nomination For Congress
(Column 3)
Summary: The editors provide excerpts from various local and a few distant papers--the Herald, the Bedford Inquirer, the Fulton Republican, the Juniata Sentinel, the Shippensburg News, the Carlisle Herald, the Lancaster Union, and the National Intelligencer--that all endorse the nomination of Edward McPherson (for his third term) for Congress.
The War In Kentucky. A Severe Battle. Our Line Of Battle Formed Three Times. Retreat Of Our Troops To Lexington. Gen. Nelson Wounded
(Column 5)
Summary: Detailed description of the battle near Richmond Kentucky between @8,500 Union solders and @17,500 Rebel soldiers, in which General Nelson was wounded, and Colonels Warner (18th Kentucky) and Topping (71st Indiana) were killed.
A Call For Sharpshooters
(Column 6)
Summary: A letter from H. Berdan, Colonel Commanding U. S. Sharpshooters, to the Sharpshooters in the Loyal States--stating that he has 1400 new Sharp's rifles and is in need of good riflemen to join his corps.
To Irishmen of Pennsylvania
(Column 6)
Summary: Colonel George Crookes notes the acceptance by Gov. Curtin of the Brian Boru's United Irish Legion of Philadelphia, and the Colonel urges Irishmen to enlist.

-Page 02-

Description of Page: Advertisements; humorous stories.

Address Of The Union State Central Committee To The Loyal Man of Pennsylvania
(Column 1)
Summary: This long speech, given on August 26th, by Cyrus P. Markle, Chairman, is a plea to all citizens to put aside all party politics during this time, and unite against the true enemy of the Republic--the Southern Confederacy of States.

-Page 03-

Description of Page: Advertisements.

Major Zagonyi's Guide; or A Heroine of the War for the Union
(Column 1)
Summary: A melodramatic fiction story of a woman who helps capture a band of rebel soldiers.

