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Staunton Spectator: March 4, 1862

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-Page 01-

Description of Page: Confederate congressional records, column 4; President Davis' Speech, column 5; list of letters remaining at post office; Governor's proclamation regarding military service, column 7; local ads and notices, columns 6-7

Now is the Time to Volunteer
(Column 1)
Summary: Encourages those of fighting age to volunteer and be privy to the benefits of volunteers rather than waiting to be drafted.
Mounted Riflemen
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports that Capt. Lilley of the Augusta Lee Rifles is raising a company of mounted riflemen.
(Names in announcement: Capt. R.D. Lilley)
[No Title]
(Column 1)
Summary: Reports that Bolivar Christian voted against the anti-distillation bill, not because he opposed the object of the bill, but because he thought that it was unconstitutional and unjust.
(Names in announcement: Bolivar Christian)
The Reverses of the Revolutionary War
(Column 2)
Summary: Article equates the recent Confederate losses to the setbacks of the Continental Army in the Revolution, which were eventually overcome.
Origin of Article: Richmond Whig
[No Title]
(Column 3)
Summary: Reports that Gen. Joseph Johnston has published an order in relation to troop conduct in battle. Every Captain is ordered to take the roll of all his men before and after battle. Any soldier who is missing after the battle but is not dead, wounded or absent with leave will be court-martialed for cowardice.
Martial Law
(Column 3)
Summary: President Davis has declared martial law in Richmond and liquor distilleries have been closed.
Appointment of Commissioners and Officers of Election
(Column 6)
Summary: List of Augusta County election officers. Court House: Guy, Robert; Burke, William A.; Michie, Thomas J.; Baylor, Jacob; Crawford, Benjamin; Baldwin, John M.Dr.; Peck, Henry H.; District No. 2: Kinney, William; Baldwin, John M.; Opie, H.L.; Points, B.F.; Garber, Albert; Stevenson, R.W.; Craigsville: Kunkle, David; Craig, Robert; Shaw, Lorenzo; Woodward, Luke; Berry, James; Boswell, Lewis R.; Middlebrook: Hogshead, Elijah; Hailman, B.F.; Kerr, Samuel X.; Berry, James R.; Thompson, William; Bell, William; Greenville: Newton, John; Brownlee, J.; Smith, William F.; Merritt, John; Abney, Wm.; Towberman, John; Stuart's Draft: Wilson, J.P.; Guthrie, Hugh G.; Johnston, Thomas; Brooks, John; Long, Joseph; Waynesboro: Massie, Nathaniel; King, William W.; Smith, John; Taylor, John; Hanger, J.D.; Koiner, Jacob; Fishersville: McCue, Franklin; Brown, John; Coiner, Michael A.; Caldwell, William; Hamilton, John; Schmucker, P.; New Hope: Stout, James K.; Finley, Samuel B.; Koiner, Samuel Jr.; Kern, C.N.; Robertson, George C.; Myers, John C.; Mt. Meridian: Wheeler, P.H.; Crawford, Thomas P.; Walker, Dr.; Mohler, Abraham; Crawford, James C.; Craig, Benjamin; Mt. Sidney: Ross, Andrew H.; Hyde, Addison; Burke, Thomas; Wilson, Thomas P.; Crawford, William P.; Hyde, Charles K.; Spring Hill: Crist, Jacob; Gamble, William H.; Shreckhise, Jacob; Gamble, R. Dr.; Howell, William; Poe, U.D.; Mt. Solon: Fulton, John G.; Van Lear, D.N.; Clark, James T.; Rivercomb, John C.; Forrey, Daniel; Eubank, Robert P.; Churchville: Geeding, Ephraim; Seig, Henry H.; Sellers, Jerome