Staunton Spectator: March 22, 1864Go To Page : 1 | 2 | |
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Description of Page: Classified ads and reports of skirmishes around Alabama |
Address of the General Assembly to the Soldiers of Virginia, Adopted March 9, 1864
(Column 1)Summary: Praises soldiers for their valor in the war and blames the Yankees for disregarding the rules of "civilized" warfare.
Trailer: A. D. Dickinson, Chairman, A. J. Marshall, Andrew Hunter, Senate Committee; B. H. Shackleford, Chairman, R. W. Hunter, F. B. Deane, A. C. Cummings, R. H. Baker, House Committee.Additional Instructions to Collectors and Assessors of Confederate Taxes
(Column 4)Summary: Prints the most recent rules to be followed in the assessment and collection of Confederate taxes.
Trailer: Thompson Allan, Commissioner of TaxesEleven Patriotic Reasons for Not Going to the War
(Column 7)Summary: Offers a sarcastic list of excuses for those unwilling to fight for the Confederacy.
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Description of Page: Classified ads and report of skirmishing in Georgia |
Instruction Needed
(Column 1)Summary: Expresses confusion over a provision of the tax act passed by the Confederate Congress last month.Provost Guard
(Column 1)Summary: Reports that the local Provost Marshal is interested in finding recruits between the ages of 45 and 50. The article says this would be good move for those eligible, since it would allow them to remain near their homes and families.
(Names in announcement: Capt. AvisProvost Marshal)Full Text of Article:Baltimore Annual ConferenceIt will be seen by reference to the advertisement of Capt. Avis, provost Marshal of this place, that he is desirous of receiving recruits between the ages of 45 and 50. Those between these ages liable to military service would do well to apply at once, as by being members of the Provost Guard they would be kept near home where they could see to the interests and welfare of their families, and have an opportunity to give some supervision to their farming operations.
(Column 2)Summary: Reports on the March 10-12 meetings of the Baltimore Conference in Virginia. Those in attendance from the district that includes Augusta County were: E. R. Vietch, J. C. Dice (Staunton), R. Smith (Mt. Sidney), J. A. H. Moore (Rockingham), George R. Jefferson (Bridgewater), C. L. Dameron (Bridgewater), A. P. Boude (New Market), A. Weller (New Market), R. R. S. Hough (Front Royal), L. Lenz (Luray), William S. Baird (Wesleyan Female Institute, Principal and member of Staunton Quarterly Conference).For the Spectator
(Names in announcement: E. R. VietchP.E., J. C. Dice, R. Smith, J. A. H. Moore, Geo. R. Jefferson, C. L. Dameron, A. P. Boude, A. Weller, J. E. Armstrong, R. R. S. Hough, L. Lenz, Wm. S. Baird)
(Column 2)Summary: Urges William A. Balthis to declare his candidacy for sergeant of the corporation after being disabled in the service.
(Names in announcement: Capt. Wm. A. Balthis)Trailer: Many VotersFor the Spectator
(Column 3)Summary: Thanks the ladies of Augusta County for providing the Young Men's Christian Association of J. M. Jones' Brigade of the Army of Northern Virginia with religious literature.
Trailer: N. Cobb, Ed. D. Camden, R. J. Jordan, CommitteeFor the Spectator
(Column 3)Summary: Provides synopsis of rousing speech made by Major General John C. Breckinridge before the 14th Virginia Cavalry.
Trailer: MilesTo the President of the City Council, Richmond, Va.
(Column 3)Summary: General Lee declines the Richmond City Council's offer to provide housing for his family. He prefers instead that more resources be made available to soldiers' families.
Trailer: R. E. Lee, Gen'lYankee Prisoners
(Column 4)Summary: Relays report that thirteen Yankee prisoners were committed to the guardhouse in Harrisonburg last week.[No Title]
(Column 3)Summary: Brief report notes that Lincoln has made a call for 200,000 more men.Proclamation: By the President of the Confederate States of America
(Column 4)Summary: Prints proclamation issued by Jefferson Davis establishing April 8 as a day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer.
Trailer: Jefferson DavisFor the Spectator
(Column 4)Summary: Urges Major John B. Watts to run for clerk of the circuit court.
(Names in announcement: Major John B. Watts)Trailer: Many Friends & VotersMarried
(Column 5)Summary: John W. Butler married Adeline Bateman on March 16.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. Mr. Dice, Mr. John W. Butler, Miss Adeline Bateman)
(Column 5)Summary: Rev. Jacob Hildebrand married Lt. Elisha Wilfong of Pocahontas County and Maggie Ruckman on March 15 near Hermitage, Augusta County.Married
(Names in announcement: Rev. Jacob Hildebrand, Lt. Elisha Wilfong, Miss Maggie Ruckman)
(Column 5)Summary: Rev. Mr. Gaver married George Fitch of the 5th Virginia Infantry and Hester A. McGilvray on March 10 in Greenville.[No Title]
(Names in announcement: Rev. Mr. Gaver, George Fitch, Hester A. McGilvray)
(Column 5)Summary: Announces candidacy of Eli Cleek for sheriff.$50 Reward
(Names in announcement: Eli Cleek)
(Column 5)Summary: Offers reward for return of Pleasant, a 17-year-old male slave, who had been hired out to R. B. Padgett.
(Names in announcement: Pleasant , R. B. Padgett)Trailer: R. B. PadgettSale of Personal Property
(Column 6)Summary: Announces sale of eleven head of cattle, two horses, two colts, twenty hogs, and all the farming implements that once belonged to the late William Kinney.
(Names in announcement: William Kinney)Trailer: Administrator