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Staunton Spectator: June 16, 1863

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[No Title]
(Column 5)
Summary: A runaway slave notice.
(Names in announcement: Isaac , J. E. Carson, John A. Patterson)
Full Text of Article:

Ranaway [sic], from thesubscriber [sic], about the 10th of April last, my boy ISAAC. He was purchased at J. E. Carson's sale. He is about 5 feet, 5 inches high, bright copper colored mulatto; he is of moderate stature. I am informed he is lurking about Maj. Templeton's, near Greenville.
June 9--8t

The Dying Soldier
(Column 6)
Summary: A sentimental poem about the sacrifice of mothers in war.
Forebearance Still A Virtue
(Column 7)
Summary: The newspaper cautions against raising the black flag in retaliation for the atrocities of the U.S. forces.
Full Text of Article:

The cruelty, faithlessness and mendacity of the Abolition armies ravaging our country have been so conspicuous that it is but natural that an intense spirit of resentment should have seized upon our people. Hence we find many who are eager to raise the black flag, and show no quarter to the vandals who are spreading desolation and woe wherever they penetrate our borders. That they deserve such a doom, in the eye of heaven and of enlightened civilization, there is no question; but there are considerations of policy which should be taken into account, and which should oftimes [sic] control our actions against the dictates of passion or even of abstract principles of justice. The black flag is the insignia of a desperate thirst for revenge which we have every reason to feel, but whose vindication is a divine prerogative. "Vengeance is mine--I will repay, saith the Lord."

But aside from these high moral considerations there is abundant argument against raising the black flag, to be found in mere considerations of policy.

The enemy occupies our soil. He has driven from their homes thousands of our people, whose household altars he now desecrates, and thousands more within his lines are subject to the exercise of his powers of control. If we raise the black flag we know enough of the perfidy of the enemy to be assured that the innocent will alone for the revenge we wreak upon the guilty heads of the invader. Innocence and virtue--so lightly regarded now, and so insecure within the reach of the tainted breath of the lustful and malignant foe--would then be their readiest objects of revenge, and to the cry of desolation which now goes up from our blackened plains will be added the shrieks of outraged virtue, and the wild wall of the helpless and broken hearted.

If we raise the black flag, we can only wreak the vengeance, of which it is the symbol, upon such of the desperate and heartless arms bearing aggressors as may fall into our power through the prowess of our arms, while the enemy may exercise it upon the whole population of the districts which he occupies. Decrepit age, female purity, and helpless infancy--would all be subject to his unbridled powers of outrage and torture. Therefore in raising the black flag, we not only expose ourselves to the exercise of the same desperate and unchristian retaliation, but we subject to its untold horrors thousands of non-combatants, who, infamously as they are wronged, are comparatively secure against the unbridled lust and rapacity of an avowed war of extermination.

Let us temper our thirst for vengeance with discretion, which is the better part of diplomacy as well as valor; and if we fail to secure the practical recognition of a system of civilized warfare, we may maintain for our struggling nation a character for manliness and forbearance which will shine in the records of chivalry, and be an enduring source of pride and honor to our children.

-Page 02-

Description of Page: One other obituary is illegible.

Brandy Station, Vicksburg, Port Hudson, Fredericksburg and Winchester
(Column 1)
Summary: Supplies information on a number of battles and skirmishes between the Confederate and Union armies.
Home Defense
(Column 1)
Summary: Calls for the mobilization of a home defense.
Full Text of Article:

The conviction seems to be universal that our people must adopt without delay some practical organization for Home Defence [sic]. The Yankees have adopted as a part of their settled policy a system of cavalry raids for the mere purpose of plunder and devastation.--They hope in this way to further their benevolent purpose of starving us into submission, and they may therefore be expected to make these inroads into the principal agricultural districts.

The President has urged upon the States and the people the importance of an organized Home Guard. The Governor is calling out the militia, and the various counties are adopting plans of voluntary association--all having the same object in view.

We are glad to see this general movement in progress, and we hope that out of it all will grow some well digested plan by which our people can be enabled to present an organized opposition to these predatory bands who threaten so much mischief.