-Page 04-

Union County Committee
(Column 1)
Summary: The list of the Union County Committee include the following people from the localities indicated: Chambersburg--George Eyster (Chairman), D. K. Wunderlich, Hugh B. Davison, Dr. A. H. Senseny, and K. S. Taylor. Antrim--Aug. Shirey. Guilford--H. S. Miller. Hamilton--Jonas Palmer. Washington--Josiah Besore. Mercersburg--John Shirts. Loudon--John S. Hassler. Welsh Run--D. B. Martin. Peters--R. P. McFarland. Lurgan--M. R. Skinner. Southampton--Thos. Fuller. Orrstown. Wm. L. Smith. St. Thomas--John Bowermaster. Quincy--Wm. Fleagle. S. Spring--Peter Shearer. Warren--Isaac Winger. Letterkenny--W. W. Britton. Jr. Green--John Ditzler. Fayetteville--John Brown. Dry Run--Jas. Ferguson. Metal--Samuel Walker. Concord--Joseph Lane. The committee is requested to meet on Sept. 6th.
(Names in announcement: George Eyster, D. K. Wunderlich, Hugh B. Davison, Dr. A. H. Senseny, K. S. Taylor, Aug. Shirey, H. S. Miller, Jonas Palmer, Josiah Besore, John Shirts, John S. Hassler, D. B. Martin, R. P. McFarland, M. R. Skinner, Thomas Fuller, William M. Smith, John Bowermaster, William Fleagle, Peter Shearer, Isaac Winger, W. W. Britton, John Ditzler, John Brown, Jas. Ferguson, Sam'l Walker, Joseph Lane)
The National Tax
(Column 1)
Summary: The editors urge people to ignore traitorous grumblings about fair taxes, and to pay their share in order to support the war effort and the Union of the states.
Deficiency Of Labor--Immigration
(Column 2)
Summary: Mention of Secretary Seward's response to Mr. Gamble of Cincinnati, who had expressed concern at the deficiency of labor due to the war effort, and the suggestion that an increase in immigration would solve the problem--provided that the immigrants are not required to perform military duty (which Seward points out is already the case).
General Corcoran
(Column 3)
Summary: Note of the return of the captured Irishman, General Corcoran, and the observation that since more than twenty regiments (more than a brigade) have been tendered to him, he should be made a Major General.
Volunteering In New Orleans
(Column 3)
Summary: Since the Union forces under Gen. Butler have occupied New Orleans, fifteen hundred men (some former rebels) have enrolled in the Union forces.
[No Title]
(Column 3)
Summary: Mention of the National Horse Fair that will be held on Sept. 2nd-5th, in Williamsport--horses from New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and even Virginia will participate.
(Column 4)
Summary: The editors reprint the definition of an abolitionist, as defined by a Richmond editor--that an abolitionist is anyone who does not believe in the institute of slavery, and who does not want it to be extended throughout the world.
The Apportionment
(Column 4)
Summary: This article lists how many militiamen are required of each state in order to attain 300,00. The editor estimates that the number for Pennsylvania (45,321) requires one out of every fifteen of the population.
The Draft
(Column 4)
Summary: Note that the time for making the draft of militiamen in Pennsylvania has been extended, and the editors express the hope that it will never be needed.
[No Title]
(Column 4)
Summary: See the above transcript.
The Command of the Army in Virginia
(Column 4)
Summary: As of Aug. 30, the War department indicates that Gen. Burnside commands his own corps, except for some under Gen. Pope. Gen. McClellan commands a portion of the Potomac army not sent to Gen. Pope. Gen. Halleck is the General in Chief.
Despatch [sic] From General Pope. Battle At Kettle Run. The Rebels Routed. Three Hundred Killed and Wounded. Capture of their Camp and Baggage. Capture of One Thousand Prisoners. Jackson Trapped Between Pope, McDowell and Sigel
(Column 5)
Summary: See the above headlines for the description of movement and battle in the Manassas area.
Battle Of Bull Run No. 2. A Grand Union Victory. Enemy's Loss Over 16,000. The Rebels Driven From The Field. They Are Badly Used Up. Great Captures Made
(Column 5)
Summary: See the above headlines.
The Rebels Heavily Reinforced. Pope Retreats To Centreville. Franklin's Division Has Joined Him. Sumner On The March
(Column 5)
Summary: The reinforced rebel forces attacked Pope's forces before Gen. Sumner's and Franklin's troops could join. See the headlines for the remaining summary.
The One Hundred and Twenty-Sixth Regiment
(Column 6)
Summary: A description of the organization of the 126th Regiment, that indicates eight companies are comprised of men from Franklin and two companies from Juniata. Nine of the ten captains are from Franklin: John Doebler (Co. A), W. H. Davidson (Co. B), R. S. Brownson (Co. C), John H. Reed (Co. D), Wm. W. Walker (Co. E), John P. Wharton (Co. F), George S. Miles (Co. G), John H. Walker (Co. H), and A. R. Davidson (Co. J). The Drill Master is Major H. R. Hershberger, of Chambersburg. Company 'G' presented a sword, sash and belt to Second Lieutenant, H. C. Fortescue, a former resident of Chambersburg. George J. Balsely, Esq., Treasurer of Franklin Co., paid the bounty promised by the county to her enlisted men--$50 to each man.
(Names in announcement: Co. Commanding James G. Elder, Lieutenant Colonel D. Watson Rowe, Major James C. Austin, Quartermaster T. Jefferson Nill, Adjutant John Stewart, Surgeon Frank Grube, Assistant Surgeon P. D. Swift, Sergeant Major George F. Zugler, Quartermaster Sergeant William Allison, Hospital Steward B. B. Henshey, John Doebler, W. H. Davidson, R. S. Brownson, John H. Reed, William W. Walker, John P. Wharton, George S. Miles, John H. Walker, A. R. Davidson, H. R. Hershberger, H. C. Fortescue, George J. BalselyEsq.)

