Staunton Spectator: June 2, 1863Go To Page : 1 | 2 | |
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Description of Page: Col. 1 - 4 ads. Col. 5 poetry. Col. 7 illegible |
The Farmer's Tax or a Tax in Kind
(Column 5)Summary: Article is supportive of the new tax on certain categories of produce.General Jackson on the Sabbath
(Column 6)Summary: Transcript of a letter from Gen. Jackson opposing the delivery of the mail on Sundays.National Economy.
(Column 6)Summary: Article chides southerners for failing to sacrifice in this time of war. It suggests they should rely less on meat and bread as their primary food sources.
Origin of Article: SentinelFull Text of Article:[No Title]It is well remarked by Adam Smith, that too great economy of living on the part of the mass of a people is a great evil, and often induces famine; for it leaves no room for retrenchment in case of scarcity, by failure of crops or other causes. Thus, if the potato crop fails in Ireland, or the rice crop in India, the people have no means of subsistence; for no food is cheaper than these products, and the people cannot retrench expenses and purchase other food. But a people accustomed to live on corn, meat, vegetables and various other products, may, if one crop fails, live by economizing on others, or sell a portion of their crops and buy a cheaper food.
We of the South have ever been the most wasteful livers in the world. Our tables groan under meats; and foreigners deride us for our wasteful use of provisions of all kinds. We habitually consume three times as much as is conducive to health. Now, this leaves us room for retrenchment of expenses. What we throw away on our tables, give to our dogs, and riding and other pleasure horses, is enough, of itself, to support our whole population. We are never in danger of famine, or of scarcity, if we will but retrench expenses and live occasionally as other nations live constantly. Nine-tenths of civilized mankind do not eat meat habitually, and do not esteem it a necessary of life. More than half of civilized mankind do not even use bread as an every day article of living. They live chiefly on fruits and vegetables. We expect no such necessity here, but it is pleasant to remember what a large margin we have for reduction of expenses, and to recollect, in time of war, that we might live on much less than we do, and yet be happy and healthful.--Sentinel.
(Column 6)Summary: Article notes that troops under the command of Brig. Gen. Jones have targeted civilains in northwest Virginia whom he accused of collaborating with occupying Union troops.
Origin of Article: SentinelFull Text of Article:We hear very grave complaints of the course pursued by the command of Brig. Gen. Jones, on his trip through Northwest Virginia. Citizens who for their loyalty have been suffering the persecutions of the Pierpont usurpation, were surprised to find the band of the Confederate General come down so heavily upon them. Friends of the cause apprehend that serious injury has resulted in consequence. Without going into particulars, we consider the matter worthy of being closely inquired into.--Sentinel
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Another "Youthful Indiscretion."
(Column 1)Summary: Article discusses the controversy surrounding a disputed silver set.
Full Text of Article:State Elections.In our "Card," in the last Spectator, we quoted and copied all that had been said, in either the Vindicator or the Spectator in relation to the "beautiful silver set, which was captured and sent as a present to Mrs. Col. A. W. Harman," and we also stated distinctly that "no further notice had been taken of the subject in either the Vindicator or the Spectator." It would seem to be impossible, then, that we could have done any injustice to the Editor of the Vindicator. He complains, however, of the following passage in our card:
"3. It remains to be seen whether Colonel Harman will succeed by the strong hand in preventing all inquiry into a transaction which, as stated by his own friend and relative, places him in an attitude of having first violated all the usages of civilized warfare by the plunder of private property, and then having, in violation of his duty to his own Government, appropriated the plunder to his private use."
It will be observed that the only knowledge the public has of the "beautiful silver set" is derived from the Vindicator, whose editor is a friend and relative of Colonel A. W. Harman. It was, therefore, proper, in speaking of the matter, to refer to it "as stated by his own friend and relative." The Vindicator had stated--
1st. That a beautiful silver set had been captured; and,
2d. That it had been sent as a present to Mrs. Col. A. W. Harman.
Now, it will hardly be denied that, as a general rule, it is a violation of the usages of civilized warfare to seize the silver plate belonging to private persons; nor, will it be pretended that it is not the duty of officers and soldiers to deliver to the Government all property captured by them. The violation of these established rules of warfare by the Yankee invaders of our country has been justly held up by us to the execration of mankind.
The Vindicator did not inform the public by whom this capture was made, or who it was that sent the present. The offence was described, but the name of the offender was not given. When, however, Colonel A. W. Harman undertook to resent our reference to the affair as an allusion to him as a "party fling" at him, and as a criticism upon him as a military officer, the offender, who had engaged in a transaction which, as represented by his own friend and relative, placed him in the attitude described by us, stood distinctly forth, self-betrayed and self-convicted by his own conduct. If this affair admit of any explanation consistent with propriety, none has yet been given; and we predict that it will not answer to throw the blame of it upon some poor devil of a "private soldier." We have already heard a hint that the silver so much admired by the editor of the Vindicator has turned out to be mere pewter!--May we venture to inquire whether such is the fact? As the editor of the Vindicator seems to be so exceedingly anxious that his position in reference to this affair of the "beautiful silver set," which he first published to the world, should not be misunderstood, or misinterpreted, or misrepresented, we suggest that it would be well if he would distinctly define his position in reference thereto, and let the public know whether he approves or disapproves the transaction which he had the distinguished honor first to bring to the light.