For our defence against invasion by large armies we must of course depend upon our great Captain--but against these wandering, plundering, murdering bands of scoundrels we must prepare to defend ourselves.

We hope our magistrates and our people will not fail to attend the meeting at the June court on Monday next.

Public Meeting
(Column 1)
Summary: Announcement of a public meeting for the purpose of establishing a Home Defense.
Full Text of Article:

A meeting of the magistrates and people of Augusta county will be held on Monday next--Court day--for the purpose of adopting some plan of Home Defence. Similar movements are in progress in other counties and our people are called upon to co-operate.

There is no doubt or hesitation among the people of Augusta county as to the duty and the policy of fighting for their homes--all they want is a plan by which they can do the work to advantage. The object of this meeting is to devise some such plan. We hope there will be a full attendance.

The Cry is "Still They Come"
(Column 2)
Summary: Lauds the receipt of eight new subscriptions by former members of the Democratic party, submitted in a republican spirit of patriotism above party.
Full Text of Article:

As we have previously mentioned on several occasions during the last three or four months the subscription list of the Spectator continues to increase, and recently the rate of increase has greatly augmented. Though we make but little, if anything, on the subscriptions, owing to the greatly increased cost of publication, yet, it [illegible] gratifying to us is the fact that a large proportion of those who have recently subscribed formerly belonged to what has been called the Democratic party. This is gratifying because it shows that we are right in the position we maintain that the great mass of that party are freemen, who are willing to sacrifice party spirit [illegible] the altar of patriotism; and because it shows, furthermore, that we have not been altogether unsuccessful in our purpose to conduct the Spectator in a spirit high above mere party considerations. Since the tocsin of war was sounded, we have known but two parties, the friend and enemies of the South--we have not recognized the old party distinctions of Whig and Democrat.

The following is an extract from a letter under date of June the 10th, sent from the adjoining county of Rockbridge.

"We do not how to express our appreciation of your late course as a public journalist better than by sending you a batch of Democratic subscribers to the Spectator. Enclosed find $24.-- Send the Spectator to the following persons for one year." Then follow the names. We do not often speak of new subscribers, though there is scarcely a day but some are added to the list, but we thought our readers would pardon us for noticing the reception of eight Democratic subscribers in one letter.

As these are Rockbridge Democrats, fellow-countymen of Gov. Letcher, we think it probable that they have adopted this mode of manifesting their heartfelt gratitude to us for securing to Gov. Letcher the 162 votes which he received in this county. Whether it was for the service we rendered his Excellency, or for the service we have rendered any other Democratic office-holder, military or civil, in our "late course as a public journalist," we fully reciprocate their kindness, and approve their 'late course' as heartily as they do ours, and would, most respectfully commend their good example to others. These eight Democrats have "acted their part well," and we would enjoin others to "go and do likewise."

The Good Old Way
(Column 2)
Summary: The Spectator harkens back to the Revolution, when the people of Augusta defended their homes without need of commandants of posts, provost marshals, or ordnance officers.
The Militia
(Column 2)
Summary: A plea that the proposed militia be established in a uniform manner.
Full Text of Article:

The Governor is putting our militia upon a war footing for Home Defence, and he gives notice of a draft for 8,000 about the 1st of August. The object in view is certainly a proper one, but we hope some plan will be agreed upon by the State and the Confederate authorities by which the Home Defence will be conducted under a uniform system and in such a manner as to avoid the confusion and wrong incident to the attempt to work two plans at the same time.--Our people would rather fight upon any plan, than be vexed and harassed by armies of officers attempting to execute laws which they do not understand themselves.

The Movements of Mr. Vallandigham
(Column 2)
Summary: Recounts the movements of Vallandigham. The paper speculates that he is fleeing to Canada, where he will carry out his campaign to become governor of Ohio.
Mosby at Work
(Column 2)
Summary: Describes a skirmish between Mosby and a company of Yankees stationed at Seneca Falls.
Albemarle Meeting
(Column 3)
Summary: Transcript of a series of resolutions voted by the people of Albemarle County in support of the organization of a system of Home Defense.
Vandalism in Jackson, Miss.
(Column 3)
Summary: Account of various outrages alleged to have been carried out by the Union army.
Origin of Article: extract from a letter received in Jackson, Miss.
(Column 3)
Summary: Details the war related events that took place in June1862.
Flexible Conscience
(Column 4)
Summary: Describes the demoralizing effect of economic activities carried out by smugglers and blockade runners with the enemy.
Origin of Article: Augusta Constitutionalist
The Confederate Currency
(Column 4)
Summary: Describes the new economic measures enacted by the Secretary of the Treasury to insure a viable currency.
Full Text of Article:

The Secretary of the Treasury, in fulfillment of the law of Congress on the subject, has given notice to the public to the following effect:

All Treasury notes issued prior to 6th April 1863, are fundable in seven per cent bonds until 1st of August next in[illegible]. After that date all notes bearing date prior to 1st December, 1862, and the 6th of April, 1863, can be funded in seven per cent. bonds any time on or before the 1st of August, 1863, after which time they are fundable only in four per cent. bonds.

Notes bearing date on and after the 6th April, 1863, are fundable in six per cent. bonds if presented within one year from the first day of the month printed across their face; after that year they are fundable only in four per cent. bonds.

Treasury notes issued under the act of 16th May, 1861, and entitled to be funded in eight per cent. bonds payable in ten years, must be presented on or before the 31st day of July, or they will be debarred the privilege of being funded.

Civil Prisoners
(Column 4)
Summary: A discussion of the recent decision by authorities to discontinue the exchange of prisoners unless Washington agrees to two conditions: 1. Restore liberty to all citizens of the Confederacy now under arrest; and 2. Discontinue the practice of apprehending civilians as prisoners of war.
Action of the Banks
(Column 4)
Summary: Applauds the actions by the banks of Lynchburg and Petersburg to accept Confederate currency, whether issued before or after the first of December 1862.
The Cavalry Fight Near Brandy Station
(Column 5)
Summary: Includes letters describing the military engagement at Brandy Station.
Origin of Article: The Richmond Sentinel
Interesting From Europe
(Column 5)
Summary: The paper raises the possibility of recognition of the Confederacy by England and other European powers.
Origin of Article: Northern papers of the 10th
For the Spectator
(Column 5)
Summary: A tribute to the generosity of the people of Augusta County in general and the proprietors of the Virginia Hotel in particular from a refugee.
Full Text of Article:

As a refugee I desire to acknowledge the kindness and liberality manifested by your citizens generally, and the proprietors of the Virginia Hotel particularly towards these whom the sad referees of war have thrown upon their hospitality. To those who have recently left homes of plenty, the Hotel rates must appear extravagant, but a short tour through the South will satisfy all that the rates of the Virginia Hotel are no higher than those of other hotels. In every case, the Messrs. Peytons have deducted largely from the regular charges. In one instance, as much as one-half the usual fare was contributed to the relief of a refugee. They have certainly given not less than eight hundred or a thousand dollars to refugees and poor soldiers, since my arrival in Augusta county. There are other ministering spirits, whom delicacy forbid to mention, whose smiles and words and deeds of charity have embalmed their memories imperishable in the hearts of many a weary wanderer from home. I say this much in gratitude to those whose magnanimity would disdain the offer of any public tribute to their generosity.


Into 'Em Again
(Column 5)
Summary: Describes the capture of a Yankee train by McNeill in Clarke County.
By Telegraph
(Column 6)
Summary: A collection of dispatches concerning the state of actions at a number of engagements.
Origin of Article: Jackson, June 6th (via Mobile 9th)
From Tennessee--Late Northern News
(Column 6)
Summary: Heralds actions by the Peace convention in New York and the House of Representatives that illustrate Northern opposition to Lincoln's handling of the war.
Origin of Article: Shelbyville, Tenn. June 9th; Springfield, Ill., June 3rd
From Vicksburg
(Column 6)
Summary: Alerts the reader to the fact that Vicksburg continues to hold out in the face of a large enemy army. Furthermore, an escaped Confederate officer reports the Yankee army is "much depressed by the knowledge of Johnson massing a heavy force in their rear, and certain death in front. Their officers say certain defeat or annihilation await them."
(Column 6)
Summary: Died on June 10 at age 3 years.
(Names in announcement: Winnie Duvall)