-Page 05-

Description of Page: Market Reports and Advertisements

(Column 1)
Summary: Mention of the commencement of piking begun on Market Street, as arranged by the Town Council.
At Cedar Mountain
(Column 1)
Summary: See the transcript above.
(Names in announcement: David Newman, George Fisher)
(Column 1)
Summary: See the transcript above.
(Names in announcement: Lieutenant T. J. Nill, Lieutenant John Stewart, Colonel Elder)
Chambersburg Academy
(Column 1)
Summary: An announcement that the Chambersburg Academy's Winter session has begun, noting that Mr. Shryock is still the head, but is assisted by J. R. Kinney, A. M. of Schenectady, N. Y.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Shryock, J. R. KinneyA. M.)
Sudden Death
(Column 1)
Summary: Note of David Unger's sudden death, caused by apoplexy, which occurred Aug. 28. He was a prominent and influential man in his community, and will be missed.
(Names in announcement: Mr. David Unger)
On A Visit
(Column 1)
Summary: Note of John D. Foster, a native of Chambersburg, who learned the art preservative from Mr. Hazelet in the Transcript Office. He was working last as a compositor in Rochester N. Y., but has enlisted for three years.
(Names in announcement: Mr. John D. Foster, Mr. Hazelet)
Isaiah Grafton
(Column 1)
Summary: Note of Isaiah Grafton's death at the battle of Pea Ridge, as a member of the 37th Illinois volunteers. He was born in Orrstown, but was a citizen of Letterkenny before leaving the area--his sister and brother still reside in Letterkenny (the article does not indicate whether she has married).
(Names in announcement: Isaiah Grafton, Mr. Grafton, Miss Grafton)
Disorderly Stranger
(Column 1)
Summary: Mention of a very disruptive drunk man on Main Street who, (on Aug. 27th), was hauled off to jail by George Heagy.
(Names in announcement: George W. Heagy)
The Enrollment
(Column 1)
Summary: Note that the Deputy Marshal's assistants are almost done enrolling persons liable to military duty; most were willing, but a few men tried unsuccessfully to intimidate their way out of enlistment.
Mr. Editor
(Column 2)
Summary: Alex R. Shaw complains that a Rail Road Superintendent refused to give him a pass, when he had been called to attend wounded volunteers, but the same Superintendent gave passes to Surgical Med. students instead.
(Names in announcement: Alex R. ShawM. D.)
Trailer: Alex R. Shaw, M. D.
The Greencastle Greys
(Column 2)
Summary: A letter from the Pilot refers to the company of "Home Guards," and of the twenty-eight in service, the men listed above have various officer rankings.
(Names in announcement: Captain W. H. Davison, Captain A. R. Davison, Lieutenant J. W. P. Reid, Lieutenant J. G. Rowe, Sergeant W. Snider, Sergeant J. H. Logue, Sergeant H. Strickler, Sergeant J. L. P. Detrich, Corporal E. Hawbecker, Corporal W. H. Weyant, Corporal M. D. Detrich)
Departure Of Surgeons
(Column 2)
Summary: A list of the Doctors and assistants, spared by Superintendent Lull, from this valley that were sent to Washington on Aug. 31. It was noted that Drs. Boyle, Laugeheim and Hamilton are from Chambersburg, and Drs. Smith, Hartzell, and Maclay are from Greenvillage.
(Names in announcement: Superintendent Lull, Dr. A. H. Senseny, B. Rush Senseny, Dr. John C. Richards, B. F. Etter, George Kauffman, Dr. John Montgomery, Mr. John Brough, Dr. William H. Boyle, Dr. H. Laugeheim, Dr. Jason Hamilton, Dr. Smith, Dr. Hartzell, Dr. Maclay)
Sergeant H. R. Treher
(Column 2)
Summary: Sergeant H. R. Treher, son of John Treher of Loudon, is part of the Fifth Ohio regiment, and fought at Cedar Mountain, where he was slightly wounded. His letter to his father indicated that his regiment has dwindled, and that a few more casualties and sickness will wipe them out.
