Staunton Spectator: January 12, 1864Go To Page : 1 | 2 | |
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Description of Page: Classified ads, columns 1 and 7 |
Army News
(Column 2)Summary: Reports that a cavalry under the command of General Lee captured a train of Yankee wagons in Hardy County. The cavalry took possession of 125 cattle, 25 wagon-loads of hides, 125 mules, and 200 prisoners.Exemptions and Details
(Column 2)Summary: Calls for a sounder and stricter principle upon which exemptions should be granted.
Full Text of Article:Coersion [sic] of StatesThe Richmond Enquirer says that instead of depleting the industry of the country to strengthen the army, the wiser and only true policy as [sic] the adoption of measures which, by preventing desertions, shall maintain the strength of the army at its highest point, according to its muster rolls. Why put more men in the army when its organization and discipline is so defective that those already in the army are permitted to desert in such numbers as to dangerously diminish its strength? Already, in many parts of the country, the lawless violence of deserters had made p[r]operty insecure, and put life in jeopardy. The House Committee on Military Affairs may succeed in increasing the names upon the muster rolls, and the expenses of the war, and that without materially improving the strength of the army; but it will be at the expense of the Quartermaster, Commissary and Ordnance Departments, injuriously affecting the present productions of the country, and prohibiting the creation of those articles which are consumed, but not produced, in the Confederacy.
Exemptions should depend not upon the favor of officials and the process of details; but upon the necessities of the country, and should be extended by law, not as favors to individuals, but as wise concessions to the industry of the country. A good and sound principle is worth a thousand favors of detail; it is liable to no corruptions, and cannot be bought or bribed. The exempt is then a citizen, but when detailed, he is the subservient creature of a bureau. Industry cannot be supported by details; it is wrong in principle and will be found impracticable. The present exemption law recognizes the necessity of supporting and sustaining industry; it exempts, because certain trades are absolutely necessary. It is upon the only proper and wise principle.
(Column 2)Summary: Prints remarks of John Hamilton from the 1788 New York Convention that condemn the coercion of states by other states.[No Title]
(Column 2)Summary: Asks readers to send socks and flannels to soldiers who need them to survive the cold winter weather.Our True Policy
(Column 3)Summary: Suggests that the South should prepare for a long war.
Full Text of Article:As Was ExpectedAs we stated last week, we believe that our true policy is to prepare for a long war and not to expend all of our resources and men and means in one campaign. The way to make the war short is to prepare to make it long. The Petersburg Express says that the great consideration with us now is, how we can best provide for the maintenance of our army and people through the years of the war that are yet to come. We had as well make up our minds to the certainty that the war will be a long one, and brace up our hearts accordingly. If we will do this and calmly and energetically adopt the proper measures for securing success to our military operations, we will act wisely. We believe that if the Yankees could be thoroughly satisfied that the war would be a very long one--that we have it in our power to extend it, if necessary, through a decade or score of years, they would be willing to make peace upon our own terms. From the very first their cry has been for "a short and sharp" one, and they have endeavored to make it so. Let the prospect, then, be opened before them of an interminable war, except by their own retirement from it. Let them see that we can keep our present forces in the field and clothe them out of our own resources, and they will soon begin to turn their thoughts to peace. One way of thus impressing them is for Congress to shape its legislation earnestly towards encouragement of production amongst us, in all its varieties--food of every kind, clothing, leather, iron, and whatever articles our mechanics can by skill and industry turn out in their shops for agricultural and other uses, domestic as well as public. Hence we see the importance of keeping every man at work who can contribute by his labor to the better cultivation of the self, to the wants of the army and to the material welfare of the country. In short, production, in all its numerous departments should be the main business, and to promote it, Congress and the Government should exert all their efforts.
(Column 3)Summary: Notes that a recent proposal to convert the Confederacy into one great military camp has only encouraged the Yankees to believe the South is desperate.A Fight in Committee
(Column 3)Summary: Describes fist fight between two Confederate Congress members, who disagreed on the evidence presented regarding charges against commissaries and quartermasters.
Trailer: Richmond ExaminerButler's Rule in Eastern North Carolina
(Column 3)Summary: Reports that General Butler has ordered all persons in eastern North Carolina between 18 and 45, white and black, to take an oath of allegiance to the United States.Honors to Gen. John H. Morgan
(Column 4)Summary: Describes reception of General John H. Morgan of Kentucky when he arrived in Richmond last Thursday. Notes that crowds gathered to welcome him.A Business View
(Column 4)Summary: Tells the story of a businessman who refused to act desperate and suggests readers should learn lessons for the Confederacy.
