Staunton Spectator: February 1, 1859Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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A Candidate for Congress
(Column 7)Summary: Text of statement by Ridgeway, the editor of the Richmond Whig, who announces that he is a candidate for Congress from Rockingham district. He details his service in both the War of 1812 and Mexican war.
(Names in announcement: R. RidgewayEsq.)
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The Congressional Canvass
(Column 2)Summary: Complains that candidates for Congress have not been addressing the issues, but have instead merely stressed their personal qualifications. The Spectator wants them to provide their positions on the questions of national importance, including the tariff, the purchase of Cuba, the Monroe Doctrine, the Pacific Railroad, and "various other questions," including the admission of Oregon, Kansas and other territories into the Union.The Convention Question
(Column 2)Summary: Discusses whether the Augusta Democrats should have a nominating convention for the Congressional seat. Touches on issues of intercounty rivalry with Rockingham, Shenandoah, and Rockbridge.Bold Operation
(Column 2)Summary: Three African-American men tried to rob Evan's store. One of the suspects has been arrested.
(Names in announcement: Jno. Evans)Full Text of Article:For the Spectator; Bear Grant, Massanutten Mt.Three negro men entered the tobacco store of Mr. Jno. B. Evans on Saturday night for the ostensible purpose of making some purchases.--While two of them engaged the attention of Mr. Evans, the third snatched up a bundle of buckskin gloves and made tracks. Mr. E. is not certain who the fellow was, but one who is suspected has been arrested.
(Column 4)Summary: Satirical declaration of candidacy for congressional seat being vacated by Mr. Letcher. The candidates political resume includes the Mexican War, the Compromise of 1850, and Kansas. He supports anything the Democracy does.
(Names in announcement: Mr. Letcher)Trailer: Simon SunflowerHave We a Democratic Party Among Us?
(Column 3)Summary: Diatribe about the sorry state of the national Democratic party. Complains about party conflict and Buchanan.
Origin of Article: The Washington StatesEditorial Comment: "Lest anybody should accuse us [emph] of doing injustice to 'the party' we take pains to say that the above appeared originally, on Wednesday last, as a leading editorial article in a Democratic paper, the Washington States"For the Spectator: Letter about County Court business
(Column 4)Summary: Letter complaining that County Court business is being shunted aside in favor of political speechmaking, greatly inconveniencing people from the country who only come into town infrequently, and thus must come back another day to conduct their legal business. The writer threatens a country revolt of sorts.
Full Text of Article:Messrs. Editors: It is said that there is reason in all things, but I think no good reason can be given for so frequent interruptions of the business of our County Court by political meetings. It may do very well for the people of Staunton, but you may depend that the country people complain very heavily. We have to ride, or walk if we have not a horse (for the order of the Commonwealth is imperative) to the Court House, though the day may be as cold, and the roads as rough as on last Monday, and for what? To attend to the business of the County Court? No! for we find that swallowed up in a political meeting, where the littleest dog is the londest. And so we must ride back another day.--There were a great many men in Staunton on Monday, that would not have gone had they know that there would be no Court. It is unfair to spring a thing upon us thus. And this is to be repeated at February Court. This is outrageous. It is imposing upon the country people a burden that they will not patiently bear much longer. There is a Town Hall most admirably adapted to the purpose, and all political meetings should be held there, and then the Court need not adjourn. Many men have from 15 to 20 miles to go to Staunton, who only go when obliged to go, and it is no light matter for them to be disappointed. It should be a standing rule that the County Court should not adjourn on a regular monthly Court day for anything. It is a pretty business, if several hundred active, business men, to whom "time is money," are to be disappointed by an adjournment of the County Court to allow one, two or three of the lawyers to attend the funeral of a friend. This thing has become a nuisance, and there is a strong demand for reform. Viewed properly, this is no trivial subject, and I know it to be a cause of great complaint. What think you, County Court?
Trailer: Jan. 26, 1859. JusticeThomas J. Michie, Esq.
(Column 3)Summary: Open letter from Michie declining the requests of citizens of Augusta, Highland and Pendleton (Third Judicial Section) that he run for the Court of Appeals.Discharged
(Names in announcement: Thomas Michie)
(Column 3)Summary: Charges against Deneale of defrauding Valley Bank were dropped. See articles in the January 11 issue.
(Names in announcement: George Deneale)Full Text of Article:For the SpectatorThe examination of Geo E. Deneale, Esq., on the charge of obtaining money from the Bank of the Valley at Staunton, under false pretenses, was commenced on Wednesday last, and concluded on Friday. The base was then submitted to the Court without argument, and the Justices unanimously decided to discharge the accused. It is rumored that as soon as Mr. Deneale arrived in Harrisonburg on Saturday, he was arrested on another charge. His friends, it is said, resisted the officers, and some of them were taken in custody. Report says that the community were greatly excited, but we have received no authentic account of the affair.
(Column 5)Summary: Another letter in the ongoing debate about the Virginia Central Railroad's freight service to Staunton and Waynesboro. This one takes issue with Fontaine's responses in the previous issue. Discusses dispute over scheduling of trains through the Blue Ridge Tunnel.
(Names in announcement: Col. Fontaine)Trailer: A StockholderFor The Spectator; A Voice From the Mountains
(Column 5)Summary: Letter promising a Whig resurgence in the county and in the state. Lists economic grievances and claims that nationalism would benefit the South better than sectionalism. Invokes Clay and Webster.
Trailer: B---------; Upper Tract, Pendleton Co., Va., January 23, 1859
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The Judgeship
(Column 1)Summary: Reprinted editorial supporting Baldwin as candidate for Court of Appeals. Also calls for the office to be removed from politics.
(Names in announcement: Col. John Baldwin)Origin of Article: Valley DemocratTrailer: Valley DemocratFor Constable
(Column 2)Summary: Informed that Larew is planning to retire as constable, James Newton offers his name as a candidate
(Names in announcement: J.J. Larew, James Newton)Trailer: Very Respectfully, Jas. W. NewtonMarried
(Column 2)Summary: Married on January 23.Died
(Names in announcement: Rev. J.H. Crawford, John Fauver, Louisa Thomas)
(Column 2)Summary: Born August 20, 1805; died January 15, 1859.
(Names in announcement: Peachey Matheney)
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