(Names in announcement: Sergeant H. R. Treher, Mr. John Treher)
Guilford Township Meetings
(Column 2)
Summary: An announcement for the Guilford Township Meetings for the purpose of raising a fund for paying bounties to volunteers, to relieve the township from draft. If a draft is found necessary, then the money will go to the families of the drafted men.
Our Saloons and Nocturnal Rows
(Column 2)
Summary: A complaint of the drunken rowdies disturbing the town at night--even on Sunday. The editors request that saloons be closed on Sundays and open during respectable hours, and that a constable is hired for night duty.
Aid For The Wounded Soldiers
(Column 3)
Summary: A request from R. R. Schneck, President of the Ladies' Soldiers Aid Society, initially made by the Surgeon General--that the supply of lint for wounded soldiers is very low, and women and children are urged to scrape up whatever lint they can and send whatever old cloth for wound dressings.
Muster Role of Company B, 126th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
(Column 3)
Summary: The above men are from Franklin County. The rest of the company listed in the article are from Fulton.
(Names in announcement: Capt. W. H. Davidson, 2nd Lieut. J. T. Atherton, 4th Lieut. Joseph Myers, 5th Lieut. J. L. P. Detrich, 1st Corp. L. W. Speilman, 3rd Corp. W. H. Weyant, 5th Corp. William Orth, 6th Corp. C. G. Glenn, 7th Corp. Peter Wessner, 8th Corp. James R. Commins, John H. BushDrummer, T. J. Abbott, S. H. Allebaugh, Johnth. Bowman, Abram Bowman, Andrew Baker, George Bruner, Reed W. Barnhisel, Cleary T. J., Robert Crunkleton, Moses Conrad, James Cleary, Thomas J. Chambers, J. M. Freeman, J. Felteberger, Jacob Greenawalt, C. C. Hager, A. Hoopengarner, Adam Jacobs, M. W. Kissecker, R. Lininger, William Long, Philip Long, J. Missavey, C. W. Pedicord, Jno. M. Pedicord, Henry Ruthrauff, George Shrader, Samuel Showalter, Amos Sleighter, Joseph Shatzer, John S[illegible], John Ulrich, James Wilson, D. C. Wetherspoon, James Wilders, Young Carlton)
Muster Roll of Company E, 126th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
(Column 3)
Summary: List of men in the 126th Pennsylvania. The editors do not indicate which of the men above come from Franklin County.
(Names in announcement: Capt. William W. Walker, 1st Lieut. George W. Walker, 2nd Lieut. T. Jefferson Nill, 1st Serg. Frederick Berkel, 2nd Serg. Henry Brenneman, 3th Serg. John A. White, 4th Serg. Benjamin F. Gaff, 5th Serg. George M. D. Brotherton, 1st Corp. Samuel Lidy, 2nd Corp. James B. French, 3rd Corp. John C. Tracy, 4th Corp. George L. Freet, 5th Corp. Jacob F. Newman, 6th Corp. Luther B. Walter, 7th Corp. John C. Anderson, 8th Corp. B. C. Manahan, John BellFifer, G. G. PilkingtonDrummer, Mathias MinehartWagonmaster, W. W. Anderson, George Bowman, John F. Brown, Calvin Bowman, Henry F. Barnett, John Bender, Napoleon Beard, H. B. Benshoof, Jacob Bear, R. B. Boyles, Archibald Carnan, John Cordel, T. Cunningham, E. Diffendarffer, William H. Ditch, Lewis Detro, Cornelius Davis, Robert Davis, Michael Delph, John H. Flory, Samuel Flohr, Thomas Flohr, Elias S. Flory, Frederick Gamp, John W. Grove, Adam Honnodle, D. C. Hoover, J. Wilson Hoover, Daniel Hellane, F. S. Hollingsworth, Finley Hall, Milton Hoof, David Izer, John Izer, William Johnston, George F. K. Kriner, Michael Kriner, Henry Kriner, J. W. Kipe, Adam Kadel, William Lukas, Albert Lippy, J. W. McVikers, John Mentzer, S. R. Myers, John L. Miller, James McPherren, Samuel Monn, David Jr. Miller, George NewmanH., William G. Nevin, Benjamin Nunemaker, John E. Ogle, George K. Price, John H. Peters, Joseph Pool, John Pentz, S. P. Rouzer, W. A. M. Renfrew, Abraham Rock, Franklin S. Rider, Augustus Ripple, Daniel W. Senger, William Seace, Joseph S. Stull, Jeremiah Shoop, Amos J. Sellers, William H. Sherly, Charles J. Smith, Paul Strausner, John Sanders, William Saunders, Wilson Sibbett, William H. Taylor, George H. Taylor, Henry J. Waddle, M. A. Williard, Daniel Wolf, Samuel Wetzel, Jacob Wolf)
