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Staunton Spectator: April 10, 1860

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-Page 01-

Judicial Election (Communicated)
(Column 3-7)
Summary: Spectator has now taken to creating a separate section for lengthy expositions of writers on the election for Circuit Court Judge. This installment has letters full of personal invective and political opinions from "Z," "Junius," "A Countryman," and others. Letters generally are at least one column in length.

-Page 02-

Description of Page: Weekly proceedings of State Legislature, column 3; of Congress, column 5.

[No Title]
(Column 1)
Summary: Letter on the judicial election continued from previous page.
Trailer: A Farmer
The Presidential Election
(Column 1)
Summary: Spectator makes predictions about the upcoming presidential election and believes that given the calculus between the two major parties, the Constitutional Union party could draw some states away from the Republicans and ultimately throw the election into the House of Representatives, thus precluding a Republican victory.
Full Text of Article:

As the times approach for holding the National Conventions of the various political parties of the country, the Washington correspondents of the New York press are busily at work figuring out the chances of the different Presidential aspirants, first for a nomination and then for election. These gentlemen are exceedingly well posted, but their calculation do not always prove correct, and we give them for only what they are worth. The Democracy of Virginia having elected a majority of Hunter delegates to the Charleston Convention, the two most prominent candidates before that body will probably be Mr. Hunter and Judge Douglas. In a contest between the Democrats and Republicans, Mr. Hunter would undoubtedly receive the electoral votes of all the slaveholding States, and probably of California also. This would give him 124 votes, whereas 152 are doubtful. The Richmond Enquirer says that the friends of Gov. Wise believe Mr. Humter "to be utterly unavailable, with no strength in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Indiana or Illinois." These States, together with Minnesota and Oregon, casting 65 votes, are classed as "doubtful." They will probably turn the scale in the Presidential election, and leading politicians of both parties, who are not wedded to particular men, will endeavor to nominate the candidate who is most likely to obtain their support.

In regard to Judge Douglas, his friends claim that he will go into the Charleston Convention with 128 votes certain. While he may carry the doubtful Northern States, it is apprehended, on the other hand, that he would lose South Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama and perhaps other Southern States. His opponents, however, estimate his strength at Charleston as only 77 votes. Should Hunter and Douglas both go over board, Gen. Lane, of Oregon, who is already looming up as a formidable candidate, is as likely to carry the day as any one else.

The result of the Connecticut election is regarded as favorable to Mr. Hunter. If the Democrats had carried that State, it would have been taken as an indication in favor of Judge Douglas; but the Republicans having triumphed, it shows how little aid is to be expected from the North, and will discourage the nomination of a candidate from that section. It has also probably improved the prospects of Seward for the Republican nomination, that party being emboldend [sic] by the result to put a man on the track who is fully identified with their principles.

The third party, whose Convention meets at Baltimore on the 9th of May, will have a finger in the pie, and the recent election in Rhode Island is a straw which shows how the wind blows. In Connecticut where the contest was between the Democrats and Republicans, the latter triumphed; in Rhode Island, the Whigs and Americans nominated a conservative candidate for Governor, who was afterwards endorsed by the Democrats, and the Republicans were defeated. This result encourages the hope that the Constitutional Union party, if it accomplishes nothing more in the Presidential contest, may rescue some of the Northern States from the Republicans, possibly throwing the election into the House of Representatives, where, it is admitted, a Republican President cannot be chosen.

Fatal Affair
(Column 1)
Summary: Report of a fatal fire in Rockingham.
Full Exposure
(Column 2)
Summary: Spectator ridicules the effort exerted by correspondents in their letters regarding the Judicial election. It anxiously awaits the day of the election when these battles will end.
A Real Public Good
(Column 2)
Summary: Spectator proposes the establishment of a local Russian bath, believing it would contribute both to public health and to the attraction of Staunton as a tourist location.
Full Text of Article:

It has long been the reproach of the people of the United States that they pay so little attention to Bathing, and much of the ill health of our people, male and female, may fairly be attributed to the want of convenient and healthful baths.

It is proposed, we understand, to supply this great want in our community by establishing at once a complete bathing establishment, furnished with warm and cold, plunge and shower baths, upon the most approved plans for the accommodation of all who have enough of the old fogy about them to resort to water bathing when they have the opportunity to indulge in the great luxury of a Russian steam bath.

This Russian bath is to be the great attraction of the establishment, and if the half be true that we have heard of its pleasures and its benefits, it promises to be one of the greatest comforts and blessings ever bestowed upon our community.

We understand that the Baths are to be located and constructed with express reference to the comfort of ladies and families, the object being to merit and to secure the patronage of our entire community, and to induce strangers to make our town a place of summer resort.

The Russian bath is no new experiment even in this country. There is one now in successful operation at the University of Virginia, where it is taken by Professors and Students, as a luxury, in winter and in summer, and is highly commended by the Medical Faculty on the score of health.

Corporation Election
(Column 2)
Summary: Town officers elected.
(Names in announcement: N.K. Trout, R.W. Stevenson, M.G. Harman, E.M. Taylor, S.F. Taylor, James Skinner, H.M. Bell, George Baylor, B. Crawford, B.F. Points, W.G. Sterrett, J.D. Imboden, G.E. Price, W.B. Kayser, R.H. Fisher, A.M. Taylor, Judson McCoy, J.B. Evans)
Extraordinary Conduct of Slaves
(Column 3)
Summary: Story about a group of fifty slaves who came to New Orleans from a town fifty miles away to consult a lawyer as to who their master was, since their master had died five years before and they had recently been placed under a cruel overseer.
Origin of Article: New Orleans Crescent
[No Title]
(Column 3)
Summary: Officers elected for the Boot and Shoe Leather Manufacturing Company.
(Names in announcement: Esq. H.W. Shelley, M.G. Harman, Benjamin Crawford, R.G. Bickle, J.D. Imboden, W.J.D. Bell)
[No Title]
(Column 3)
Summary: Appointments of Postmistresses
(Names in announcement: Mrs. E. Blakemore, Catherine Mooman, Mr. Hammon)
For the Spectator
(Column 4)
Summary: Author recounts the tragic death of a man at the hands of a group of rioters at a wedding party in Rockingham County.
Trailer: A Citizen
To Newhope District
(Column 4)
Summary: Author calls again for honesty and forthrightness from candidates for Sheriff.
Trailer: Rotation
For the Spectator
(Column 4)
Summary: Report of a meeting in Deerfield at which candidates for various county offices were recommended.
Trailer: T.E. Montgomery
For the Spectator
(Column 4)
Summary: Author writes that Larew had not promised deputyships to Beard and Aude, but had only suggested that they might serve under him should he win the election.
(Names in announcement: J.J. Larew, Beard, Thomas Aude)
Trailer: A Voter
(Column 4)
Summary: Author suggests that William Kayser should be elected Commissioner of the Revenue for Staunton.
(Names in announcement: William Kayser)
Trailer: One of the People
Arrest of Sanborn
(Column 5)
Summary: Report of the arrest and subsequent release of Frederick Sanborn, an abolitionist called to testify before the Congressional committee investigating Harper's Ferry.
The Colored Race of the United States
(Column 5)
Summary: Statistical analysis of black vs. white American population, surmising that the white population will continue to outstrip blacks.

-Page 03-

Description of Page: Mostly advertisements; bottom right is illegible.

Requisition Granted
(Column 1)
Summary: Governor Kirkwood has issued a warrant for the arrest of Barclay Coppic, brother of one of John Brown's men.
Origin of Article: Timon (Iowa) Advertiser

-Page 04-

Description of Page: Advertisements