Staunton Spectator: January 24, 1860Go To Page : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
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Mr. Nelson, of Tennessee, on Dissolution
(Column 3)Summary: Excerpted speech of Nelson, an American party member of Congress, at Baltimore, in which he condemned the idea of disunion.A Letter from Dr. Livingstone
(Column 06)Summary: Quoted letter from Dr. Livingstone about his travels in Africa, read at a meeting of the Geographical and Statistical Society.
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Description of Page: bottom left is blurry. Column 3 has political gossip under title of "Washington Facts and Speculations." Weekly proceedings of State Legislature, column 4; Congress, column 5. |
The Abolitionists and the NY Herald
(Column 2)Summary: Criticizes New York Herald for collaborating with abolitionists.
Origin of Article: Mobile RegisterEditorial Comment: Editorial picks up on Mobile Register criticism of New York Herald for secretly collaborating in authorship of Hinton Helper's "Impending Crisis of the South."South Carolina and the Union
(Column 2)Summary: Praises some South Carolina legislators, such as Wade Hampton and B.F. Perry, for their pro-Union speeches and expresses gratitude to South Carolina for not rushing to disunion.Mr. Stuart's Speech
(Column 2)Summary: Criticizes the "Vindicator" for misinterpreting the comments of Senator Stuart. The Spectator argues that Stuart praised the local militia for the speed and selflessness with which it rushed to Charlestown, rather than criticized it as the Vindicator claimed.Death of Macaulay
(Names in announcement: Alexander Stuart)
(Column 2)Summary: Article from London Globe about the death of British author Thomas Salington Macaulay.
Origin of Article: London GlobeCivil, Not Sectional War
(Column 5)Summary: Article summarizing the position of a Rev. Dr. Lord, who argues that the slavery debate will produce a civil war in the North among Northerners rather than an intersectional war. Cites divisions among Northerners on the slavery issue, such as the battles between the New York Herald and the New York Tribune.Trial of Conspirators
(Column 5)Summary: The Virginia State Legislature authorizes a special term for the Circuit Court of Jefferson County in order to try Stephens and Hazlet, two of John Brown's henchmen.Letter of Dr. Breckenridge
(Column 6)Summary: Summarizes letter of Rev. Robert J. Breckenridge to his nephew, Vice President John C. Breckenridge, in which he rejects the right to secession and any contribution of the South to the instability of the Union. He calls on the border states to rally to the Union.
Origin of Article: Baltimore AmericanFull Text of Article:We have read with deep interest a letter published in the Louisville Journal, by Rev. Robert J. Breckenridge, addressed to his nephew, Vice President Breckenridge. It is one of the most remarkable letters that the present excitement has drawn out. His free criticism of the bad blunder made by the South in the repeal of the Missouri Compromise would hardly be tolerated in anyone else than a clergyman. So too his bold avowal that secession is a revolutionary right--that the election of no man according to the forms of the Constitution would justify any attempt to interfere with the stability of the Union. So too his comment on parties--the absurdity of the South claiming that slavery is carried into the Territories by the Constitution are vividly presented. He maintains that the parties really having cause to complain are the citizens of Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky and Missouri, that the cotton States have no excuse for their disunion threats. He appeals to Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, to rally to the Union, that these central States, on either side of the supposed line of separation cannot and will not tolerate a dissolution of the Union. Balt. Amer.
Trailer: Baltimore AmericanGiddings and Others Summoned
(Column 6)Summary: The Plain Dealer reports that Joshua Giddings, Ralph Plumb and John Brown, Jr., have been subpoenaed to appear before the Harper's Ferry Investigating Committee to tell what they know about the "Sons of Liberty" and any other organization connected with John Brown's activities in Kansas. The Sons of Liberty at West Andover and Oberlin, Ohio, have both refused to obey any summons.
Origin of Article: Cleveland Plain Dealer[No Title]
(Column 6)Summary: The Post denies the statement of the New York Herald that Southern travel to New York hotels has dropped off as a result of the slavery agitation.
Origin of Article: New York Evening PostMarried
(Column 6)Summary: Married on January 5th. All are from Rockbridge.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. J.M. Schreckhise, William Thomas Chittum, Mary Ludwick)
(Column 6)Summary: Married on January 12.Died
(Names in announcement: John Strayer, Sarah Moore, Andrew Moore, Colonel Alexander Givens)
(Column 6)Summary: Julia Shry died January 5, age 1 year.
(Names in announcement: Julia Elizabeth Shry, William Shry, Annie Shry)
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Description of Page: Political announcements of people running for county offices printed in column 2, as usual. Ordinance concerning damage to lampposts and other public property printed in column 1. |
The Coming Horror
(Column 1)Summary: Editorial quoted from the Cincinnati Enquirer regarding the possibility of Ohio and other states following the lead of Arkansas in excluding free blacks from their territories to avoid being "overrun by this swarm of the destitute and improvident."
Origin of Article: Cincinnati Enquirer
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