H.R.; Dunlap, Bailey; Sterret, Henry; Lightner, Alex B.; Swoope's Depot: Bell, Samuel H.; Wilson, George A.; Shuey, George; Hoover, George F.; Swoope Sr., Washington; Swoope, Bolen; Midway: Rush, William T.; Steele, P.G.; Hopkins, W.J.; Moore, Archer M.; Henry, James; Henry, Horace A.; Hite, Frank; Echard, John C.; McChesney, John Dr.; Martin, James J.; Newport: Hite, W.S.; Echord, John C.; Deerfield: Guy, William; Beck, Jacob; Hodge, Renix; McCutchen, William Dr.; Montgomery, William W.; Montgomery, Edward; Sherando: Bridge, William G.; Stuart, Gerard B.; Lewis, B.F.; Shaw, Daniel J.; Hunter, Samuel A.; Moffett, M.M.; Parnassus: Kinney, Chesley; Crawford, Edgar; Hogshead, Thomas; Byers, James; Whitmore, Martin; Hogshead, John.
(Names in announcement: Robert Guy, William A. Burke, Thomas J. Michie, Jacob Baylor, Benjamin Crawford, Dr. John M. Baldwin, Henry H. Peck, William Kinney, John M. Baldwin, H.L. Opie, B.F. Points, Albert Garber, R.W. Stevenson, David Kunkle, Robert Craig, Lorenzo Shaw, Luke Woodward, James Berry, Lewis R. Boswell, Elijah Hogshead, B.F. Hailman, Samuel X. Kerr, James R. Berry, William Thompson, William Bell, John Newton, J. Brownlee, William F. Smith, John Merritt, Wm. Abney, John Towberman, J.P. Wilson, Hugh G. Guthrie, Thomas Johnston, John Brooks, Joseph Long, Nathaniel Massie, William W. King, John Smith, John Taylor, J.D. Hanger, Jacob Koiner, Franklin McCue, John Brown, Michael A. Coiner, William Caldwell, John Hamilton, P. Schmucker, James K. Stout, Samuel B. Finley, Samuel KoinerJr., C.N. Kern, George C. Robertson, John C. Myers, P.H. Wheeler, Thomas P. Crawford, Dr. Walker, Abraham Mohler, James C. Crawford, Benjamin Craig, Andrew H. Ross, Addison Hyde, Thomas Burke, Thomas P. Wilson, William P. Crawford, Charles K. Hyde, Jacob Crist, William H. Gamble, Jacob Shreckhise, Dr. R. Gamble, William Howell, U.D. Poe, John G. Fulton, D.N. Van Lear, James T. Clark, John C. Rivercomb, Daniel Forrey, Robert P. Eubank, Ephraim Geeding, Henry H. Seig, Jerome H.R. Sellers, Bailey Dunlap, Henry Sterret, Alex B. Lightner, Samuel H. Bell, George A. Wilson, George Shuey, George F. Hoover, Sr. Washington Swoope, Bolen Swoope, William T. Rush, P.G. Steele, W.J. Hopkins, Archer M. Moore, James Henry, Horace A. Henry, Frank Hite, John C. Echard, Dr. John McChesney, James J. Martin, W.S. Hite, John C. Echord, William Guy, Jacob Beck, Renix Hodge, Dr. William McCutchen, William W. Montgomery, Edward Montgomery, William G. Bridge, Gerard B. Stuart, B.F. Lewis, Daniel J. Shaw, Samuel A. Hunter, M.M. Moffett, Chesley Kinney, Edgar Crawford, Thomas Hogshead, James Byers, Martin Whitmore, John Hogshead)

-Page 02-

Description of Page: Governor's Proclamation regarding the draft, column 2; advertisements and previously tagged legal notices, columns 3-7

(Column 1)
Summary: Married on February 24.
(Names in announcement: Rev. Joseph R. Wheeler, John Sheets, Mary D. Snyder)
(Column 1)
Summary: Mary Louisa died on February 22 at age 4.
(Names in announcement: Mary Louisa Stubbs, R.P. Stubbs, Ann Stubbs)
(Column 1)
Summary: John Tupping died of diphtheria at age 4.
(Names in announcement: John Tupping, Joseph Tupping)
(Column 1)
Summary: Died on February 27 near Fairfield.
(Names in announcement: Henry McCormick)
(Column 1)
Summary: Died on January 14.
(Names in announcement: John W. Guthrie)