(Column 2)Summary: Article contains the latest results from the elections.
Full Text of Article:Rockingham and Augusta.The returns thus far received leave the result for Governor and Lieutenant Governor still in doubt; but the indications are that Smith is Governor and Price Lieut-Governor.
It seems that the following members of the old delegation are re-elected:--Bocock, Johnston, Dejarnette, Goode, Baldwin and Collier.
The following are probably defeated: Garnett, Lyons, Boteler.
The following not candidates:--Chambliss, Smith, Holcombe.
The following still in doubt: Russell, Miller, Preston, Staples.
In this District Baldwin's majority over Letcher will be between 1000 and 1200.
For Governor, Flournoy, 1083; Smith, 357; Munford, 107.
Lt. Gov., Price 756; Imboden, 599.
Attorney General, Tucker, 1313.
Congress, Baldwin, 1352; Letcher, 162.
Legislature, Walker, 898; McCue, 869; Sheffey, 802; Koiner, 625; Peyton, 336; Harman, 332. One precinct, Sherando, not heard from.
Smith, 228; Flournoy, 32; Munford, 4; Imboden, 278; Price, 43; Baldwin, 157; Letcher, 104; Sheffey, 152; Harman, 139; Walker, 117; Koiner, 47; McCue 42, Peyton, 13.
Smith 146; Flournoy, 158; Imboden, 238; Letcher, 122; Baldwin, 120; Harman, 164; Sheffey, 155; Koiner, 123; Walker, 99; McCue, 69; Peyton, 20.
Munford, 559, Smith, 481; Flournoy, 246; Letcher, 526, Baldwin; 676; Price, 516, Imboden, 447.
(Column 2)Summary: Article comments favorably on warming relations between Rockingham and Augusta counties, including a growing political concensus.
Full Text of Article:A Word in Season.For the first time in memory of the oldest inhabitant these two counties have voted together in a political election. As a native of Rockingham living in Augusta, we record the fact with sincere pleasure. The social and business intercourse between the two counties has been steadily increasing for many years and we know of no two communities in which there is a more general agreement among the people upon all matters unconnected with old party politics. The overthrow of the old government was a severe blow to the people of both counties, who agreed in a feeling of strong attachment to the Union. The call to arms in defense of the rights of Virginia was responded to in both with a zeal and alacrity which attracted the admiration of the whole State. The firmness and patience with which the calamities of the war have been borne and the cause of the country upheld by both counties will constitute a record of enduring honor to both.
The representative honored by the first concurrent voice of these two counties holds a proud position--but he should remember that it is one which has its responsibilities. He will be looked to by the people of both counties to carry into his representative duties the same forgetfulness of party and the same love of country which has been exhibited by his constituents; and from him, as a public servant to whom much of public confidence has been given, much of earnest fidelity and devotion to duty will be expected.
(Column 2)Summary: Article states that women should control their fashion impulses during this time of sacrifice and buy only essential goods that can be made in the South.
Editorial Comment: "The Richmond Dispatch, at the close of an article on the only means of achieving our independence, makes the following seasonable remarks:"
Full Text of Article:Northern Peace Party.In some localities and some circles there is still a great hankering after the fashion and show of the past. Fabulous prices are still paid for bonnets, when a little practice will enable any young lady to plait a bonnet in which she might appear as proud as a queen, and more lovely than she ever did before. It is a time when plainness should be regarded a great virtue. Every dollar sent abroad for unnecessary things is so much taken from the ability to achieve the independence of the country in the pending struggle, which involves the happiness and very existence of the nation.--Fashionable committees--which are fortunately only local--should elevate themselves in all respects to the height of the crisis, and by their example inculcate the policy which is enjoined by every consideration of public duty and patriotism--the policy to buy nothing that is unnecessary, and nothing we can make ourselves. This is Independence.
(Column 3)Summary: Article reports on the emergence of a new political party in the North, devoted to ending the war.
Full Text of Article:[No Title]The advocates of peace in New York seem to be making inglorious efforts at this time to bring the war to a close. A correspondent of the New York Express advocates the organization of a peace party, separate and distinct from the other two parties. He says that a majority of the whole people are in favor of peace, for one reason and another, but each of the present parties is afraid to say so, because of the political advantage the other might derive from the avowal. The time has come, he says, when peace men must organize and abandon old party associations.--"The exigencies of the case, the impending dangers, the wrong policy, if not the cowardice and dishonesty of parties and party leaders, and the insecurity of having war on the tongue when peace is in the heart, all combine to call the opponents of this cruel and destructive conflict to open, bold and concerted action."