(Column 4)
Summary: See the above transcript.
(Names in announcement: Dr. A. H. Senseny, D. K. Wunderlich)
[No Title]
(Column 4)
Summary: A. B. Wingert, Pres't., and H. E. Wertz, Sect'y., write that John Rowe and W. W. Sellers were nominated as Candidates for this Representative district at the Sept. 2nd meeting of the Representative Conferrees of Franklin and Fulton Counties. The men listed above are from Franklin County (though Sellers perhaps is from Fulton).
(Names in announcement: B. F Nead, A. B. Wingert, H. E. Wertz, John Rowe, W. W. Sellers)
Muster Roll of Company H. 126th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers
(Column 4)
Summary: Only the officers and two musicians' origins are indicated. Walker, Fannettsburg; Mackey, Dry Run; Fletcher, Chambersburg; Pomeroy, Roxbury; Snider, St. Thomas; Kent, Fannettsburg; Detrich, St. Thomas; Burgess, Loudon; Gamble, Dry Run; Downey, Fannettsburg; Beam, St. Thomas; Jones, Fannettsburg; Wilhelm, Fannettsburg, Worthington, Dry Run; Croft, St. Thomas; Campbell, Dry Run; Harris, Dry Run; Harrison, Dry Run. Of the Privates listed above, their origins in Pennsylvania are unknown.
(Names in announcement: Capt. John H. Walker, 1st Lieut. W. H. Mackey, 2nd Lieut. J. W. Fletcher, 1st Sergt. S. W. Pomeroy, 2nd Sergt. Jacob Snider, 3rd Sergt. A. J. Kent, 4th Sergt. J. A. Detrich, 5th Sergt. A. Burgess, 1st Corporal C. H. Gamble, 2nd Corporal B. S. Downey, 3rd Corporal Samuel Beam, 4th Corporal G. E. Jones, 5th Corporal J. M. Wilhelm, 6th Corporal S. B. Worthington, 7th Corporal Samuel Croft, 8th Corporal W. Campbell, Musician J. Harris, Musician W. S. Harrison, W. J. Anderson, W. T. Boatman, W. Harrison Burk, Jeremiah Brindle, Augustus Baker, N. M. Bowers, W. N. Bingamen, J. M. Coons, W. M. Claudy, E. H. Cebolt, Hugh Deal, James Doyle, W. T. C. Deatrich, S. C. Elder, Robert Elliott, J. W. Everett, David Ferguson, D. D. Fickes, D. C. Guyer, W. A. Gaston, John W. Gillan, J. H. Gray, William Gray, Thomas Gray, Sol. Hancock, Samuel Hurley, Joseph Hoover, William Haiston, Mercer Haiston, T. R. Kissell, Robert Kerr, J. W. Krider, Samuel Lee, W. Leedy, Henry Landis, Samuel Myers, James Mason, A. C. McLean, B. B. McLean, Daniel Miller, S. T. Maclay, A. A. Pomeroy, Lewis Ritter, C. M. Ricker, Henry Rose, W. H. Rhodes, D. H. Skinner, J. H. Stitt, J. A. Skinner, George Swain, Jacob Shirk, J. A. Shearer, J. P. Shearer, John Smith, J. D. Saltzman, Jacob Sackman, J. E. Sellers, J. A. Sellers, J. A. Shirk, Newell Stark, C. M. Skinner, Martin Stubbs, Joseph Shaffer, Theodore Sullivan, Noah Varner, T. B. Wilson, W. M. Wilson, James Williams, J. F. Woods, J. P. Wyant, A. Wentling, H. B. Wagner, Jer. Yeager, Jacob Zeigler)
The Latest From Virginia. The Situation--Our Army in Virginia Up to Monday Morning at 10 o'clock
(Column 4)
Summary: Details of Burnside's retreat from Manassas, and the Union Forces of Pope, Franklin, Sedgewick and Sumner. That the railroads were in working order, and mention of the apparent rumor that Stonewall Jackson had been captured.
Origin of Article: Harrisburg Telegraph
Trailer: Harrisburg Telegraph