Origin of Article: Richmond WhigFor the Spectator: An Appeal From the Army For Books
(Column 4)Summary: Asks that the ministers of Staunton churches--Rev. Messrs. Baker, Latane, Taylor, Dice, and Miller--encourage their congregations to donate books to the 52nd Virginia Regiment, in order to help the soldiers pass the time during the winter.
(Names in announcement: John McGillChaplain, Rev. Mr. Baker, Rev. Mr. Latane, Rev. Mr. Taylor, Rev. Mr. Dice, Rev. Mr. Miller, Mr. Albert Garber)Full Text of Article:Camp Pegram's Brigade,
52d Va. Regiment, Jan. 6, 1864.Mr. Editor--By the goodness of God, the army of Northern Virginia is permitted another winter to enjoy rest and quiet, though it be in the camp away from their homes. The 52d Regiment is now snugly fixed in winter quarters and has a fair prospect of so remaining for several months. It is not necessary to say that camp life, in winter quarters, with no adequate means of entertainment, is to the last degree dull and tedious, and that the old proverb, "an idle brain is the devil's workshop," has no slight bearing upon our condition. Therefore we call upon our friends, who are enjoying the comforts and privileges of home exempt from the exposures and privations of the soldier's life, to assist us to spend the winter.
We would respectfully request that the ministers of the various churches in Staunton (Rev. Messrs. Baker, Latane, Taylor, Dice and Miller) and the ministers of the different churches thro'out the county, would, from their pulpits notify their several congregations that any donations of Books which they would present to the soldiers of the 52d Regiment, will be received by them, and duly forwarded to the regiment. We believe that this donation will be made, and can be, with no trouble and at trifling expense.
Almost every family has in its library some good book which has been read, and re-read and with them has lost its power to entertain, the loss of such a book would scarcely be felt, but if sent to the soldiers, would serve to while away many a weary hour, and even though the books which would serve to interest us are highly prized by them, would not the fact that they could be procured at the conclusion of the war, be an argument in favor of presenting them to the defenders of the country. The character of the library, we thus hope to become possessed of, should be composed of books of a miscellaneous character inasmuch as there are so many various tastes in a regiment to gratify. Let not however the number of religious books be small, for religion after all should be the soldier's chief concern. Hoping to meet with a prompt and speedy response to our request, and asking you to give this a place in your paper,
I am yours truly,
John McGill, Chaplain.N.B. Mr. Albert Garber will receive the donations from the various ministers, at his store.
Trailer: John McGill, ChaplainEnlargement of the Army
(Column 5)Summary: Cites a Charleston Mercury statistic which states that 200,000 men are absent from the army, either as stragglers, deserters, or detailed men. Suggests that this should not cause too much alarm as long as the government and civilians are vigilant in bringing the deserters back.The War Tax in Virginia
(Column 5)Summary: Notes that taxes have not been assessed in the northwestern part of Virginia, while the patriotic people in the eastern part of the state have already paid theirs.Cotton Planting in Florida
(Column 5)Summary: Notes that the Florida legislature has outlawed the planting of cotton and tobacco over a certain amount for the remainder of the war.Swamp Dragons
(Column 6)Summary: Reports that the Union's "Swamp Dragons" are robbing loyal Southerners in Hardy and Pendleton counties and generally treating them very badly.
Origin of Article: Rockingham RegisterMarried
(Column 6)Summary: On December 15, 1863, Rev. J. C. Wheat married James E. Sale of Rockbridge County to Lizzie G. Atkinson, daughter of Alexander Atkinson.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. J. C. Wheat, James E. Sale, Lizzie G. Atkinson, Mr. Alexander Atkinson)
(Column 6)Summary: Rev. F. G. Bowman married Capt. Charles Ghattan, of Rockingham County, to Lizzie Crawford, daughter of Samuel Finley, Esq., on January 6.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. F. G. Bowman, Capt. Charles Ghattan, Lizzie Crawford, Samuel B. FinleyEsq.)
(Column 6)Summary: Rev. Thomas L. Preston married George W. Knisely, of Lewis County, to Susan S. Wilson, daughter of James Wilson, on January 5.Died
(Names in announcement: Rev. Thomas. L. Preston, George W. Knisely, Susan S. Wilson, James Wilson)
(Column 6)Summary: Susan Catherine Hildebrand, daughter of Gabriel and Susan Hildebrand, died of diphtheria on January 6 at the age of 14.Died
(Names in announcement: Sarah Catherine Hildebrand, Gabriel Hildebrand, Susan Hildebrand)
(Column 6)Summary: Elizabeth L. Guthrie died at age 60 on December 18, after a long illness. She was a member of the Presbyterian church, and she left six daughters and two sons behind.
(Names in announcement: Elizabeth L. Guthrie)