The New York News, published by Ben Wood, a brother of the Ex-Mayor and a member of the Washington Congress, which was suppressed by Lincoln a year ago but recently started again, is out and out for peace. In a later issue it says:
The call which has been issued for a Mass State Convention for Peace, to be held in this city on the 3d of June, proves that the prevailing sober second thought of the people has at length become grounded in the conviction that every effort to sustain the Union by force of arms must prove a failure, and that the time has come to substitute conciliation and concession for the unavailing ruinous employment of mere brute force. In spite of every effort that is made to keep up the war excitement, facts speak too clearly for themselves to render delusion any longer possible, and the history of two years of unparalleled slaughter and disaster, during which period the South has been growing every day stronger and more united, while the North has experienced the naturally calamitous results of having attempted a war of subjugation, have abundantly demonstrated that results which have not been attained hitherto, can still less be accomplished hereafter with the means that have been employed.
Had the Northern States been mindful of the unchanging teaching of history, the ruinous war which has desolated the country for over two years, cost over a half a million of lives, the expenditure of thousands of millions of treasure, and misery which the Almighty mind alone can appreciate, would never have taken place.
(Column 5)Summary: Having failed to subdue the South as they promised, contends the article, northern military leaders have resorted to terrorism to fight the war. The piece points to increasingly hostile relations between Union troops and non-combatants in areas under occupation.
Full Text of Article:Steadily and noiselessly but rapidly, the war is assuming that final phase which indicates that the passions of our foe have triumphed over the conventional humanities of civilized war, and that henceforth, the ferocity of the savage is to minister to the aims ofa [sic] tyrant.
Our enemies have successfully relied on various agencies for accomplishing our subjugation each one of which has failed. The "Union sentiment" of the South was every where to rise up on the march of their armed men. The rebels were to be swiftly intimidated into submission by the display of force. They were to be speedily crushed out under the heel of grand armies. But all these have failed. They have found the Confederates true and brave and powerful. They next attempted to excite servile insurrection, and to make the poor negro do for them what they had not the courage or the power to do for themselves. This, too, has failed. They have now as their last resort entered upon a course of cruelty and a policy of desolation which throw down the barriers of civilized hostilities. We have met them as enemies of our country--we have henceforth to meet them as enemies of mankind.
Read the innumerable accounts of non-combatants, old men, and women, and little children, driven from their homes without a reason in the world, and threatened with instant death if they dare to return. Read the countless "Army Orders" of Banks and Barnside and Rosecranz and Hunter, not to speak of such as Milroy and McNeil, in which exile and confiscation are denounced as the punishment of honor, and the death penalty is hung up in constant terror. And follow the march of the enemy's armies: Private property burnt, the implements of husbandry sought out and destroyed, the food of the people seized to the last meal, and the purpose OPENLY PROCLAIMED to prevent the cultivation of the soil or the harvesting of crops, as the means of "starving" us into subjection.
When the Russians desolated their own country before the march of Napoleon, as a means of staying his advance, it was regarded as a savage expedient of a rude and unpolished people, and as of very doubtful lawfulness. But no one pretends that an INVADING army has a right to blot out the face of nature, and reduce a country to desolation. This, however, the Yankees are attempting to do. In addition to these things, they are assuming to visit death penalties, on allegations of pretended treason, against citizens and soldiers employed in our service. They are still attempting to turn from their allegiance and their duty the poor, simple-minded race, whom Yankee cupidity was permitted, under the Providence of God, to introduce among us. To do this, they are employing expedients which mark them not as soldiers, but as brutal incendiaries--utterly indifferent of the fate of the negro, and anxious only to effect our ruin by whatever means.
On all these questions we are now face to face, with our enemies. Any day's battle, or any day's skirmish, may precipitate upon us the issue which in any case is near at hand, relative to the enemy's negro regiments and their Yankee associates. The cries of our outraged citizens, our aged men, our little children, our ladies, are heard in all our borders. Burning homesteads[,] a ruined husbandry, a desolated land, and the infernal cry of "STARVATION to the rebels!" tell us that we are now standing for our lives, against demons incarnate. Captive officers stripped of their garments in the streets, old men trotted like oxen through the mud, and the agonies and horrors of Yankee prison-houses, add their colors to the picture.
Let us leave it to our Government to guide our measures amid the grave scenes which are upon us, and which we may not evade if we would. Let us be vigorous, but let us also be careful to be RIGHT. We must not yield ourselves to mere passion. We must not throw away the guidance of reason at the very time that we need all the lights of wisdom and experience. Let us do right for its own sake. We owe the world small homage for favors or for its good opinion. We appeal to history and to GOD.--Sentinel.