-Page 06-

Description of Page: Melodramatic War fiction--a pioneer man saving his family and cabin from rebels; advertisements

Homely Women
(Column 2)
Summary: A short article that pities homely women who rarely find other qualities to compensate for their plain looks.
Wife vs. Lady
(Column 2)
Summary: An argument that it is vulgar to refer to ones wife as ones "lady'--that the term "wife" is much more appropriate and refined.
S. C
(Column 2)
Summary: A play on South Carolina's initials--finding descriptions of the state that the initials 'S. C.' could represent (i.e. "It contains a Suffering Community." "Its leaders invent Shameless Calumnies.")

-Page 07-

Description of Page: Stories; Advertisements

-Page 08-

Description of Page: Advertisements

(Column 1)
Summary: On Aug. 26th, Rev. Snyder married Jacob Beck to Caroline Hartman, both of Cumberland County.
(Names in announcement: Rev. M. Snyder, Mr. Jacob Beck, Miss Caroline Hartman)
(Column 1)
Summary: On Aug. 28th, Rev. Crider married Jos. Walk to Elizabeth Barnes, all from Franklin.
(Names in announcement: Rev. T. Crider, Mr. Jos. Walk, Miss Elizabeth Barnes)
(Column 1)
Summary: On Aug. 21st, in Wilmington Pa., Agnes Carson died, wife of Hon. Carson, dec'd. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church in Mercersburg, Franklin County.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Agnes K. Carson, Hon. Thomas Carson)
(Column 1)
Summary: Catharine, wife of Thomas Rhea, died in her 37th year.
(Names in announcement: Mrs. Catharine Margaret Rhea, Mr. Thomas Lyons Rhea)
(Column 1)
Summary: On Aug. 24th, in Loudon, Mary Belle, infant daughter of Lieut. Vance.
(Names in announcement: Mary Belle Vance, Lieut. Vance)
(Column 1)
Summary: On Aug. 5th, at Spring Run, Alice daughter of William and Emily Mackey, died at the age of 1 year, 5 months and 3 days.
(Names in announcement: Alice Ruhamah Mackey, William A. Mackey, Emily Mackey)
(Column 1)
Summary: On Aug. 25th, in Mount Hope, Annie Secrist died at the age of 4 years, 10 months and 3 days.
(Names in announcement: Annie R. Secrist)
(Column 1)
Summary: On Aug. 14th, in Peters Township, after a long illness, Daniel Conrad, Sr., died at the age of 69 years and 10 days.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Daniel ConradSr.)
(Column 1)
Summary: On Aug. 30th, near Greencastle, Isabel, daughter of Mr. John Ruthrauff, in the 8th year of her life.
(Names in announcement: Isabel Ruthrauff, John Ruthrauff)